@New York Knicks

“What’s Next?” Leon Rose & The Knicks Have Work To Do

“What’s Next?” Leon Rose & The Knicks Have Work To Do

I ask you a question that Robert Salah once famously asked it’s a great question and that’s now what now what I know you were mad at me yesterday we move on from that the Nick season is over whether you’re happy about it sad about it excuse it it doesn’t matter anymore now it’s the off season and it’s a very very intriguing off season it’s an offseason where the New York Knicks have to me two distinct options option number one and I understand both sides of this option number one is the run a backrack the guys who say you know what we never really had a chance to see right run it back too many injuries too many circumstances it didn’t allow us to be at our best let’s see it again I kind of feel that way about Julius Randle I know a lot of people want to get rid of Julius Randall because they feel like they’re better off without him look how far we look what we did without him right but there’s still a part of me at least and I think probably a handful of nit fans that are saying Julius Randle is a good player now you integrate into what exact what what just happened maybe there’s more bully ball maybe there’s more depth maybe there’s more opportunities to get pushed farther and I still believe that I think there you can be of two minds with Julius Randall one great regular season player and he’s going to fail in the postseason or man maybe with this right group of players yeah he will succeed in the postseason that’s that’s what I choose to believe I think that we have graduated from the world of Julius Randall can’t be on this team m into the area of if Julius Randall who’s got the most appealing tradable contract on this team of someone I’m willing to trade because you’re not trading Jaylen Brunson rightfully so then let me see what’s out there let me see if I can improve this roster let me see if I could pick it up a notch because the other big factor attached to Julius is that he has an opt out at the end of next year yep the Knicks have an ability to extend them actually this summer they’re not going to it wouldn’t be smart to and I don’t think they’re ever going to extend him at the end of next year when they’re going to have to pay him a lot more than he’s making on his current contract so it’s not just I want to trade Julius Randle it’s hey if he’s not going to be on this team long term can I look outside outside my NBA window and find an upgrade so let’s play a game ladies and gentlemen because one option is run it back and I totally see that side option number two is can I get better so I’ve got a bunch of names I’m going to throw these names at you I’m going to throw the names at the audience I want a yay or nay on even pursuing the player okay if you want to pursue the player we can get into details on how you make it happen and what it would do for the team but I got a lot of names are you guys ready we always ready EV lugie how you feeling terrible welcome back thanks hey how’s that redey treating you awful aren’t you excited to play yay or nay though on NBA players that could be members of the New York Knicks I put it right up there with the first time I got laid all right here we go play number one now you know where I stand on this guy Paul George y or nay wait this so wait let me let me back up a sec are we taking into account what we have to give up to get this guy no no no first step is do you want to pursue the guy okay and if the answer is yes we could explore what it takes I’m going to say yes you’re in you giving a yay I’m giving a yay you giving a yay lug you interested in Paulie George play no no I’m not interested wow rejected it right off the top no ah okay so Tiki for this to happen one is option that won’t happen which is Paul George is a free agent he opts out and he signs for less than what he’s worth because he so wants to be in New York City that’s not going to happen so option number two is opt in and trade and the optin in trade would mean the LA Clippers are willing to orchestrate it and it would mean the Knicks would be willing to give up what it takes and what it would take is Julius Randall what it would take is Mitchell Robinson and what it would take is probably a maybe two of your collections in first round picks that’s what it would take to add Paul George and the collections and first round picks are just not appealing to most people so someone’s going to take them take those picks along with Julius Randall I would say yes and mental Robinson I agree I would say yes I agree I think that makes the knck better and I think that is where the running it back crew I would disagree with you I think you are a better team if you can add Paul George in a deal for Julius Randle Mitchell Robinson and let’s say one or two first round picks so two of us are here Lugi say you ready for guy number two yes spider Donovan Mitchell yeah your Nay Nay Nay lugie nay wow no double nay double nay okay I worry about defense I mean we just saw the Indiana Pacers two undersiz guards I understand right we just saw the Indiana Pacers score 130 points and shoot 70% basically the