@Los Angeles Lakers

One was voted 2nd Team, the other, 3rd Team All-NBA… guess which is which?

One was voted 2nd Team, the other, 3rd Team All-NBA… guess which is which?

by Hwight


  1. TheUrbaneSource

    I don’t understand it either. Bring one with KD too. Bron got a game. Kawhi and KD both got swept

  2. KingNephew

    I’ve truly never seen a player of Kawhi’s caliber with less expectations. His entire Clippers tenure has been failure after failure and no one bats an eye. They probably were dumbfounded he played 68 games.

  3. Bahamut727

    Kawhi and PG every year are given the benefit of the doubt, tons of optimism, and awarded for the bare minimum. It’s incredible

  4. guacdoc24

    Yeah but Leonard had that one week were he was unstoppable…till his knee gave up on him lmao

  5. Ridiculous.

    btw – surprised Bron’s FT% was that low.

  6. UglyForNoReason

    No fucking way man. Just no fucking way.

  7. On a side note, just realized the Clippers didn’t get their regular season trophy against the Lakers.

  8. ZookeepergameThat921

    The hate Lebron has had throughout his whole career needs to be it’s own psychology unit

  9. doyourjobpelinka

    unfortunately 47 wins and being in the play-in swayed enough voters…its crazy Lebron is underrated at 39 years old…

  10. theseustheminotaur

    The media sucks at voting on things. Too many personal biases. They should have some sort of governing body that votes on these things or you should get your voting rights removed for throwing away your votes

  11. FT% is KING!


  12. ArugulaPhysical

    Its close enough that its not that big of deal. I think it would matter if kawhi got 3rd twam and lebron didnt get on.

    You coule argue kawhi was alot better on defense then lebron while putting up similar offensive numbers.

    Lebron was better no doubt but it is what it is.

  13. Quiet_Buffalo

    Half the media that votes probably does it off “feel”, and are heavily influenced by personal biases. Didn’t Stephen A pick the wrong champion an unfathomable amount of times in a row? Fools like this are who determines the winners.

  14. 13WillieBeaman

    Sadly, we’re probably at the point where the media and the league are tired of Lebron. The media don’t want to vote for him, and the refs and the league don’t want to call falls in his favor anymore.

  15. CompetitivePatient33

    Media putting in personal feelings instead of relying on STATS, fuck them.

  16. LudwigNasche

    I believe our regular season record had an impact.

  17. roniadotnet

    The entire league disrespects Bron and AD …

  18. nmo31536000

    Lebron should’ve been 2nd team no fucking doubt

    These voters don’t want LeBron to have that feather in the cap: top 10 player at age 39

  19. Yes Lebron was robbed but bagging on Kawhi for injuries out of his control is stupid

  20. darklighthumid

    Who are these secret media voters? Skip Bayless ? Stephen Smith? lmao

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