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Luka Dončić vs. Larry Bird: Is Mavs star a better player than the Celtics legend? | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Luka Dončić vs. Larry Bird: Is Mavs star a better player than the Celtics legend? | NBA | UNDISPUTED

how close is Luca to Larry Bird this is hurting my ears is it I mean I don’t even know like can we stop with this scoring Luca handles Luca shooting bird passing bird rebounding bird speed bird IQ bird let’s stop with the comparisons here really you go speed bird I’m yeah I’ll go speed bird I’ll go speed bird this is a close one though but I I think bird edges them out I might go speeding neither right bir bird looks slow bird looks slow L is slow right look though all right no but like I mean I think Luca is carving out his own Niche I mean he’s been First Team all NBA for about four times and you know he could win a championship this year you know he’s he’s on his way to being an alltime great but we’re talking about one of the top five or 10 players that ever played the game can luuka get there numbers wise he’s on his way but bird three straight MVPs he did I mean bir came in and just he changed the game he made us watch basketball and his what second year I believe he won a championship I mean who does that you know what I’m saying a really loaded veteran yeah but I’d like to give him somebody else right now I mean Luca I’m not sure what it’s compared is right now I mean I would probably make him a combination of a couple players and that’s saying a lot you know he probably I mean he’s probably like the European LeBron James I mean because the way he can score the way he can pass and the way he rebounds the ball and the way he controls the game yeah you know I I’ll give him that right there just a less athletic you know LeBron you know pretty much and that’s say a lot still yes but bird was a different type of player you know he didn’t handle at the top he didn’t go through pick and rolls he was like one or two dribbles and he and he he going to knock it down knock it down and he was a much as great as Luca is a passer I think bird was better I agree with that you know as great as you know Lucas’s been shooting clutch and all that I think bird was a better clutch shooter agreed as great as Lucas’s rebounding is I mean the guy averages nine rebounds we know bird was a was an elite rebound well he averaged 10 for he 10 for her career which is like you know it’s tough to do so I love the comparison and that’s it should be an honor for Luca to just be mentioning same breath as bird I mean that means he’s going places so but this is not a knock on Luca he’s going to carve his own Niche yeah and and he has a shot he has a shot as early as this year to be amongst one of the alltime greats all right what you got it’s it’s hard skip when you compare great players to present players or present players to great players however you want to phrase that when you look at like we talk about Anthony Edwards and Michael Jordan you look at the first first six years the first however many years right he do Michael I mean you can say the same thing about bird Lua the problem is when you start saying he was on a loaded team that loaded team wasn’t doing nothing before he got there they was loaded but they were they were not doing anything so when you go down the list in six years you talked about all the numbers statistically just think about this bird had two MVPs in his back pocket now let’s get into something in AOW in a row wil and wil and Bill Russell were the only ones to do that y then when you go and you look at what we all talk about the biggest weakness for Luca and all that he does is play the other end of the floor yeah bird made all defensive team three times in six years Luca got zero so you you can’t and he will probably always have zero so there you go that Landslide already shifts all the way over to Larry Bird then All-Star games he’s up on him conference appearances he’s up on him titles he’s up on him although you say he was on a loaded team that team was loaded but wasn’t going anywhere till he got there truth so did he make them that much better when they start winning NBA titles yes he did so you know when you when you look at Luca he’s yet to do that although he’s going to two Western Conference finals yeah but we can point to many players in the league that’s gone to Conference Finals or championships and didn’t win early in their careers and never got back to them again yeah and it just kind of you know Dirk it took Dirk to the end of his career to win championship so when you start thinking about guys like Larry Bird and some of these legendary players it’s hard to catch them you can have resemble their game could be the same they could shoot the same they could be white all of those sort of things cuz we certainly pull bir we didn’t say oh let’s compare him to Scotty Pippen or let’s compare him to some other player we had to choose a white dude which to me is crazy too cuz his game like you said his game is like a LeBron in a certain in a certain way you know why can’t we compare his first six seasons to LeBron they’re two slow white guys who can score like crazy but but like Larry Bird famous he said it’s disrespectful with the white dude on me that’s disrespectful what he said come on now it’s disrespectful disrespectful L is more similar to me offensively I didn’t have the passing no I didn’t have the passing he had but like when you look at how he plays offensively like he’s real like he gets to his spot not overly as athletic as everybody he can knock down shots make tough shots I mean more so than than Larry Bird yeah you compared him yeah that that but but no but but Luca’s on his way don’t think don’t get it twisted he’s on his way he’s in the MVP conversations the last four or five years he’s First Team all NBA the last four uh on his way to what he’s on his way to like possibly being up there with the alltime great Like Larry Bert like all he needs is a few championships a few MVPs and he’s in the talks and he’s in the running right now for a championship wait I was L wait hold on I was literally about to hit you with this with Paul all he needs all you needed was a champ you know how long it took all I needed is a championship you know how long it took he’s on his way he’s on his way he’s on his way I’ll tell you that it’s just hard the numbers is going to be there at the end the numbers is going to be there now all he got to do is just his numbers are going to be he got to decorate he got to decorate those accolades yep all right I’m going to give Luca this he has a gift for scoring the basketball in the lane unlike any I’ve ever seen because he’s got this Herky jerky style that is hard to mirror on defense it’s off Rhythm it’s it’s crazy it’s it it’s like it it’s hard on your ears you know like it’s hard on your eyes and your ears because there’s no rhythm to it whatsoever but he’s much stronger than he looks because he doesn’t even look like he’s in shape to me but he plays with grown man’s strength in the lane because it’s hard to keep him from the bucket and it’s hard to keep him from the free throw line if he gets in the lane and he gets in the lane on every everybody nobody can keep him out of the lane so he has that first step weird quickness that’s hard to to to sort of calculate it it’s hard to explain it but he can get a step on you anytime he wants because he has rare handles and once he gets one inch on you in the lane you’re going to have a hard time stopping him at least