last thing we need is a is a backourt that’s tiny I I actually agree with you I think Donovan Mitchell is a wonderful player I think that right now considering the step that Jaylen Brunson just took this past season I don’t think he makes the same sense that in theory he may have made a year or two ago so I am a universal nay on Don V Mitchell I’m GNA throw another name at you he might be good for the Nets well we’re not talking about the Nets you want to talk about the Nets noit we’ll do that on a podcast later all right here’s option three and this name is going to surprise you and I bring him up because he’s a free agent and so while it may take a lot creativity I think a guy who’s a free agent is a somewhat realistic Target and I think this guy’s perfect for your team and you haven’t thought about him yet Pascal seak yay or nay lug yay oh we got a yay even though he just beat you oh I don’t care about it’s not about that that’s that’s that’s that’s old stuff that that happened two days ago that’s old stuff so yeah your name what’s he 33 no he’s not that 31 31 I think yeah yeah 31 um um I think reluctantly yay reluctantly yay you don’t think like look it is going to be very difficult to pull this part off know what his star like Star level is consistently well his Star level is he can’t defend the way he did five years ago he can’t guard one25 but he’s a solid defensive player you love the built-in Villanova chemistry You’ve Got The seak Oobi chemistry assuming you resign him and you just saw it in game six and seven he’s a matchup problem who can fill the basket yeah and he’s a winner and even though kawhai was the best player on that Raptor team sakam was the best player in the finals and played really well I know he’s not at that level anymore but you sort here with Indiana when the games get tight he could score and I like that I like that second option third option he’s got a little bit of a dog in him too yeah he he wants to get in your grill yeah the problem is he’s a free agent the Knicks don’t have cap space it would have to be a sign and trade so you would need SE yakum to coer Indiana who clearly traded for him to then resign him to orchestrate a Julius Randall draft pickled sign and trade it’s probably not going to happen so that means he’s got to want to be here he’s got to want to be here and he’s got to want to leave the Indiana Pacers a team who by the way is in the Eastern Conference you know what’s interesting so we spent so many years talking about star players on XYZ team not even star players but whatever good starting players on whatever team recruiting other guys to come to their team like that’s that was the narrative for I don’t felt like a decade and a half with LeBron James and Dwayne Wade and that whole Miami crew and then team started to do that like go recruit and then it kind of flipped and went the other way where guys were like dude if you want to come here come here I’m not recruiting you to come here right and now we’re in that space where it might be coming back a little bit because the only way that I think Pascal cakam wants to be a Nick right not the Indiana Pacers do this independently but he wants to be a Nick because the Pacers want him back obviously right the only way he wants to be a Nick is if OG recruits him or he was so enamored by the Madison Square Garden crowd he said man I got to play there you know they gave a standing ovation to Josh hardt after he fouled out and lost the playoff game shut maybe all that stuff will actually work out for you rightfully so by the way stand of course here’s your last realistic name and then we’ll get to the the guys you’re dreaming about Zach LaVine Chicago Bulls yeah your name absolutely no absolutely no tiki I’m going to go no too yeah something about him is just I feel like he just never hit it well he also can’t stay healthy true but there was this moment wor about like oh lavine’s going to be that dude and it just never happened he don’t have to be this dude here that’s the beauty of this world you guys now live in you’re not looking for a dude like this discussion is so unique from the one we had a year or two ago because it was always just find me a star now we’re looking for the right pieces we’re looking for the right running mate now I give you the you never know column these are the star players where it’s the NBA you never know and this is going to be a little bit more difficult I promise you let’s start with the easy one the the one everyone’s going to say yay on Devin Booker yay or nay Deon Booker lugie of course yay yay not even a not even a thought yeah here’s the problem let’s let’s just discuss the inherent problem the Phoenix Suns to me are not blowing it up that’s the problem right like I get why we look at oh they have no picks they’re going nowhere Bradley Beal stinks Kevin Durant is getting old they’re gonna want to trade Deon Booker and we all know the Devon Booker Leon Rose connection yeah I’m with you guys if he became available that the guy who’s worth every asset you have like literally I would take all the draft picks in the world as overrated as they are I’d put them in a barrel I’d wheel him out to