@Miami Heat

Big O & Ira Winderman discuss Trade Pieces for The Miami Heat

Big O & Ira Winderman discuss Trade Pieces for The Miami Heat

this is the big old [Music] show this is the big old [Music] show how you feeling my friend I I am doing good um I know you’re going to hit me up with a high hard one uh as I step to the plate here so I will let do we when do we lob softballs on this show I I I figured maybe the off season you would but I know you better bigo I’ve known you better for almost three decades when it comes to that so uh so fire away I might have to duck out of the way if you’re a little too close to the uh to the helmet I Gotta Give the listeners uh um Stephen is the one that brought it up this morning I had no idea he asked me hey has Tyler put up his house for sale I don’t know and then I first asked him did you get it from somebody credible because I always ask everybody when they bring up something is it someone that breaks news all the time is it someone that you can trust or is it some Slappy that’s just throwing you know C out there which there’s plenty of them and so I said look Ira’s coming up let me send him a text that’s somebody credible let’s find out and you tell me what I tell you that I went to the real estate sites and those people don’t make stuff up because they want to make real money and yes Tyler Hero’s home uh which was the most expensive and Pine Crest when he bought it a few years ago is on the market he already shaved off 800,000 off the price tag from when he initially put it on the market so by the way I just told everybody the housing market is actually on the way down and his agent might have told him hey let’s get ahead of this sure take advantage because you’re about to say something and I wanted to throw the business side of it because abely I follow this kind of because I invest and I know that we’re going to have a housing like crash it’s ha it’s going to happen in the on the commercial side really bad with all the empty buildings all over the place after the pandemic the real estate market is on the commercial side is really going to crash badly but on the housing side even though Florida and maybe Texas and Arizona won’t be affected as much as other states will still be more affected houses now in South Florida are now on the market longer than they have been in the last couple of years so it’s not the same Market it was so there could be a little bit of that or it could be that you what you told me he could be buying another home also and you see it all the time Jimmy Butler two years ago in the middle of his contract sold his home in Pine Crest you know for a lot of people it’s location location location and bigo you know it from where you live traffic traffic traffic and we are constantly down here sort of weighing the how long does it take to get to a shooter round to get to a game and at a certain point you might say to yourself I want to spend more time with my family by being closer I will say this by the way beat Riders all the time when they get a a new beat you know it and I know it there are beat writers that’ll move from day to Broward Broward to D because of the new beat they’re on and they’re like yeah no I’m not doing that I’m even the relocation of of the beat Riders you know training sites obviously from going here and Nova down to the stadium the Panthers from going up in Parkland now over to downtown Fort Lauderdale you have that constant change so that’s part of it but I will say this I would not understate it for another reason Tyler herro is really tired of being mentioned in trade rumors and if Tyler hero does have to up and move somewhere like you said when someone knows the actual facts that you’re dealing with distressed property matter of fact bigo I’m GNA put that hat on you instead of your Bitcoin hat here for those just listening on the audio if you’re a realtor and you know Tyler Hero’s home is on the market and he’s just been traded aren’t you gonna come in and low ball because the guy because he can’t change his mind and say no I’ll live here while I’m playing in Sacramento you know he’s going to sell and if by the way if he gets traded a year from now his agent and his lawyer probably said hey let’s get rid of the house now a year from now you’re going to lose a half a million three quarters of a million a million dollars because the Market’s going to be worse then because that’s what these people do they know what’s coming ahead they see what’s coming ahead because once we pass the elections and we get to Mid 2025 where we’re at right now trust me baby markets are going to be in the red and things are not going to be good things are going to get nice and even better leading up to the leading up to the election then post elction things will start to decline and that’s probably what his people are telling him so if you get traded in by the trading deadline or next off seon we’re going to lose a lot of money here on this house let’s get rid of it now matter of fact I’ll even sort of put up a little wager and I’ll let you make a prediction on this for a