@Denver Nuggets

Michael Malone goes OFF on reporter after Game 7 loss “Stupid a*s questions”

Michael Malone goes OFF on reporter after Game 7 loss “Stupid a*s questions”

did you feel like there was anything that you guys got away from offensively in that stretch after you reached that point I’ll have to go back and watch the film well how hard is it just to absorb a loss like this after after going ahead by 20 next question man the season’s over that’s what’s hard being up 20 the season’s over you don’t understand that the season’s over it’s hard stupid ass questions coach uh winning a championship you have to have a certain level of hunger I can imagine defending a championship is exhausting how exhausting has the totality of this season been yeah I I think it’s a really important point and I’ve never and those that know me I’m I’m not an excuse maker um the better team won so I’m taking nothing away from Minnesota um but when you look at the fact that all the teams that are still playing we played into June last year a lot of basketball and then uh we had to play our guys our main guys unlike last season through game 82 to secure the number two seed whereas last year we we were able to rest down the stretch and I think the the run last season and coming back and you know the the amount of minutes that our our starters had to play I think mentally emotionally physically I think guys are gassed they’re dead tired they gave me everything I could ever ask for and that’s why as as much as this hurts I will walk out of this building tonight with my head held very high cuz we competed we fought we gave ourselves a chance and we came up short and that’s going to happen at times no one ever said this was going to be easy trying to repeat and um like I said you know we just got to improve across the board get better and uh and come back even stronger

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Michael Malone goes OFF on reporter after Denver Nuggets vs Minnesota Timberwolves Game 7 loss “Stupid a*s questions”



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  1. You know what I'm sick and tired of? Is seeing millionaires in bad moods. Grow the fuck up. If you don't like answering questions from the media then quit your job and go work at Taco Bell and we'll see how happy you are

  2. This man kept mentioning bron bron and bron. During that parade, still mentioned bron. Glad hes getting humbled.

  3. they are stupid ass questions, seems like part of what they get large money for is all of the media nonsense they have to endure.

  4. Am i the only one with Malone here? His answer of 'it doesnt matter how we lost, being out sucks equally no matter how you get there' is the message he is sending to his players for next year. Him piling on the added disapointment to his players would be bad leadership. Him using the language he did to send the right message while using the sassiness he did to show his emotional truth that there is some extra sting when you steal defeat from the jaws of victory.
    The whole crew of commentors whose message is: 'this is clearly more emotional than a normal loss, now control your emotions when you answer the question' and i think it makes them look bad and not him.
    Go Timberwolves.

  5. This is the idiot that could have maintained at least a 10 point lead if he had pulled his thumb out and called a damn timeout…

  6. For all the people that say the NBA is rigged. The Lakers, Nuggets, Nicks are all out. I think it't good for the league to have the Wolves advancing. I hope they win a title.

  7. This is why you gotta be gracious in victory, Mike. At some point, you're gonna lose again. All that sh*t you kept talking about the Lakers after winning the ring earned you some bad karma.

  8. Wow your team had to play basketball all year! I guess NOBODY ELSE had to do that! Certainly not the team that just beat you!

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