@Boston Celtics

The Boston Celtics Take Game 1…

The Boston Celtics Take Game 1…

what’s the word y’all the Boston Celtics take game number one in the Eastern Conference Finals 133 to 128 an overtime game and a series that a lot of people have written off to be a four I guess technically it could still be a four game series we only talk about game number one but uh the Indiana Pacers fought and they fought hard I know they have a bunch of injury luck to get to this point but you cannot argue that this is a very talented basketball team if he skills is there from the beginning of the season this is a 50- win team I think in a regular season they were 48 wins so like this is a team that is very good and they didn’t back down today um probably shouldn’t have went into overtime I don’t even know what the conversations would have been if the Celtics lost game number one specifically in that fashion that they were about to because the shot that Jason Tatum took down by three with what 20 seconds to go the the mid-range turnaround mid-range jump shot 12 13 footer that is one of the craziest shots to take when you’re down by three in that situation but Rick Carlow did it again now this is not just a coach thing we could talk about all things like the the turnover that led to the P the the is getting this ball back but this is a second time in this playoff run where the Pacers were up by three and and late in this game and they opted not to foul it happened again in I don’t remember which game it was it was a Chris Middleton game in the first round of the playoffs where they were up by three they opted not to foul Chris Middleton Chris Middleton hit that crazy shot goes into overtime luckily the Pacers pulled that one out so nobody really cares about the fact that they didn’t foul but in this one you didn’t foul and you lost some conversations man some conversations um yeah I don’t know the conversation would have been if the Celtics lost this one because again they are such a heavy favorite and if they lose this first game I know a lot of people going to parallel it to last year when they went against the Miami Heat and the Miami Heat won with the first three of that series like you didn’t want to see that happen again but they fall hard they got into overtime and didn’t play with they food they got out there and they got some buckets and it’s it’s very cool to one of my favorite things um about playoff basketball is watching a coach I guess experiment in real time or play lineups that they normally wouldn’t play like early in this game when the Pacers were coming back on that run we saw Miles Turner Obi toppen and Pascal seaka on the court together that that three has played like 25 total minutes together ever and I don’t know if the numbers will sa from that I think it was like a minute and a half it wasn’t even a long time from that minute and a half that they played together I don’t know the numbers will say but it felt pretty good like Obi top gave them a huge huge spark in that first half to help them stay in it um and you know what’s what’s so interesting about the play the Pacers so far like you cannot deny their offensive talents like in this one um they had had 10 total free throws while the Celtics had 30 again I’m not here to talk about officiating whatever whatever but when you see a team have 20 more free throws than their opponent you just expect it to be not just a close win but like a dominant win but the Pacers offense is so very good that I technically they finished at 53% and 37% from three but a lot of this game they were just playing amazing basketball and there are so many times where I’m watching the Celtics play and uh in this game specifically and there were so many defensive coverages that were completely blown up where like one of my one of my least favorite things well I talk about my favorite things when when coaches run random lineups my least favorite things is teams that relinquish the switch so easily I understand why they do it I understand it don’t like you don’t have to explain that to me but when the opposing best players not even just the best players Andrew NIMH har was going at Al Horford I I would want to see Derek white I want to see Drew holiday I want to see Jason T Jay Le whoever it might be fight through these screens instead of just relinquishing and letting Al Horford go one onone against a good player and they were going at that in that fourth quarter that that run that they went on to take that lead was them going at Al Horford every single possession it was P skills versus Pas versus Al Horford it was NIMH hard versus Pascal it was teres halberton versus Pascal it was all of that and I think it happened again on the other side but I honestly thought that the Patriots tried their very hardest to not allow that switch the Celtics from the very first possession were hunting Tyrese halberton and you knew it was going to happen he’s their least valuable defensive player for their team so it makes sense he’s a thinner framed guy and I think even his help defense tonight was woo it was something um but even they tried to fight to prevent it from happening we’re like instead of just relinquishing the switch sometimes they just do like a soft double to try to recover and I thought the CST did a decent job of like picking it out um overall but I just hate to see they just relinquish it especially when the person you’re relinquishing it is getting killed like when the third when the third basket end up dropping on Al I think we got to go back to the draw board say okay maybe maybe let’s fight it’s not like Drew holiday and and Derek white aren’t some of the best screen Navigators in basketball so let’s see them fight but they they didn’t um I knew Joe maulu was about to try to cook something up but he pulled up with no haircut it’s EAS com finals everybody got fresh haircuts not not Joe moula he was locked in a basement looking at film the entire time and still almost didn’t matter uh Drew holay amazing this game they said it like three times in the broadcast the most amount of points he scored this season whether it be regular season or um or postseason I know we talked about the shot that Jason Tatum took but I think that the second half specifically was a really good Tatum half I think he went into halftime with 10 points he ended with with 36 and then that overtime he had a couple big baskets he had that am1 on TJ McConnell um a few times in his game the opposing team was trying to foul but did it successfully wrapped them up I think Nim har hadit a foul like this on Jaylen Brown as well um and it just ended up being an n one um but what a game what a game I’m excited about the rest of this um if you’re the Pacers you you’re hurt man my boy Mason one of my my day one homies he is um he is in our group chat and his he said I’m hurt I knew it um we could have had them boys reeling yeah I know I know like if you’re a patience fan this is a tough one to swallow because it’s I don’t know how many chances you’re going to get to go into the TD Garden and get a win now for what it’s worth the Celtics haven’t been this dominant a home team in the playoffs of the last couple season and they did lose gay number two and every single one of their series leading up to this one but this is a one you really feel like like you could have won but you had the creu Sho turnover down the stretch and then obviously not fou up by three also it’s kind of weird to watch Terry halberton play man he ended up with 25 and 10 eight for 18 from the field 14 of those shots with Threes And if you look at his stats let me uh if you look at his stats he is taking so many 62% of his attempts right now are three-pointers and that’s just different than the regular season and honestly I mean he’s playing decent very decent basketball here here are the stats for y’all that are wondering 62 % of his his attempts so far in the playoffs have been threes when the regular season is about 48% so it’s an increase by a decent amount and there are a few plays in this game specifically the one I’m thinking about is the um is the last play of the game when they’re trying to get something to happen he is struggling to beat his Defender off the bounce uh at at a rate that just different than a regular season again I don’t know if that’s the back I don’t know if that’s the hammy I mean he’s playing great basketball regardless but I think it just makes it a little bit more tough for him and for his teammates if he can’t really create the way he normally can I mean at the end of the day this team is still good enough to put up 28 points and they put up a th000 points on the Knicks in those La that last game so it’s it hasn’t handed them too much but when you break it down it’s like the last shot of the game potentially this shot can win us the game and he’s struggling to create that that’s kind of the stuff I’m recognizing also thought let’s talk about this broadcast bro the audio mixing for ESPN was awful it just really was we’re like this the Celtics came out guns blaz and I heard every single peep it out it was great there but when the Celtics ended up uh relinquishing that lead and the Pacers were on their run if it felt like it got very quiet and I even made a tweet like man this game is really quiet and people that are actually there responding to my tweet like no it’s extremely loud I don’t know what you’re talking about and I recognized that it was the way they’re mixing the goddamn game I knew that it was loud eventually CU I’m starting to realize that the whistle was blowing and and the players don’t even know what’s going on but on the broadcast we heard the whistle very loud and clear so the way they balanced things didn’t make it feel like a playoff game until it was a really big shot what I wanted for the 80 for for the 48 minutes I just want to hear what’s going on man I just do cuz the crowd was electric I mean when Jaylen Brown hit that shot it was crazy but it probably was like that for the majority of the game but we at home didn’t really get to experience it it it was so bad even like um Breen and JJ and and Doris couldn’t hear the calls but in the broadcast we heard him loud and clear Drew holiday is doing his half halftime interview he can’t hear the person standing right next to him but in the audience mixing everything sounds perfectly fine I just I would want them to let us feel like it’s a playoff game all the time and not just the crucial times of the game that’s all I feel like there’s a lot more I can really get to oh last thing before we get out I I got so many comments like Kenny hasn’t talking about the Celtics so far in the playoffs brother what did you want me to say like y’all have been dominating every team like yeah you lost game number two in every series but other than that what you like you want this to be a two-minute video the Celtic hit 26 threes tonight thank y’all so much for watching no it has to be something worth talking something to talk about and y’all takeing care of y’all business it’s just that but now we got this series and I guess no matter what happens I’m gonna talk about it because we only got two series left and I or three series left because we have the finals I hate that so we gonna talk about them all

