@Brooklyn Nets

The Brooklyn Nets wouldn’t trade Mikal Bridges to the Knicks, right?

The Brooklyn Nets wouldn’t trade Mikal Bridges to the Knicks, right?

coming up the laundry list of suitors for Mel Bridges is certainly one we’ll hear about this off season and coming up next why the New York Knicks cannot be on that list for Brooklyn we’ll get into it now you are locked on Nets your daily Brooklyn Nets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team everyday [Music] Brook Brook yo ah yes my friends it is the lockon Nets podcast Radio lockon podcast Network it’s your team the Brooklyn Nets every single day he’s Doug Nory I’m Adam marck we thank you as always for making us your first list today we are 100% free on all those great platforms and Doug that’s right trade rumors Miguel Bridges everybody wants them we got them maybe we don’t want them I don’t know it’s kind of hard to tell what the Nets want to do at this point with their franchise but New York Knicks right inside their own City all the reasons why this has to be the absolute last possible offer that the Nets would accept yeah it gets floated out on the Bill Simmons podcast the other day um a little off usually has you know all the but not really where he mentions that he thinks the uh the Knicks are set to make a pretty big offer in the offseason for Mel Bridges and you know contextually let’s just be outside of the outside of like the you know the Brooklyn Knicks thing let’s just go contextually within the the Knicks it makes sense because one that’s a guy that probably really fit what they’re trying to do around Brunson two as has as is told ad nauseum on every broadcast that ever happens is that these guys all went to college together and um it’s like you know Brun finals neither team involved but they thought just so you guys know the Knicks and the Nets do have some connections here I mean it’s not nothing Josh Hart uh by the way Ryan Arc Doo was on the team um that’s a another Villanova guy so like they it’s all Villanova all the time over in New York we know that Brunson just signed a very very Team friendly extension like incredible turn down I think something in the world of90 to1 million dollars if he had waited another year basically opening up space to be able to bring other bigger contracts into the mix here I mean it’s incredibly it’s really actually kind of incredible what Brunson did so anyway long story short while I don’t know if Simmons is sourc on that one contextually around the villain NOA piece them wanting to add another guy him probably fitting exactly what they want to do all that stuff on that level would make sense for the Knicks to make a big push for bridges that being said there’s other pieces that we need to factor in here of some of which are probably very obvious to everyone listening yeah I I mean listen we talk about obviously the trades you make sometimes we’ve we’ve discussed these in the past about you don’t even want to trade inside your own conference right when you look at potentially putting a really good player now is male Bridges the caliber of player that you don’t move because of that reason obviously not right it’s not a LeBron James it’s not a Luca you know you’re saying oh we’re going to send Luca from the Mavericks to the Lakers that that’ll be fine sure won’t cause US problems when we try to make playoff runs but that said then you go down into the city level of it and it’s essentially the Beyond we’ll get into some packages here because I find it fascinating that Knicks are going to make a significant offer potentially for Mel Bridges because that’s when you get into the territory of oh like too good to refuse kind of offer Jaylen Brunson not taking all the money he could kind of offer like what are we talking about but if you look at it on the pure we’re going to trade away male Bridges and then we’re going to watch him in our own backyard help another team win a championship I think that there’s there’s big layers to that even Beyond it being the Knicks if you traded him to the Cavaliers do I know that that team is going on a Eastern Conference Final Run maybe maybe not if you trade them to teamx in the Eastern Conference what does it look like the Knicks feel like a team that are on the precipice of being able they’ve been healthy they can be in the Eastern Conference Finals right now they could have given maybe Boston a run for their money so giving a team maybe that missing piece kind of guy for what they currently have constructed that’s probably even a harder pill to swallow saying we’re going to give you a player that sends you on a potential finals run appearance yeah right and so you know it’s funny because when you talk about trades and we’ll get get to like a little bit more about the bridges thing we talked about bridges you know a lot here but when you think about trades you those other factors really shouldn’t be part of there are only there’s only 30 teams here like you only have 29 teams to trade with you really can’t start you really shouldn’t be in the business of not wanting to trade with a certain team because they’re in their conference or in their city like that really shouldn’t be part of it I get why it is but there’s just not enough teams like there’s not enough teams and assets out there to basically just like wait for you know it’s every city in the world had a had a team that they could that they could make trades for then I’d say yeah maybe we don’t need to do it but at at this point where there were be only 30 teams you have to you really shouldn’t exclude just be geographically ba based on just because like the Vibes might be a little off going forward now with New York there is this extra layer of Big Brother little brother right the Knicks have now I mean the Knicks were already it was like very clear own New York from a basketball standpoint that’s not any kind of hot take this year only stamped it probably forever for good I mean like the Nets might have had like one little chance with the KD Kyrie piece it didn’t work now with Brunson he owns New York he’s going to for a long time all NBA selection second team like he’s on his way to becoming one of the most popular athletes like in New York history and so there is this other added element of I get there’s only 30 teams and I totally understand why Shawn marks and Company would probably just like never even want to entertain it short of some offer that you couldn’t refuse and I’m not sure like the Knicks are in a place to do that and I’m not even sure what that would be honestly