Phoenix and that overrated owner and say let’s go I just don’t think it’s realistic because I don’t think the suns are there yet but I do think meaning they’re not there to where they’re saying it’s over especially over with him yeah like cuz I’ll give you another guy and again this is similar to Pascal he’s got to say I’m done here I don’t want to play here anymore and even if does Phoenix could say you’re signed long term true but the star the question is so he’s not quite that star yet and so he can’t have the LeBron privilege well of saying I’m not going to play here anymore send me someplace else yeah and I don’t think he’s going to refuse to play see if the Phoenix Suns this is the fun part if the Phoenix Suns are going to say hey this isn’t working let’s change things up they won’t do it with Devin Booker but they’ll do it with the next guy on the list and of course that guy let me just I wrote it down this guy’s name is Kevin Durant Kevin Durant do you want him lugie oh I have a lot much longer answer for this one Kevin Durant the biggest mooch in the history of the NBA I’d rather have Kyrie Irving and Ben Simmons over that guy I don’t want any part of old man KD really you don’t think he’d be a perfect fit for this team no he’s a mooch he’s a loser do on I want no part of him what’s he going to do he’s going to score what’s he going to do on this team going to be out of breath in the Phill baskets man he’s a play he’s one of the great Playmakers of all but I think think about watching this Nick team for the last year plus and the ball movement and the the way they create off of two-man games and screens and open shots kicking and you know kicking to the corners that completely changes oh I think Kevin dur could fit this off Kevin dur it’s more are you concerned about his age breaking down and the cost and really look here’s the other thing and I do respect this the emotional aspect of I don’t want to root for that guy and I and I understand that by the way and if that’s your answer lugie I don’t want to root for that guy he had a chance to come here he didn’t come here that’s fine but in terms of basketball you don’t think this would fit beautifully I’d probably say yes on Kevin Durant okay simp because he he can score and he’s got an unblockable shot I don’t care who the who’s guarding him and he can still play and he can still play it’s just a matter of how much are you getting when it matters most I have a culture and a DNA that I’m building I have a like a college football team here te I’m only recruiting people that fit my system I don’t want that mooch on this team I I don’t know if he won’t fit the system I actually I think he probably would cuz he’s not a bad guy you know sometimes we we we take our opinion about an athlete and we make him into a bad guy even though that’s not really who he is we just don’t like his journey maybe I which I understand right and so we we we lump that into him being a bad dude he’s not I think he’s probably a great teammate so you say yay to KD I’m probably saying yay to K and you are a full double nay lugie let him go to OKC and try to mooch off those young guys and ruin that team but by the way what you just said is is the only way his legacy gets right yeah I know right because he’s nowhere he he he’s owned by nobody no I know nobody claims him really the full circle journey of Kevin dur would work and by the way they’re a good team yeah so if he goes there oh yeah and they win they get to the Western Conference finals and maybe even win a championship his legacy comes full circle and it’s like all right I’m good I can retire now no question yay or nay Anthony Davis LA Lakers LeBron James LeBron ends up going to whoever drafts bronny the Lakers now look at the roster and they say we’re not building around ad you got all these hard names man but these are all somewhat realistic like let’s be honest the NBA is a weird world in which I can paint the scenario where all of these guys going say no on ad you say no I’m saying no the guy can still play I know he can but I’m GNA say no on on ad yeah don’t work for me dog I’m out wow okay Joel ined yes oh come on yes he was so dirty and you guys just had a war with him yes you say yay to jool and be he’s my enemy till he’s M till he’s not till he yeah em beads on the list with Trey young and like Al Capone in that little book no shot never ever ever ever what if he’s do what if he’s doing all that dirty stuff for you no never he’s on the list and he’s soft and he’s a loser and he’s weak-minded I want no part of him so as an IBO can I tell you why I agree with you lugie it has nothing to do with anything you guys said I look at Joe andb and I’ve thought this now for the last two years when there’s always been these outside rumors of oh he’s going to ask for a trade he’s going to want out Sixers is going to blow it up this guy is breaking down before our eyes now can you imagine him as he gets even older so I think it’s a bad move because as great of a player as he is when he’s out there he is the most unreliable star in the NBA and it’s because of his own body I give you I got I got two more names and of course we’re waiting for