@Orlando Magic

The Orlando Magic PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

The Orlando Magic PERFECT Offseason! What Does It Look Like? | NBA Ideal Offseason

what’s going on y’all welcome back to Ideal offseason another team’s been bounced from the NBA playoffs and that’s the Orlando Magic So today we’re going to be putting the GM cap on and helping the Orlando Magic navigate this very interesting offseason honestly this is probably the one I’m most looking forward to so far out of all the other ones that I’ve done so yeah let’s get right into it all righty so we’re back here on the ideal offseason spreadsheet for those of you that don’t know this is just a little spreadsheet that I threw together in like 10 minutes just to kind of help me visualize this series a little bit better if you’re interested in it uh feel free to let me know and uh I can connect you guys with it let me know in the comments that’s a reminder to go like subscribe and comment I’ve responded to every comment on my YouTube channel so far and I intend to keep on doing so but anyway let’s talk about the Orlando Magic honestly really really great season all said and done this is a team that didn’t have very many expectations coming in because it’s a very young team and you look at who we have left going into this 24 uh 2024 off season right now it’s it’s an extremely young basketball team right and one that didn’t really have a lot of like noticeable names fron Vagner was still coming into his own Paulo banero had just had his rookie season they’re like oh how much can the second year guy get better spoiler alert he gets a lot better jayen Suggs had a lot of question marks he got a lot better right uh Cole Anthony kind of found a role on this team Mo Vagner found a role on this team right uh Jonathan Isaac was healthy there’s just there was a lot going on on this team that was a little bit different and most importantly they settled on an identity and that was defense right this team was like we’re going to be a really good defensive basketball team and that they were they were great at it the perimeter defense was awesome uh the rim defense was was a little bit lackluster but it didn’t matter they had great perimeter D but one thing this team could not do this whole season was shoot the basketball if you look around not a lot of shooting going on here and it was capitalized with frons in that game seven going one for 15 from the field very unfortunate Pao banero looks like he’s got the makings of maybe a good three-point shooter in the future so is so does fron but right now they’re not quite there Jaylen Suggs is just now kind of learning how to shoot and he’s like he’s capable right now right that’s how I’d put it in the playoffs he looked a lot better but he was capable Cole Anthony can kind of do it but it’s kind of like H everybody else on this team Joe Eng Les kind of Caleb Houston in theory jet Howard in theory Anthony black not really at all Jonathan Isaac had moments not really Mo Vagner not really so this team needed shooting really bad right it needed shooting really really bad and that’s what we’re going to try to do with this off season and I I want to remind you guys the point of this series this series is not necessarily to just win a championship that’s not what this is about this is about giving you guys the most realistic but also the most productive offseason that I think a team can have when we rebuilt the Spurs we weren’t trying to win a championship we’re trying to set them up for like the next 20 years the best we way we can in one offseason some teams like the Philadelphia 76ers or something right we’re trying to win a championship the Clippers we’re trying to win a championship the Orlando Magic we’re not necessarily going to be Championship contenders next year this is a young team that just took a big step forward on their Journey a big step forward right they made it to the playoffs and in the first round they went to game seven that’s amazing as the lower seated team that’s so awesome but that doesn’t mean that we’re ready to compete for a championship but what I do want to do is take us to the next step right and what does that mean we’ve got these young players on the team right Paulo banero fron Vagner Jaylen Suggs like that’s kind of our core three right now I think we can all agree right it’s like okay how do we make their lives easier right how can we make their jobs a little bit easier well one if frons and Paulo and Suggs all became just better Shooters this offseason which I’m sure they’re going to work on a ton right that’s going to make their lives easier but I can also make their lives Easier by getting them some better players around them and by that I mean some complimentary players like a point guard that can actually shoot on this team not named Cole Anthony we can try to find someone else like a shooting guard on this team that can come and hit some shots for us at some point like Wendel Carter is a nice option at Center Mo Vagner is a nice option at Center but we we need to complement these guys with some more three and D type players to kind of help them you know just get their get their games going and we’ve got a lot of assets to work with so let’s let’s dive into this a little bit the first thing we’ll take a look at is cap space going into the 2024 offseason we’ve still got $36 million in just cap space to work with right like so that’s that’s just what we got right now that we can go out and sign people with now free agency is never all that enticing at this point because nobody really Hits free agency anymore but we still have $36 million to work with we also have to keep the perspective that in a couple Seasons we’re going to have to pay guys like Paulo Suggs frons I believe Suggs is next season even Cole Anthony