@Denver Nuggets

What is the top storyline of the Denver Nuggets’ offseason? | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

What is the top storyline of the Denver Nuggets’ offseason? | DNVR Nuggets Podcast

[Music] we’ll do our best we’ll try oh baby back in the saddle little baby back in the saddle what is everybody welcome to the dmba show let’s live from the Toyota Lounge driven by your Front Range Toyota stores Toyota the official vehicle of DVR man I’m so comfortably in the offseason right now man not good for you excited are you for today’s show based on your excitement level for the past two shows I’m not kidding what I I’m telling you man it’s I’ve learned a lot the last 3 days I really have I really have I was addicted to my misery so it Go just as excited I’m telling you I feel I feel unburdened I just feel like all of this energy unburdened it’s called sleeping I’ve slept the last two nights I’ve slept you didn’t watch that game and go ah [ __ ] they would have won the title cuz that’s right where my head went but we can talk about that later I’m like yoke man they didn’t so you know what else is there to say on today’s show we’re going to talk about the team he’s talking about which are the Indiana Pacers choking away the game before moving on to talking about upd you know some some things around the league and yoke maybe playing in Serbia maybe not is it confirmed is it not but then we’re going to move on to our top story which is what’s the top story line of the offseason that’s really the meat of the first couple segments of today’s show later on we’ll talk about the new TV deal because that’s going to affect things and also ask is yoke going to play until he’s 50 we used to worry he’s going to retire in in one year well there’s a lot of money we’ll put the money on the table and find out is yic going to stick around too long that’s next and then later on in the show I know wind is excited for this one a top five best names in the NBA best Hooper names is probably the worst top five we’ve ever done you’re you’d be so sad audience to know what the Alternatives were I might not even tell you just to keep you from from the disappointment K’s on the ones and twos we’ve got over here brenon vote what’s Kracken rocking a manscape shirt today because I just think it’s important to practice gratitude uh more specifically testicular gratitude manscaped your ball well thank you there you go happy to be here you manscaped but didn’t do your hair no I didn’t this is a this was no product and a windy day yeah I’ve noticed you’re going for that you’re going for the new wind swept hair over here the man with the wind in his hair I’m wondering if you just didn’t do laundry this week hey we’re not calling and that’s why the manscape shirt came out technical foul on Harrison we’re not doing this technical fou no no no I appreciate the tech but Harrison’s right you only wear a manscape shirt when you’re down to at the bottom of the J everybody knows everybody knows it you think that that got past everybody else all right all guys reset I don’t know if you were watching basketball last night or maybe you’ve lost the will but in case you were the Pacers won the Pacers won they had a great game they were I didn’t watch the last 10 seconds but they were up six and so like there’s nothing that could happen so the Pacers win what do you make of that vote well what a great start to the series for me it could have been and should have been so close man I the Pacers blew it I thought you were going to take I’m really excited about the Celtics getting to be both everything we said they were and champions at the same time going to be awesome going to be awesome the Pacers looked like a team that hadn’t been in that spot before yeah and then uh that’s what happens Rick Carlos so after this so they’re up six points they get a terrible possession where Halt and D dribbles it out of out of bounds right out of bounds right out of BS right into David Ortiz’s lap it was really bad I think they’re up three at that point and then they give up the three I know everybody says you should foul there they get it to jayen Brown and he ends up hitting a pretty tough shot there’s also really no opportunity to foul there yeah cuz he catch in a few catch and pretty immediately he shoots it and then LeBron hops on Twitter and uh posts a clip of his future coach saying you should foul also watching it live there’s not really a chance to foul right there like what is he talking about the bigger thing is how did that shot go in man and that’s to me was sort of how I felt about it yeah Jaylen Brown might be it top three in the league of that’s a horrible shot like Paul George that’s a bad shot I don’t care what anyone says but it went in I mean that guy he takes some pure Hooper just like what is that may make it like more than most players but less than a good offense you know sure but like Jaylen Brown is the one to me that like as as a hater just breaks my heart I’m like how did that Sho in well your boy Tatum last night honestly had a master class in disappointment all the way up until the very end when he won the game for them but he went 0 of five and the craziest one with about 12 seconds left gets a rebound at The Rim takes two dribbles backwards shoots a one leged fall they’re down three and he takes that’s what they teach in that Gym in Brooklyn all jokes aside that that’s exact sequence that’s the Tatum thing right there in a nutshell and I think everyone’s on the same page about it now so that’s why I haven’t been as big a jerk about it but what is that shot and that’s kind of who Tatum and I think some hoopers are having said that I got to I got to take my medicine here man they’re also up one nothing in the Conference Finals well the Celtics are just good enough and the East is so bad that I feel like this is going to be how every game this series is played we’re going to talk about how the Celtics should have lost but how they just won yeah because the East is a joke man it really is a joke and that’s the takeaway like we we watched the Nuggets play the Lakers in that first round win in five games and we were like man the Nuggets look like they suck that’s been the Pacers now or the Celtics down in two rounds plus one game where you’re like unimpressed with them but I guess to your point to me it’s funny that your takeaway was like damn it man they were going to win the title which is a fair takeaway mine was oh coola worst collapse like two days def had the worst collapse for like 48 hours that’s clearly the worst collapse I don’t think anything’s going to top the nuggets in game seven unfortunately unfortunately it’s a game seven yeah that that one is worse in terms of like obviously the you know cuz you it was game seven and and the so that you win the series if you win but this one was worse to me in that the odds of you winning with the ball up with 11 seconds left up three the odds of you winning are like 99.9% oh yeah and they did everything in their power to give it to give that game away and that’s why it was so tough I know another takeaway is that the Pacers are almost up one Zer right now and um the NBA obviously wants a lot of parody they don’t want any dynasties anymore that’s why this new CBA with this [ __ ] second apron is in the Pacers were very close to being three games away from being in the finals I know dude which means they had a outside chance of winning the championship and still kind of do still kind of do which is crazy it’s insane honestly like you think about the Celtics win narratively it makes sense the Wolves win narratively it makes sense even Dallas to me narratively it makes sense but the Pacers there was that was my thought with like two minutes to go in the game I was like what if the Pacers win the title this year what would what would that mean remember it means there’s a lot of stock you can put in the inseason tournament that’s what it means let go you know there’s a lot of correlation there what it takes but also do you remember our mid-season uh check-ins with the Pacers collectively it’s like really impressive headed in the right direction obviously they won’t make the Conference Finals right and uh well here they are here they are also you now look at it and what do you have a three seed and a four seed or a three seed and a five seed yeah and a six seed and and a one seed just kind of something to keep in mind I think that won’t be too uncommon honestly obviously you have better odds if you get home court advantage and all these different things but it is worth noting that it’s a bunch of mid seeds that have made it to the Conference Finals this year outside of Boston and look at the Miami Heat last year and Miami Heat last year and the Denver Nuggets this