coule because he can lease for now he can sell and then he has options when when you make $120 million believe it or not you have options and yet Big O if I were to ask you on this Miami Heat roster right now who is the player most likely to get traded tra who would you say well I think first Jimmy Butler because I think they they that’s the one that can if they can do the Philly thing because that seems like that might be the the marriage that you might be able to make uh next would be Tyler my problem with the Tyler thing I don’t think there’s a market for him right now I think thek it’s even worse than it was in the off season because of all the time he missed and then when he came back he had some moments to really shine and it didn’t shine enough so I don’t think he put enough for trade value on the other side so I’m gonna go Jimmy first and then out of desperation Tyler but I’m afraid they would have to tie like a pick but that’s it but that that’s what I’m saying this I think Tyler is more likely to be traded because you can merge him with other pieces matter of fact I just I finished an ask I a question I’m going to post tomorrow at you can make an argument that Miami Heat have never had more tradable assets at reasonable price points than they do now you have an entire poo poo platter of Tyler hero of of Terry Rosier of Duncan Robinson I know you don’t want to deal them but haime hakz ncoic so in other words you have the highend you have the mid-range and you have the low end to call and put together packages Pat Riley even with two future first round picks and the ability to trade after this year’s draft has more assets that he can put into play than he has for years if he wants to make a deal with Jimmy atarter it’s one 50 $50 million nut and I don’t want to call him a nut but an a Troublesome player also who has limited Landing points the one thing about Tyler you either respect his game or don’t respect his game but I don’t think you have the kind of Jimmy Butler concerns of is he going to work in this locker room is he gonna be committed to us or is he gonna act out Tyler’s never acted out he’s gotten injured he’s been as Pat Riley said fragile but he’s always been he has that Basketball Jones he wants to play with Jimmy it’s different so good person good person come on yeah so I think Tyler might be more of a trade possibility than Jimmy just because of other pieces you can put him with if you want to sort of Shuffle the deck a little bit and I think the heat sort of have to now looking of where the playoffs are standing yeah no I I mean this this situation is just going to be really difficult to kind of navigate have we heard anything from the butler camp at all do we know anything about what their intentions are and that kind of stuff we all know their intentions are you don’t have to read tea leaves the moment on July 6 at 1201 am they are going to make a call to Pat Riley or Andy ellisburg or whoever they have to we are looking forward to sitting down with you as soon as possible discuss an extension for Jimmy Butler they will pass that along now what the message coming back will be will certainly be very nuanced and maybe not immediate but they are they will seek their extension this is not a news break we all know that that at the first available window bamat bio will seek an extension if your extension eligible what why wouldn’t you ask big oh when you were back in terrestrial radio and you had a negotiating window that opened for a contract of course you talk on the first day why wouldn’t you it makes no sense not to so that’s going to happen part two of what Pat Riley said I think we have answer already with Jimmy Butler’s silence I think it’s almost safe to say Jimmy don’t give a rat’s ass Jimmy shows up day one of the Season Jimmy shows out last day of the Season he’s in the wind he’s selling coffee he’s traveling he’s playing dominoes he’s being his own person we always knew that about Jimmy it’s kind of interesting what’s going on down here in South Florida now big deal Tua might not have been at OTAs might not have been at every dolphin’s practice at The Practice Facility might have been on his own oh my God Tua doesn’t respect the Dolphins and we’re all looking into that no one expects Jimmy Butler to be around no one expects Jimmy Butler to be the team guy we’ve known from the get-go Jimmy marches to his own drummer Jimmy when he’s on the road and the team is on the road is more likely out to be on his own than to be at a team dinner which he does show up on occasion he’s just a different cat so if anyone you know what 2014 we all knew that Pat wasn’t going to get a rise out of LeBron James with his smiling emojis and all that because LeBron no offense was bigger than Pat Riley as he showed in Vegas when Pat and Andy ellisburg Tred to roll in trophies in the presentation LeBron said no I’m LeBron James I’ll decide Jimmy Butler very much is the same thing Jimmy Butler is his own heat sphere his own heat industry so Pat Riley’s words are not going to change Jim who Jimmy Butler is just like the Timberwolves