his new contract is just starting to kick in so we have to pay these guys eventually right uh we also have have a lot of draft picks going forward we’ve got two draft picks this year I intend on using both of them just cuz we want to keep on bringing some more young Talent into this team as we develop the other ones we’ve got like a plethora of other first round picks going forward and these are all pretty solid ones at the end of the day so we’ve got assets that we can move to go bring in somebody to help this team all right so what decisions do we have to make like before we even start any of this um you’ll see here this is the current roster that we’re working with anybody in blue right here they’ve got a team option there’s no player options or anything but we’ve got a few team options first one Paulo banero can anybody guess if we’re going to pick up his team option you guessed it kids we’re bringing him back Joe Eng Les $1 million I don’t think we’re bringing back jingle and Joe for that amount does that mean that I’m not going to bring him back onto the team no like cuz I I’m more than willing to bring Joe Engles back on the team but for right now that’s that’s not really something I’m all that interested in like at least in paying him that much money so we can get him back on like a minimum contract or something like that I think that’s fine I’m pretty sure when they had his contract negotiations last year they were like hey if you blow it out of the water like yeah we’ll give you 11 million again but if not like you’re you’re here as a rental anyway because we don’t have anyone else to Pay Mo Vagner uh yeah picking up his option of 8 million his energy and everything is awesome honestly I think he should have probably played more out there I like Mo Vagner as a center I honestly think between Wendell and mo I don’t think we’re going to find much better at Center for this season the free agency Market’s kind of iffy we probably look at the draft if there’s certain players available to try and get one to develop so that could be an option for us but otherwise like I just I don’t know what better options there would be cuz we’re trying to add shooting right and like what shooting big is available this offseason they’re just there’s just not many in general but also we’re not going to be able to get any of them and there’s really not any in free agency so I think this is probably the center core that we’ll be rocking with for this year and that is that is totally fine by me Jaylen Suggs definitely keeping him around no problem there fron Vagner yeah yeah spoiler alert yep he’s he’s sticking around too so with Joe Eng Les off the team that leaves us with 47 million in cap space and five open roster spots two of them we’re going to use on draft picks and I’m not certain that we’re not going to trade some of these people that are already on this team so let me explain to you my first conundrum on this team right I need to add shooting and where am I going to do that right is Jaylen Suggs a point guard I don’t necessarily think so I see him as more of a two that can play the one sometimes when we want to go big right I don’t see him as a primary ball handler yet so I want to keep Jaylen sugs at the two if possible this year Cole Anthony I like Cole Anthony a lot I think he’s a nice scoring backup point guard that this team needs because we don’t necessarily have a lot of like go-to bucket Getters on this team fron isn’t great at getting his own shot yet Paulo it’s pretty limited to like one or two ways he’ll get better and everything and sugs is kind of limited so having a guy that’s a little bit more of a dynamic just offensive option Off the Bench I think that’s awesome for this team right and he’s a capable score I meant to say capable shooter like he shoots like 34% it’s not great so maybe that’s something that I want to explore but but I like Cole Anthony I just think someone that can get his own shot is valuable to us right now but then I’m like okay I also have Anthony black Anthony black had an interesting rookie season he even started at points this year his defense looked really really good shooting not very good kind of Josh GES in a way big point guard uh really good passer really good facilitator good defensive player not a great shooter doesn’t fit in well but like there there’s potential there right but like what kind of team am I building if I’m building Anthony black fron Vagner and Paulo banero like that’s that doesn’t like click very well that that doesn’t make a ton of sense and so the point guard position is the obvious one that I think we can upgrade because like I said I don’t think we’re getting a center that makes a ton of sense for this team uh so unless I move Suggs over to the one temporarily like I don’t I don’t exactly know um where I can add the shooting otherwise so that’s kind of the predicament I’m in right I’ve also got some players like Jonathan Isaac who his full contract isn’t necessar guaranteed and it’s not guaranteed until January of 2025 which means like I could just keep him on roster and maybe use him as a trade piece at some point that could be kind of cool uh jet Howard I’m personally just like not a huge fan of jet Howard in in an ideal world he becomes like a three and d uh player but I don’t know like I don’t think his handle very good so like I don’t see him being able to like create his own stuff like his shooting form should be good and he was just a rookie so like I don’t want to criticize him too much but like I don’t know I just I didn’t like the pick I honestly didn’t even like the Anthony black pick when they made it either during the draft I was like I think Orlando messed up both picks like Anthony black was nice I think there was better options that made more sense for the team at the