year specifically the Denver the home court advantage they did not protect right and I think there’s there’s there are Trends I mean even game seven this is not an excuse an observation it’s those have been going to the road teams more lately and that’s that I’m is that all about three-point variance is that I think well n Season tournament there’s a lot of things whereas before you know you’re jocking for this type of position or that I think now with the inseason tournament and everything else the incentives are just less clear it’s less clear whether you should keep your foot on the gas pedal and then do you want a one seat do you want a two seat you don’t even know who you’re going to play remember this year it was like unclear if the three or four seed was actually better than the one two because of who you might draw and I think that actually the nature of the inseason tournament typically a seven or an eight seed like everyone has to Sprint just to get into the playoffs we know what that is but now without that Sprint there is the case of hey this team was a three or four seed caliber Talent they fell down to 78 and then just let go of the Rope because it didn’t really matter they were like ah we’ll be the nine it doesn’t matter so I think there’s a little bit of that as well where as in years past you might have had to Sprint through just to make the six seed yeah and then you got the Clippers who have had that philosophy for this entire Kawai Paul George era and still have never done anything in the playoffs so true it’s so true you got both sides of the coin there here’s what I’ll say because I I’m not going to say that home court doesn’t matter I just think the better teams win yep I think I would agree with that and so your focus should be as much on being healthy rested but also being the best team and it’s why nikic and His Infinite Wisdom never talked about oh we need the onc never really talked about health although he did mention it being important but he wasn’t the most important thing the most important thing was that we’re playing the game the way we’re supposed to to win and it’s like that is the truth and Denver I think was about 80% of that this year maybe even a little lower whereas I think they were 100% of that last year and that more than anything is what I think sunk them um and there you go uh real quickly JJ reck is rumored to be the in the running for going to the Los Angeles Lakers LeBron is obviously doing a podcast with him yes um you know his name is out there what do you think of this would he be a good coach no it’s going to be a disaster guaranteed 100 look man coaching in the NBA I think it’s way harder than anybody actually thinks for sure and if you’ve never done it before and like don’t know how to manage a life as an NBA coach I feel like it can be a really rude awakening and like JJ reck is the exact opposite of coach that I think the Lakers should go for what and what ways um hasn’t been a coach in the league currently that seems important that’s number one good place to start like obviously cares about his image and how people view him and you know his dealings off the court a lot maybe his Focus isn’t 100% on like oh let’s just grind film tonight and like three how often do these types of hires really work out what is this typo hire a guy who’s like not a coach oh right like the Lakers should be hiring David Adelman that’s who they should be hiring sh I mean don’t don’t let that out you think they’re going to listen to this show and be like oh actually Adelman would be good yeah he could be that’s could be how it is if you were JJ you guys might think this is a silly question would you take this job 100% yes Lakers head coach is kind of like an set for life if he takes this job like he’ll just keep getting other ones you think is there a version you just bag a cool 50 mil oh well cuz I cuz I’m kind of thinking of the it’s not quite the same situation but just in terms of potential outcomes like wesel Wes unel Jr waited waited waited for head coaching opportunity understandably took the first one he could get and it was a horrible gig and he may not get to be a head coach again for a while so I’m just wondering if you’re JJ reic like obviously look what happened to Steve Nash sorry that’s the comp here I think no that’s good that’s I’m just interested like is there a chance that taking this as your first gig actually undermines your career totally but I don’t know does he want like a 30-year career in coaching yeah you’re right this is this part here I don’t know man a three or four year stint where you’re a coach and it’s memorable and iconic and then you move on Larry Bird did this by the way Larry Bird coached for like a cup of coffee you don’t pass up the Lakers job yeah you don’t pass that up it’s life-changing money probably get fired after 2 years then you’re just sitting on you know a three-year $30 million contract that just guaranteed Inc coming to you and it just elevates your status so much in the NBA world so you don’t pass it up yeah it’s an interesting question just about JJ in general because first of all I Am with You coaching is not what people think it is people think it’s like oh you had a good idea and then that just like got infiltrated into the minds of your players that’s not it at all having the good idea and strategy and X’s Nos and game plan and all that stuff first of of all it’s not one thing that’s a million things it’s in the moment what is your strategy but it’s also what is our overarching philosophy what are the things that are important to us as a group like that’s a million layered things in and of itself but there’s other parts of this that uh of coaching that are way more of the pie Than People realize and it’s ego management it’s communication it’s inspiration it’s all of these other things that require uh very specific personality types I think there’s multiple ones that can fit it but one thing you can’t be you can’t you’ve got to have like both an ego that is strong enough to withstand NBA players but flexible enough that people can criticize you and come at you and that’s the part with JJ reick that I look at and I go he has gotten into a lot of like beefs with co-workers and this or that over like perceived in my opinion over perceived respect and you should be talking about it this way you should be talking about it that way guess what an NBA coach is managing like 50 people yeah between players and staff not everybody’s going to be on your wavelength like give and take is part of the gig step one would be shutting down the old Twitter account seriously maybe but okay like actually but because and I think he would but just you gotta the that’s but that to your point though this is the transition from media type kind of accessible willing to exchange opinions and even barbs with people to be you know the the internal perspective that coaches have for forever and always of like it’s just us in this Camp over here outside noise doesn’t matter at all and we we tend not to even interact with it but you know who’s proven that theory wrong and you’re going to laugh coach Prime you’re going to say that’s College you know it’s different guess what coach Prime came around during a paradigm shift where nil and social media and online marketing and self marketing was a was a thing I think there’s a world where look LeBron still has the attraction power of he runs the league so playing with him still has its own perceived bonus and then you have a JJ reic arm where JJ reck has built up a media Empire in short order he’s very influential is there a chance that that’s part of it is it’s just like that the Lakers are already the most popular team in the world but there’s a chance you go there if whatever good player you know as long the tooth is like yeah but you’re also going to set yourself up for your media career this is the best place to go to like get everything is there a chance that housea happens yeah but it doesn’t translate to winning I mean what the what I mean maybe you get you know no no not maybe this is not a this is not a h that’s about winning man this is going to be a disaster I will say the pregame and postgame conf press conferences could be epic oh my God you know just m 15minute podcast sessions oh my God that’s a seg that’s what would Happ this what I mean segment one pregame presser segment two postgame presser this is what I mean Draymond Green did this Draymond Green would go to the podium and he wouldn’t answer a question he’d be like that’s a great question uh you’re gonna have to check out my podcast tonight to get the answer but JJ Eric will just say the answer in podcast tone means some long pressers maybe just be that he would have that and it’s way more valuable and it’s again I the