@Dallas Mavericks

How the Mavs Can Win Game 1 vs the Minnesota Timberwolves | One More Thing

How the Mavs Can Win Game 1 vs the Minnesota Timberwolves | One More Thing

one more thing what are the keys for game one for the Dallas Mavericks to finally win a game one I’ll tell you what they are right now I’m here because uh I have to be is going to get a seat at the table that’s it it’s me verus the machine don’t let his take away from you can rest later you’re young I to recover beer wait wait one more [Music] thing welcome you’re still locked into the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angad media member and your best friend covering the Dallas Mavericks on the lock on podcast Network your Team every day today’s episode is brought to you by Game Time download the game time app create an account use that code locked down NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply the keys to game one let’s get into them we’ll talk about K the Mavericks win a game one talk about the Human Torch Kyrie Irving we’ll talk about Mr Fantastic Luca and his matchup we’ll talk about Kat and Gober we’ll talk about the defense for the Mavericks but I want to start here teams coming off of game seven are 33 and 55 in the series after that the timber rolls are coming off of game seven the Mavs Jason kid is zero and five in game ones so far as his in the tenure of him as the coach for the Dallas Mavericks so it’s sort of like an immovable Force meets an Unstoppable an Unstoppable object meets an immovable Force what dang it I did I did an Isaac of course I would do an Isaac on the one more thing the Mavs have an advantage in this a team coming off of game seven again 33 and 55 in the series after that doesn’t mean it’s impossible but it means that you know the other team played a bunch of games and the team played all the way to game seven and the Timberwolves were a specific matchup for the for the the Denver Nuggets and the Mavericks posed different problems to them so one of my keys is Dallas can’t get behind early don’t get behind early don’t let them don’t give them the huge light that you gave the Thunder in game one or that you gave the Clippers in game one both games did came out and map just didn’t look right right other teams offense came out other teams offense came out hot the other team’s offense came out looked good and crisp and fresh and all that and all of a sudden the Mavs just got down a big lead got down a big deficit and they just couldn’t get back and if that happens especially not even just in game one but in the games after that then all of a sudden you go down 02 you go down you know even even 01 you’re digging yourself out of a hole and the Mavs dug themselves out of a hole against the Thunder a little bit against the Clippers a little bit but can they do it against the Timberwolves I don’t know if you want to test fate that many times going down but with Jason kid he’s zero and five in game ones but he’s 4-0 in game sixes so you got to you got to give him credit right tou you got to give him credit for that and I think Jason kid deserves some credit and I think that you know I don’t want to feel confident going into a game one but they got to win one of these right I mean h zero and six in game ones would be wild wild one more playoff series than he’s lost and yet can’t win a game one that would be insane Saye what a weird that six G six times I feel like would be a trend right five is is five a trend yet well it’s two different teams it’s two two game ones with one team and then it’s three with another it’s like it’s okay but zero and six like like every single playoff series you’ve been part of you lose g game one I don’t know that that would be a trend to me but I’m gonna give kid credit four and0 game sixes he’s got it done when it matters and Jason kid is now for the Dallas Mavericks the only head coach for the Dallas Mavericks to ever go to two Conference Finals Rick Carlile went to the finals once and then went to the second round and that was it Avery Johnson went to the finals once and then went to the second round in 2006 did I say 2006 for Carla it was 2009 in the second round for Carlow Don Nelson went to the Western Conference Finals in 2003 and went to the second round two other times so not only has he the only coach that’s ever gone to two conferences finals for the Mavericks he’s like slowly going to be the only coach that has like gone on multiple runs because Carlile you got the the finals and then you’ve got the uh the second round in 2009 and that’s it for Carlile making it past the first round then you’ve got Avery Johnson two different he only he only had three really four playoff runs but um made the finals and then made the second round once so that’s two to different times they been out of the first round so Carl only got out of the first round twice and Aver Johnson only got out twice Don Nelson same thing Western Conference Finals in 2003 second round two times so three times he’s been out of the first he was out of the first round with the Mavericks Jason kid is slowly if they win the title this year and then you move on in the playoffs some other times just moving up as one of the best coaches in Mavs history which is kind of wild but are the Mavs allowed to win game ones that’s that’s maybe the question are they allowed to win it if you if you ever grew up in a uh a state or in a city where it snowed a lot growing up we had this thing called the snow dance where you you’re supposed to like turn your pajamas Inside Out supposed to do this dance and it was supposed to like bring down the snow the snow would come and then you’d be off of school the next day in Dallas I don’t know if we want to bring down the snow all the time because bad things happen but if you’ve got some kind of snow dance for a game one for the Mavs to win to win if you’ve got any kind of like superstitions or anything like that let me know let me know on Twitter or let me know in in the comments on YouTube if you’ve got superstitions for the Mavs that you do before the games I know that some people I was talking to a friend that’s a Minnesota fan he’s like well I was I was doing this while they won this game so I guess I got to do it again I guess I got to wear this shirt again if you’ve got any superstitions like that let me know in the comment section on YouTube or let me know on