time but you know that those are kind of the things we have to talk about so is there an is there a world where I turn a jet Howard and Jonathan Isaac into something because Jonathan Isaac has value if he’s healthy really good defensive player very very versatile uh potential shooter so what do I do with this team how can I get somebody to make this team better outside of the draft but you know what now that you guys know all the crazy thoughts that are going through my head and everything let’s actually go and start making some moves uh we said we wanted to make a pick so we’re going to make a pick this is fanso for those of you that don’t know this is a really cool website that you can do a bunch of different like NBA and NFL like things on here like trade simulators draft simulators and the reason we use the draft simulators is I feel like it adds a sense of realism there’s a bunch of like AI components that go into being like okay who could possibly be available with your pick right and Okay so we’ve let it simulate it’s done all of its AI thinking we have the 16 pick in the draft who is available for us to take I see Kyle filipowski I know that you guys look at that and you see ooh potential like three point shooting center that’s valuable right that’s what we were talking about and size 7 feet tall that’s valuable in itself right so interesting player already Devin Carter interesting player probably don’t need another point guard that’s not a great shooter uh you is Missy more of a run jump and dunk guy Tyler Smith kind of a dynamic potential win and then there’s Kell wear another 7ot center that is a good shooter right like um I wouldn’t call him Elite by any means but he was good he was efficient the mechanics look really good and he’s athletic right that’s kind of the thing that puts him over like a filipowski for me so like here’s some of the stats on like filipowski right like 16 points a game eight rebounds played great for Duke this year yeah I would agree really smart player I would agree he’s a good passer um yeah I would agree shot is solid solid ball handle don’t I don’t know about if I’d say that but fair enough switchable Defender no I don’t I don’t necessarily know about that either I just I don’t trust like his coordination and everything I don’t think he was all that tough in in at least in comparison to like other bigs I hate Kong players not tough but like that’s kind of just what I say I feel like he kind of crumbled a bit against bigger guys and 230 is is pretty light for a sophomore Center in college that’s 7t tall whereas I look at like a Kell wear right and I’m seeing 7t 2 10 um and he was also a sophomore so also kind of late but you’re getting a lot more athleticism out of him and that’s where I’m like okay if I’m going to have a light Center at least he’s going to be a little bit more athletic but let’s take a look at some of the things good rim protector right we didn’t have a ton of Rim protection in Orlando good shooter not Elite right I oh they kind of took the words out of my mouth great mechanics uh solid around the rim run jump and dunk type guy those guys are valuable um he has flashed a little bit of interesting passing I’m going to be honest I didn’t watch a ton of Indiana this year I don’t like watching Big 10 Basketball I think it kind of sucks but is what it is an agile seven-footer exactly that’s the thing um yeah he’s no W Bama or moly there’s just not many of those guys but like he’s a lot more athletic than coordinated than a filipowski is so what I’m going to do with this pick is I’m going to draft Kell aware so Kell lwar would be making that much money we’d get him for Four Seasons and I’m just going to throw him here for now you could probably make the case that like Mo Vagner is going to play like the four or something Jonathan Isaac could in theory move over to like the three here I could see and then maybe we make jet Howard this so let’s let’s just kind of mess around with this a little bit and assume Mo Vagner here Kell we’s playing like backup center just for like rotation purposes right because I could see us just wanting to go like real big like that real physical and even if Kell Weare doesn’t play like right away necessarily um he’s going to get the chance to develop and get a lot better we’ve got a project Center that could be a starting center in the NBA I truly do think kware could be a starting center he’s got a lot of interesting characteristics to him so if he’s put in the right place to develop I don’t know why he couldn’t but all righty we do have a second round pick now and I’m not sure what exactly I want to do it this second round pick because what is it it’s the 49th pick so we’re not going to get anybody like incredible with this one most likely but you know brings in brings on another young guy to the team a project um given the team that we have we can afford to probably take on another project um because everybody else we go after this offseason are going to be like ready to play players anyway and this guy probably doesn’t have much of a shot at getting on the court this year with some of the other guys that we developing uh I see Baylor shyan this is a guy that I’ve taken in a couple other things um he’s kind of an interesting one to me I see a quame Evans Jr he’s pretty raw like I I I look at him in like the seven points a game he’s a he’s a big uh like defensive minded like I don’t I wanted to call him more of a three they have him as more of like a power forward um really good athlete he’s really strong um this is like his high school stuff so don’t judge him from there but um didn’t quite his footing in like college basketball I feel like could be better in the NBA but I also feel like um the Orlando Magic take a lot of these guys so I’m not sure I necessarily want to