words didn’t the Bulls words didn’t and the Sixers words didn’t and you have to know that if you’re the Heat and you have to know that if you have Jimmy under contract or you’re considering getting Jimmy under contract for your team you’re not expecting the extension to happen right because then that so if the EXT I I expect the heat to turn down any talk of extension this year and say the same thing they just told us yeah no we’ll uh we’re going to wait till next year to to talk about an extension uh you know we’re going to move forward what happens then well I think actually what could happen instead is teams have subtle ways of getting news out I think that he can craft a proposal that doesn’t put them at risk we’ve spoken about this big O here in the Acura Penbrook Pines report x amount of games x amount of dollars X level of playoffs X level of dollars now Jimmy’s gonna say hell no I gave you five years and three appearances in the Conference Finals I’ve already paid my dues so I think the heat can sort of shift The Narrative from them to Jimmy quietly behind the scenes whether it’s the pr staff whether it’s someone the management letting people know hey we talked to Jimmy we presented them with the proposal they wanted more that’s why a negotiation is so I think there will be a subtle back and forth with the teams look I’m not against some sort of uh incentive based anything to sort of motivate his ass I’m I’m I’m totally in favor of that play 40 games get this Play 50 games get this play 60 games get this with in the confines of the CBA of course he says no and then it drags out a little and then Big O then we start to look at body language then we start to listen and read between the lines on his Instagram and what he’s posting out there and what he’s putting out there which is a shame and then I guess Rachel Nichols shows up at a practice and interviews him when he walks out and we go from there if any team is equipped to handle the circus it’s the heat but after the way this season ended I think the patience with the circus is wearing very thin okay but wait a minute if you want to make the trade you need to make a trade without the the the the big top so you need once it becomes a big top and you know it wringling brother steps in you start to lose leverage all of a sudden now if you’re Philadelphia you’re like well now it’s a show over there now they’re they’re fighting amongst all now now they can’t ask for nearly as much but if everything is kosher and and we’re getting along and we kind of like hey let’s work together to get you out of here instead you know then now you can actually help him and help your team but if it does become Ringling Brothers I don’t know how that helps the heat in trying to get any kind of Leverage and trying to trade them away when it’s you have so few people could take Jimmy Butler so few dude unless you’re unless you’re dealing with PT Barnum and another circus like Philadelphia which has never got out of the conference semi-finals with Joel embiid which has gone through Ben Simmons and James Harden and keeps Shifting the chairs on the Titanic so you’re the heat you’re going hey you think we got it bad we’ve been to the Conference Finals in the NBA Finals Daryl Mor what have you done over there you need him you need to get him more than we need to get rid of him that’s how you cast it we know the suitors for Jimmy are limited I would figure they’d be the Philadelphia 76ers maybe I’m not so sure I’m looking maybe at the Clippers with what they’ve gone through with Kawai and if Paul George leaves they have a new Arena they’re building in La they need to get a star maybe the Nicks maybe the Knicks after their Crash and Burn need something so you could have a possibility there there will be suitors but you know what big old like you mentioned probably not at the price point as a year ago I know you berak me each of the last few months under Acura pin pins reports they should have sold before but we have to move on they didn’t but they didn’t but they didn’t so that’s the past so now it’s a matter of when is too late too late as long as there’s a market out there you could go through the summer month the one thing we learned that’s very important from last season was this Damen Lillard did not get traded until September and the Blazers still got a reasonable market value and Drew holiday in the draft choices so I would say the cut off is I don’t want to happen what happened in Minnesota is the crap Show when he showed up a training camp so get it done by midep give yourself two weeks to say this is our team and go forward so either Jimmy says you know what extension would have been swell but come to my senses not that he phrased it that way I’m moving forward love SPO love riyals love getting back to the conference final see you in June that would be optimal I don’t know if he’ll do that maybe when you get older and wiser and you realize you’ve spent the last four summers in Winters in South Florida instead of Minnesota or Chicago or Philadelphia you know what maybe that changes who you are also