@Sacramento Kings

Matt Barnes on why the Kings were unable to repeat their success from the year prior

Matt Barnes on why the Kings were unable to repeat their success from the year prior

the drive guys live and local every afternoon Monday through Friday on sack toown Sports thank you to Jerry Reynolds for joining us thank you for being with us uh it’s Whitey and draes did you hear what Matt Barn said on Eric armstead’s podcast no I missed it what did he say very surprised let’s find out he he joins us now what was he a 14 year NBA veteran all the smok Pod co-host um seen of course uh doing Kings games Matt Bar’s back with us how are you today Matt what’s up fellas hey I Matt what’s up baby I I gotta ask you what’s happening first things first here you said something really interesting with Eric Armstead he asked you about uh you said a lot of interesting things but he asked about underrated teammates and you went Rudy Gay that was really an interesting answer tell us why you chose Rudy Gay as an underrated teammate um just talent wise I felt like him and Jeff Green were probably two of the most talented skilled uh really no flaws in their game no holes in their game when they’re at their Peak and you know for for for some reason or another it was just never really awarded U maybe consist due to consistency or whatever it may be but just very skilled guys that that could really do anything out there on the court at any given time and I think sometimes maybe both of those guys got knock because they were nice guys maybe not mean enough dirty enough but uh two guys that were very skilled um that I play with throughout my career awesome yeah I guy Matt Bar’s joining us and Matt I saw some of the clips you guys had with Alonzo Morning man uh tremendous job with that I love zo and I like the fact that you know you guys talked about Shawn Kemp as well you know the Rainman and when I look at sha Kemp as great as he was I there’s never been another one like him like we got all the athleticism in the world now but nobody really moves like Sean did back in the day just speak to that man and how great the Rainman was he was one of my favorite players yeah Sean km was 610 and it’s always not necessarily awkward but it doesn’t look as cool for 610 guys to do stuff in the air like it does for a 66 or a 64 guy but somehow Shawn made it look uh cool and he was up in the air and and and dunking on people and zo made a great comparison you know he he called him a 610 Vince Carter so if you kind of apply that logic it’s just uh incredible but yeah definitely an underrated you know a very underrated uh Talent at at a time where obviously social media didn’t exist I think if you know him and GP were doing their act you know when social media was ex you know was existing it it would be a whole different you know outcome for them post career and probably during career too so very talented guy we’re actually in the works right now trying to get him out to LA next week to uh sit down and and have an interview with him on all the smoke so hoping keeping our fingers crossed for that yeah you know when when uh Zion was first coming into public Consciousness and we all watched him and tried to figure out is he like anybody it I know it’s a really imperfect comparison but Chun kimp was the only one that I could think well I see a little of that that was the only only comp I could make to Zion it you know what I mean yeah yeah just the strength of dunking purely just just just purely the strength and the verocity of which they dunk with and attack the the basket with but again what is D on 66 67 you know imagine you know 610 611 guy that same fiery and and athleticism so yeah Sean King was definitely special man so hoping to sit down with him and just check in on how life is going yeah hey Matt as far as the Kings I mean obviously we talked about it when you were on with us this year we all know it defense improved this year why do you think the offense seemed to compared to a year ago why did the offense seem to collapse this year at times h i mean I think they took the league by surprise last year uh last not last season but season before when they you know the offensive efficiency was off the chart and you know took teams by surprise because it was a younger version if we’re being honest of what Golden State had be been doing for a long time and it was kind of a new twist with new characters and and guys in new roles and you know those guys went out there and executed it and you know made a a nice little run to the first round of the playoffs um but this year you know just like any good quarterback who has the first year they want to see is you know is this guy serious was that you know was that because we didn’t Scout him as hard I felt coming into this last season that just finished that the Kings had a lot to prove because I think a lot of people wanted to know was the year before a fluke and I think obviously inconsistencies throughout the season through certain players and injuries like everyone has uh they just weren able to kind of capture what they had the season before so it’s going to be an interesting off season you know since I’ve kind of stepped away from the team I’m not really sure who’s up on deals and who’s a free agent and and who has years left but definitely uh some moves need to be made if this team wants to you know get back to where they were two years ago Matt I was gonna ask you that that exact question can can Monte and the Kings afford to be patient in this land current landscape of the West like we got to do something big fell well it’s tough you know I mean I think obviously we wanted to praise Monty and and ownership and management for what they did and being able to put this team together and you never want to make drastic a ton of drastic moves I think you know piece by piece is is is the best way to go but you know these Kings fans hadn’t seen playoff basketball in 16 years so now that they got a taste of it I know they’re starving uh for some more so so you know some people are going to be impatient but if I’m if I’m front office there I’m making strategic moves I’m not making a ton of moves I still think I have a very solid core and and in dearn Fox and um sabonis and then and Keegan Murray and then you know the pieces around him if I’m not mistaken I think Malik Monk Is up y um I think he was very instrumental uh for this team and it’s hard to get players like him to come out to Sacramento but you know he got a taste of Sacramento know what it’s like so hopefully they’ll be able to give him what he needs