go get another one of them who else do we have available here Judah Mintz bronny James ooh ooh interesting nobody’s taking bronny James at this point in the draft I actually kind of find that hard to believe well 49th pick there’d be 10 picks left like after this 11 wish picks so I feel like somebody takes him in the middle of the second round and here’s my quick thoughts on Brony James I could totally see Brony James being a good defensive like guard I’m not sure he’s a point guard I think he’s a smaller two that can put the ball on the floor a little bit I think he’s a really good athlete uh I think his shooting form’s good and I think his defensive instincts are already there at the NBA level in all honesty like I’m I’m not like trying to like ride anybody’s lap or anything like that I truly do think he can be an NBA player and I completely understand why they’re trying to just push him to the pros right away because college basketball is so dumb and they’re not getting you ready for the NBA by playing there anyway so you might as well just come to the league now and start working out with the pros like that’s just going to be better and I I do think he can develop into something now is LeBron James going to come to Orlando if we take bronnie James um I don’t necessarily think so cuz we’re not winning a championship or anything maybe he does and that’d be a really interesting like parallel for um uh this NBA team but you know what for the fun of it we got the 49th pick like let’s let’s take bronny James so LeBron James would make this much money uh 2-year deal I’m going to I’m going to throw him here uh Caleb Houston might be moving around in positions at some point but that’s fine um I I said we need a project bronny James is a nice project to me and you know what uh if at the like the end of games or something if we’re blowing people out and bronny James gets to get into the game that’s going to sell some extra tickets right there so you know what it is not an unreasonable move at all but let’s take these picks out we’re going to move these up because now now it’s trade season right now I want to explore how we can bring some more talent to this team because like I said I want to I want to talk about the point guard position um we could look let’s just look at point guards in general first let’s just look at the point guards that are available in free agency D’Angelo Russell really good name he’s probably the best and only one I’d even consider to be available I’m not sure he’s going to the Orlando Magic I I truly think he’s going to end up on the Spurs and I called that in my ideal offseason video and y’all thought I was crazy at first first so now there’s actual momentum behind it so you know what there you guys go um so I just I don’t see anybody in free agency for us to pick up and I want to add somebody to this starting five to jump start this team a little bit we’re not going like Allin or anything I just I want to I want to spark something but I also want to take a look at like who we have in free agency because we don’t want to miss out on bringing someone back that we want Joe Engles we said we want to bring him back Mo Vagner still on the team chumo Kiki or EK I don’t personally feel the need to bring EK back I don’t exactly know what he does all that well he’s a he’s a nice Defender he’s an okay three-point shooter and like I just I don’t need like a small power forward on this team I just I kind of don’t so sorry OK fans I just I don’t think it’s all that important uh Goa betaz he was nice this year I don’t feel the need to bring him back though he can go help some other team for sure for sure uh and then like Marquel fultz Gary Harris I I just didn’t understand the point of Gary Harris on this team I’m sure he was a nice vet don’t feel the need to bring him back Marquel folz while I like his game uh he’s obviously not worth like $17 million or anything and nobody’s going to give him that uh I like his game but I don’t think he fits on here we need somebody that’s going to bring a little more spacing to this team and I need to prioritize these last like three-ish roster spots with uh doing something like that so I think for the time being this is we’re we’re going to be leaving all of our free agents here except for probably Joe Engles will probably come back too but this means I got to start making some trades right I’ve got to find a way to bring in a better basketball player right primarily at the point guard position so what I’m going to do is I’m going to go look through like the salary cap for next year and be like okay who are some point guards that are going to be available that a team would be willing to trade right like Damen Lillard he’s not going anywhere could we get in on the Trey young and dejonte Murray sweep Stakes yeah yeah we could are those the right players to bring around him I don’t around like Paulo and fron I don’t necessarily think so cuz I want to keep developing like their their game as well I’d love a point guard that can play without the basketball too that can space cuz like I don’t want to take the ball out of fron and Paulo’s hands like we want to keep helping them develop like isak LaVine isn’t really what I’m looking for like Kyrie Irving’s not going to be available but I I’ll let you guys know some names when I find him we could take a page out of the Pelicans book they brought in CJ McCullum to kind of try to help develop the team a little bit because he’d bring he’d be a nice veteran to bring in he can play with her without the basketball he can shoot a little bit we’d be on the hook for a little bit of money for a guy that might decline really fast in front of our eyes that is an interesting option Anthony Simons is definitely someone we’re going to think about I know some Portland fans aren’t