@Indiana Pacers

Reaction to Pacers losing to Celtics in Game 1: Did Indiana blow series already? | Nightcap

Reaction to Pacers losing to Celtics in Game 1: Did Indiana blow series already? | Nightcap

hey guys it’s your favorite Unk here go ahead and click that subscribe button below so you don’t miss a single episode of night cap that button right here come for the sports stay for the stories all right last night the Celtics beat the Pacers in overtime the Pacers committed 22 turnovers and those miscues led to 32 Boston points Tyrese halberton turned the ball over three times in including three excuse me including two in key moments he dribbled the ball off his foot when Indiana Leed uh by three in regulation with 27 A2 seconds in regulation then lost the ball out of bounds with 102 remaining in overtime the Costless turnover of the game came with 8.5 seconds left in the fourth quarter Indiana up 117 114 and N hard threw a lazy pass Pascal seum couldn’t handle it Jaylen Brown gets his hand on it but J uh uh seum ends up touching the ball before it goes out of bounds and then the dumb dumb the alltime dumb dumb thing in the world you up three and you let a guy shoot a three I’m just trying to figure out Gil maybe you can help me understand why the hell everybody standing inside the three-point line I’m almost stand outside the three-point line and dare you to shoot a two yeah no that that’s facts it it was it it started off with uh hlee taking the ball uh defending the ball right you’re supposed to defend Baseline side first thank you you’re supposed to Block baseline off you know give you the one two three Mississippi count and then jump on the ball and be very active right so they’re going to do throw it they’re going to either throw for a layup or they’re going to throw it back to half court so the fact that they got a corner pass off knowing that that’s probably been in their playbook before and you let it happen which is a tough shot right that’s not clay or Curry or Kevin Durant it is brown and he’s a three-point shooter but he’s not deadly from that so he just made a great shot um you can’t be mad at that you got to be mad at the fact that your out of bounds play that led to the turnover was a horrible design right yes it wasn’t enough space for anybody uh you didn’t call a timeout you didn’t Advance the ball right so you can advance the ball now you can throw it in the back court right right you you handicapped yourself to the space and how you guys designed that play which was horrible so you know you got to blame the coach and the players for not recognizing just call a timeout Gil they let him get a three off up three I don’t care if he can I don’t care if he can’t make it I don’t care if that’s Rudy go bear I’m not letting you shoot the three how what are you gonna do stay behind the three-point line force them to take the two and then make it a make it a free throw game I’m not letting you shoot a three oh somebody somebody somebody going to drive and kick it out somebody going to be somebody going be I will let you drive I’m not letting you get off no three Gil I ain’t let you get off no three now now looking at this free throws um I would be upset now at Holly for not actually going to the ball himself pushed everybody out go for the ball you’re the only one that shot at least three free throws cakam going to that’s that would have been siakam’s first free throws of the game and he’s not a very good free throw shooter to begin with the fact that he ran to it yeah but see that’s Gil Gil but that but see I want to show you that I’m not afraid of the moment so I’mma go run to the ball there you go Knowing damn well you about to Clank him anyway man I’m not passing the I am captain now I am not Gil but but oo and you saw this last night yeah they made so many mistakes I’m trying to okay they up by five why the hell is halberton pushing the ball up the court so fast yeah what I mean what are you trying to do you got plenty of time he rushes the ball up the court and dribbles the ball off his damn foot why Why did no he’s up F excuse me he up five he gets a semi transition step back three Gil really in that moment oh and everybody talking about well he can hit that shot that’s not the point right the clock is your friend hey the clock is your friend milk that time you don’t need to take a shower with 12 seconds on the clock what the I’mma use your words I think you said uh how do you tell a bear not the [ __ ] in the woods that’s all push the ball up and take some weird [ __ ] that’s all they know un so you know time and possession is a thing that they’re they’re not used to they’re used to just playing up and down B basketball taking shots that they feel is their shot and that’s what they oo what do we say oo in a situation we know if we got the Le right we ain’t going out of bounds oh no you can’t you gotta slide you gotta get down but that’s what no in that situation you have to know okay what’s more important a first down or stopping the clock stopping that clock so if if I got a lead see I got the lead in the game now if I if I don’t have the lead now I’m going go out of bounds because the first down is unimportant I need time getting the first down and I lose 14 15 16 seconds I’ve done my team of disservice right on the other side if we behind damn that first down I just saved my team 16 seconds and plus we got another down that’s what Halle Burton that’s what guys got to do to be able to think in the moment is that yes I know we play with Pace all the time make a Miss we’ll take it off the rim or we’ll take it out the net but we’re going to push Tempo I get that but not in that moment Gil not in that moment I mean and speak and talk talk about that moment I think the game was so close all the way down to the wire obviously having to go to overtime listen you take away them damn 22 turnovers and minimize the turnovers the Pacers win that game yeah I’m I’m thinking about you take away the 22 turnovers and and minimize that think about the points you would have had had you not turned the ball over that goddamn much yeah and you were still in the game with that many turnovers and had the opportunity to go to overtime and still had a chance to win it was their game to lose and they they lost it um the reason that that team plays like that un is they don’t have a go-to guy right they don’t when you’re up five wait hey Hal BT not the go-to guy no the point guard he’s the one that gives the ball to the go-to guy right so when you think about the Jaylen Brunson and the tatums and the Browns when they’re five the B the ball’s going to them them it’s going to them and they’re going to waste the clock and then they’re going to do their thing hi is used to just pacing doing this so he’s not used to just sitting there trying to control the game I don’t even think he can dribble that good no he’s not ball yeah right he can dribble fast right but I don’t think he has handles enough for someone to pick him up full court or half court and he has to waste time time right that is a skill on his own that’s a Chris Paul skill that’s a Kyrie you have to be very skilled with dribbling to just just sit there in motion yes that’s not his skill that’s not his talent so it makes sense that he’s rushing and trying to get his playoff because he’s not comfortable just wasting 14 seconds while somebody trying to steal the ball right this was the game that they supposed to win this was yes that they needed to win because the seven players that played their top seven played amazing basketball Right double figures all well double figures played well shot well