@New York Knicks

Something cool I kept from my time at Villanova because I knew these boys would be stars eventually

Something cool I kept from my time at Villanova because I knew these boys would be stars eventually

by NolarEclipse96


  1. SirGingerbrute

    As someone who went to a rival big east school, I did not think the 2017 team players were legit

    Ochefu and Arc were real deal but I feel like 2017 was just a continuation. Anyone on that team who didn’t go pro, I felt like wasn’t good enough.

    Oddly enough it was the best ones.

    Josh was interesting bc he was a junior starting on a national championship team, felt like he would’ve went pro, but staying helped I guess

    Brunson was an undersized guard I didn’t think he could make it happen in the pros

    Oddly enough I campaigned on Trae Young being the wooden award winner and tbh anyone who is the first ever to lead NCAA in ppg and apg should win

    I didn’t know who Donte was in 2017

    The only I really liked was Bridges and I remember watching the draft and going OMG WERE GETTING BRIDGES

    and then hearing Knox’s name

  2. deuce_and_a_quarter

    The sages have predestined it: everybody on the right- side of that poster has been a Knick so far. Looks like Mikel is inbound soon 🤣

  3. rapidfirehd

    Haha I’ve got the same poster at my parents place somewhere

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