too high on Anthony Simons because he’s not really playing like any winning basketball I don’t think Portland stood a chance at playing winning basketball regardless Anthony Simons can play with her without the basketball he’s a good shooter he’s a good athlete and he’s on the Age timeline Anthony Simons is 24 years old so he fits in with all the other guys we have on the team uh if we take a look at this most recent Season 22 points a game shot 38% % from three on eight attempts a game five assists like I said he plays with or without the basketball and that’s on a team that’s doesn’t have a ton of spacing around him or anything and if you look at the rest of his uh the rest of his contract where did Anthony Simons go we still have two years left in his contract so we could really have some time to like figure out what we’re doing with him on the next one so Simons is definitely an option Colin seon is probably a name to watch as well like he could at least come in and be an impactful player right away like like let’s just take a look at col ston really quick what are we what are we getting with my boy here you’re getting a 25-year-old so still on kind of the same timeline uh played plenty of starter minutes this year 18 points a game uh 39% from three on half the attempts but he he had really good moments where he was just such a shot Creator he got downhill he create for created for everyone else on the team I could see Colin seon being a good option as well kind of the same thing too you have just about the same amount of time and it’s probably an easier trade to make but I’m going to see if I can’t find one more option Kobe white is probably another one that we can look at I’m not sure the Chicago Bulls want to trade with the Orlando Magic after the swindling of Nicola vich that they just went through so I’m going to assume that that probably won’t happen I want to keep it realistic right but I don’t necessarily see somebody else that can come in right away and help so let’s see what we can’t do to make an Anthony Simons trade work and for any of you that have watched the Portland Trailblazers uh episode of this um we’ve done this trade before right I don’t remember exactly what it was but it involved some picks it involved like Jonathan Isaac and stuff but we’re gonna see like what we can do to kind of benefit both these teams all right so I’ve got the Portland Trailblazers queued up here and this is where I start to think about it a little more right so we want anony Simons coming over to this team here right we’ve got the cap space to absorb him we don’t have to send much over um obviously we’ve got some assets that we can give to them but what do the Portland Trailblazers want right we want this to be realistic what are the things that this team wants this team doesn’t have a ton of cap space at all right so one of the things they’re trying to do this off seon if they’re smart is they’re trying to unload some cap space cuz they’re not going to be good the Trailblazers owner doesn’t want to pay all this money to what’s going to pretty much regardless be a bad team they also want to start building around scoot Henderson because they had the a very similar problem to the Orlando Magic where they had no shooters on the team so they couldn’t help their young point guard with some spacing especially because their Center can’t even be a run jump and dunk Center like he’s just floating in the middle of the Court which is annoying in itself and they had too many people kind of playing the same position so moving Simons kind of fixes that right that lets them prioritize scoot Henderson a little bit how can we help them out with shooting well there’s a couple ways we can do that jet Howard is a young player for them to develop right and he’s supposed to be a shooter send him over there he’s a he’s a wing that they can use he was a he was a lottery pick last season there’s a lot of value there to that right that makes a ton of sense we can also throw another shooter at them if we want to in the name of where where is he on this and Caleb Houston so that could be something we could do if they want a player that could be more impactful right away we’d throw a Jonathan Isaac at them like let’s just let me just try this trade quick and see if the money makes sense okay the money makes sense right now so that’s that’s totally fine so the money Works in itself are they going to ask for anything else is the question I’m not so sure like are they going to want to do like a type of sign and trade with Gary Harris or something don’t really think so they can just go get Gary Harris on their own if they really want to like Joe Les is that a name that they would want us to throw in so that they could have like a veteran or something cuz then we could theoretically go back and like accept his uh Team option or whatever I’m not so sure they’re probably all that interested in paying him either because they’re trying to save on some cap space so what if we just what if we toss them like a Caleb Houston too is that does that make some sense like cuz let’s let’s let’s look at our team for a second right so let’s say we we dropped Caleb Houston and we dropped um jet we’ve still got Anthony black that we have to develop bronny James Kell Weare I mean we’re still developing Paulo and fron and Suggs into some capacity right so like I think dropping those two guys probably not the biggest deals in the world what because what they’re going to want more so is they want the cap flexibility because even if we traded them Jonathan Isaac right they’re probably cutting him like he doesn’t make sense to have on their team this year it helps them save some money right in this case they’re taking back two players that could potentially play next to scoot Henderson and both of them kind of