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  1. So many things went bad for the pacers that ended up fumbling the bag. Just one bad thing after another in that last minute. WE WERE UP BY 3 WITH 11 SECONDS LEFT AND HAD POSSESION WHAT HAPPENED

  2. Fr, good for the Pacers. They fought the ENTIRE GAME.
    Haliburton has really of this franchise on the map this year and I hope they continue to build this roster.

  3. Kenny I was there and let me tell you it was loud as hell. The atmosphere was insane, people in the nosebleeds were standing most of the 4th quarter. What a game to see in person

  4. JB had a big time shot. Then Tatum sealed it. Im sorry they might be at times not the best but the Jays look different this year. Also great game bu Jrue

  5. the pacers have moved me this game, i can’t lie, they’ve proved that them getting here wasn’t just thanks to injuries to every other team, and i am genuinely worried for the celtics when the series shifts back to indiana

  6. Nah Kenny. Tatum went 10 minutes straight without scoring the ball. Last 8 minutes of the 4th all the way until Nesmith fouling out with 3 minutes left in OT. The Pacers have to win that game. Nesmith had Tatum in handcuffs. Once he left Tatum put up 10 in OT.

  7. Foul on a catch and shoot corner 3 and give an automatic 3 free throws? And risk a 4 point play to go down? Foul wasnt even in play because of the baseline inbound

  8. Yeah i longer trust rick and the pacers that shit made me sick just fucking foul i feel bad for true pacers fans game that was your only real chance to win this series sorry guys

  9. Pacers. You had it. And because you're the Pacers, nobody is going to give you credit for the fact that you were winning…and they got to the line almost 20 more times than you, so you technically outscored them by about 17 points. The narrative will be THEM. They didn't see you coming, so this was your chance.

  10. Brought it on himself wearing that sweatshirt other day and yea Rick Carlisle is dumb and will never learn

  11. Jalen brown was the Celtics best offensive and defensive player in that game. Tatum almost choked off the game until that and1

  12. Pacers has no chance to foul at that last possession of the 4th

    Siakam was so close to brown (might actually trying to foul him as soon as he catch the ball)
    And he realize brown is on shooting motion already so he put his hands back (to me it indicates he wants to put his hand on the cookie jar, if not then his reflex would be to put a shooting contest while seeing the shooting motion)

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