Twitter at nickan Exit I’d be curious to see if anybody has some superstitions and maybe we could utilize them for the Mavs that actually win a game one this time another key for the Mavs Kyrie in talking to you reestablish the Human Torch bring it back bring back the Human Torch because he just didn’t really have it in the Thunder series he had a couple little runs here and there but if the Mavs can reestablish the Human Torch in Kyrie Irving I’m I feel so much better about their position in this series Anthony Edwards has already come out and said I’m the matchup for me is gonna be Kyrie Irving he’s gonna be guarding Kyrie Anthony Edwards defense has been very good he’s guarded some great players so far but if Kyrie Irving can do anything like what he did in the regular season the only time that Anthony Edwards guarded Kyrie Kyrie scored 35 points on him the Mavs won that game and that was even before the trades Dwight poell started that game I just like all of you to remember that if Kyrie Irving can reestablish the Human Torch where throughout this whole season he’s kind of been he kind of like floats around in the first half of the games and then in the second half in the third quarter fourth quarter we expect the Kyrie run the capital T Kyrie run and then it happens and he goes off on a little run and it really helps the Mavs either get back in the game or extend their lead and it’s just been a huge key for the Mavericks they just didn’t really have it because the way OKC was defending him I think that the Mavericks will be able to attack Luca’s match up a lot easier than they did against the Thunder we’ll talk about that a little bit later but they’ll be able to attack that a little bit better and so it’ll put more pressure on Luca and take some of that pressure away from Kyrie that the Thunder were able to give Kyrie and if that’s the case then we can get the Human Torch back and shout out to my guy Ryan on Twitter who pointed this out Kyrie does really well against Mike connley yesterday on the one more thing we talked about how if the Mavs can play off Conley or goar that’s a huge thing for the Mavericks and Kyrie does really well against Conley he does really well against smaller guards normally case Wallace did a great job on him he did not do that well on case wall as I thought even though he’s kind of a smaller guard but Mike connley against against Kyrie that’s a good matchup bring that switch every time if they’re going to give up that switch Kyrie’s got to attack that switch and him and between him and Luca they can take Conley out of this series and I think that’s really good for the Mavs defense if they take out Conley because he’s been a real calming Force that’s really like set the uh that’s really set the Timberwolves into a good place but I really think that we get the Human Torch back I’ve been calling Kyrie the Human Torch all season I’ve been calling Luca Mr Fantastic because he can give you anything that you want he can stretch and figure out ways to you know attack defenses but Kyrie’s been the Human Torch cuz he can flame on and he can just go and we didn’t get that in the Thunder series if they can get it in this series I feel much better about where the Mavericks are and it’d be awesome to see that in a game one Kyrie gets 30 Kyrie gets you know 20 and a quarter Kyrie gets 15 in a quarter reestablish the Human Torch that’s what I want coming up let’s talk about Luca’s matchup let’s talk about who’s guarding Luca and how we feel better about this matchup compared to the ones that Luca has faced in the past talk about that coming up today’s episode is brought to you by game time game time has the tickets that you need and you want to go to all 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download the game time app create an account use that code locked on NBA for $20 off your first purchase terms apply again create the account redeem the code locked on NBA for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest prices guaranteed [Music] thanks for hanging out with me on lockdown Mavs the one more thing being part of the show part of the raccoon Squad listening every day support the show by subscribing to the subtext click the link in the description you get texts from me during games after games extra content things like that I answer questions I send any Maps rumors info on injuries things like that right to your text messages so subscribe to the subtext click the link in the description text the number 214- 643 8637 all right Isaac let’s talk about some more keys to game one for the Mavericks I talked about reestablish Ling the Human Torch with Kyrie let’s talk about Mr Fantastic LCA donic dominate the McDaniel’s matchup that’s the key for Luca dominate that matchup McDaniels great defender I think he did he get all all defense consideration I don’t think they’ve come out with those teams yet but he’s going to get all defense consideration he’ll probably he’ll probably get on all defense really great defender but he’s a long lanky type Defender and not the stocky strong can stay in front of Luca type Defender I think Luca Luka does a better job on those type of Defenders than he does on the dorts the remember when Ben Simmons was was defending him really well there’s guys like that they can stay in front of him Luca’s knee affects this a lot but I think Luca’s knee doesn’t hurt him as much when he can overpower a Defender compared to when he needs to get by a Defender like a lud Dort and so I think if LCA can dominate the McDaniel’s matchup it goes back to what I said about Kyrie and the Human Torch if and and Mike Conley if Luca can dominate the McDaniel’s matchup that the timberwol have to send more help to him they send more help to him takes the pressure off of Kyrie a little bit more allows him to be opened up to one-on-one coverage and then all of a sudden The Dominoes start falling for the Mavericks so if Luca can dominate that matchup that’s massive and the help that comes is probably going to be something like goar or Carl Anthony towns and if you can all of a sudden get the switches or get Carl Anthony towns and gobear to start helping on Luka a little bit more then you get him into foul trouble and if you get him into foul trouble if you do this then you do this then you do this then you get this if Luca dominates that matchup Kyrie gets less coverage on him