people are seeing that the ecosystem of which we every time somebody sees like oh that real estate is getable and I could just see players and and coaches being like Oh the press conference is getable cool we’ll do the formal one and then we’ll do our own one do you think forget the kind of LeBron level stuff for a second do you think players would listen to JJ reic because that’s really he might have a good chance of that because I do I do think there are a lot of people who people looked at like maybe Scott Scott Brooks right is his name the in the OKC days SC Brook where it’s like oh he’s a bad coach it’s like man do you think he gets to co like do you think he’s like do you think Young Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook were like yeah you tell us what to do coach and if if your Cornerstone piece is on board everyone’s on board but the number one thing players respect and I feel like I’ve learned this more and more over the years is if a Coach knows the game if he knows his [ __ ] if he knows what he’s talking about if he says something and the rest of the team is like oh that makes a lot of sense yeah it’s the number one thing players respect OKC guys seem to love dagot who does not seem at all like a guy that would vibe with young especially young players but they know that guy knows his stuff Chris Finch same thing um a lot of guys out there and he and he would bring that and and pedigree as a player yeah all right let’s take a that was a fun first segment we just want to talk about some of these headlines but on the other side let’s get to our top story lines for the off seon okay Shady Rays it’s summer time May 22nd sun’s out got to get your shady Rays uh get ready for the season ahead with quality Shades built through last go to browse their selection tons of different options they got a style and a color for everybody no matter what type of sunglass you wear Shady Ray has it they have an awesome deal going on for dmvr members and listeners 35% off polarized sunglasses 35% off Shady you got to use the code dmvr 35% off polarized sunglasses you can try for yourself the shades rated five stars by over 3,000 people they have great customer service too if your Shades ever go missing or take an unexpected hit don’t sweat it they have the most insane protection in all of iear every pair is backed by lost or broken Replacements also if you don’t love your shady Rays exchange them for a new pair or return WorryFree within 30 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21 or older physically located in Colorado please do gamble responsibly if you were someone you know has a gambling problem and wants help caller text 1800 Gambler we’re back here segment two hit that like button for us thanks forever joining the show I’ve seen some people say hey man we’ll come back next week I need some time away from the te I’m too hurt right now credit to you guys cuz we’re all hurt but CR to you guys for pushing through the pain did I tell you guys about my daughter the other day did I tell you already swim meat no oh got her in softball my seven-year-old Ellie first pit I went out there to play a little catch with her you know like very first pitch boom right in the eye oh no really she shook it off though she shook it off I thought I thought you meant she hit you in the eye no no no no I threw it to her and she did the boom right in the eye hard hit and she sat there did like you could tell she was about to like cry she was trying her hardest not to let it out oh I was so proud man anyway that’s what you that’s what all of you in the chat the Toyota chat are right now you’re like my daughter black eye but not going to stop you um Harrison let’s talk about the Nuggets off season what is the top story the Nuggets off season the top storyline of the Nuggets off season is the thumbnail for this show will kcp resign with the Nuggets he has a player option for next season 15.4 million believe from everything I’ve heard he’s going to decline that and he’ll be on the open market he’s going to have suitors absolutely there are some teams with a ton of cap room there are some contenders there are some middling teams some Lottery teams with cap room and you know if the price is right I believe Denver will want to bring them back um but it’s kind of going to be the question that shapes the rest of the Nuggets off season I feel like I think it definitely is you’ve presented this though more as an open-ended thing you feel like it’s still open-ended anything’s possible yes I do think anything is possible I think it’s more than likely he leaves though that’s the more likely outcome yes because he could have offer so large that while Denver has bird rights it would still take them they’re still looking at the second apron and it would be tough to keep all these guys together there is the thing though of I guess because you just go into the second apron that’s the reason You’ want to avoid it because there’s a chance that you could sign him to like a threeyear deal and then trade him after a year if you felt if that’s how you wanted to move it feels like the Nuggets do want to avoid the second apron though based off everything they’ve said publicly Calvin booth and Josh Kony and yeah really regardless of what you sign them for you’re going to be in the second apron now like they could sign him for whatever amount of money he wants they they could go up in salary as much as they want but it feels like they do want to avoid the second apron do you feel so tomorrow by the way there doing a press conference the Denver Nuggets are will be there with uh Josh Kony Michael Malone and Calvin Booth yeah um which they just announced today although it is kind of normal an exit interview the team used to do exit interviews like formal there was a day you came in and you interviewed everybody nobody really does them throughout the league anymore it’s fading away for whatever reason those are gone although I think it’s kind of I think it’s I think those were good I know everybody hates I was going to say interviewing guys at the end of a season is kind of an important for the context of putting a button on a season you guys unforunately they’re just kind of going away though play players fly out literally after they shower boom you don’t see him again till October um but yeah a pretty normal end of season press conference but it’ll be exciting to hear let me ask you this this way sure is it a disaster if they lost kcp uh it’s a huge hit it’s a huge hit I don’t know if it’s a disaster I don’t know if it’s something they’re they’re unprepared for in ter of how they built this team and look towards the future these guys are getting a little banged up kcp is the oldest guy in the starting lineup he definitely didn’t have his best series he’s also had tremendous Series in Denver and made essential contributions to their title so let me not I am not eager to see kcp leave by any means but I’m resigned to it and I do like I mean that last series wasn’t exactly an A++ kcp series now you can say this about everyone else on the roster as well to be fair but there is something too that this just I’ve resigned myself to this a long time ago it kind of seemed like it would make sense for kcp business move to go try to get one more contract here at this spot in his career and I think it’s maybe something de can pivot pivot away from but they’ll miss him they’ll miss him initially for sure I love kcp he actually has a special place like in my heart you know like he’s there’s role players that you love role players that you like for a time or what have you and then role players that you kind of always didn’t like Casey p is in the first one to me I love him he’s like a an alltime nugget you win a title with him you become an all-time nugget Bruce is an alltime nugget but he was an alltime nugget and equally as important I’ve talked about how I want him to be remembered as a nugget I know now he’s a Laker at a nugget you got one title each and if he leaves it’s up in the air but equally as important for me Harrison the Nuggets were last in three-point attempts in the regular season this year and 10th in three-point percentage that’s never been a strength of theirs and he is top three three-point shooter on the team just to lose him and to say okay you’re going to replace him with Christian Brown I think the defense might actually be a lateral move I’m higher on Christian Brown’s defense than almost anyone I think that could be close to a lateral move although it’s a different type you get stronger in some areas weaker than others but there’s no question it hurts your shooting which was already maybe a little below the thresh that’s the biggest problem and to your earlier question I wouldn’t qu ify it it as a disaster