all right so I I see the the fan sites and all that kind of stuff and I see them on on Twitter and Instagram they’re already posting Donovan Mitchell and and heat uniforms and all that kind of stuff can I I I know you’re you’re probably gonna help build them up sure I’m here for them why why are you gonna do this to because the heat always look at the biggest possibility but you don’t have the ammo do plenty will outbid you you do P Riley always told you what he didn’t want to do I don’t care what he you know what God bless Pat Riley and his icon I don’t care what Pat says I don’t care what Pat says publicly team and have no bench so what even make the trade because pad Riley has always been a star I guess you kids use the word eer or whatever that’s who he is that’s what he is that’s why every time Kevin Durant’s name has come available every other year the he’ have been linked that’s what he does he can you know you could talk all you want about bench and you could talk all you want about depth Boston doesn’t have any depth this year don’t tell me about Luke cornette and and and Sam Hower and Peyton Pritchard and they’ve been just fine bigger problem is their their Stars just kind of Coast they they they have moments where they get bored and they it’s that’s why they have the brain farts because all of a sudden Jason Tatum is just like kind of going through the motions in a game yo dude until they get to the West you know this is why a year ago when the he made the NBA finals and everyone goes man the East is so down now we’re seeing it from an external view we step back and go wow could Boston have had an easier path and will Boston have an easier path and hell now they get rid of the nuggets so they don’t have to decide if they can guard joic because they don’t need to guard him anymore so that’s out of the way also so sometimes the doors wide open and one thing we didn’t even get here today yet is this the Miami Heat finished one game behind the Indiana Pacers in the Eastern Conference standings which means with two more wins and I know you’re sick of hearing this they could have been that team but we’ve already heard Pat Riley and availability but Big O if it doesn’t make you throw up a little bit in your mouth what could have been if the first 82 they would have put one iota more of desperation and Care into it you’re seeing it now and you know what if years in a row that the your best player doesn’t give a rat’s ass about the regular season and buries you in in the play in so but last year it didn’t matter so he got a buy last year he said he said but wait to the playoffs and he turned into that player this year you’re seeing the other side of it you’re I’m telling you even without Jimmy Butler’s injury if the Miami Heat if the heat would have gotten the draw that the that that right now that you’re seeing Indiana had if they would have got Milwaukee without Giannis and her Damen Lillard if they would have got the Knicks without Mitchell Robinson ogan anobi and and Julius Randall they would be there right now they would this is the lesson why you have to care more but that’s that’s the whole damn def definition of that goddamn franchise that entire franchise cares about everything that they do on season offseason summer league they strive to be the best at everything this is one except for one yeah this is the first time in Pat Riley’s 25 plus years that there’s an employee that completely goes against the entire grain of some there been some who’ve had moments and then pad Riley fight Shaquille O’Neal in practice but for the entire season you want to be Todd day or Deadman or whatever loses his the second you bring back zo he gets rid of your ass but in this case he so stuck with this right now that it’s not that easy to get rid you know you might be stuck with Band-Aid but you can’t get Band-Aid off of you you know it’s just it’s just too stuck there right now this is a situation he’s never had before because the people that even got even when Shaq got out of line but at the end of his thing that they were able to just dispatch it right away this is one that has this has never happened to this franchise dude this has just never ever happened that that one person has completely changed everything that you do it’s the weirdest thing dude I I I would and they knew what they were getting in bed with happened to Pat Riley this is something I would have never guessed and they knew what they were getting in bed with you know what and as you get older and more desperate you take chances you take risks and now you have to dig your way out of it but no wait hold on a second you kind of knew that he was a hard ass but that’s fine but you knew he was a hard worker all of a sudden you didn’t know that he was just going to stop being a hard worker in the regular season that’s that’s not what he was ever and so all of a sudden he threw a curve at you that none of us really expected you know you could he could be a hard a hard ass that’s fine if there’s a couple of days off that you need that’s cool but an entire regular season come on dude I