@Detroit Pistons

Reacting To Bleacher Report latest NBA Mock Draft 1-14

Reacting To Bleacher Report latest NBA Mock Draft 1-14

hey guys what is going on Anthony here with piston stock hope you guys are having a great day so far what I wanted to do in today’s video was react to this brand new bleach report article written by Jonathan werman who does a phenomenal job with NBA Draft coverage now this article is full to round mock draft I’m not going to react to the full two rounds I think that could actually be a live stream of me reacting to each pick what I’m going to do is I’ll react to the top 10 the top 10 picks in this article so it’s a a new mock draft uh there’s a new number one player on this this mock draft there’s Player Pro comps as well for every Prospect so if you are interested in reading this article I will link it down in the description below and you guys can check that out but let’s get straight into it so with the first pick in the 2024 NBA draft the Atlanta Hawks select Zachary rishe from France now I feel like there’s been a lot of discourse with Zachary I’ve seen some people say maybe he can fall to five with the Detroit Pistons he’s a top three lock he might fall out of the lottery I’ve seen a lot of crazy takes uh speculation analysis with this guy as a prospect um I think if you watched one of his games most recently he dropped like 28 points and he looked really good his three-point shot was falling and I I I think he’s a prospect where if you’re going to draft him it might take him maybe a year or so to uh really strengthen his body to get ready for the NBA level but I think he’s a prospect that a lot of teams within the top five are keeping their eye on to see what happens but in this situation uh Bleacher Report does have the Hawks selecting uh rush now the Pro Comp that they did have for him is Harrison Barnes which Harrison Barnes is I I I think he kind of gets like what’s the word I’m looking for I I think when you talk about Harrison Barnes he he kind of gets like a bad reputation uh because if you were watching those Golden State Warriors teams it seemed like every time he got the ball uh in the corner he would not make a three that’s just my memory from watching the NBA Finals when he was in the Warriors it just seemed like he could not hit a corner three to save his life but I I think this is a pretty decent comp you know 68 204 lbs shooting guard small forward only 19 years old I think there’s a lot to like here if you’re an Atlanta Hawks fan of getting a guy that could turn into an absolute three-point sniper um and defensively I I think that he doesn’t get talked about enough I think his defense is quite nice um but honestly I I don’t really hate this pick for the Hawks they could either go you know Rish or SAR in this situation but uh bleach report has them selecting rishe with the second pick in this 2024 NBA Mock Draft the Washington Wizard select Alex SAR now I feel like there is a a lot of conversation going around among not only Pistons fans but just NBA draft fans whether you know your team is in the top five or even the lottery I think a lot of us have had that conversation where we’re like we think alexar is going to be the number one overall pick but in this situation Washington gets an absolute steal at number two they get their center of the future in alexar there is so much to like about this guy his defensive potential being a rim protector his ability on offense to you know bang down low in the post the ability to stretch the floor which I think is very very uh appealing to a lot of teams uh within the top three of the lottery his ability to stretch the floor protect the paint um this guy could be become a two-way defensive Center that could be in the top five Center conversations if he develops um in the right way if he goes to the right situation I think this is an absolute steal for the Wizards um in this mock draft I want to go look and see what the the Pro Comp is for him because I I’ve seen a lot of crazy Pro comps uh with alexar so bleach report has his Pro Comp as Evan mbly as you guys know he plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers right now um he can protect the rim the only thing I would say is mbly I don’t really think is going to be that type of Center where he stretches the floor like an alexar could do with the next level I think he shot like 27 28% this year over in the NBL which I think you know you give a few years to develop that three-point shot he could be like you know uh low to mid-30s from Beyond The Ark uh 71 19 uh 215 lbs just I absolutely love this pick if I’m a wizard fan there’s so much to like with him um as a piston fan I’d be kind of salty um if he felt it two and the Wizards got him but hey man hell of a pick in this situation if you are a Washington Wizards fan before we jump into the third pick of this 2024 NBA Mock from Bleach report we have to hear from our sponsors over at the game time app want to talk to you guys about today’s sponsor game time now if you’re like me and you love going to Detroit sports events or maybe you want to be a big 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pick in this 2024 NBA Mock Draft the Houston Rocket select Donovan kingan now if I’m a Rockets fan and I got a top three pick with the Brooklyn Nets pick man if you’re a Rockets fan you need to be just laughing at the Nets that’s awesome you guys got another top three pick happy for you um I think this is a good pick too uh getting one of the better centers in this draft class now obviously when you look at the Rockets they have I I think a under the radar