@Miami Heat

Tyler Herro SELLING His Miami Mansion! Herro Trade Coming SOON? Heat Rumors

Tyler Herro SELLING His Miami Mansion! Herro Trade Coming SOON? Heat Rumors

Heat fans I gave you guys a challenge on Saturday’s video when we were talking about draft targets of who could comment hbd the most well that turned out to be my guy Monty 2K shout out to Monty down below he commented 23 times on that video so shout out to Monty but I want to know if anyone is beating that and if you do beat that on comments on this show you will get a shout out later on in the week so spam those fireballs and light up the chat see who’s going to be beat that record all right welcome into the heat report by Chad Sports I am Nick rollof and and Today’s Show we are talking about a Tyler hero trade and is one looming in this off season or in the next few weeks if you could say that before the NBA draft because well we do have an interesting note that we have to talk about I don’t know if we have to but it’s news and rumors by heat by by heat report so we’re going to talk about it man hero is selling his Miami mansion but by the way shout out to Tyler because he bought it for 10 and a half at least that’s what it was reported at a year ago and he’s selling it for 13 mil now so that’s a nice little investment for our guy Tyler hero but I will say this a lot of fans started to say well if he’s selling his home in Miami is he going to be on the Move I’m not going to overreact anything like this he’s likely just going to up upgrade his living situation because well he’s getting more money with that contract coming in and obviously he’s getting more endorsements so he’s probably just going to try to upgrade his crib as he builds his family I also say this even if he does get traded away from the Miami Heat this off season he’s always said how much he likes Miami and is going to probably have a house in the city no matter what team he plays for and I did want to share this note as well and some of y’all might laugh but my guy Chef tril hash or technically Austin y’all keep tagging me in this this means nothing he said many times Miami is going to be his home no matter what happens probably just getting a bigger crib and the reason why I did want to show this is listen Austin he’s not no Insider but he is one of the best followers on heat Twitter so if you haven’t followed him go give him a follow alongside Yours Truly but Austin is tight with Tyler like they hang out like he’s been to some of the private workouts Heroes held in the off season he’s not going to air out what Tyler has in plan or what his personal life is but people do need to calm down this is more of just probably a life decision not actually him getting dealt away from the Miami Heat well I’ll tell you what though we’ll have it covered on the channel make sure you are subscribe for all the Heat news and rumors because hey if he does get dealt we’ll have a video and we’ll actually probably go live for Tyler herro being traded away whether it be for Don Mitchell or any trade that is made by Pat Riley so hit that sub button let’s climb closer of 12K but I do want to use this time on today’s show to talk about a Tyler hero trade and why I think the Miami Heat do need to trade Tyler hero even though I don’t think that signifies anything with the house on sale I think Pat Riley should make this move and listen Hero’s been solid for Miami over the last four seasons in the regular season the 13th pick in the uh 2019 NBA draft has done nothing short of exceed expectations for Miami over the last Four Seasons he won six Man of the Year in 2122 and he’s had back-to-back years of averaging 20 plus points a game he’s one of the best three-point shooters in the NBA as well and even though he played 66 and 67 games in 2122 and 22 23 he’s always struggled to stay on the court and that was really shown this past year when he only played about half the games but the real issue that I have with Tyler and I think most Heat fans have with hero is that he has notoriously struggled in the post season his career stats in the playoffs have not been pretty he had a good run in the bubble as a rookie when he had 37 points in game four of the Eastern Conference Finals against the Celtics and average 16 points a game but the other three years has been a struggle even when the heat made the Eastern Conference Finals when he was six men of the year he did not play well only averaging 12 and a half points and shooting 23% from three he obviously did not play good in the year Miami got swept in the first round by Milwaukee only averaging nine points it was a truly invisible series by everyone involved and then he did not play that well this past Series against the Boston Celtics in the first round only averaging 17 a game and he was very inefficient turned the ball over he had that one game in game two where he was unbelievably good but the other four games he wasn’t good and I think we do have to talk about this as well is I think there’s just fatigue with this big three big three in cation marks they’re not some massive big three but they are the Heats big three and they’ve been at it for six straight SE or five straight Seasons this upcoming year would be the sixth which it’s also wild to think that this would be Tyler’s sixth season in the NBA coming up and it’s Jimmy six season with Miami how about how quickly these past five years have flown by but I just don’t think you can play this out with those three guys as your leading Trio for a six season because there’s too much fatigue with the front office there’s too much fatigue with those three guys and there’s always been questions if they really compliment each other also because whenever they make runs someone always gets hurt and they’ve never been able to get over the hump in terms of winning an NBA Finals so I don’t know if I can do a 6ear with Tyler Jimmy and Bam I don’t think the heat want to do a 6 year either that is just my little hunch but what say you get your opinion on the matter should the heat trade Tyler hero type y for yes Type n for no it is today’s pinned comment so make sure you go down and give a vote below I think when we talk Tyler hero potential trade you always have to look at what his contract is and what it looks like well Hero’s got three years left on his deal after the first year of his extension kicked in last season where he got four for $120 million well he made 29 this upcoming season 31 the following year and then 33 in his final season before becoming an unrestricted free agent in 2027 and 2028 now there’s a lot of pros and cons to this contract if you ask me and I want to talk about him and terms of