from keeping him from the free throw line because he’s going to get fouled or he’s going to score the bucket and he’s got magic hands man he can do all kinds of trick shots over you that that don’t look that Sensational or spectacular cuz it’s not it’s not what your eyes are used to see he’s like creating his own way and rhythm with the basketball well the other the reason it works at such a high rate he’s scoring the ball more than than Larry Bird did because he’s averaging 29 for his career bird averaged 24 well well guess what every year Luca leads the league in usage rate so he’s going to dribble the air out of the basketball he just dribbled dribbl dribble dribbl sometimes it just wears me out between that and his bitching a moment to the referees he just wears me out and bird never complained about calls like that so so this is a whole another way that he’s attacking referees but he was 36% usage rate during the regular season that’s just off the charts that means almost 40% of the time that Dallas has the basketball it’s in his hands okay does he make his teammates as great as Larry made his teammates he does not he he because he’s too ball dominant he’s too I am the world you know like it’s it’s him or bus too often you make a big men it’s big men sometimes sometimes but but listen Larry definitely made everybody better that was his dude came in and went to the championship he did period and and don’t forget Larry Bird was 6′ feet n Ines tall and he shot that that feet on the floor jumper it’s it’s over his head you know like it’s unblockable cuz he’s shooting it back behind his head okay Luca doesn’t have that he’s worked on it and I I’m impressed how hard he worked on his shot this year because it’s way better than it used to be and yet well nice to take the Celtics hey then we get down to what are you made of because kesan you’re still not exactly sure what Luca is made of I can tell you what Larry Bird was made of we’re talking about Jordan s coldblooded killer yeah that that’s who cold blooded killer on the basketball court basketball assassin was Larry B he definitely faster than Luca when you see him run he definitely faster than Luka look look at the speed going to the basket he got he got UPS right here he faster than Luka that’s faster than Luca right there ever moved yeah this is kind of who said he went fast no you know I went down my list of why you know he just he he look man y’all we had put speed and skit was like I don’t know when I say he’s better than Luca yeah he’s better than Luca to me yeah yeah I understand we like Luca and we want to put him up there in the front all I get we’re just saying we know he’s better but we’re saying his comparable you got to get there comparable is is probably you can’t compare him to Luca because he plays defense he played yeah he literally played he made defense all uh defensive team three years yeah out of six yeah so but I I like I don’t see really a real comparable that’s what I said find somebody else is like he’s more James Harden or or or Lebron James without the athleticism find well you in a certain offensively LeBron well James Harden or James Harden offensively do you know how many times Larry Bird leaned over and whispered in somebody’s ear I’m about to do this to you and did it yeah that’s who he was yeah the NBA not like that no more not like that ain’t nobody G to do that there probably one player in the league that’ll do something like that yeah PA did that I man I would talk to you I’ll talk to you clock running down I’ll talk to you I’ll talk to you but they don’t do that no more this is different they they about going they talk about where they’re going to dinner with that is true do you know the story of Larry Bird before the three-point shooting contest at the allar Tak first who going to take second yeah that’s what he told him walk in the locker room which one of you is going to finish second yeah which one of y’all going to finish second you know I love that I should have said that when I won it did you know I won a Three-Point Contest no I when was it you know I won a Three-Point Contest oh see with my warmup on too no I don’t remember that just like just like they didn’t they didn’t advertise it then they no this was like 2010 in Dallas did you hold up your finger on the last shot you lying to me right man look it up you got come on man 2010 three point you know who was in it I don’t remember uh Steph Curry was in it was he Steph Curry was in it Char phips man all right whatever all right you lying P all right now I’m lying now I’m lying I won the three-point contact the rules must have been different was the rules different y’all had more T something don’t even sound right 15 Footers count yeah something it might y better look this up move to we got a commercial y’all better look it up I don’t I don’t care I don’t care how old he was but Steph Curry was in the Three-Point Contest I won oh so cuz they trying to say he was young man listen I hey I that’s all you know that’s all I know I so I asked you this off air a few minutes ago if you know Larry Bird at all and you said you shocked me you never met him I saw Larry once he came to the Garden when we played Indiana last time when I was on when I was I was on Cel played Indiana and he came to gave me stand Ovation uh that’s the closest I’ve seen he never came around Boston I think he had a lot of issues with the former owners you know and you know he just never came really back to Boston and so that’s why he had the job in Indiana as a coach and as a general manager president and and you know and that was home for him that’s just crazy to me that you never met and I just saw that Jason tat met him really yeah I just saw that that’s so that’s so weird it seemed like you would met him on some aniversary like the 75 team anniversary he didn’t show up to that I thought we have an opportunity there but like no we haven’t but even like champ like y’ Championship celebrations they he wasn’t coming to Boston no he didn’t come to Boston yeah that’s hus I know that’s crazy I never met B would would you have enjoyed picking his brain about what it was like when he played I would have loved it but I had a chance to pick with some of a lot of guys that playing with him you know I talked to cornbread on The Daily because he works there you know that’s my guy Cornbread Maxwell Cornbread Maxwell you know I had I didn’t had dinner with Bill Russell talked to Tommy hinen and those guys so you OB was there Danny a you know so yeah but I would have loved to talk all right so wrap this up where do you put yourself on the all-time Celtic list how do you see yourself I I think I could be in the top five I think I could be in the top five based on like you know what I I’ve done like as far as records with the scoring I’m probably like number two I think and Steals and three-pointers made and I think I’m in the top five okay so you have Mr Russell that I would put at the top and I put bird and then I think Paul Pierce is a candidate to be third on that list would be third I don’t know you know you got like have the chair you don’t have to be you got Dave cowens you got Koozie stop you know so stop all that Paul Pierce would rank there I’ll be up there you just mentioned dudes that bounce the ball like this like come on man all right up next thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson discuss Boston Celtics legend Larry Bird and Dallas Mavericks star Luka Dončić. The Undisputed cast take a deep dive into the numbers to decide if Luka is a better player than Larry Legend.