if kcp leaves I’d be a little nervous it’s a big loss I’d be a little nervous about this team’s offense for sure um kcp to Christian Brown’s a huge offensive drop off yep absolutely massive you know like Christian Brown’s a below average offensive player kcp is an elite fit with the starters yep Elite three-point shooter doesn’t need the ball Christian Brown doesn’t need it either um and can hit mid-range Pull-Ups like Christian Brown just doesn’t have that in his bag at all and I have a hard time seeing him having it in his bag next season it’s a massive massive downgrade offensively so I’m a little nervous you know just what this team will look like and if it’s still going to have anything close to the same Firepower if he does leave and is replaced by Christian Brown here’s one basketball area that Christian Brown could actually be super beneficial you know you put your best defender on Jamal Murray from the guard position usually your worst on the next guy well right now that’s kcp next year if it is Christian that’ be Christian Brown he’s big and one thing that Denver has had great success with is inverted pick and roll inverted pick and roll with kcp he’s kind of little it’s easy to fight through that Christian Brown could force some switches onto the opposing team’s worst backcourt player I think there are actions you could unlock there just because of his size that could be valuable but that’s a small consolation it’s a very small constellation and especially when you just think of like the Nuggets offense late game situations is the yic Murray pick and roll Aaron Gordon in the dunker and the two one of two of the best Shooters in the league in the corners that is the best changes Christian Brown there changes everything and we already saw this year what it looked like when those two guys weren’t hitting their shots you know for all the big picture stuff that went wrong Denver was kind of missing that extra punch for most of the Season rarely were both of those guys hitting at the same time as opposed to last year so but I don’t just to be clear I’m not like yeah get rid of kcp at all I just think it’s it like if you sort of looked at what could be changing this was always coming defensively you can talk yourself into the Christian Brown transition for sure maybe not right away but over time like he’s going to be able to be a valuable player defensively for that group but yeah man I mean I I I think we’re Denver’s offense looked a far cry from Elite when it mattered and I think you you lose even more of that without kcp I think that’s probably right I do think there’s hope for Michael Porter and Jamal Murray to be better next year Murray in particular in the regular season Porter more in the playoffs but does Murray being better than he was the guy we expected him to be this year an All-Star caliber player does that make up for what we got this you know if you lose kcp does it bridge that Gap there I do think that defensively they could be similar if not even more impactful just because I think Christian is a really good Defender and he has size which is more and more important so but I I’m I’m with you guys that if you just told me we’re starting from a point of lose kcp bring everyone else back and that’s your rotation I’d be like yeah it’s hard to imagine being as good absolutely and I mean a couple teams that you should keep an eye on for him the 76ers for one yeah if they don’t get Paul George who’s their number one Target and the Clippers Pony up and give him a max deal and he stays in La I think kcp is very high on their list to then turn too another one I’d keep an eye on is the Spurs they have a ton of cap room kcp seems like a perfect fit there and the perfect type of vet you would want there he’s such a Spur yeah and then the Pistons as well I don’t know if he’d want to go there back to Detroit where he used to play but they have so much cap room they could throw a massive bag at him and this is probably you know kyp this is the biggest payday he’s got left in his career most likely yeah yep um let’s go what’s the next big story line big story line okay uh let me see what I have here do the Nuggets make a quote Big Move Big Move big move and I would qualify a big move probably as um trading one of the starters so Zeke Naji trade not a big move a significant move I don’t know if it’s a big move though okay so if they were to trade a Michael Jamal or Eric Gordon they’re not trading a yage this would be a massive storyline but I don’t think this happens I don’t think it is either I don’t think there’s much thought of it happening what about a Christian Brown trade is that a big trade that would feel like a big trade Payton Watson yeah that would feel big too that would feel big so we just went through all those guys then Zeke naji’s the drop off zek nai’s the drop off that move is like it just happens yeah so all right that’s the line pton Watson starters Plus Pon Watson do we see a big move this offseason I I mean this is the first time that I’m less sure I’m going to say no I think a big part of the porter question is not I think even his biggest supporters could come up with a list of guys that could conceivably also be helpful to Denver different question than could you get them by trading mpj yeah who has won with the Nuggets you know as a matter of fact you can can uh you can win with mvj in the starting lineup they’ve done it so we know he has some value to Denver even on that deal does he have more value to anyone else in the league trading for that contract than he currently does to Denver right now probably not so unless it’s a concession about moving like off of the deal which a lot of people see as a as maybe A wise choice but you’re definitely not talking about getting value back maybe some depth but again man I do think if you were talking about kcp leaves and you trade mpj for depth even with a guy like joic I know Porter missed those big shots in game seven I think you have to prepare yourself for for a real drop off in the pop offensively that Denver has you know there there is something too both of those guys leaving like the spacing will be different and the spacing is an easy thing I think to overlook but I’m not going to pretend like he he went ahead and solidified his future with game seven cuz he sure didn’t would you be more surprised this is so early that these things can change you’re not tied to any of these takes would you be more surprised if Denver made a big move in the offseason or at the deadline big big move as we just defined it yeah off season you so you think it’s more likely they just go into the year but there’s a chance that based on how the year goes they might say you know what we don’t we’ve seen this script before yeah I just think it’s very very low also that they make the big move right now um I don’t think you know they’re really thinking about that in a perfect world and going back to the fact that with this new CBA having all these big money contracts Is Not Great you really just want two of them and then you know finagle around there in a perfect world I actually think trading Michael Porter for two guys you know a starter and then like a sixth man would actually be in the benefit of the Nuggets could be but in actuality I don’t know if that trade EX AAL TR you’re that TR it but just the current Dynamics and economics of the NBA I do think in a perfect world that would make sense I strongly agree with this and it has nothing almost nothing to do with Michael Porter it has more to do with I’m not sure the big three model is the right model anymore given the new CBA it might just be that you have a top star a secondary star and then you spread the rest out as well can to create a good team it and three stars three max contracts especially if the third guy is not like you’re going to hate me for saying this but is not like a a Paul George or something like that a guy that has been you know able to do more you know a more versatile type player then it probably doesn’t make a lot of sense so the the allocation of resources conversation is a different one than is Porter good enough right and it’s the one that I understood would happen after that outcome in that game and I’m not going to act in indant after the way he played in that series I will say Porter had a much better season than we remember a much better round one than we remember same as last year and and that ultimately is why I don’t think they’re really thinking about that deal and and potential deal I also think you articulated it really well when it’s just are you going to get like there are ideal trades but are you going to get them and and and so that’s that’s a different conversation my whole thing was and again we’re not going to get into SP this doesn’t even make