@Dallas Mavericks

What do you think of Luka as a leader?

What do you think of Luka as a leader?

by DonFloRed


  1. Ok_Republic6747

    Great he wins them games, is he supposed to coddle them this is the WCF teammates sometimes yell at each other this is not 10 year olds

  2. TuckEverlasting89

    I think he’s a 25 year old supernova who is still developing as a leader.

  3. Until these players start coming out and saying he’s a bad teammate and leader, I don’t care. They’ve had nothing but great things to say about Luka.

  4. TexasTundraPower

    He’s a good leader. He was frustrated with Gafford, but Gaff knows he’s just passionate.

  5. 1chromosomeTOOmuch

    like most savants, he doesn’t understand why normal people don’t understand things that seem trivial to him

  6. Extreme_Grape_8398

    When Jordan and Kobe did shit like this it’s competitiveness or mamba mentality. Hes a dawg period.

  7. EnriquezGuerrilla

    Just a reminder that Luka hated how Carlisle treated others, despite the latter showering praises on him. Take that for what you will.

  8. These are grown men, I’m sure Gafford knew he messed up. I don’t think his feelings are hurt like some redditors.

  9. Almost immediately after this he set Gafford up for a free bucket and it looked like they were good.

  10. RubMyGooshSilly

    Dude I’ve seen people at LA Fitness take getting barked at like this on the chin if they know they fucked up. They are professional athletes and emotions run very high when you are mid-game. I’m sure it’s a nothing burger

  11. Yesboi227

    Hears a thing this guy is too smart so when he sees players not do simple basic things he get frustrated. This is the problem every genius faces, jokic did this, lebron has done this. I am pretty he apologies later cause everyone on the team loves him.

  12. Zestyclose-Finish778

    Jordan wasn’t Mr Nice guy, he held people accountable. They love each other a missed high five and then a re on him as a leader is trash.

    These dudes hang out for dinners outside work, they are like a family more than we can understand. Kyrie hosts dinner parties nightly that the mavs mostly come to for the last 3 months and they talk about life outside basketball. The. In the locker room they can call out anyone on missed assignments without butthurt feelings. You gotta give DJJ, Gafgord, PJ and lively credit for having their heads right. They play one possession at a time and you can see their focus is locked in and not thinking about last play. As a fan it’s special to see this chemistry

  13. Room for improvement, but I think getting better. Maturity, experience, and Kyrie are all helping IMO

  14. I was mad at gaf for this play to. He called for the screen, and you’re dragging your feet when we got like 5 seconds left. Didn’t even come for the screen on top of that.

  15. It’s cool when it’s Jordan and it’s mamba mentality when it’s Kobe. Luka’s obviously not as harsh as them but I can understand him being angry once in a while.
    If the team’s okay with it, I’m okay with it

  16. DocumentAggressive56

    compare Kyrie at 32 to who he was at 25. We all act like Luka 30 bc of how he looks and how he carries himself but hes a pup. Leadership skills will skyrocket around 30

  17. dantheflyingman

    Teammates say he is a great leader. He himself goes to players outside the game and tells them that he does run hot sometimes and he will yell at them sometimes and they all understand it. Players need to take this as a learning opportunity. At the end of the quarter they didn’t have 24 seconds to set up the play and it was just poor awareness so the frustration was warranted.

    In the second half he was supportive on the Josh Green to Hardy turnover.

  18. eageecute

    Come on, i was watching the game, and gaff didnt set the screen. Well, it will take more games so they could gel. But i think gaff is slow in this playoffs, while lively improved much better.

  19. sirZofSwagger

    He is getting better as a leader, and I think Kyrie is helping that along. Kyrie seems like the main leader right now though.

  20. Didn’t love his reaction to that play, but don’t necessarily think it’s a problem. As someone else pointed out, they connected on the next play and all seemed fine.

    However, that attitude *can* have a negative impact on teammate mentality, so I don’t like to see it. You never want teammates playing nervous, scared to make mistakes.

  21. OnCloud9_77

    It’s Gafford bro, I love him but he can be dumb sometimes. This is a rare moment that Luka actually gets frustrated with his own teammate but he’s gotta let em know to wake the fuck up

  22. lightbulb-joke

    He’s not, and it was needed. Thankfully it’s a role Kyrie was able to fill.

  23. The leaving him hanging on the high 5 sucks but I think it was just a miscommunication. We’ve seen so many times Luka start going before the screen is set and we draw an illegal screen. So it looks like Luka is waiting for Gaf to come up and get set, where as Gaf was ready to set the screen further back and have Luka lead Ant into him, not enough time to recover from the miscommunication. They tried it again next play and all is well.

  24. Chandrian1997

    Brother Gafford was doing anything other than setting a screen for Luka😭 of course he’s going to get angry, GAF had two teammates telling him to go set and he doesn’t

  25. Howineverwondered

    I don’t know. I heard that a teammate in Real Madrid said something like “Luka still watches cartoons but on the court he is the leader and we trust him”. Then in Slovenian national team combination of Dragic + Doncic was absolutely fantastic and now it works great with Kyrie too. I think Luka has zero aspirations to be a leader in the locker room and appreciates Kyre as much and more than anyone. Kyre is also older. I think current situation is perfect. And I think that players who get to know Luka appreaciate him as a leader in the court too and that’s enough. Luka is also perfect with the media, avoids drama, doesn’t blame anyone, takes responsibility and he’s still young.

  26. RangerBowBoy

    If you think someone’s a bad leader for being furious with a teammate, you didn’t grow up watching Larry Bird, Magic Johnson, Isaiah Thomas, Patrick Ewing, Charles Barkley, Kobe Bryant, Dirk Nowitzki (yes, check the 2015 Rockets loss for one example), and many more Hall of Famers.

  27. ElGranQuesoRojo

    Michael Jordan punched teammates in the face. Gafford can handle getting barked at a bit.

  28. DirkFadeLukaStepBack

    The only negative I see is leaving Gaff high and dry on the high five after Gaff seemed to acknowledge his mistake/ the miscommunication.

  29. Robbinghoodz

    Grown professional men aren’t going to get butt hurt over this.

  30. kinggareth

    I think he’s teammates seem to love him, which is what matters st this point. MJ wasn’t the best leader in the world at 25, and arguably was a divisive leader in his prime. The idea of a “leader” often gets overblown in sports

  31. prudentWindBag

    People don’t forget moments like these. It is unnecessary and costly.

    I’ll smile with you later, but only to reduce tension.

  32. emperormanlet

    This is an example of poor leadership. Losing control over your emotions is never a positive leadership trait.

    Doesn’t mean he’s a bad leader. But it’s okay to criticize examples of bad leadership when you see it.

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