Center that could possibly turn into you know top five Center in Alper and sangon really love zon’s game I think this is a good situation as well for kingan to go play for udoka you have vets like Fred Van vet Dylan Dylan Brooks and you have a nice young core and you’re build something just missed the playoffs and I think this guy could definitely bring some winning culture um to the organization he he was coached by one of the better college basketball coaches um out there obviously we’re going to get into his comp now I I necessarily don’t agree with this comp uh but I I could kind of see it from a a height perspective now the comp that they have right now is Rudy go be so obviously uh kingan is 72 282 lbs he’s 20 you know he spent two years in college but um I don’t really agree with the Rudy goar comp um when I saw him at the combine when I was watching it on ESPN I saw a little bit of Brook Lopez because he was stretching the floor um Brook Lopez obviously didn’t come into the m NBA is this knock down three-point shooter but if kingan can develop a three-point shot and protect the rim I think that’s more of where I see him um the Rudy go bear comp I I just don’t see I I think kingan has more of an offensive bag I I just do um nothing against R go be even though he made like a crazy like uh like I don’t even know what that shot was during the playoffs against the Nuggets like that that just seemed like uh just a lucky Heath but but I I I value clingan’s uh offensive upside a little bit more than I would Rudy gobe that’s why I said Brook Lopez but if you’re a Rockets fan this is an absolute home run pick um and I would love it with the fourth pick in the 2024 NBA Mock Draft the San Antonio Spurs select nicoa topic now if I’m a Spurs fan and I’m looking at our lottery picks we have 4 and eight I think you’re going to be able to get one of the guards in this draft whether it’s topic whether it’s Dillingham whether it’s Castle I think to me if I’m a Spurs fan and I see topich with our fourth pick I trust our organization in terms of developing International guys you’ve had guys like Tony Parker mono jobi and they worked out great and they were part of your team that brought you many championships I absolutely love this pick for the Spurs I think topic is a 66 point guard tall can pass obviously the offense isn’t there quite yet but again if I’m a Spurs fan I trust her development system to get topage into becoming more of a offensive threat and I think he he’s tall enough to where the pick and rolles with him and Victor wenyama are just going to be absolutely nasty but let’s get into the player comp bleach report did have for Nicole a topage now the player comp that they had was Goran dragic now Goran dragic was a very good player um in his prime in his day now obviously topage is 66 198 lbs 18 years old one of the youngest players in this draft but again if I’m a Spurs fan I I I trust our um our development I think this comp is a fair comp I think Goran dragic and topic kind of play a similar type of game I I could to totally see that if you are watching some Nicole topich games um and you look at Gordon drage than what he did in the NBA I think it’s a very you know fair compat I I see the similarities there but if I’m a SP fan absolutely love this pick you’re getting one of the better uh guards uh in this draft with one of your two lottery picks with the fourth overall pick with the fifth pick in the 2024 NBA Mock Draft the Detroit Pistons select the castle out of youon now me being a Pistons fan I don’t like this I I just don’t like another guard started five I I don’t understand it you drafted Killian Hayes that didn’t work in 2020 2021 you win the lottery Kate Cunningham is currently your point guard 2022 you draft another guard because Killian Hayes didn’t really work out but you didn’t want to admit it in Jade naivy uh you know 2023 you draft thear and you you trade up for another guard Marcus saster so yeah let’s get another guard at five that makes sense I don’t like this if I’m a Pistons fan I I I just don’t I think Stefan Castle going to be a really good NBA player hell of a Defender um I think offensively um he could be a a secondary uh playmaker next to Kate Cunningham you know in the back court I I think it would Works defensively but I just think the Pistons have so many needs I don’t really think guard is another position that they need to draft in the top five now to be fair to Stefan Castle we’re going to be looking at his comp from Bleach report oh scroll too fast apologize about that so the cop they have is Anthony black now if you guys know who Anthony black is he got drafted in the lottery last year is well he went to the Orlando Magic uh safan Castle they have him as a shooting guard at the NBA level which I kind of agree with I think he’s more of a a two guard uh 66 210 19 again I I just I I I see the comp with Anthony black you know the the the defense is there offense is still work in progress but he did have a really good combine of shooting the ball I think he was like in the the top five in terms of just uh making threes in the the the little skill competition that they were doing last week um but again if I’m a Pistons fan I don’t want to see another guard in the top five like if that’s the case trade down in the draft or just trade the pick alt together I I really don’t think you should be taking a a another uh guard in this Draft when you know there’s guys that haven’t been selected in this mock like ad Delta conect like a reed Shepard um like a Cody Williams like a Modis Bellis and countless others like I I just think