he gets open more if LCA dominates his matchup they send more help and then maybe Luca gets Gober and Carlin to Town’s into more foul trouble which helps the Mavericks on both ends it’s dominoes it’s all Dominoes falling down because Luca dominates the one-on-one match up in front of him that’s one of the keys and I think Luca Luca shooting the ball well was a huge key in the you know the series against the Thunder he shot 30% in game won and game four they lost those games he shot 40% in another game they won but 50 and 60% in the other ones and he won they Mavs won those that’s the key right there Luca to shoot the ball well seems obvious right it’s like okay of course you want you want Luka to shoot the ball well but if he dominates his matchup and makes the Timberwolves defense Bend to his will and not him having to always like combat what they’re doing so that’s the thing reestablish Kyrie’s the Human Torch it starts with Luca dominating his matchup too and Luca dominating his matchup and getting switches and getting Conley off the floor maybe getting goar off the floor that’s what I talked about yesterday if Luca can do that he dominates the McDaniel’s matchup or he gets screens and then they allow the switch for goar or Conley and he dominates those matchups then you make the Timberwolves really have to make choices and Co head coach Chris Finch really has to decide do I keep Conley on the floor do I keep goar on the floor make them make those decisions they did it with OKC with giddy they did it with OKC you know they did it with uh the Clippers a little bit here and there with zubot they they they’ve done it with some of these guys make them make those tough decisions and Luca can make them make the tough decisions the last key for me is the Mavs defense has to stay in control they can’t let go of the Rope they can’t let it get away from them look at what happened to the the nuggets the nuggets in game two look like they just got I mean taken like taken out for the slaughter the Nuggets did not look like they were the championship team that’s supposed to be this PO great everybody believes in them uh they can win anybody they can beat anybody they never get completely flustered they lost by 26 in that game in game two and then in game six same thing they lost by 45 the Nuggets did the Timberwolves they can they can steamroll you and they can start getting it rolling downhill Mavs defense has to stay in control here’s the ways they stay in control deter shots at The Rim Minnesota is taking more shots at The Rim than they did in the regular season in the regular season 34% of their shots came at The Rim 11th in the NBA in the playoffs 37% almost 38% of their shots are coming at The Rim that’s the most in the in the playoffs the Lakers had more but they weren’t there for deter shots at The Rim the maps have done a good job at that they deterred the Thunder from taking shots at The Rim they had games where the thunder only took like 15 shots at The Rim which is not a lot deter shots from the rim Force the Timberwolves to take mid-range shots the Timberwolves don’t take a lot of mid-range shots in the regular season about 31% of their shots came in the mid-range that’s 17th in the playoffs listen to this in the playoffs the timoll are taking the least amount of mid-range shots compared to their shot volume 27% that’s 20th that concludes the that includes the playin teams so they’re not taking a lot of mid-range shots and I think it’s because they’re trying to maximize the right shots they want to take they’re also getting a lot of shots at The Rim which helped them but they don’t have a lot of like mid-range assassin guys and obviously towns I guess can can a little Conley maybe a little bit with a floater I feel like I said this exact same thing yesterday still my key force him to take those mid-range shots Force Shane McDaniels to take the mid-range shots Force nille Alexander Walker to take take those mid-range shots Force n Nas Reed to try and take some mid-range shots if you do that I think that helps the Mavericks and their defense can stay in control take the shots that we want you to take the last one here is these wide openen threes so Matt Moore pointed this out on on Twitter I thought it was interesting the Thunder the team that took the players that took the most wide open shots with the Thunder were Lou Dort Josh Giddy and Jaylen Williams by like a lot they took the most wide open threes those are the guys you would want to take the most wide openen threes so far for the Timberwolves the players that have taken the most wide openen threes are nikil Alexander Walker Conley and Naz re those are the guys you probably have to help off of and those are better options than what the Thunder had sadly connley and NZ Reed are better three-point Shooters than Dort giddy or Jaylen Williams and so the Mavs have to be choosy and picky with who they allow to take those wide open threes not going to be as easy as it was against the Thunder and so that’s something that I’m definitely watching that’s a key for me is those wide open threes the last one is about Nas Reed don’t lose Nas don’t lose Nas Reed the Mavs lost the game this season because Nas Reed went crazy and hit a bunch of Threes And he got all these wide open threes knocked them all down and I looked back at the episode that that slightly and I did after that game it was like December 14th and I looked back at that game and I just one of the one of the things in the rundown on the side the graphic on on YouTube was uh the Mavericks got Dante exmed by Nas that’s what I wrote Because exim just won that game against the the Lakers I think but Nas Reed won seven of 11 from three on December 14th and the Mavs got beat by 18 don’t lose Nas Reed Nas Reed will be the hustle guy he’ll be the take open threes guy he’ll be the get shots at The Rim you didn’t expect guy you can’t lose him and so I think that’s something that’s another key for the Mavericks too is to keep that my keys don’t get behind early reestablish the Human Torch Luca dominate his matchup get gobear and cat into foul trouble and the defense has to stay in control those are my keys guys appreciate each and every one of you for sticking around on the the one more thing if you like this format let me know guys thanks for hanging out with me on the one more thing lock down hals [Music] [Music]