because there’s so many conflating factors here when it comes to bridges that it doesn’t seem like they want to trade him to anywhere and the Knicks feel like they wouldn’t even be on the list almost no matter what well yeah I mean you consider and say right like as a as a baseline the Nets don’t seem interested in M Bridges no matter where it is for no matter what it is like that that’s the first biggest you know factor I will say though real quick like it’s it’s a mistake to not consider these things though like I do New York just because you’re in the five buroughs shouldn’t mean you hang the phone up I I I get why it is and you have a certain member a class of fan base out there that would just lose their minds but that really should like you really kind of gotta get that out of your repertoire as a fan I think that’s me but I I get that other fans are sort of built differently no I 100% agree with you because if you are a segment of the fan base if you have been saying if you’ve been advocating that the Nets should trade Mel Bridges and then they say Okay looks like the New York Knicks I put together a package and Shawn marks and the Nets really like it it looks like it’s going to happen and then you go the other way and lose your mind about it it’s just it doesn’t make sense once he’s not on your roster he no longer matters to you whether he goes to have success for the New York Knicks for the LA Lakers for the Cleveland Cavaliers anybody it’s not going to matter to your team relative to what the ultimate goal is making your Raw better getting more assets so coming up here in a second let’s just take a look what is this enormous offer that the Knicks could put together for the Brooklyn Nets would it rise to the level regardless of location where Doug and I would say the Nets need to seriously consider moving male across the city we’ll get into that coming up next all right before we get to that tell you about our friends over at Linked In look if you’re hiring for your small business you got to find a quality professional you got to find someone that’s right for the role small business businesses are wearing tons of hats right now you got to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs is all the tools to help you find the right Professionals for your team faster and you’ll love this for free LinkedIn isn’t just another job board LinkedIn has a vast Network more than a billion that’s what it be a billion professionals makes it the best place to hire if gives you access to professionals you 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you also need to make salaries match here and we know that male Bridges is making 23. odd million dollars in the upcoming season so let let’s just start there or do you have an appetite for having Julius Randall on the Brooklyn Nets over the next two seasons at his $30 million contract number before we even get into all these picks and stuff because I think that that is at least interesting or at a minimum do you believe the Nets could take Julius Randall and turn him into more assets over the coming season or two at 30 31 years old I think yeah I think with like any potential male trade and we’ve said this many times and I’m sure we’re going to say this many times over the course of the offseason because this is a path not likely to be traveled but could be traveled when it comes to the Nets just and you have to just think about this stuff is that trading Bridges is a sign that you are headed for the tank right and like hopefully that would be combined with getting your like doing that that net Sun’s pick swap that we talked about yesterday getting your own picks back moving out Bridges headed for the tank taking on some maybe some somewhat distressed assets depending on where you want to be with money Randall would probably represent that kind of guy right like could probably be could probably put up numbers on a not great team he’s not a bad player by any means he’s not a championship level like starter probably but I don’t know I wish they I wish I really wish he had been healthy for this offseason the way that like this uh that Knicks team was rolling but yeah um regardless I mean player option in 25 26 32.4 million unclear if he picks that up my guess is no but maybe like he’ll be 32 at that point or 31 at that point there’s a chance he picks that up 32 million especially he’s got some injury history in his back uh in his background obviously you know sat out this year or the end of year but Randall would represent the kind of guy you would want on your team probably if you’re like hey you play 50 games we’re kind of trying to get into that top five uh pick you can put up some numbers maybe we’ll flip you later to someone for something like he is that kind of guy it would have to he he would be the Baseline for something but and and you know the thing with male too is like it’s weird he kind of like doesn’t make enough money right like heges the whole time you’re like that contract’s a little too Team friendly to to get these things done sometimes well this is why they want to keep them around and it makes sense right like from this standpoint it may make sense to want to keep him around because it’s such a team-friendly contract to 23 million and 25 like that’s incredible numbers for what he is I know people were down on him this year because of how it ended but really that money is like really still an amazing amazing contract so I it would still work with Randall like it wouldn’t predispose you from doing it at bigger numbers it’s a little harder to think about like taking on distress assets but Rand would represent the kind of guy that you would be like hey we’re trying to lose for a little while and you want to just get yours yeah we can roll with that little tank little tank commander kind of thing um like I think like that I think that would work but again I mean the Optics around it would be even for someone like me who doesn’t really care like about it even for me I’d be like oh man the Optics around this would be rough like it would be I obviously because then because you immediately would go how many times you play them a year you know you’ll see him wearing the Nick’s uniform standing on the bar Nicks will be good the bridges will be over there be like winning like it’s it’s it’s a tough look like look at over look at Kyrie in Dallas right now I I don’t know how Nets fans feel about this but up one oh oh dude I’m you want I know it’s not amazing I guess you look at it I’m happy for Kyrie like Kyrie for for a guy