sense I haven’t checked the numbers if you could replace Michael Porter with Cam Johnson do how much do lose in terms of value to Denver it’s probably not that much and that trade would feature a second player coming back so if you could turn Michael Porter into Cam Johnson and a guy who is top what part of your top seven sure it’s like you lost 5% off of what Mike did for you stand in the corner and make threes for the most part it’s 90% of Mike’s job and then you also got another guy who’s just in your rotation who’s a good player so it might we might be in that world where Denver’s going to have to start making that by the way every time there’s a new CBA it’s about 2 or 3 years before you really see the the effects of it so we’re just now going to start seeing the effects of it I’m so curious how people build their rosters from here on out cuz I think there’s going to be a lot of horribly underpaid good role players that that’s going to be the class that gets screwed the most where you’re going to be like how’s that guy on a freaking mle that guy’s a great player kcp is probably a free agent at just the right time too the exact right time he does this a year from now yeah he’s not getting the offers anymore right and I think part of it is guys like Tim Connelly like there there’s a you don’t there’s a tough thread to balance or needle to thread here whatever the EXP question is there’s you don’t want a big three but you if you have starters that are good enough and you’re uh in or that doesn’t just sign guys in the free free agency you really can’t let guys walk either right so Jaden McDaniels who looked great in that series by the way going to get paid a lot so you’re going to see teams I think if they believe in their core paying enough to keep them all together not having enough to really build out great five through T and maybe there are more Bruce Browns who are just like man this guy’s available for that like how did this happen so that’s that’s a possibility all right let’s take a break we got three more top story lines to get to in segment three we absolutely do before though I want to talk to you guys about Volo Sports what is Volo Sports it’s a premier monthly membership program that gives members unlimited access to sports events and social activities every single night of the week it’s the modern-day Sport and Social Club for only $20 a month best way to meet new people if you just move to a new city want to make some friends get active and play games in the city Volo is awesome they have leagues in every sport you could imagine and then probably some more that you can’t imagine they have leagues and games throughout the entire city of Denver they’re also outside of Denver as well and you can get the Volo pass the premier 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team coach pesich so not official not official unofficially we’ve all thought he’s probably going to play yeah I’ve certainly thought that throughout the year I don’t really think anything that happened in the playoffs or this season changes it I still think he’s going to play I think he is too and it would be a pretty big storyline because yoke looked pretty exhausted under you know yoke looks pretty exhausted in this playoffs we’ve talked about it a lot you played in Olympics first of all I have heard coach pesich very old school great coach legendary coach in Serbia but sometimes these older guys they’re not as forward friendly you know guys like yoke need their rest keep them off their feet let them you know do this they still believe in a lot of the old we’re going to watch film for two hours three hours we’re going to do sprints on off days unless it’s the second half of an elimination game then yic can get some rest on get some rest on the bench we’re criticizing him for that but honestly that’s the thing is it’s not there is a world where you’re like okay he’s going to play there it’s not going to be that long couple weeks you know it’s a rest but think that it actually is a huge commitment it would be like going through a playoffs for him it’s a lot it’s a lot and I don’t think that’s necessarily what people have all taken into account when reacting to his decision to play or not again though I’m not going to tell serbians how to feel about it I just know that these deep runs we talk about how much they are how exhausting they are how much it’s cost these guys certainly doesn’t help to have international obligations as well that said oblation is the right word here there’s a lot of pressure on yic and this is his big chance to uh ultimately redeem his Serbian Legacy it’s not to sound like it’s in trouble or perilous but again it’s it’s disproportionate to what he’s accomplished in the NBA oh no you can I don’t you don’t have to hedge that man the serbs are very clear on what they expect from players and and it hasn’t happened yet with Y he’s got a silver he’s got a silver sure I’m just saying again this guy we very much view was one of the best basketball players of all time and so as far as what he could do for Serbia the expectations are still there so that’s so much pressure so I think he’ll play let me give you guys I I rooted for him to play for one reason we went out there I that trip made such an impact on me that I just feel so strongly that all of those serbians have given their love to us nuggets and to our show that I’m like how am I to tell them they don’t deserve their their time with Y so for me I’m like they I hope yoke plays so they get to feel all the things we felt when we watch yic play for our team I’ll give you one other reason though that it might actually be good for yoke I don’t know if this was the most enjoyable season for him personally yeah and one thing I know about him is he loves playing with those guys he has a lot of friends there they’ve grown up together they’ve known each other there might be something too and and remember last time they played I don’t remember where he announced where he gave the quote but he was like oh yeah when we’re together we’re just always in each other’s hotel rooms it’s just like a big hangout like this month together we’re all just together and it’s a really cool Vibe I wouldn’t mind yoke getting that again you kind of just Fallen back in love with uh the game have happened for him what happened to Justin holiday this year reignite his belief in basketball Justin holiday might have lost that by the end of the year hope hopefully not he might have no I agree I agree I mean that environment I feel like it’s one that it’s a refreshing one just being around you know his countrymen after this season I feel like it could reignite some flames in him absolutely all right what about number four number four will Jamal Murray play for Team Canada oo can I tell you something I really want him to yeah why I think maybe it would be good for more basketball for Murray this summer I don’t know how Hur he is so that’s a different conversation but I don’t know if the answer is more rest so much as the answer is actually long summer basketball coming into next year in a little bit of better shape yeah I could see that actually you know I could see could go the other way could easily go the other way he’s exhausted too and he’s earned the right to rest but yeah has he actually I don’t know why I said that I don’t know why I said um M the muray one I don’t care as much about because we’re just way more tied to Serbia and like we know what that connection is that yoke has to the country and the country has to him and the Dynamics at play there um I don’t think Canadians are like clamoring for Jamal Murray to play at nearly the same level although there is some of that know after he pulled out last summer um I would love to see him play you know just to watch it that’s kind of where I’m at with him I don’t know what I hope I will say this one thing that I take away from this playoffs that I did not expect I don’t think the league respects Jamal and I hope Jamal sees that and like I’ve talked about with Anthony Edwards his like being a gas at the idea that he was in the same tier as Jamal Murray and needed to like take something from him but I think there’s something similar too even with Shay where it’s like yeah that team is Shay’s clearly he was almost one MVP this year yeah and maybe playing for them ignites that like he goes there and maybe he comes off the bench you know maybe he well he’s he won’t be playing if he’s coming off the bench well then he would be but I’m saying maybe that’s like something that you need like right now it’s sure there’s a level of like oh I’m the guy but and he is here in Denver but I do wonder if you go to a team like that and they’re like hey we’re kind of going more defense here and Lou Dort and Shay have a good chemistry