the big one at the end Jimmy Butler Miami decides to blow it up Pat Riley says you know what I got no issue with the Knicks now Jimmy Butler 1,000% yes really oh absolutely Jimmy Butler forget about it the big time dog will rip your heart out need it I want he’s not breaking down either in his mid-30s now he’s breaking down a little bit but I do think the bright lights New York City the mecca I think he’ll turn it up and I think he’ll be there when needed the most yeah or nay Jimmy Butler I think nay I think Nate for Jimmy Butler won because I don’t think he’s a player that he was cuz we talked about all season how he’s the one guy in in the league that you trust to flip the switch no matter when it is all right I’m turn it on right now it’s it’s it’s on and he tried in the postseason it didn’t happen he couldn’t play he couldn’t play physically and then he got hurt yeah and so I’m going to say nay on jimm B Giannis Anon kumbo B really 100% that’s an easy one for you what yes I think he’s going to age terribly I really do I would still trade for him like obviously because he’s still a top five player in the world because he doesn’t have the offensive game to age F that’s why I think he’s when he you know what he reminds me of this is going to be very very harsh physically in terms of how he’s going to age reminds me of Russell Westbrook because I think when you don’t have me out when you when you rely on athleticism and Russ relied on athleticism and you don’t have that feathery touch and you don’t have that jump shot like Kevin Durant is aging okay because he can shoot yeah I think Giannis an aumo and let me be clear if the decided to blow it up would I be willing to make them The Godfather offer you have to but I go into it Eyes Wide Open that that will age terribly so I’ve always thought this with Giannis he’s a liability offensively especially in close games he can’t hit free throws you’re right he doesn’t have a jump shot he doesn’t have like low post moves so the older he gets the worse more injuries piling up it’s Giannis it’s hard to pass on but even in his prime I thought he was a liability at times and you saw it like last year like it it pops up and let’s get to the final infinity stone let’s just talk about it let’s have an open and Frank conversation and I’ll give you the real perspective on this whole thing do you want yay or nay on Mel Bridges one million per yes the final infinity stone the Nova boys what I love most about them is defense because when ogan and Obi went down they couldn’t guard anybody Indiana basically shot 90% in the first half in game seven so I need a guy that could lock it up Bridges who’s obviously disinterested playing for the little brother doesn’t want to be there he’s been openly recruited by the players on the Knicks his his fellow Brethren from NOA they want him we want him I want him for his defense he’s shown he can like be a real time scorer you at one point Evan said he’s the best player in this town which he no longer is but he has that kind of potential when he’s motivated which he will be here if you want to question his leadership you can but on this team they have enough leaders so they don’t need him to lead they need him to defend and that’s what he does he doesn’t need to be the alpha correct he can doesn’t have to be that big loud voice does he doesn’t need to be especially if this team the Villanova three stay together then he’s he’s perfect yes let this let this be the final time we have to waste our air on this asinine uninformed rumor okay and this is to Bill Simmons and this is to worldwide wob and this is to every to Yugi to CP the franchise to every other Nick fan I know Bill Simmons isn’t a Nick fan but you know what he likes making fake trades let me make this perfectly clear to everybody I have zero emotional attachment to ke Mel Bridges okay I don’t this is not about oh I can’t have Mel Bridges on the New York Knicks quite frankly my team sucks and if you want to hear my deeper opinion on the Brooklyn Nets maybe I’ll do a podcast on the Nets still in the league no not really Boomer but let me just inform you on a couple of things number one the Brooklyn Nets themselves are not trading muel Bridges to the New York Knicks period stop and watch this this may surprise you they’re wrong for having that philosophy I would be open-minded on trading Mel Bridges anywhere and you want to know why te because the Nets are a rudderless no Direction franchise and you don’t want him a part of your future no I didn’t say that I didn’t say any of that I’m open-minded to everything because the Nets are a rudderless ship and the one thing I believe as a sports fan we may have this discussion about the Mets in a couple of weeks maybe even a couple of days maybe in a couple of months I want what’s best for my team and so if the New York Knicks were able to offer the best package for Mel Bridges I’d say hey guys let’s further this discussion I’m open to trading him to the New York Knicks I got no problem with that this is not about oh Evan he’s a hater he can never imagine Bridges with the Knicks I don’t really give a rats ass about bridges to the next what I care about is