The Dallas Mavericks will face the Minnesota Timberwolves in the NBA’s Western Conference Finals, how do Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, PJ Washington, Dereck Lively II, and the Mavs matchup against Anthony Edwards, Karl-Anthony Towns, and Rudy Gobert?

Nick Angstadt shares one more thing about how the Dallas Mavericks can win Game 1 vs the Minnesota Timberwolves.

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  1. Wolves have the fastest and most athletic guard in the NBA they will force switch for Luka that is worst slowest and least athletic guard in the nba and try destroy him . The hope is that help for Luka will not open too much for others for 3.

  2. I have maverick candles I light for every game. My grandmother passed away in October and she was a diehard mavs fan. So I carried on her tradition of lighting candles. And I wear all my mavs gear when I can. I have to work tonight but my wife will light the candles tonight. Go mavs!! Mavs in 6

  3. Nick, you need some graphics emphasizing the ONE MORE THING segment. Most people seem confused… hahahahaha…

  4. I thought we were just not allowed to win a game 1 under jason kidd. But either way mavs in 6. We just continue the same formula that got us here.

  5. PAUSE… Kidd has been doing a good job, but let's not ignore that his job is much easier than others that didn't have Luka.

  6. Winning game 1 is a possibility. I know it seems like it isn’t, but they could actually do it. Let’s go Mavs 🙏🏼🫡

  7. To win any game with this team. We are not a great shooting team. 1st we gotta at least shoot Good. 2nd. We gotta make their 3 and 4th players beat us, if ANT & KAT score 55 or more we loose. We have to have huge games from Luka and Irving and solid games from Jones, PJ, Liv, Gaf and Green. Keep turnovers down. We Win. But we don't have room for error. Go Mavs.

  8. I been sparking my weed as soon as the ball tip off and blasting “Texas” by BigXthaPlug on the speaker until the first Mavs bucket scored 😂 it’s been working

  9. Im nervous lol. I hope the team plays a style more similar to how they did vs clippers. I want kyrie to shoot more then Luka this series even if defense is great Kyrie is the type once it gets going he become unguard-able. Ant is expecting a Jamal Murray type player if he gets a complete kyrie performance his confidence will get ruined.

  10. Not even trippin over winning game one because they never do lol. Plus, why screw with the successful pattern they've had going? If they do win game one I'd be more concerned that they've upset their mojo 😂

  11. Kyrie must be aggressive and get going early and we have to protect the perimeter and dont give the wolves nothing easy make everything hard pause no diddy 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  12. I thought my thing was wearing a Mavs shirt or jersey every game, but I got so upset during Game 6 that I muted the TV at halftime. Then, they trimmed the lead and eventually got the win. I will be starting Game 1 with the TV on mute and listen to Slightly’s stream instead

  13. I live in rural Tennessee and on every game day me, my 14 year old son, and my 12 year old son all three wear our Luka jerseys. Its cool going out in town with them on and finding the other Mavs fans here.
    Also the NBA league pass is awesome for us out of state fans. It has been a fun year watching every game with my boys.
    Go Mavs!

  14. Shutting down Naz is a must!!!! He has killed us with his 3’s. If we can keep him in check, then I would say we have a legitimate chance.

  15. If you want to double your net worth?
    Put everything you have in the bank on
    The twolves tonight and thank me later

    Maxi isn’t playing it’s over

  16. i broke my broom after game 1 loss against the clippers, and throw it in the living room. It's still there ever since. I won't remove it until they are eliminated

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