the Pistons just don’t need another guard and I know I’m ranting a little bit but um if I’m a Pistons fan I I just do not like castle at five with the sixth pick in the 2024 NBA M draft the Charlotte Hornets select Reed Shephard out of Kentucky now if I’m a Hornets fan you’re getting one of the best pure shooters in this draft with the number six overall pick and I think he could really fit well within the system with Lamela ball Brandon Miller and others um I don’t really know where Hornet’s fans are at in terms of prospects and what they would want with the sixth overall pick what players they’re thinking of with the sixth overall pick but I think you’re getting one of the best if not the best Shooters in this draft class in Reed Shepard let’s go look what his Pro comparison is with Bleacher Report so he’s 62 182 pounds 19 years old and the Pro Comp is Dante Devan chenzo now if you guys know who that is uh he plays for the Knicks currently and he had a phenomenal season broke all kinds of three-point records with the Knicks this year and I feel like that’s a pretty good comp for a a guy like Reed sheeper just a guy that could be a flame thrower um at the next level in the NBA if I’m a Hornets fan I I’d be pretty happy getting one of the you know better offensive players in this draft class with the seventh pick in this 2024 NBA Mock Draft the Portland Trailblazers select dton connect from Tennessee now if I’m a Trailblazers fan you getting one of the older players in this NBA draft but that should not scare you away dalon connect at the NBA level is going to be just instant offense NBA ready day one ready ready to contribute to your team um I I I honestly think I would not be surprised if my Pistons selected him top five um that’s how highly I think of him um he he’s just everything you want out of a a player of his position he can score he can get to the rim he can shoot threes now you’re not drafting him for his defense you’re more drafting him uh with his offense I I think with the Blazers and what they’re currently doing the rebuild they’re kind of going through kind of if you want to call it a rebuild I don’t know they they got vets like eight and jery Grand on there so it’s kind of confusing um but I think conck would be a very interesting piece a really good piece uh for your team let’s see what Bleacher Reports NBA uh comparison for him is so Delta connect plays shooting yard small forward 65 212 lb 23 years old and their PL their Pro Player comparison is Wally zerak uh that is a throwback name um probably some kids don’t know who that is uh they probably know who he is because he said tyres H Burton was going to be a fake All-Star but I mean Hal Burton got the last laugh was an All-Star this year but Wally Zer Wally zerak was a pretty good player um in his day I actually see more Tyler hero when I watch Dalton connect in my personal opinion no nothing against you know Jonathan werman and what he does at Bleacher Report uh with his you know Pro comparisons but I see more Tyler hero to me but I think this would be a very good value pick if I’m a Blazers fan I I Come Away with dton connect at seven uh very extremely happy with the eighth pick in the 2024 NBA Mock Draft the San Antonio Spur select Ron Holland now Ron Holland was one of the top high school recruits coming out and a lot of people had him in earlier in mock drafts like top three but he has fallen off his stock is kind of fallen off a cliff lately some people have him as high as three some people have him um out of the lottery I think if you’re a Spurs fan and you’re getting Ron Holland what you need to know is you’re getting a guy that can play multiple positions can defend multiple positions I’m a little bit higher on him probably than most I would probably have him in the top three to four range in my personal opinion but I know some people aren’t as high on him and it’s because of the offensive game it’s not there yet only shot 24% from three in the G League ignite this year but I I think his game is going to translate really well at the NBA level really good cutter um and I I think his defense day one is just going to be a problem for opposing team so let’s go see what bleach report had his Pro comparison uh for and his Pro Comp is Cam Whitmore 6797 PB 18 years old play small forward um so here here’s the thing I don’t necessarily agree with the cam Whitmore c um because cam Whitmore had had more of a offensive game now I can’t think of a player he reminds me of right now but I think if you guys remember when I was doing uh draft stuff last year I I thought cam Whitmore was one of the more offensive gifted players in his draft class and obviously he fell and there’s various reasons why he fell but I think um Ron Holland offensively isn’t going to be where Cam Whitmore was at his rookie year I just don’t I I think it may take him maybe a year or so to uh kind of get settled in uh kind of uh figure out his game offensively because that three-point shot just like I said shooting 20% in the G League um not a great sign uh but you’re drafting Ron Holland for his his defense and you’re hoping that you can develop him into this two-way uh Prospect I think for the Spurs um in this mock you’re getting topic and Ron Holland um I I would be happy if I’m a Spurs fan that that that’s a solid draft in my opinion if it does end out that way but uh Ron Holland really good pick really good pick for the Spurs there at eight with the ninth pick in this 2024 NBA Mock Draft the Memphis Grizzlies select Rob Dillingham out of Kentucky the other Kentucky guard now this is a very interesting pick it’s