mean that he never saw 34 year old Jimmy Butler and as Jimmy gets older and realizes his limitations you have to realize your limitations with the players as well it’s going to be a fascinating offseason more importantly if Jimmy does come back and they find their way I want to see if there’s more of a pad Riley voice when Jimmy does take a game or two off and if pad Riley comes out and says hey if Jimmy could be out there we need him out there maybe Pat needs to take that onus off of Eric spola even with the One Voice franchise and he needs to be the one next year where he walks around to the media practice and says man we really could have used Jimmy last night and I hope he finds a way to get himself in the lineup for the next one maybe that’s what follows well by the way let’s throw something else on Jimmy’s plate here uh to I got to take one more shot at him you know everybody else has kind of done their job of of trying to be a recruiter even Wade not being on the team has been the has been the best recruiter uh for this franchise and we keep waiting for Riley Riley’s not recruiting anymore he’s too old to recruit and uh Jimmy uh has not done a good job of trying to bring that other star Lowry was a terrible job you know overall and that’s one thing that I will say because I know that bam is friendly with others out there but I don’t know if his lack of not being like you know so out there and and and being that guy like a star wants to be maybe that does that doesn’t help him in trying to recruit somebody but I think that’s one thing that’s kind of hurt this team here they’re not strong at recruiting a star I I think I think they do have two things you hear everyone talk about Eric spola players want to play for him he’s sort of the new pop the younger pop you have that going too bam has the type of game if I’m a star I want to play with he doesn’t band the ball he wants to play defense he loves to make himself some passes so I think they have good recruiting tools tools out there and like you said I don’t want Jimmy to recruiting Because thank you you brought Kyle Lowry you’re done you can just show up and play the games we don’t need that anymore that was probably one of the bigger mistakes acceding to his desires just like they thought they were with LeBron James and chabz Napier yeah that that one was uh absolutely rough all right what do you got going on on the uh Sun Sentinel so folks can check you out uh two o’clock today the NBA announcing it’s all defensive teams bam out bio will make First Team all defense for the first time in his career another nice step forward still trying to chase Defensive Player of the Year tomorrow the NBA will announce the uh all NBA teams if bam makes one of the three not position specific anymore he will be eligible for a supermax I know what he might say publicly but he would love nothing more than bam not to make all NBA because they don’t want have to pay in the supermax because God bless bam he’s honestly not a supermax player so I think that’s going to be interesting the asy I posted earlier today I think that he’d need an offensive intervention we’ve seen what the Indiana Pacers did to get to the Eastern Conference Finals scoring matters the final four teams in the NBA all top seven offenses this season three of them top four in the playoffs you have to score I know defense I know guts I know things painted on the court this team needs to have a better offense maybe they need to bring in an offensive coordinator wow really not more offensive Talent that’s part of it but as you know we just spent the last 22 minutes talk about how hamstrung they could be you got to learn to make chicken soup out of your chicken feathers at this point yeah all right well let’s squeeze more orange out of the uh out of the uh of the out of the ball there yeah let’s get it done all right follow him on Twitter at Ira heatbeat catch his work there at the South Florida Sun Sentinel Ira have a fantastic week we will catch up next week sir next week in our Acura Penbrook Pines report thanks bigo thank you sir and Acura of Penbrook Pines at 15601 Pines Boulevard just off of I75 and Pines and folks ah yes the ZDX is here so if you’re looking to get electrified the new Acura ZDX I think it’s like I think it goes over 300 miles which is absolutely amazing they’ve got the 16th anniversary sale going on right now 3.9% financing for 60 months 2024 Integra 319 the RDX 419 the MDX 429 tell them that Big O sent you folks they will take care of you they’ve got a staff there that is second to none and a service center led by Mike Chan and Jordan Ferber that are just absolutely amazing you will love them they do great work there at 15601 Pines Boulevard just off of I75 and Pines number one volume sales dealership in the southeast United States it is Craig zins Acura of Pim Brook pan [Music] [Music] this is the big old [Music] show this is the big old show [Music]

Big O Talks about #MiamiHeat with Ira Winderman – #heatculture – #heatnation – #tylerherro – #donovanmitchell

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