@Denver Nuggets

Best two-man in the league, don’t forget

Best two-man in the league, don’t forget

by Dmalikhammer4


  1. Big_Stay6072

    To be continued in October 2024. Hopefully they’ll be cooking the league again. And hopefully Malone does not play them to the ground, like last season. The young ones need to develop, and the only way is trough in-game experience.

  2. the_hammer_poo

    Sub been overreacting. Don’t need to go back to back to be a dynasty. We’ll be back.

  3. There’ll be a better duo next season:

    Olympian Murray & Jokic.

  4. No argument here! When healthy, there’s no two better. Unfortunately that seems harder than we all had hoped for.

  5. Epicspitball

    Can’t after you lose and playoffs are still going

  6. mr_lemonpie

    You’re not wrong but I feel like Jokic with any top 40 player in the league will be the best duo in the league.

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