unproven so you can kind of try them and see which one works right in a sense without paying much money at all uh you’re saving a ton of cap room by doing that you’re freeing up the positional space what they want is our draft picks right and that’s where we start to throw a little bit more at them so draft picks have become a little bit more valuable since like the Rudy gobear trade people are a little scared to mortgage their whole future on like one person but like we’re not giving them a ton of player in return so I feel like two first round picks is probably fine considering like a pascal sakam is considered like three Anthony Simons is probably worth two and I’m cool with doing that so let’s reward them like right now by giving them our 2025 pick next year um we already have the Nuggets pick uh for next year as well we don’t want to probably give them two in one draft that gives them like too many young players coming in at once they probably want to space him out a little bit so we give them our magic pick next year we’ll still have the Nuggets pick which will probably be worse than our pick but that’s fine we’ll still have a first round pick so we’ll presume that he’s going over there in that trade and that’s that’s just totally fine but what other pick do they want we can’t give them this magic pick we have this pick which has swap rights between like three different teams and we kind of get the worst one of it that doesn’t make a whole lot of sense we could just kind of say like Hey we’re going to be a playoff team going forward do you want our magic 2027 first round pick as well not not the worst idea like it’s either that or they want like a future one in like 2029 so they can be like hey maybe maybe we’ll be good by the year like 2027 28 9 and we’ve got this extra first round pick and maybe there’s a good player that becomes available and we want to we want to go get him at that time right maybe that makes some sense them so I I think we give them one that’s a little bit more down the line right now so I think that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to give them the 2029 first round pick and that’s going to be the trade for Simons I guess I should make sure that this like trade actually goes through and everything that’s a success uh they’re saying they’re losing more games that’s probably true they’re trading one of their best players but they save a lot of money they get some players to develop some guys that help scoot Henderson win and we get a new point guard so jet Howard and Caleb Houston you guys are off the team Cole Anthony you can move up there you guys fall out of the rotation because you’re not even on the basketball team okay so now we move Cole Anthony back here Anthony black moves here and then we add Anthony Simons to the team and all his money we get to Anthony Simons here at our new starting point card so now we’ve got a shot Creator we’ve got a guy that can make shots next to Jaylen Suggs who can be the guard Defender like the elite Lockdown Defender that he is he can work on his spacing we’ve got a little more spacing working next to fron and Paulo still got Wendell and we’ve got the Cole Anthony option Anthony black can keep developing Anthony black might even play like a Josh giddy role here where he’s kind of like the backup two I could see being a thing and then we have bronny here so let’s just assume that that’s kind of the case okay so we’ve got the guard position pretty well figured out we’ve got some bigs on the team we’ve got we’ve got pretty much our core rotation kind of figured out but we’ve got four roster spots left so we can go get another impact player to maybe play on the wing because maybe kware isn’t someone we necessarily plan on playing this year um let’s let’s do this first let’s bring Joe Eng Les back in on like uh do we want to give him like a $5 million contract or something just because he’s that valuable in the locker room and we don’t want to want him to go anywhere else we have nobody else to pay this season anyway right so can I just go bring Joe Engles back I think that that’s that’s fine to do let’s let’s go prioritize Jing and Joe we’re giving him five 1 2 3 1 two 3 we’re going to do the same thing we’re going to give him a team option again to be like hey if you’re really good again we’ll bring you back but for the time being we’re kind of going to throw you like here and you’ll just be a very good asset to have on the team all right three roster spots left 18 million in cap space let’s go buy somebody and then we’ll use the last two spots to just bring some vets on this team because this is a young basketball team young guy young guy Young guy all young guys here uh two pretty young guys here how old is Jonathan Isaac even at this point I don’t know uh younger guys and really young guy and pretty young guys yeah we need some vets on this team but who else can we go get like what even what even else is out there let’s just let me just go see like best players available like is there anybody oh buddy hee would make a lot of sense on this team bringing in just a knockdown shooter I could I don’t need this open anymore is Buddy hee an option for us I mean I don’t know where he fits in rotation wise but it’s not my problem if we have too much talent right is he going to want to sign with us though with that in mind probably not cuz he probably wants to prove himself next year does like a Luke Canard or a Malik Beasley sound interesting to anybody like we could just throw a bunch of money at like Malik Beasley or something for a season that could be kind of interesting or a Luke Canard just because we really want to have some knockdown shooting on this team I don’t hate that cuz I don’t I don’t think there’s any shot that the Grizzlies pick up the $14 million for Luke