obviously best player available in this situation because given who me Memphis has it point guard you got John Morant Rob Dillingham to me I I think has all the tools to become a you know a franchise point guard in this league there’s a lot to like about his game though obviously uh the Spurs could the Spurs could have selected them four in this mock draft that didn’t happen they selected topit they could have selected uh himid eight if they just wanted to try to see like if we could get one of the better guards in this draft it didn’t happen they selected Rod Holland the pick previous um just a really interesting pick uh for the Grizzlies but getting a guy that can create his own shot gets the basket playmake um and he would basically be backing up John Morant um in this situation if he were to go to the Memphis Grizzly so let’s go see what his Pro Player comparison is over a bleacher report and they have Darius Garland who is a phenomenal point guard in this league obviously he did have a down year this year a little bit up and down but Darius Garland when he’s right easily a top 10 point guard in this league 61 184 lbs 19 freshman um like if I’m a Grizzlies fan and I’m getting a guy that is comp to Darius Garla and getting a guy that can create his own shot get to the basket score it well um has a nice shot like I I’m extremely happy I’m getting a guy to fall that has been a consensus top five pick for a majority of the year so uh Rod Dillingham to the Grizzlies at nine is just a really good pick for them with the 10th pick in this 2024 NBA Mock Draft the Utah Jazz Select Cody Williams out of Colorado now if I’m a Utah Jazz fan and I’m getting a wing in Cody Williams at 10 there’s been a lot of discourse with him is he a lottery pick can can his game translate to the next level can he add weight like there’s been just a lot of questions about him I think if you draft Cody Williams you’re drafting for the upside of what he could possibly become and I think there’s a lot to like there with Cody Williams at 10 I like his ability uh just to defend really long arms really lengthy um and I think when you look at Utah’s core and you look what they’ve built um over the draft with Danny angen company they’ve done a very good job at drafting obviously getting Keon George who has extremely high on last year really like him uh Taylor Hendrick as well really good Center Walker Kessler like they’ve just done such a phenomenal job of identifying Talent um in the later in the late Lottery and I think Cody Williams could be a very nice addition uh to Utah’s young bright Court I I do want to see what they have Cody Williams compes um at the next level in the NBA and they have Jaden McDaniels who if he turns into Jade McDaniels honestly if that that would be the steal of the draft it really would I mean mean small forward power forward can play both positions 67 178 lb 19 years old again um this is a guy that I’m actually pretty high on um wouldn’t be surprised if uh my Pistons actually kind of swung for the fences uh with Cody Williams at five I I just wouldn’t or trade down in the draft to try to select Cody Williams and maybe get get something else but if I’m a jazz fan and I get a guy like Cody Williams that can defend multiple positions the three-point shot is interesting it’ll it’ll be really interesting to see if he can translate that to the next level on higher volume uh because if you do look at his uh numbers and college he didn’t really shoot a whole lot of Threes but he did make them so maybe he’s one of those guys that you know shoots 40% from three and maybe like an attempt or two a game love to see what his percentages would be maybe if you give you know four to six attempts per game at the NBA level but really good value pick for the Utah Jazz love it for them with the 11th pick in the 2024 NBA Mock Draft the Chicago both select Maus bazis out of the g-league ignite now if Maus bazis falls out of the top 10 and he goes to Chicago with the 11th pick I think this is such a steal and we say that all the time who’s the steel to draft if bzel falls out of the top 10 I think it’s possibly a steal now this guy much like Ryan Holland struggled to shoot the basketball in the GLE night I believe he only shot around 27% from three but there is so much potential here with balis being the type of player he is and the the position that he plays like if he develops a two-way game and the Bulls get him at 11 absolute home run steal the draft pick for Chicago um and boths fans would probably be very happy now I’m interesting to see um what his Pro Comp is obviously he’s a small forward 69 197 lb 19 years old and his Pro Comp is hedu turku um that’s a throwback um maybe some people know who that is maybe some don’t I I believe most of you guys are like around my age so you probably know who hu circle is but you know maybe there’s a younger you know kid like 14 15 years old they don’t know who that that is YouTube him really good player uh during his day with the Orlando Magic like again like if he develops into a turkalo and the Bulls get him with the 11th overall pick that’s an absolute home run pick for them I know he has been extremely mocked to my Pistons like in every mock I look at it’s like balous balous balis but I I guess after the combine maybe some teams aren’t as high on him maybe he had a bad combine I’m not sure I don’t know I wasn’t there but for the Bulls really good value pick there with the 11th overall pick with the 12th overall pick the Oklahoma City Thunder select tjan salong from France he’s another French Prospect now this is interesting this is the