three guys in the double dig uh double doubles you’re not going to play that great as a team again no so we can take away the turnovers put him at 12 are you still going to shoot that kind of percentage across the board right H might [ __ ] around 10 points next game that’s that’s my point points that’s a loss right so the fact that you guys played offensively great and didn’t succeed that takes and especially the other team didn’t play well Jason Tatum them didn’t shoot the ball well so it kind it’s discouraging you’re trying to be like yeah if we don’t don’t turn the ball over we don’t but we going like damn coach I shot the hell out of the ball though yeah no it ain’t gonna be my birthday tomorrow yeah it’s not often that we can see somebody snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory and that’s what they did they snatched defeat from the jaws of Victory they had the game right they had the game ball in hand under a minute with a minute to go and Hy dribbles it off his foot The Possession before that he takes a a a step back three with 12 seconds left on the clock I’m like bro what are you [Music] doing but see that’s the thing see everybody that’s basketball IQ I’m not saying he doesn’t know the game but can you the really great players regardless of the sport can think under pressure and understand it’s not about how we normally play because what’s important now is tick tick tick tick tick time I’m like bro why would you why would you do that yeah and is that is that not also on the coaches as well he’s supposed to be the coach on the floor that’s what your point guard is that’s why we give him the ball I mean especially in a situation like that I I would assume I would hope a coaches letting know kill the clock kill the clock as much as they scream from the sideline that that would be one you would want to scream out during a time like that especially in that scenario and Circumstance um no now with Rick car rick car is one of those I call them goofy coaches uh they they had the goofy coach style where they want their defense uh in front of them which means their offense is away from them right it’s it’s it’s this weird thing that I I don’t understand as um as a coach why would you want your your defense near you when you’re usually behind the five so they can’t they can hear you but they can’t see what you’re talking about right right when they’re pushing the ball up the court they literally can’t hear or see you right especially the guy who has the ball so that means he has to turn and see what you’re talking about if you flip it the other way around and think offense that means is away from you but they can see all five is looking at you so you can direct the the defense is coming to you and your player right is looking at you so if he says hold it then you know all right do I don’t know why those def defensive coaches want their defense near them when it’s ineffective because I can’t I can’t turn to see what you’re talking about dude I can hear you say something but I can’t see you so the fact that I can’t see you is the problem switch it up think offense I want my offense to see me which means your defense sees you too so so basically when H’s coming down the court he don’t see what coach is talking about he’s just playing the game and experience playoff basketball and then young guy he don’t have that Jason kid type of mentality yet that’s something he has to grow into right and you notice oo normally people think the quarterback is an extension of the head coach right but we saw in two Super Bowls ago when McKenna jerck McKinnon he got the ball what did he do he go down at the one yard line so now guess what tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick we down we going the time hey take our time out kick the ball with 4 seconds left over the clock now we kick it off to you yeah see that’s thinking a lot of times and we see more and more of that now because hold on if I score a touchdown how many times we see somebody score a touchdown oo and all of a sudden they get it they kick the field goal now we tied where if you just taken a knee that ran the clock off you kick the field goal now you go home with the win but no you want to be a hero you want everybody I got be a touchdown in the game and they they know you got a touchdown but you ain’t celebrating yeah and that’s what we’re saying Hy needs to understand the moment at that moment you didn’t need a quick three at that moment slow the pace down you’re going so fast you dribble the ball right up your foot right and then you let and then you let then you let holiday turn you and you dribble the ball right out of bounds and and then I can tell you so the road team picks which way they go that’s how I know it’s carlile’s way of coaching right watch when Jason kid goes up to to to I mean when when Boston goes there they’re going to have the the the style I said right just just think about it let’s say let’s say you’re coaching we’re looking at it like this and I’m coming up the court right yeah because you can see the defense you can run a play which none of the defensive players are say so my coach used to this means 14 flat right so he’ll call a play and then and then he’ll do this and I’m like all right I’ll look and go right now think about Luca’s coming at me I’m playing defense and he wants luuka to be doubled Luca can’t see him so boom we get to double him right now he has to come off he can stay push it to the left it’s just a more effective way of coaching and I think everybody’s so stuck in the old ways don’t realize man these Arenas are so loud in the playoffs you cannot hear oh yeah for sure you need to go visual right like I think on the sideline your your side line moves with you right yeah right but to what you’re talking about oo you could test to this you know on special teams we always s the return to our bench because if we send it to the other bench they’re gonna tell them he GNA return they send it up to this side we don’t want you to know that the return is coming we ain’t gonna tell you is we gonna set the return the port return more times than not when you set the return you send it to your bench because you don’t want their bench to let their team know that return get wide get wide they s to return so it’s the same thing what Gil is saying Gil says no you want your off so you can see me because if I hey I’m dribbling the ball like this here I’m looking back dude gonna swipe me and go down and Lay It Up Co leave me alone now that yeah but they they blew they they blew they blew that one oo you because you don’t I’m not saying look that’s only one game but that one game gives you a lot of confidence yeah it does a lot of confidence now they only shot six free throws yeah Boston shot what 30 31 32 they they they they killed him on the glass and they play look at Nim hard they put the ball in them heart hands twice because he was being guarded by Big Al and he came through yeah he no he’s he was nice bro come on now they say hey bro take us home man he whoop whoop between the legs steep back right right in Big Al face did it again I was like oh my goodness they got some confidence in this young man because he had the advantage you got a guy that’s a big hey he’s look he just don’t want you to blow by him so he’s gonna give you space he can’t hug up C if he hugs up he gonna go by him oh yeah but hey hopefully they learn from this they got to understand you got to understand situation that’s what we call situational football that’s situational basketball ball understand the situation in which you’re in and play accordingly [Music]