who you know not no Rel litigation of anything just it was a rough run when he was with the Brooklyn Nets guess what it’s a rough run if you’re a part of the Brooklyn Nets fan base organization player or otherwise so that’s just a part of the kind of the Mantra here but to leave from Brooklyn go somewhere and obviously play with an Elite Talent in Luca and just kind of be like hey I’m just playing ball now I’m in the playoffs and guess what I said this the other day if he goes off and wins a championship this year potentially that gets him number two like all of a sudden at 31 32 years old he starts to push himself into the so maybe I get one more here and I’m kind of one of those guys in the history of the NBA and I’m playing alongside Luca who’s still only in his mid-20s it’s a really nice spot for him so I I’m sure fans have a problem with that too actually I know they do because I saw someone post something on the old socials about how how terrible Jos sa is for for doing what he did with Kyrie and it’s like guys we gotta at some point let it go so yes it would be difficult but I let me ask you that too because I was going to get into the some of the trade things as far as what the package might look like but you mentioned there about the Knicks being good let’s say that the Knicks were a playing team and they got into the playoffs and lost in the first round this year would that change the way you would think about it of being like Hey we’re gonna send Mel to New York but this is a team that’s kind of scrapping maybe we’d actually think about it as they’re in the same pool as us is that actually worse because we would see each other trying to make the playoffs in the coming years but do you think it’s that that the Knicks feel like they’re on the doorstep of really accomplishing something big for the organization that makes it worse to send the male Bridges and have him be a part of that especially if he gets back to form right it feels like his skill set and the type of player he is would get back to this Phoenix kind of of hype around him because he wouldn’t be asked to do the things that he was asked to do in Brooklyn that didn’t work out as a number one he would get back to form like they like the the Knicks have exactly what like the Nets don’t have like an on ball Creator distributor like that can kind of like ease the pain from everyone else of having to do too much in the offense like just would it would be a better situation like in Brunson brunson’s a lead brunson’s amazing and he just makes all those other guys better too he’s the Ultimate Team player it’s so obvious all these other guys benefit from it and it works perfectly they this is why like it was such a bummer that they just the tires fell off at the end I mean Bridges would the ultimate tibs guy he never want he wants to play every single game and wants to play all the minutes like that’s exactly what like Tibido wants you to do hey he would really push tiido run like you feel like dying out there he’s like yep okay great like go go out there and do it I mean he’s like the ultimate guy the guy never sits so like all these things would line up again for me I leave a comment on YouTube about this because I’m sure we probably don’t align totally on the fan indignation around this which would be absolute mind losing like if he showed up there in a n thing in a next for it’s mostly just like it’s mostly like the the idea of like wanting like thinking about considering it not taking into the other things because you should always start any decision-making processes like take all the other nonrelevant factors out right it’s not relevant what laundry you wear really right like it’s not relevant if you were on a team now and then you go to another team it’s not really relevant for your team once the player is gone it doesn’t really matter I know we talk about we just talked about Kyrie I know we talk about it all the time but like it really shouldn’t be part of the process now I know I get it is I get that it is but it shouldn’t be like you need to remove your emotions from this because it in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really matter and you know that that’s the case because when you look at you just mentioned Kyrie think about Kevin Durant Now That season didn’t go according to plan for Phoenix and it’s working out potentially in the long run as it stands right now for Brooklyn but because of the exits for both of these players even though Kevin Durant asking out twice while he was a Brooklyn Net the fans didn’t have that same type of of of energy towards Phoenix if they were successful different level of if it was a cross town team like the New York Knicks but right now you still see a part of the fan base maybe either having a problem with Kyrie and not wanting him to win or having a problem with the organization for letting him go the Kevin Durant piece of it seems like yeah yeah that’s the way that that went it didn’t quite work out sometimes it also comes down to what was the experience that you had relative to it so on non City team factors it looks like it comes down to personality a lot of times for fan bases when it comes to in your City I I you know you want to trade Dennis schruder okay that’s not going to be a problem for us you want to trade player X Y or Z but I I get why it would feel like a problem until you get two three years from now and we’ll talk about the package and what the picks could mean and how that helps your organization grow and how it helps you get young Talent right like it’s only as big of an issue as the lack of return and that from that standpoint I understand why this fan base the Nets fan base has that type of energy because in recent and somewhat long history the Brooklyn Nets always mess this up they always make the wrong choice it or it never works out for them right so if they traded male Bridges to the New York Knicks and we’ll get into the package it’d be well the Knicks win the championship male’s the final MVP and also all the picks that they get from New York end up being null and void because the Knicks are good for another decade right like that would be the way this story goes oh lock it up lock it up now the good news for Nets fans we’ll take we’ll get into this next thing in a second newset fans if that’s gonna happen no matter where it goes or what happens so like so once you once you resign yourself to the it’s gonna work out bad no matter what happens great yeah now let’s just do something in the short term to get the to get the ball roll get