a potential trade well the number one pro is that his salary is floating around 30 million which means it’s a good salary to move in a trade for an all-nba or All-Star caliber of player because obviously if you’re making a deal for another All-Star and all NBA type guy those players are going to be making $ 35 $40 million so you will never have an issue trying to match salary if Tyler hero is included in the deal because he will eat up most of the salary you need to match now there is a con to this contract there are still three years left and that could be looked at as a pro as well if you’re a team that values Tyler hero and wants Tyler well you have him for three more years but there is a flip side well not everybody wants Tyler hero on their roster and if they have to have them for three seasons if you trade him this off season for around 30 mil a year that probably won’t be that enticing but if you wait or if you keep them for a year and then have them for next season and the year prior well then it becomes a Sal or contract that is expiring and that makes it actually enticing to have on your team we got more on Tyler hero in just a second and what the heat could trade him for if it wasn’t for an all NBA or All-Star caliber player but we are sponsored by prize pick the number one daily fantasy sports app on the market and get started today and get a first deposit match up to $100 when you use code clns clns so 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interest in those two teams are the Brooklyn Nets and the San Antonio Spurs now if the heat actually ended up trading for Damen Lillard a year ago I think it would have been a three- team deal now it obviously was never discussed but I think Brooklyn or San Antonio were going to try to jump in as a third team to get hero and maybe send some more assets to the Trailblazers so I looked at these two teams and thought well if they still had interest in Tyler what could be a lateral move for Miami to switch up this Roster number one hypothetical trade idea you send hero to Brooklyn with the nets for Dorian Finn Smith and Dennis Schroeder now Schroeder has one year left on his deal for $13 million you can use Schroeder as your Sixth Man Off the Bench and backup point guard to Terry Rosier and you let Terry take the reign in the back court and if that doesn’t work out you could use that expiring contract to flip at the deadline but the main headliner you you get in return for tah hero is Dorian finy Smith who is a perfect match for the Miami Heat right excellent Defender can switch four through two defensively slides in perfectly next to Jimmy and Bam can shoot the three ball the salaries match you actually save two or three million against the cap in this deal now you don’t get picks you don’t have to give up any picks I don’t know if Brooklyn would do this but if they’re running committing to a build of Cam Johnson maau Bridges and Nick Claxton they need a scoring guard and if they’re not high on cam Thomas long term maybe they do deal Dorian finy Smith and Schroeder to get Tyler hero and I think he Miami would get flexibility and it would help them defensively like a PJ Tucker roll with DFS now how about the Spurs now this one’s really intriguing if you ask me you send hero to San Antonio you get a backup center and Zack Collins who is a former first round pick has done some nice things he’s 611 he can defend he worked with and behind WBY a year ago but you also get a 2025 first round pick that is via the Chicago Bulls that is top 10 protected so it might convey it might not convey but here is also something that takes note of this trade right here because the Spurs have cap space they can take on Hero’s $29 million for next season Collins only has a cap hit of 15 or 16 mil which means you save $13 million on the cap if you were to make this deal which what does that do for Miami oh look at that it brings you below the first apron in the luxury tax well what does that mean well that means you could go out and sign more free agents you can resign Caleb Martin potentially so that deal right there would net you a backup center that Heat fans know we desperately need cuz Collins is a better defensive Center than Thomas Brown and he can give you some nice stuff offensively in 15 to 16 minutes a game but it also give you another first round pick that you can move in another deal if you so choose to and say the Cavs don’t want Tyler hero well you make that deal you have an extra first round pick to attach to Hae hakz Jr and nicolea yovic potentially saving the money allowing you to get flexibility there’s really flexibility in both right because with the second trade with the Spurs you get a backup center a future first round pick and cap space to use in free agency that’s a lot of of flexibility and then with number one like with the Brooklyn Nets you get two guys on your roster that fits really well but you could also have the flexibility of moving Schroeder as an expiring contract during the season at the NBA trade deadline I’m a fan and potentially could see these two trades happening now probably not but I do think they’re trades that if I was GM of the Miami Heat I would seriously consider now we talked about these two deals and I’m curious to see which one you would rather do given what I mentioned about each player that you’d receive in return for Tyler hero the flexibility that it brings which trade do you prefer do you prefer the first one where you get Dorian finny Smith and Dennis Schroeder for Tyler hero or do you prefer the second one where you get a backup center in Zack Collins a future first round pick and $13 million in cap space which could be used very nicely all right let’s just put a little little cherry on top of today’s video with a final summary cuz I want to revisit the first portion the hero’s Mansion selling or S if you will does not mean he has already been told by Pat Riley he is being dealt that is not the case whatsoever and I don’t expect Pat Riley to work in absolutes and tell Tyler yeah you’re on the move this early in the off season but I do still believe that he should move hero whether a B4 an all star/ all NBA guy or a lateral move to bring more players that fit Miami in bam bio and Jimmy Butler as a Duo but also provide you some roster and cap flexibility including the NBA draft I think the heat should and would absolutely explore that Avenue all right that’s going to do it for today’s video make sure you follow me on Twitter at Nick rolloff because the conversation around the Miami is never dying so if you want to hit me up ask me a question or just talk about Miami give me a follow at Nick rollof [Music]