first time I’ve actually seen salong kind of go up into the later Lottery 12 to OKC this guy I I feel like he’s up there with pelis in terms of like if he hits his floor um I think he’s going to be a very good NBA player I’m interested to see what Bleacher Report uh comp is with theong so let’s let’s see what they got so power forward 69 212 lounds and their comp is Obi toppen I think frame wise when when you look at Obi toppen these guys kind of have the same build you know you know taller 68 69 uh really bouncy I think salong and OKC uh would be a a really good pick for OKC you know given if they want to keep the pick or not I mean there’s a good chance they do trade it but um you know soong on OKC with SGA jayen Jaylen Williams and Chad hram and those guys um I think it would just be another you know draft pick master class for OKC this the first time I’ve actually seen him in the lottery so that was quite a surprise uh for me personally but hey it’s it’s a upside pick if you hit you look like the smartest guy in the room if you don’t uh it was a 12th pick I don’t think a lot of people are gonna like you know roast you for that with the 13th pick in the 2024 NBA Mock Draft the Sacramento Kings select Devin Carter out of Providence now Kings fans are probably thinking why are we taking another guard again like what are we doing like we took Davon Mitchell a couple years ago uh why are we taking another guard you don’t really know what’s going to happen with Malik Monk and I think Devin Carter could fill into a Malik monk type of role with the Kings he is a little bit older um he can play shooting guard and uh point guard 62 193 lbs 22 years old and Bleacher Reports uh Pro comparison is Derek white now if he becomes a Derek white type player kings are getting a just a glue guy that can just do a little bit of everything if you need him to facilitate he can do that need him to score he can do that um Derek white I’ve seen comps I’ve seen Cole Anthony is comps I think he’s going to be a very good player um at the next level and if you’re able to get him in the light Lottery if you’re the Sacramento Kings you should be extremely happy because again who knows what’s going to happen with Malik monk just out a report uh today that he could get close to 25 30 million in free agency from some desperate teams like you never really know what’s going to happen so why not try to draft a guy that can basically do a little bit of what Malik monk could possibly do uh for your basketball team with the 14th pick in the 2024 NBA Mack draft the Portland trial Blazers select Jared McCain out of Duke now Jared McCain can play point guard and shooting guard um if the Blazers obviously you had two picks um in this lottery I think Jared McCain is an interesting pick definitely a best player available type of situation um if you are a Blazers fan I I think he does kind of fit with the core that you have obviously you have Scoot and you you have other guards like on that team um you could pair these two next to each other if in certain situations if you just want to test it out to see um how they can you know play off each other again you know he plays point guard shooting guard 62 203 lbs 20 and their Pro Comp for him is Emanuel quickley who you know if you know who Emanuel quickly is played for the Knicks uh just a just a bucket getter and I think that’s what Jared McCain uh could be at the next level so if I’m Portland I’m getting a guy that’s just going to be instant offense with the last pick in the lottery I think there’s a lot of value there if you are a blers fan um obviously you didn’t get you know within the top five of the lottery but you’re still getting some value picks um at seven and at 14 obviously Delta connect was the uh seventh pick and Jared McCain would be the 14th pick overall pretty good uh you know mock draft if you do ask me if you are a Blazers fan that was fun you guys reacting to uh pick one through 14 obviously I’m not going to react to all you know 58 uh draft picks I’d probably be here for like a week I I just would but I did really enjoy uh reacting to this Lottery let me know what you guys think of the selections for your teams are you happy with them do you agree with these Pro comparisons let me know Down Below in the comment section and I will talk to you guys down there like always hope you guys are staying safe take care peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music]

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Today I reacted to Bleacher Report’s latest NBA Mock draft with pro comparisons.

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  1. Seems like every time we have a pick for 5 , another team seems interested that’s before us 😂 so I’m like we should stay quiet until the very day and maybe it will work 😂

  2. Matas didn’t do well in shooting from what I saw in the stat line. Eddy and Donavan did better 🤷🏻‍♀️. So I can see why he’s falling here. I don’t understand how the Kentucky guards are so high in mocks when their measurements are well below listed.

  3. I'm not a Castle fan for us specifically, he basically seems like another Ausar (who I'm still high on, but how many non-shooting wings do we want?!). If we want a ready-made prospect that will made an instant impact I'm all in for Knecht – can play the 2 or 3, provides desperately needed shooting/off-ball movement + I think his shot creation is a bit underrated

  4. I hate this pick. First, I'd take Dalton Knect. He gives me more athletic Herro/Bogan/Turkoglu vibes perfect compliment to Cade.

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