Shannon Sharpe, Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson, and Gilbert Arenas react to Jayson Tatum and the Boston Celtics beating Tyrese Haliburton and the Indiana Pacers in Game 1 of the NBA Eastern Conference Finals. The Nightcap crew debates if the Pacers blew their best chances to steal the series after allowing Jaylen Brown to force overtime with seconds remaining in regulation and losing in overtime.

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No more waiting until morning. Nightcap is the new nighttime sports talk destination with legends Shannon Sharpe, Chad “Ochocinco” Johnson, and Gilbert Arenas. Hang out with Unc, Ocho, and Gil as they give their unfiltered takes on the latest headlines from the NFL, NBA, and college football, and give their instant reactions to the biggest games moments after they end.

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  1. Shannon act like he plays basketball lol bro you think it’s easy like that? These professionals bro it’s always easy to run your mouth after the game finish ohh could of do this instead

  2. GIL's IQ is not best in NBA – besides that he likes frontrunners as himself – besides what did he achieved in Basketball – he is trash – so you can discount what ever he says

  3. What are they talking about Tatum had a bad game the guy went for 36-12-4 that a damn good game

  4. The refs controlled this game.
    Boston had 36 free throws vs pacers 7 that is a clear indicator of it being rigged for boston.

  5. Every time Celtics win, everybody wants to talk about what went wrong the next day.. The top seed in the NBA wins a lot. Get use to it

  6. Shannnon sensitive self talking like he a defensive specialist as NBA players cause if you look at the play if he foul it will still could’ve shoot the ball

  7. You're not making sense Gil…. they played that great 2 games in a row…. game 7 and this game 1. Are you just a talking heat now?

  8. Let's not act like the Pacers shooting 53% in game 1 was an anomaly, and they won't do it again. That's what they averaged the entire Knicks series, and they have a good D also.

  9. And if the celtics go up 10 -12 and dont shoot 20 unnecessary 3s and make say 10 of those as 2s the celtics win by 20

  10. Unc clearly anti Celtics. He spent all the time bishing about what the Pacers didn't do, instead of giving the C's credit for hanging in there. He discussing the game alright…. the game of Celtics aint them

  11. They wanted to see Celtics get grimy wins and they did. By no way an in no form is Indiana a poor team, they have a culture brewing over there and I’d love to see it blossom. It’s sports, stuff happens, the most they can do is learn from it and move on.

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