what the Nets would get and so what I don’t understand from these experts is how in your mind you think the Knicks have the best offer for Mel Bridges they don’t your draft picks are not very good and by the way that’s a compliment your draft picks won’t be that good cuz you’re good the picks you own from other teams Milwaukee Dallas the super protected Detroit pick it’s like lugie on a Saturday night back in his single days like dude your draft picks are not appealing and you know who else is not appealing to me and to the Nets if they have a half a brain Julius Randall so let us all do ourselves a f I’m not going to bore you with net talk cuz you don’t want to hear it so don’t bore me with a fantasy about trading for a player you can’t get but it just sounds really nice it just sounds really nice it sounds really nice Evan well you know what also sounds really nice AB Lincoln coming back from the dead and running for president this year but it’s not happening cuz he’s dead would it really it would be pretty cool I vote for him really can you really run again though did he have two terms he technically won the second term but he got shot and killed so early that that’s a great constitutional question plus because it was before the term limit rule I bet you he can run he fits the age requirement right but my point is you’re not getting them it’s not happening you know what that was nice so can we all stop wasting our time with this yeah that was a nice speech sport but uh I you like audio clips right so I’m going to play this again for you you and I need to have a three-way trade we need to have a three-way trade we need to get a third part involved here we need to find another team that you know you can fancy that could get you a star player that you so desper and then we can bring Bridges across the river where he belongs with his dudes with his dogs with his family you’re keeping him from his family don’t you think he wants to be here I don’t give a rat’s ass what he wants shouldn’t you no why because if you can work out a deal that benefits the Nets and allows them to rebuild in this blowup scenario that you just laid out this blowup scenario and he gets where he wants to go and somebody else gets a great player or he said potentially great player yes uh that they’re gonna have to pay ultimately in Julius Rand does that not make sense is correct threeways happen all the time now we’re talking about Tiki Satur if you could present to me a scenario where the Nets got this makeb believe Godfather offer yeah I’m open to it I’m not against trading him to the Knicks cuz I think the Nets are so rudderless that they need to do what’s best interest their franchise and by the way Joe sa part of why is a terrible owner is that he should be open-minded and not close down any trade with the New York Knicks but I’m telling you is you don’t have what it takes you don’t your draft picks are overrated Julius Randall I have no interest in him so a lot of the other names I mentioned maybe you can trade for them like maybe you can but the Mel Bridges one which I just want to put a stop to because I know being a net fan means nothing nowadays they suck they’re irrelevant I don’t waste your time talking about them but at least let me inform you guys before we spend hours fantasizing about something that’s not going to happen well I appreciate you you’re getting Mel you don’t know that so stop saying that definitively you don’t know that and you don’t want it either I love that you throw it oh I wouldn’t care it would Eat You Alive why would it even Bridges is the missing piece for a Nick’s title he was your guy look Mel Bridges is not my guy he means nothing to me he’s been a loser since he’s gotten here he gets bullied by his Villanova teammates I want what’s in the best interest of my team I think you know that as a fan of teams I just want what’s in the best interest of my team the Knicks can’t offer guys what’s in the best interest of my team so stop dreaming about it but we can find a third Suitor and you were pumping up bridges last year like he was basically LeBron James and now you’re done with him because he was disinterested in a really really bad season that’s ridiculous if he’s out of Cornerstone of your team I don’t know what the hell Cornerstone you have find a third team if you don’t like what the Knicks are offering I get that we have a three-way we’ll set something up bring Bridges back to his family to the mecca to the real basketball team around here and you could get Trey young or whoever else you you seek you want Donovan Mitchell any name the team I’ll give you a couple of minutes right now during the next commercial break I want you to list the three-way that appeals to me and I’ll tell you if it appeals enough for me to for me to get into bed with you you that’s your job when we come back your calls you want some of those guys or are you a run it back guy and say you know what I think Julius Randall postseason this time with jayen has the star I’m in run it back or one of these Stars we’ll talk to you and I need to have a three-way no probably not not happening we’ll get to your calls next 877 33766 66 [Music]