Canard I just don’t think that’s possible they’re really big on this free agency season and trying to build this team up the way they want to so let’s just let’s assume that like let’s let’s take a look at Luke Canard and how he performed this uh this last season what’s going to be a fair asking price for a Luke Canard right uh 11 points a game that’s right that’s because he was a starter for a lot of this season wasn’t he even though he didn’t play like a ton of games but shot the [ __ ] out of the basketball absolutely stroked it so what if what if we give Luke Canard like a two year cuz again we don’t got to pay anybody like right now I’ll give Luke Canard like a 2year say like $20 million $22 million like kind of 11 million let let’s say we’re paying him uh 105 let’s say we’re paying him 10.5 over two seasons to just come in here and be another option for us right uh we can move him to like here for now you guys tell me what you think the rotation would be but just another opt option at shooter right just another shooting option now let’s go try and find some vets to try and round out like the rest of our forwards and everything I love the idea of bringing Jeff Green onto this team like there’s no way they pick up the $8 million Club option on him and he’s just a nice vet to come in and come just be like a tough guy on this team he he could just be the Bruiser for us so give me give me Jeff Green on a one-year minimum so Jeff Green he’d be getting this much money yep one year uh Jeff Green can slide in over I don’t even know like he’s he’s here this rotation that’s not for me to figure out and everything I’m just putting Talent on this team right now cuz this is this is kind of an odd one to look at yeah no I just I don’t know what we’re doing with rotation with this team at all it’s it’s going to be left up for chance but the point is we’re adding shooting we’re adding vets things like that let’s go find like one more Center to maybe throw on this roster you know we probably don’t need one cuz we got Mo Paulo Wendell Kell that’s enough of those guys and we’ve got like that’s the thing we’ve got a lot of guys that can play a lot of position on this team that’s what’s so interesting CU Anthony black could be another point guard maybe even Brony could hard to say who else is available who’s just a good vet that we can bring into this team like I don’t want to bring chuma EK back I’m not all that interested in it should I bring in like another point guard like should I should I look at guards too I just I don’t know who else is even out there for me to go get Alec Burks is an interesting name De Anthony Melton’s just a good Defender I’m not really seeing a guard that I necessarily want so I’m think I think I’m going to go back to forwards and just try to find like another Wing or something to add to this team like a Utah Watanabe kind of interesting like Lamar Stevens Sam Hower is going to be brought back there for sure like a Kenyan Martin Jr doesn’t really do a ton for us galinari do I want to just bring in like a galinari is kind of just like a pure shooting big cuz we don’t necessarily have that as an option do we is that what we want to do to I want to bring in another Caucasian dude to just be a shooter cuz I’m doing a lot of that right now or do I want another like point guard that can shoot I I don’t hate the galinari thing at the end of the day he’s been around the league for a little bit it’s good to have a couple vets but we have a couple vets now we’ve got Jeff Green we got Joe Eng Les we don’t need like a really old vet like that let’s find somebody that can play a little bit jonte Porter always a good option if you’re trying to get your bread up on the team you know what I like the idea of a Jordan mlin we only have to probably give him a minimum contract and a small minimum cont trct at that he shot over 40% from three this season yeah it wasn’t a ton of minutes or anything but I like his energy uh he’s no like NBA scrub by any means so I’m going to bring Jordan mlin in and so Jordan can fit in right here as another point guard all right there is your 2024 2025 Orlando Magic uh what have we done to this team we brought in Anthony Simons a new scoring option on this team that’s going to provide some shooting to the first five we brought in a Kell wear uh hopefully a future starting Center that we can develop that’s going to be a dynamic kind of allaround player around guys like Paulo and fron and Suggs cuz we’re going to need a guy that can do a little bit of everything think of a Brook Lopez type uh we kept Mo Vagner around right we brought in some vets like Jeff Green Joe Engles is coming back right brought in some much needed shooting and Luke Canard right a Jordan mlin is an option right like we we brought in some guys there we’ve got some projects like bronny James that are going to fill some seats I think I’d be pretty excited as an Orlando Magic fan if I saw a team like this it’s like okay we didn’t mortgage our future at all we we’re still under the luxury tax which is awesome especially in Florida you can make all the money then as the owner um so we’ll still be able to pay these guys and be pretty comfortable going forward uh the question is like are we going to be able to develop these guys into Superstars that’s the question uh the good news is you still have picks to trade up in later drafts and stuff if you find if you think that there’s a guy that could really help you but for the time being I I think this team could be a lot better next year right I think this fixes a lot of problems and I’d be curious to see him play you guys let me know what you think at the end of the day I’m always curious to hear but until then really appreciate you guys and let’s go watch some playoff basketball tonight thanks so much bye [Music]