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Luka Dončić vs. Larry Bird: Is Mavs star a better player than the Celtics legend? | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. im so tired of the "Luka doesn't play defense" narrative! ya'll act like he just out there getting 60 points dropped on him every night…is he a lockdown defender? NO, but he's capable of playing solid defense, he's def above average compared to years past

  2. Bird was more athletic than people realize. Just look how effortlessly he used to fast break and dunk it in the paint. He also had a very fast first step. The guy was damn near 7 feet tall – we are talking about real 6'9, not this new nba 6'9. Guy was moved like a cat for a dude his height.

  3. Luka a great player Larry bird is a greatttt all around great player defense is great . Plus lka still playing,,⚡

  4. The only person who hates White players more than Keyshawn is Skip. It’s embarrassing.

  5. These guys have nothing better to do than throw Luka under the bus. Who accomplished the numbers Luka has at age 25? He’s about to be first team all NBA for the 5th year in a row at age 25. End of story.

  6. 3 pt shot wasn't nearly as big a part of the game then as now. Miss 2 or 3 3's in the 80s and you might spend some time on the bench.

  7. When doncic wins 3 mvp’s in a row and goes atleast 3 and 2 in the finals, then we can start comparing him to bird.

    And bird had to beat teams with dr j and Moses Malone on them, magic , Kareem, and worthy, Jordan, isiah Thomas and dumars, Olajuwon, wilkins, etc. So all you gen z clowns can f’off!

  8. I feel like 90% of analysist that talk about Lukas game have not watched one in 3 years, he has improved on defense and isn't as ball dominant as he was before. PJ, DJJ and Gafford are a quick example of how he made his teammates better.

  9. I swear every Larry bird conversation skip bring up the three point contest where Larry said "which one of you *** coming in second"

  10. This is idle chatter. Sports media did the same ridiculous comparison with Dirk. Truth be told, I KNOW Luka’s isn’t Bird…he’s Luka

    Lethal Luka

  11. Fun fact for all you idiots. Larry finished 2nd three years in a row for mvp before he won it three times in a row. Case closed Larry is the greatest, almost won 6 maps in a row.

  12. Key makes me sick listening to him. He was fine comparing Ant to MJ! He’s either a racist or his dislike or hate for Luka is very evident.

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