so we’re going to bring you as a super six-man and and just same thing man like these guys have been playing together for a long time in a certain league and environment for a long time and you know we said joy for joic but might just be it might just be nice for Murray to play basketball in a different setting that has nothing to do with the Denver Nuggets and nothing to do with bic’s sidekick and just hooping for Team Canada so we’ll see I mean I think you could make either argument for ma Jamal either needing to rest or maybe benefiting from playing but I’d like to see him play well you know who else is on the roster is nille Alexander Walker who just guarded him for all these games like this is what I mean about Jamal is I feel like come down a few pigs you know you walk into that practice do you get to tell nille Alexander Walker what to do is that like is it his team as much it as yours he’s probably like dude we just beat you cuz we shut you down our game plan was he could be shot down like that I I’m just saying there’s that level that sometimes a player needs to be like oh they forgot about me you know they’re not thinking of me that way but my other part of this with Jamal is it might also just be nice for him to spend a whole summer really figuring out his game and getting better at things that he needs to get better at so I’m less invested in that one positives and negatives to each side of it I just hope at the end of it he’s in great shape and is hungrier than ever right me too all right last one last one is the development of the young guys I think you can put what do they do with the first round pick in the draft into this as well and do the young guys include Zeke Nagi or is he traded so here’s what’s interesting about that Naji do you remember kind of threw him in there Michael one of the young guys he’s he’s going to be like T he’s like well he’s 21 so like you know he could if he just gets it together um do you remember what Michael Malone said he put up a thing on Zeke thing in the wait room that said like what are you going to do with your summer it was a picture of Zeke Naji do I remember I imagine that’s no longer inspiring guys probably look at that and are like well that didn’t do anything for him why would I do that oh man I I’m not saying that he’s played well but if I’m Zeke and I listen to this I’m like man I catch a lot of Strays he’s like I barely played you guys are blame in the year on me I didn’t do anything my fault but he’s right by the way I’m I’m I’m on Zeke Naji side on this I’ve been put I put out the the Tweet the other day everybody brought out their Pitchfork I’m like come on guys how many guys have come through the bench and been horrible yeah everyone like there’s not what’s our best bench guy you know bones but really outside of that we’ve had a million Trey ly’s and Jared vanderbelt and Malik Beasley and guys that have I think are serviceable BA players but um but yeah does Christian Brown develop how much does his offense rise up here with him potentially moving into the starting lineup massive summer ahead for pton Watson he’s got to get a lot better A lot better yep and then you know Julian STW I think is the next guy up he I think could be in the Payton Watson spot in the rotation this season he feel like he should be if the Nuggets plan is on the right track and like can he raise his game as well I’ll throw Jaylen picket in here as well for me and Hunter Tyson and the reason I throw these guys in there is Summer League they’ll both be on the roster I feel very strongly about it I think Julian strw will be on the roster I don’t think Christian will obviously be on there I don’t think pton will will need to be I just they those guys played so much this year I don’t think you need them on the roster so you already know those three guys and I think we’ll know at Summer League they’ll be a level of like okay they’re in the system for a year now like they they’ve been around for a year are they do they look like SE well I’m serious even guys that don’t play we know the summer league seconde guy even if they didn’t play regular season minutes it’s like yeah but there’s a difference they’ve been around they’re comfortable with the coaches and everything I want to see that cuz one thing I wonder with picket I mean I again I’m a picket guy I don’t think he was given a very good chance at all this year based on how few minutes the type of minutes he played and also just the way you know everything else went but I think there’s also something too Colin glesby was around for a year he knew everybody everybody knew him I think there was a level of of pick it just being fourth on the familiarity chart yeah coming in and then having to like I think he was in a really tough spot this year with Summer League since he didn’t play that should be his team absolutely second your point guard you should get everybody in line and be the leader and I hope to see that from him this year and I think he’s going to look really good you know because all the reports we heard throughout the year he looked really good in practices you know we heard he was outplaying col gpan practices behind closed doors right but yet it was Colin who was the next guy up you know I think you can chalk that up to coach’s decision when Denver needed a backup point guard um but yeah I think you know the nuggets are still pretty high on Jaylen picket and yeah he should have a lot of you know good momentum heading into summer league that should be his team it’ll be a great chance to see you know how he’s grown and um look this is like a former second team All-American guy in college who was one of the better point guards in the country um I feel like you know there’s still a chance for him to to be a guy for Denver also Denver needs needs to explore it the the long-term backup ball handler plan was bones Highland and he botched it 82 games of Reggie was a lot he’s 34 next year how much is Reggie Jackson going to play again how much should Reggie Jackson play would be surprised if they traded him who is the backup point guard what is the long-term plan for backup point guard yeah and and so you at least with pick it on a contract oh Summer League to figuring out if there’s any anything there yeah and I don’t mind doubling down on on pigot I like him man I like his game I think there’s something there I even think he looked okay in garbage time minutes he didn’t play any real minutes so it’s so hard to extrapolate the push back on picket is wild because it feels like the consensus from nuggets fans is he sucks he has no NBA skills based on what I saw this year right the guy was in the rotation for two games yeah two games and that was in like November and like I said earlier all the reports we heard is he looks great in practices you know he’s out playing Gillespie but never actually got on the floor again I think he has an interesting skill set and I hope we get to see it you know a little leash extended to him and nonetheless I hope we see him in summer league and then Hunter Tyson we didn’t even talk about but I I’m going to give Hunter Tyson the best odds at the Zeke Naji uh first Summer with the training staff I would not be surprised if Hunter Tyson looks like vatco chanar at some point in the Summer where you’re like what the hell happened well he had a really good year in he was hit like 39% of his threes on three plus attempts per game he had a solid year we should try to get him to go fishing we should fishing with Hunter fishing with Hunter man would be credle Hunter I think you should do steroids man I know it’s against the policies and stuff everybody’s doing it uh all right let’s take a break those are our story lines for the offseason here let’s take a break on the other side we have a top five you’re going to hate oh yeah looking forward to I’m to love it though I’m going to love it and we’re back oh yeah that’s right there’s no third one God unbeliev te you did you told that’s not on Kale that is that’s on me oh man all right guys it’s it’s what day is it Wednesday it’s Wednesday we got a top five from bet 365 never ordinary like to make a top five list and since it’s off season we’ll get a little weird we’ll get a little weird top five best names in the NBA this is getting very weird it’s not that weird you guys don’t have an appreciation for for wind it’s a great name I just want to be clear that this is Adam’s list that’s all really it’s not our list I didn’t put it together I was championing uh top five dinosaurs top five dinosaurs we might have to snake draft dinosaurs though I think that’s more of a snake you should have done a top can we go 20 dinosaurs deep or sorry 25 dinosaurs deep I don’t know some of us can I don’t know I don’t know if everybody can a two what