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  1. As a magic fan I like your draft and the trade alot although I think it’s worth talking about malik monk as a potential signing

  2. Why give 2 picks for Simons when you can just sign Malik monk with cap space. They are the exact same player shot creating combo guards who aren’t great defensively. I would rather go get Murray or Mitchell before them

  3. They can definitely win a championship next year I hate when yall say that smh yall really don’t be knowing about basketball foreal

  4. I absolutely love this. Simons being a hometown guy! Ware is a pretty good fit! I can do without Bronny, but as a second round pick that late he's fine

  5. All Orlando needs is 2-3 more Gary Harrises that can actually SHOOT THE 3.

    AND Franz needs to work on his mid range jumpers. We have all the bigs and athleticism that we need right now.

    Then add a few veterans and we're going deep in the playoffs next year.

  6. Not bad, but my moves for them are:

    1. Sign Tyus Young
    2. Sign a veteran winner like Jeff Green
    3. Draft Johnny Furphy
    4. Keep Goga Bitadze
    5. Extend Jonathan Isaac

    Also, they can consider to trade for Collin Sexton or Jordan Clarkson. Those guys can get buckets when they struggle offensively.

  7. I think Simons coming back to the Orlando area rejuvenate him. He’s never played on a team as good as the Magic and we already have a defensive pitbull in Suggs. Also he’s coming in to be the 2nd or 3rd option and he’s never played with two 6’10” forwards that can go get their own buckets. He could statistically have his best season back home in Orlando. I think he levels up.

  8. Simons fits perfectly with Suggs and Anthony Black. Both Suggs and AB are capable defensive players. Both Suggs and AB aren’t as fully offensively capable as Simons, seamless fit perfect compromise.

  9. – Drop Dell, Fultz, & Harris
    – Draft Zach Edey to play behind Mo Wagner
    – Sign Malik Monk & Gary Trent Jr. OR Donovan Mitchell + vets

  10. anfernee is pretty unreliable and for a guy youd be lucky to get 50 games out of 25/yr is no bueno see fultz got benched for the same reasons dont wanna go thru that again

  11. This guy says the Magic need shooting and gives up the Magics only two shooters in Caleb Houstan and Jett Howard in a mock trade 🤣🤣🤣

  12. I said this in another comment, but I think Simons would be great for our team. He also has pretty deep ties to the organization, because he's from Orlando, and was named after one of our GOATs. If all it takes is those two and some draft picks, I love it.

  13. Interesting. One thing to point out is that Anthony Black shot 39% from 3 last year. That actually qualifies him as a good shooter.

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