to stay put and then you know Harrison Barnes he’s someone who you know D you know I’m a big fan of Harrison but sometimes I feel like he’s very comfortable with blending in instead of standing out because he has standout Talent so there are a few guys that I would you know definitely hear offers for and and kind of test the water so to speak with some of those current guys but you know I think it’s no secret they need to make a move they have to kind of decide what they’re going to do with Kevin herder it was a very up and down and inconsistent year and he took a lot of heat and played well and got hurt and then played well and got hurt so really kind of interested to see what they do with him so they definitely have some pieces that uh you know that that you can dangle out there and see what it you know see what’ll happen with it but um you know it’s going to be an interesting summer for Monty in management to see what kind of move they can make because if we recall last year they didn’t make too many you know they were very comfortable with what they had accomplished the year before and thought that this year would be a year of growth and you know they kind of took a little bit of a step back so it’s going to be interesting off season for manty because again you got a lot of praise and well welld deserved praise you know two years ago but I think this is the bigger summer coming into it because two years ago they got a taste this year they didn’t make it so they’re they’re gonna be starving next year catching up with Matt Barnes and Matt we got Mike Brown situation he’s got another year in the deal got two but the second year is a mutual option so essentially we’re coming up on the last year uh of of his deal being guaranteed it’s apparent that he’s expecting an extension and there are reports obviously you know we no one says this publicly but it looks like he wants something in the neighborhood of 10 million a year Kings fans are hoping this gets resolved soon could you from your unique perspective just speak to how much he has meant to the kings in the short time that he’s been here ah 10 million a year that that that rang out to me um I mean I wish because that’s what Bo getting with Phenix yeah I’m not mad I’m not M my money man um he’s been instrumental I think the inconsistency in if I can freely speak in the front office previous to what man’s regime has kind of done you know I I think back to DeMarcus Cousins having if I’m not mistaken seven coaches in eight years you you want consistency you want some sort of foundation I think Mike Brown has been able to bring that to the organization um I still think there’s times where Mike struggles managing the game at times with player rotations and guys not playing for weeks at a time and then been throwing in the fire and getting a ton of minutes so as players and and and Kyle you know I’ve spoke on air about this we’re we’re creatures of habit and you’re going to get the best out of players that they know what kind of routine and substitution pattern and am I in the rotation or out of the rotation and I can speak as a former player who’s been yanked around or consistently in the rotation or out of the rotation that’s very hard to deal with I mean people look at the money and you’re in the NBA and you got to be ready but a lot more goes into the preparation of being ready if you consistently know you’re going to get minutes or if you consistently know you’re not going to get minutes and I think that’s one thing that I see from an outside looking in as a fan of Mike and a fan of the Kings is kind of just his inconsistency with his rotations and having guys ready when he needs them at their best you know Matt let’s continue right there because I agree with you but then I also look at it as did Mike trust any of those guys is it up to those guys to earn his trust or as a coach should you just you know what I’mma give this guy 10 games 15 whatever it is I felt like Mike kept searching and really didn’t trust some of his bench guys I completely agree and and I think that’s the biggest that’ll make a break a player you know there’s a ton of guys sitting on the bench around the league that just haven’t got the trust of the coach or or or into the right situation and if you’re giving a guy two or three minutes to prove something it’s it’s highly unlikely he’s not going to be able to prove anything because he’s probably had to the mindset I need to press and make something happen and that’s when players make mistakes and aren’t really themselves so Kyle I think you make a great Point really trusting in these guys and I think one guy to to point out is you know Davon Mitchell you know I think he’s been a guy that’s kind of been yo-yoed around and some of that is davon’s fault but some of it to me is inconsistent minutes and and being thrown in in weird situations and not really getting a chance to work his minutes because the minutes are here and there or sometimes not not there at all so again each coach Mike or excuse me uh Kyle has has different Rhyme or Reason to how he finds out or how he motivates his bench and that’s kind of just one area that I’ve seen as a fan and and someone that knows the game and H has had Mike as a coach just kind of his inconsistency with one trust and two giving guys the opportunity to I guess prove themselves out there or or or earn more minutes if you’re outside of his let’s say fa five or six yeah Matt we appreciate your time very very much thanks and we hope to talk to you again soon no problem guys right all right peace man Maddie Barnes man our calala of guests continues huh we’ve been bumping today I love it good stuff too yeah yeah and you know he was critical of Mike Brown a little bit too that’s yeah we gotta maybe dive deeper into that is you know we’re about to give them 10 million and but I I do think as we you never want to know I I’ll give him 10 I do think there’s room for Mike to grow just like the players as well so we’ll talk about that also is it Championship or bust Banner or bust for Boston next with the drive guys on sack Down Sports

Kevin “Whitey” Gleason and Kyle Draper, play-by-play announcer for the Sacramento Kings, are back with another edition of The Drive Guys. Today, the guys were joined by former NBA players Matt Barnes.

The trio discussed the disappointing season Sacramento had in 2023-24, potential offseason options, Mike Brown extension talks, and more.

Plus, a wide variety of guests join today’s show: Keith Pompey, Jerry Reynolds, and Matt Barnes!

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