we’ll get into what these packages could look like get into probably why it’s never going to happen again uh here in one second first let you know that this show is sponsored by better help look we all carry around those stressors in our life sometimes they big things sometimes they small things the thing is though you need to address this stuff sooner than later you cannot let the big things 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finals are happening right now Kyrie he’s helping Luca they got their one lead in the Western Conference last night if we talk about the trade package specifically here for the Knicks and whether or not it’d be feasible interesting what have you if I set the Baseline as just saying it’s male bridges for Julius Randall and first round picks in 2527 and 29 does that does that feel like if we’re talking about not about palatable for the Nets to to have to think about it whatever about a big offer if we’re saying the Knicks are planning on making a huge offer to get male bridges does that constitute the Baseline of a massive package N I don’t think so and this is where kind of like maybe also falls apart for me too I just don’t think it’s enough I think he’s still a really valuable asset I don’t think I think if they did put on him on the market the Nets would would um entertain significant offers from other teams like he fits anyone’s system he can play in any system there is like he’s team any team that’s looking to contend would add him today I know people look at Bridges and this last season and you see the efficiency go down and the end of the season you know ended up being pretty pretty rough that would change immediately if you went on to another team that had like other really high-end players on it that could ease the load and he just wouldn’t be miscast anymore so I think if they if they opened it up to the open market and said hey we’re interested in trading Bridges there would be significant offers and I don’t think the Knick actually would have the best package and because here’s the other thing too once it’s not like oh the Knicks would be the only Suitor we’re talking about it now because it kind of comes up as a conversation but if the Nets started going this direction every team would put in a call I mean not every team but most teams would put in a call for him and so at that point I’m not sure the Knicks could actually get the biggest package on the board right because at that point you are opening it up to the other TW all 28 28 other teams at that point do you feel like I mean you’re saying you open up because I think you’re right like this is the this the other part of it we’re talking Nick Centric but okay if you’re willing to have the discussion about trading M Bridges to the Knicks then you should be able to talk about trading him any single place in the entire league and at that point though like three first round picks I that’s what that’s still what I wonder about this right we remember the rumors about Memphis and what their trade-through offers were remember teams are calling for him that Houston wanted to give their pick control back maybe some of them not all of them for male Bridges now they want to do swaps for the Phoenix BS there’s obviously teams that are interested in Mel Bridges but three first round like three first round picks feels like a lot now I mean not not a lot is in too much but it’s a ton of draft capital for a player that has two years left now you would assume you’re going to talk about extending him the age is still right but when you and I discuss primes of players careers Mel Bridges is in it right now and by the end of this contract he’ll be starting to is come out of it I mean if I if I’m putting on my Nets GM hat I’d be saying I don’t need to make this move right now but in the big picture this dude has a ton of miles and there’s just a world where male Bridges at 34 years old is built like a 39y old like at some point it’s going to catch up with him and I just that that’s really what I worry about I mean we’re talking right now this offseason this trade offer potential I I think about it as what if you wait too long and something between now and the end of that second year that he has remaining doesn’t look as good or something physically happens now that asset that thing does still have value are you willing to ride it to the very bitter end and find yourself saying oh what can we what can we maybe get for him and looking back and saying well the good news is we almost made the play in tournament those last two years while he was on the roster well the good news is the Nets never wait too long on this stuff always first like right I mean that’s not part of their MO is not is definitely not waiting too long to to pull off some of these moves of course it’s that’s not their thing it’s a total risk uh I I we’ve been down this road many times like they may have waited too long already right like with this with the where they with the current construction of the team and sort of who they have under contract and like where they’re going if they sign if they’re able to pull off a Mitchell plus something else I mean they kind at this point I’ll be honest with you at this point they kind of have to like they have to pull off something like this if they don’t trade Bridges this off season they better and they’re not gonna trade them by the way but they better pull off something huge like in 25 26 because if they not it is a massive misstep I will if if they do if they bring in like Mitchell plus another high-end top 20 at least play sure to pair with Mitchell and or to pair with Bridges great that plan I can see I can see the plan at least but if they don’t like if this is a misstep they are they then then they already waited too long with Bridges like for sure right and so that’s I I’ll stand on that and so yeah to answer your question would they have waited yeah I think they already have to some degree unless they are like nearly assured of this other thing and it feels flimsy but I like you know who knows what goes on behind closed doors here no but I do but I do know what you mean expanding it beyond the Knicks in a tradeoff or the idea of okay so people are calling about male Bridges okay Houston is calling about pick swaps okay like teams want to work with you they want to make deals and then Brooklyn Nets keep saying no no no and also don’t go make the other move or don’t go land that player then it then it what do we then what are you saying you’re you’re committing to riding this and again by