perod are we talking are we talking Jurassic we talking in the the the Cretaceous Period what are we doing here um these are not the I’m going to give I have like 20 honorable mentions here so you guys kind of get the hint of what I’m talking about let’s go through those first Bal kabali all right that’s an incredible name cuz it has four L sounds and they’re all different belal kabali may you guys are not going to do this solid name no I’m nodding my head brother Tyler her French he Tyler hero is a good name that’s a great name Tyler hero is a good name hero bismack bomo it’s got alliteration which I feel is important nice name very nice you don’t like biso I think it’s a really good one Mo bomba so good he got a song named after it’s a good one it’s pretty much what he has going for him right now I like Emanuel quickley I just think quickly is a great name if you have a name that suits your play style quickly yeah yeah Tyler hero doesn’t exactly suit his play style well he does Play herob Ball what do you guys think about Nick Claxton I think that’s such such good like a that’s a that guy needs to be a detective Nick Claxton Nick claxon that the X the X sound is so like menacing Nick Claxton Marvin Bagley I love that you’re doing honorable Marvin bag Lesley well but baggley is a cool name I think Lou Dort is the name that best matches the style of play he plays like a Lou Dort No Frills tough like a Dort you guys are just not on the level here can get your list actual list Josh Hart another name that sues play style toally totally does it Moses Moody K you can hop on the mic for these come on Mo Moses Moody what do you think all right Quon Grimes that’s a good name suit’s play style well bub I just think that’s it that we can’t that one’s an incredible one sure and then Ricky Council I think Ricky council is hilarious now the top five top five now this is what we really came folks hope you got your popcorn during the honorable mentions Danilo galinari another I love the L’s the gari Danilo ginar this is why I need dine here for these lists we can’t have dine off on any of these would be on our side of this he laughs all right number four bam adabo what do you like about this name bam is a sick name dude and also adabo is fun to say bam bam it feels like like uh Creole like what were they speak in Louisiana and the bio I feel like this is just the uh the video of guys sitting around ning you are number three this is my favorite one it could have been number one on my own personal ranking haime hakz not only is it literation it’s also both the the the the soft J with his aesthetic too like it’s a good it does work I will it to like Hawk as a nickname I just I think that’s a great name all right number two Dante D venzo more the iteration I love it and I also love the mix like Dante that sounds like one thing the D venzo sounds another plus the Z you guys see I’m big on these Z’s I can’t believe you Lov the Z’s that’s number two but you guys know as much as I love that I love the L’s lamelo ball number one the absolute best name in the NBA this is a wild selection it’s basketball and you have lamelo ball abolutely wild top name in the NBA all right we got some Super Chat is that really better than balal k you you had no reaction when I gave that was my first honorable mention there was no interaction what do we have here God Ashley K un probably a lot of people chiming in about the top five I can only imagine Ashley kter unrelated Melo once came into the Red Lobster I used to work at wow this is a real hashtag of the past kind of Melo used to work at the used to come into the Red Lobster to work at ordered one pound of snow crab and had to have the server crack it open for him because cuz his hands were too big rip Red Lobster man I love hands were too big his words you need small hands to crack Lobster it’s dude it’s just an excuse to have the server do it which is hilarious too big also the Red Lobster rip Red Lobster she’s can’t even go to Ocean Prime Basher D Adam I agree with everything you said yesterday wow every single thing every word look at the Mavs and t-wolves both have legit three front three legit front Court players that they rotate and all we have is yoka CH it’s true man they’re gonna have to find some debt there without spending money on it it’s gonna be tough Jose AES do you guys have more behind the scene details about what transpired around the Spurs game at the end of the season I shared some on yesterday show I said it on yesterday’s show um but outside of that I don’t think I don’t I think you can read too much into that he also asks will CB be the starting to next year if kcp leav proba well we talked about that there is a world look I will say this there were games this year where Christian Brown did not remember they played Justin holiday every time kcp was out there I I’m real Curious who Malone’s guys are on the team and I wonder if Christian is one of Malone’s guys yeah also I wonder if Casp leaves they can you know drop below the apron potentially get an mle yeah and you could actually you know sign somebody and it’s entirely possible another Bruce Brown Quinton Grimes Quint grabs what else do we got and one more from Jose Monte Morris is a free agent this summer at around 9 million can the Nuggets afford him and would it make sense probably not no they can’t afford that much if you’re looking at free agents look at guys on minimum contracts it’s tough man Denver I’m telling you this new CBA is going to kind of suck unless the cronies just want to spend a much money which they should the hell man could win I I think the cronies would spend the money it’s the restrictions boot says that’s the best path for us to take there you go They’re not going to be cheap this summer if the best path to take is to resign kyp they’ll spend the money that’s not the question is it it is do they want to go into the second apron Cedric Exquisite no way kcp leaves us he’s our Klay Thompson I roll Emoji Chia hang leas Emoji don’t know what that means I don’t either super dope hipop my Pacers robbed in game one couldn’t agree more three free throws at the end of the fourth for the Celtics 24 criminal Pacer should have had at least 12 free throw attempts with 12 plus free throw attempts easy win car no time out to advance the ball and no foul up three boo well they challenged that one play right that was a it was a weird there’s some weird decisions there but we should have up been up 10 plus not three I agree man dude they that was a really bad loss very impressive choke job cuz we know all about that don’t we what else do we got again super dope hipop Riley Kerr bird zero exper experience did thumbs up so not giving JJ trash oh he’s saying oh as coaches Steve Kerr had been working in basketball Cedric ex also I think he’s a way different personality than JJ reic too Mavs and six who does everyone have tonight that’s a good question uh Timberwolves I have the Wolves I have the Wolves as well they’re going to be think the wolves are going to there’s like an energy too to get in that game now they’re back at home for game one like new Seri Western Conference Finals I think they get it Austin NES does trading Porter for a smaller contract and maybe a pick make retaining kcp easier uh or slash makes sense for example Porter for Grant Williams and the number six from Charlotte I mean trading Porter for that would be rough we would hate Grant Williams Mavs hated him yeah and then the number six pick like that just makes you so much worse so young Michael Malone might quit yeah might literally be I mean I’m sure it would give you more wiggle room to resign him another one from super dope hip hop mpj AG 29 points per game in the first six Western Conference semi-final games only 11 in game seven AG 18652 stocks 6563 splits Games 2 through six game s 442 One stock on 40 and zero I was shocked how invisible he was in game seven I honestly think if we did a tired rankings he would have come in first dude I was out of it man I hate to say it and I don’t you know I’m trying to give an excuse I just I think he ran out watched him walk out of the arena and like he just looked exhausted man he just looked so so exhausted Leonard P personally I really want Maul to play for Canada it’s an opportunity to play in potentially the most competitive Olympics ever and I’d be disappointed if he passed that up plus how Wild would a Serbia vers Canada semi or final be oh that’s the one thing I don’t want I don’t want that game I think that would be rough you don’t think that be rough I mean I think it’d be more fun than rough I don’t want I want see want USA versus Serbia come on all right that does it hit that outro music and then take us out of here K we’ll see you guys [Music] tomorrow City like the May