Miami Heat rumors on May 22nd, 2024:
– Heat fans were sent into a frenzy due to the news of Tyler Herro listing his Miami home for sale on Tuesday, May 21st!
– Tyler Herro trade rumors have been a very popular topic during the Heat’s offseason, and many believe a Tyler Herro trade could be coming soon!
– Heat Report host Nic Rohloff reacts to the Miami Heat news and talks about the latest Heat trade rumors surrounding Tyler Herro.
– Tyler Herro’s contract has three-years remaining, and he is due $93.0 MM.
– A Donovan Mitchell trade would require Tyler Herro’s salary to facilitate a deal, but what if the Heat decided to trade Herro separate from a Donovan Mitchell trade?
– Miami Heat president Pat Riley has interesting decisions to make on this Miami Heat roster!

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Let your voice be heard by answering today’s questions:
– My guy Monnie2k commented 23 times on a video! Anyone want to beat it? Spam ‘🔥’
– Should the Heat trade Tyler Herro? Type ‘Y’ for Yes or ‘N’ for No
– Which Tyler Herro trade do you prefer? 1 | 2

Tyler Herro will be entering his 6th season in the NBA after being drafted 13th overall in the 2019 NBA Draft. Herro earned 6th man of the Year during the 2021-22 season when Herro was in his 3rd season. Tyler missed half of the season in 2023-24, and struggled in the postseason. This has led Heat fans to be critical of Tyler Herro and Pat Riley MUST think of a potential Tyler Herro trade.

Tyler Herro stats the past four seasons:
2023-24: 20.8 PPG, 4.5 APG, 44.1 FG%, 39.6 3P%
2022-23: 20.1 PPG, 4.2 APG, 43.9 FG%, 37.8 3P%
2021-22: 20.7 PPG, 4.0 APG, 44.7 FG%, 39.9 3P%
2020-21: 15.1 PPG, 3.4 APG, 43.9 FG%, 36.0 3P%

Be a REAL ONE and share today’s video!

Stay ahead of the curve with Miami Heat news and rumors by following Nic Rohloff on Twitter:

The latest NBA rumors & news beyond the Miami Heat are on @chatsports YouTube:

Tyler Herro career NBA Playoff stats:
2019-20 (21 GP): 16.0 PPG, 43.3 FG%, 37.5 3P%
2020-21 (4 GP): 9.3 PPG, 31.6 FG%, 31.6 3P%
2021-22 (15 GP): 12.6 PPG, 40.9 FG%, 22.9 3P%
2023-24 (5 GP): 16.8 PPG, 38.5 FG%, 34.9 3P%

Tyler Herro contract:
2024-25: $29.0 MM
2025-26: $31.0 MM
2026-27: $33.0 MM
2027-28: UFA

Check out some of our latest Miami Heat YouTube videos:
– Heat Rumors: Cleveland Cavaliers WANT Jaime Jaquez Jr. In A Donovan Mitchell Trade!:
– Bleacher Report PREDICTS Miami Heat Donovan Mitchell Trade! Heat Trade Rumors:
– Trade For Trae Young? Miami Heat Trade Rumors:

Latest Miami Heat rumors & news with the Heat Report: Videos EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Miami Heat 2024 NBA Free Agents:
– Caleb Martin, F, Player Option
– Josh Richardson, G, Player Option
– Kevin Love, C, Player Option
– Thomas Bryant, C, Player Option
– Haywood Highsmith, F, Restricted Free Agent

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