the way we say this all the time I love male Bridges I think I think he’s a great player I think he’s the per he’s the exact guy you want to be the face of your franchise the same way that you want Jaylen Brunson to be the face of the Knicks franchise the problem is you also need to couple that with winning basketball it’s not M MC’s fault the team is as suspect as it currently is from a roster construction standpoint But ultimately when he’s your third best player you go to the championship because how do we know because they did like when he was the team’s third best player basically that team went to the finals and so they just he just needs that’s why I mentioned two guys before he needs to be the third best player if he’s the third best player the team’s awesome it’s just that they don’t have those two other guys and that’s why I think like you know so to look back again to turn around in another two years and say like okay like it was all right maybe we made the playoffs maybe we had some you know a little a little bit of moderate success but at the end of it to come out of whatever the version is of this of this male Bridges run with Brooklyn whether it’s another contract after this or they end up you know moving on from him at some point for lesser value than maybe what he get right now we we know how it works we talk about with fan bases you can’t trade him across town to the Knicks okay but also three four five years from now it’ll look back and you’ll just think about him as they will associate rightfully so the Spencer Den witty D’Angelo russle era of Brooklyn Nets basketball as being more fun Carris Levert Jared Allen that’s still the team that a lot of fans talk about going including when they talk about Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving and James Harden why because that era the Superstar era wasn’t was n Fun it wasn’t successful and it didn’t work out on the back end that other version of the team was this Plucky young upstart that made a little bit of noise a lot of young players and it was fun to watch for a couple of Seasons this version of this team is going to be yeah remember that time we were we were kind of average for a few years and nothing really happened and then we finally got back maybe to making our own picks in 27 28 29 30 if we ended up making swaps like that’s what this is going to be it’s going to be kind of this little forgotten pocket I think for the Brooklyn Nets franchise when male Cameron Johnson and a couple of other veterans were there now you have the young guys that we excited about but that’s still going to take another 2 three years to see whether or not other pieces come into place to make it come to fruition just to make a note here though Doug if I could you know how I like to work Jaylen green and Miles bridges come to the Brooklyn Nets they get the 25 27 and 29 first round picks from the New York Knicks they also get back 24 their own pick from Houston along with their own 2025 pick they send Julius Randall and one Future Phoenix pick to Houston we got a deal wait did you say miles Bridges like from the Hornets no no no uh I I might have said brid I meant to say miles McBride from the Knicks excuse me oh gotcha okay yeah I was gonna say who you talk about PR let’s just stop the podcast for a second and clarify we will not be making that move okay yeah I was like geez wow I was like wow you really going for it with going swing the bad press uh like d uh you know I gotta be honest with you say it real quick again because once you hit the miles Bridges thing I my brain if it was happen yeah the the next the next get back they get uh their 2024 first round pick third overall from Houston they get their 2025 first round pick back from Houston they get 25 27 and 29 from the Knicks they end up with Miles big bride because originally I had him in this as a part of the Julius deal Jaylen green comes to Brooklyn as well the Rockets get Julius Randall and a future Phoenix first round pick you end up with male Bridges and they send Steven Adams to New York to make the money so basically Jaylen green and the picks you keep the Suns picks I would do that one Phoenix has to go to Houston one Phoenix pick goes one Phoenix pick has to go to Houston in the deal lot of moving Parts there I don’t know it’s close I I I would I love the world first from your own in the short term including 25 I’m still a fan of getting your first back I know like we catch massive heat for that because no one wants to hear it or there’s there’s half the fan base doesn’t want to hear it uh I think I I think it’s should actually split right down the middle about who wants that and who doesn’t which I find very but um I probably think pretty hard about that I I’m in once Bridges is gone it’s got to be your own picks from Houston time back you can’t do one without the other so it all kind of works together so I think that probably does serve everything I wanted if you get all your picks plus and keep one Phoenix pick that feels pretty that feels pretty good to me I think and I think just on this level New Yorker or otherwise if there’s a player that needs to be involved in a male Bridge’s deal is something to keep in mind for everybody it’s like what does that immediately turn into because a part of this is about if you trade male then you can finally get back into the full kind of rebuild mode here you could move Cameron Johnson if the offers if an offer is on the table right so you can start to make these kind of thoughts so just treat any player Julius Randall or otherwise as just another way to maybe talk to another team Houston and try to get back some of those controlled picks as well that’s the the best version of all of this is less about the players as we always say and more about getting control back of your own destiny all right we’re going to get out of here much appreciate everyone rocking with us through the season we’ll be all the way here that’s not in the playoffs no worry we’re coming five days a week that’s not that’s not drafting don’t worry we’re going to be here five days a week it doesn’t matter Nets didn’t hold up there under the bargain Bo we’re gonna hold up ours make sure you uh subscribe wherever you listen to podcast make sure you subscribe to on YouTube as well time is too slow for those who wait too Swift for those who fear why that is Henry van djk oh one of the alltime great poets we back in tomorrow talking more Brooklyn that’s basketball basketball basketball basketball basketball bask basketball basketball basketball yeah