The Denver Nuggets are at a bit of a crossroads heading into this offseason. There will be less continuity than previous years and more uncertainty. KCP appears to be gone. Nikola Jokic might play for Serbia at the Olympics. Jamal Murray needs to get in the best shape of his life. Michael Porter Jr. needs to stay healthy again. What else will be an emerging storyline?

Start – 0:00
Pacer’s late collapse – 3:00
JJ Redick as the next LA Head Coach? – 10:15
Is KCP back? – 21:00
Do the Nuggets make a BIG move? – 30:00
Jokic playing for Serbia? – 39:00
Jamal playing for Canada? – 42:50
What to do with the young guys – 46:00
bet365 top 5 basketball names – 51:50
Superchats – 56:30

An ALLCITY Network Production





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  1. The thing is that for most of us in Serbia of course we started cheering for Nuggets because of Jokic. But somehow Denver started to get under our skin.😂 I can speak for myself I know that I will keep following Nuggets long after Jokic stops playing basketball. 🎉🎉🎉❤❤

  2. I know you guys are upset with the Nuggets playoff results but they had a great season as far as defending champs go in this era of the NBA. The Warriors ended the season last year as a sixth seed as a defending champ. We tied the record with the 1 seed this year. Like come on. Be a little more positive on the Nuggets than being so upset with them. They will learn from this and they will be back next season fighting hard. They fight harder as the hunters anyway then as the hunted.

  3. If KCP leaves and Braun has to start, what is our bench then?

    The whole point of letting our starters rest and letting our bench players develop it makes no sense without kcp. Not enough talent. The young players are all on the wrong timeline.

  4. I like Deni Avidja from Washington as a SF but not ready to give up on MPJ. Andre Drummond as a back up center, and Alex Caruso to replace KCP if he goes (but I love KCP and wish he could stay). We really need to develop the back up PG spot with Pickett or go to the market for that too.
    I love Deandre Jordan but we could really use a more dynamic big off the bench and Jokic can get more rest come playoff time

  5. This is a great show. These are my three favorite people on the show. And I'm a Wolves 🐺

    They made the Wolves/Nuggets series even more fun for me to watch, just hearing a different perspective.

    See ya all next year. You are probably 1.5 players away from being back in the WCF next season. Joker isn't going anywhere. He's still the most dominant player in the league.

  6. The Nuggets should trade for Clint Capela and put Jokic at power forward

    For those who think Jokic at pf doesn't work, I understand that playing power forward next to Nurkic was terrible but I believe it was awful because the fit was awful. Defensively neither Jokic nor Nurkic was a good defender and on offense their games had no sinchrony or sinergy as Nurkic could not be a creator for Jokic (being a limited passer) nor Jokic's could create for Nurkic who was limited as a finisher.
    But Jokic next to Kenneth Faried or Gordon has worked well as they have complementary skillsets (athletic play finishers who can catch lobs or attack the rim).
    Clint Capela would therefore be the perfect frontcourt partner with Jokic because a) he is a perfect lob threat, dunker and play finisher b) his rim protection would exponentially elevate the Nuggets' ceiling and make Jokic's life easier and c) his 10 rebounds a game would be like a safety blanket on defense as either Gordon of Porter Jr are unreliable rebounders when going up against some of the best frontcourt players like AD or Gobert/Towns.

    I think that this lineup would be unbeatable against the Timberwolves.

    Jamal (combo guard/scorer)
    Braun ( point of attack defender/slasher)
    Gordon (defensive point forward)
    Jokic (offensive engine of team)
    Capela (rim protector, second best rebounder, lob threat).

  7. Somewhere it has to be addressed, by the League, preferably, if not by other teams, Minnesota's penchant for using illegal contact all over the court that's only allowed in the lower defensive box. The handsy routine is not allowed, but they often get away with it and are reaping profits.

  8. Great show tonight… Really recpect you guys. So sorry for the way season ended. Hope to see you soon in Serbia. Belgrade and Denver Brothers forever 🇺🇸❤️🇷🇸

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