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  1. Knicks need to look at Mikal Bridges if possible. If not, the other Bridges…Miles Bridges could be perfect for the Knicks and his salary is manageable. Herb Jones should also be considered.

  2. Why on earth wouldn't the Knicks extend Randle for 4/180? There are only 4 players in the league who gave more than 24-9-5 to their team… Embiid, Luka, Giannis, Jokic. End of list. Honorable mentions to Tatum, LeBron, and AD, who are close but not quite. And they're all making more than 4/180. We'd have to give up too much in addition to Randle for any of those dudes. The Randle slander is tiresome.

  3. Miles bridges is the only guy that makes sense to me. Probably won’t happen. So I wouldn’t be opposed to running it back.

  4. I get wanting a haul for Mikal, but what they need to understand is the closer he gets to an expiring contract free, the less valuable his contract becomes. And if his reputation even hints at New York being the preferred destination for him to sign an extension with, it tanks the Nets’ leverage. They need to shop him ASAP and stop dragging this thing out

  5. The Knicks had a nice team in the playoffs.

    If I were to make a recommendation is: push all of the chips into the middle of the table on the team that played in the playoffs:

    Give Brunson the long term deal

    Re sign Anunoby for whatever it takes

    Re sign Hartenstein for whatever if takes

    You also have Hart and DeVincenzo as keepers as part of your core.

    Everybody is expendable and, actually, you need to trade Randle and Robinson because they are both not only cluttering up the court, but the cap, as well.

    I would trade those two plus Bogdanovich, who will, unfortunately, be a cap casualty for assets that the Brooklyn Nets want plus whatever future picks the Nets want in the Knicks draft stockpile and trade all of that for Mikhail Bridges.

    Adding Bridges to the nucleus above plus adding by subtracting Randle and Robinson would make the Knicks legitimate title contenders moving forward. A young, talented team that plays the game the right way.

  6. Siakam for Randle? Are you guys on drugs? Hell no. Randle is a 25/10 guy and younger. 3x all star and 2x all nba. Only a freak injury derailed what was probably his best season to date. Rewatch the January games.

  7. Mikal Bridges is the only guy I'd go after. Otherwise, run it back and hopefully stay healthy.
    High emphasis on maintaining I-Hart and McBride.

  8. In no universe is pascal siakam a better player than julius randle. I know it seems like a long time ago, but the knicks record when they had randle and og playing together tells me to run it back.

  9. Evan is a KNICKS HATER. Who cares what he thinks! Also Evan looks like he hasn't taken a bath in weeks.

  10. PG? You guys gave got to be kidding us. I agree that he may just be the most injury prone star in the league. Mikal Bridges, the only one I want and keeping Randle. The Pacers aren't going to let Siakam go to the Knicks so that for sure is off the table.

  11. Booker isn't happening. And outside of Bridges, who isn't being traded to the Knicks, all of those options are pretty lukewarm. I guess AD is an interesting idea. Everyone else is either on the wrong side of their career or not a good fit. All signs point to running it back… Randle is 29, tons of accolades, loves playin in NYC

  12. Julius Randolph did not fail in the playoffs, the other coach is better than the Knicks dumb coach ,they just played him better defense on and there no other to full the spot


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