It was recently floated out there that the New York Knicks could make the Brooklyn Nets an offer for Mikal Bridges this off-season. Could this actually happen? Would Sean Marks ever consider sending Bridges crosstown to join Villanova teammates Jalen Brunson, Josh Hart, and Donte DiVincenzo?

Say it isn’t so. The Locked on Nets discuss the possibility.

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  1. If the Nets can’t bring in a star player caugh caugh Spida who is a number 1 option you gotta trade Mikal

  2. The Nets and Knicks have never traded with each other and most likely never will. The Nets FO historically hates the Knicks. Not only that; but from a public perception standpoint it's the ultimate little brother move. And we're definitely not the little brother. Shit, we're not even related.

  3. Why are we always looking to trade Mikal? And at the same time, EVERYONE, EVERYONE else wants him. Uhhh, maybe he's a valuable asset we can build around and should keep him??

  4. I think with how deep the nets is we just need a star caliber player and another solid role player we would look like pacers

  5. Nets fan here since '95, who grew up in NYC. You DO NOT. I repeat, DO NOT trade Mikal or any star to the Knicks. We would be laughing stock of NBA

  6. @Doug Norrie — You nailed it concerning trading Mikal. Also, if the Knicks are prepared to overpay to get Mikal, the Nets should squeeze the trigger.

  7. My biggest issue right now is that we are placing all of our faith on players we do not have instead of emphasizing development. One of the thing that made that DLow, Frow Nets special was we developed young talent and cast offs into something competitive. We should be trying to mirror that and this time not trading alway all of it for one player. The Knicks that everyone is currently in love with went out and acquired marginal talent or talent that was undervalued by their old team and that’s why they are where they are now. Them targeting Bridges is yet another example.

  8. The torture that would come from watching Bridges helping the Knicks win is not worth anything the Knicks have to offer us. Been a Nets fan since the ABA and if i had a vote it would be nope. Nope. Nope. Not gonna happen. I get what you guys are saying about him not being ours after the trade, but having it thrown in our face everyday would just be outright begging for therapy. Lol. Not sure if they have anything in picks or players worth the agita.

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