@Charlotte Hornets

LaMelo Ball sued after allegedly running over young fan’s foot.

LaMelo Ball sued after allegedly running over young fan’s foot.

more news surrounding the Charlotte Hornets off of the Court this time it pertains to lamelo ball we’ll get to that all today with NADA Edwards on the locked on Hornets podcast you are locked on Hornets your daily Charlotte Hornets podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day in a minute cuz we [Music] live it’s lockon hornets part of the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for making us your first listen we are free and available anywhere you get your podcast and that includes YouTube there’s Doug Branson as always you can find him on his sub stack every Hornets box and a sub text are you texting people again Doug I am I’m subbing everywhere I took a little I had to take a breather I mean we look we do this show every day and so that you’re getting some Hornets content from me but all of the other Octopus arms I have on the Hornets Universe I had to just take a breather but I’m back on subtext I’ll be back on substack pretty soon too uh so check me out all right and there’s notada Edwards joining us friend family member of the show find him on Twitter at not of thecricmaster [Music] by the way I saw uh that you have the uh songs in the key of Life album in the background my vinyl brother there we go yeah we get to see it although know yes there we go right there boom baby maybe we can get to some album rankings a little bit later on in the show with you twice now we we got some interesting news to talk about here just because it’s the Charlotte Hornets we got some more off the court stuff to discuss this time it surrounds lamelo ball so as reported by Joe Bruno of WSOC yesterday here’s the write up a mother is suing Charlotte Hornet star lamelo ball in the Charlotte Hornets M McCrae says last October 7th I think her name is Tamara or tamaria I’m not sure how you pronounce it McCrae says last October 7th after a Charlotte Hornets event fans were outside the arena going up to players as they left Angel Joseph was 11 at the time now he’s 12 was running up to lamelo for an autograph she says that ball did not sign anything and then he drove off she also says quote I just saw my son kind of go down and I thought maybe he had dropped something but she says angel had not dropped anything but that lamelo ball had driven over his foot while also breaking it the complaint says it happened when he was driving out of the employee entrance and driving out onto North Caldwell Street as soon as he turned right he stopped immediately at that intersection because of a red light now just to be clear we’re moving on from M M M we’ll call her M McCrae because I don’t know how to pronounce her first name M we’re moving on from M mccrae’s alleged incident and now we’re actually going to the complaint right like this is actually in the complaint that’s filed so as soon as lamelo turns right he stops immediately at that intersection because of a red light coming out on a North calwell Street once he was stopped at the red light a group of kids run out there to get an autograph then when the light turned green allegedly he drove off in what was described as quote grossly negligent play also described lamelo as quote looking directly into the kid’s face end quote I got a lot of thoughts on it not but you’re the guest and as we’ve seen with David quite a bit he has to join us with all the miles Bridges stuff that’s not so pleasant to talk about so now you’re going to be our honorary lamelo ball representative to talk about the tough stuff off of the Court what do you see what do you think of when you see the alleged incident take place here and the civil suit filed against lamel ball first things first I think we blame like instead of sitting with this and I get that social media has made this a thing where we initially just react and everyone wants to give a take something like this like there’s a lot of questions there’s a lot of subtext this is a very complex onion and for me the first thought I had was this is the last thing the Hornets needed which it kind of is at the same point there’s a lot of this that I don’t feel comfortable making a judgment on if I’m really honest and shout out to Adam Hicks who was there who was very quickly like hey this is a little bit more complicated than you may think based on the based on everything and not to stop you NADA but that tweet I have here Adam said on Twitter a friend of the show WFNZ and also locked on Hornet said I was there with my kids that day Arena staff barricaded the sidewalks and stopped traffic so Melo can get a running start in the parking garage and doesn’t have to stop Brandon Miller made a rookie mistake and stopped to sign stuff he got mobbed kids running into traffic again that from Adam on Twitter who was there that day allegedly yeah like there so we have all that then we have the fact that they’re suing the Hornets in this which we’re gonna find out real quick because I guarantee you that security cam footage is going to come out and we’re going to find out who was negligent or and who was not because Discovery is a real thing I am very comfortable sitting in the space of I don’t know but the but the biggest thing I have right now is I do not feel comfortable with the way and the fervor of we’re gonna blame this we’re gonna blame lamelo and we are going to come down hard on him and we’re going to assume some sort of criminality or bad behavior or just random douchebaggery for the LA for like the worst word to use but at this point like I just don’t feel comfortable assigning a label to any of this because there’s a lot of this that feels very very murky and if you go the wrong way with this you’re going to look very very stupid very very fast Doug what are your thoughts I’m glad he ended there looking stupid very very fast that’s my specialty on this show um I look I think this is an upgrade I mean this is a civil action to to Nat’s point this is not there’s no criminality involved and that’s a nice change of pace for this organization and the players that play for it this is a civil action I think I sense a culture shift here if we if we’re moving from Criminal to civil you know hopefully we can eventually get to just you know a brew haa or something that has no maybe something like that I don’t know something you know um look I’m a little bit mad at everybody in this story like lamelo ball doesn’t need this right now in terms of like PR the Hornets don’t need this with everything else that’s happened um you know okay look if if there were barricades if even if I take all of that there need to be more there’s got to be more we got to do something else if this is what’s going to happen I’m mad at the parents like where are the parents here like get your get these kids off the street I’m mad at the kids what are you doing like that you know the the the the value of that autograph is not worth getting run over uh this is it’s just all of this is ridiculous I’m also mad at the Hornet because like I I don’t know maybe I’m misreading this complaint and maybe I’m being cynical here but this doesn’t seem like all that much money like it feels like this could have been made to go away and it happened a long time ago so but but the but the claim the but the complaint was not filed until recently and so that’s something that takes place they didn’t know about it because the complaint although like I don’t think I mean so here here’s what happened apparently the lawyer for you know representing McCrae and Angel says that Angel’s family would have filed a claim with balls Insurance to pay his medical bills but the police report is missing key information like balls insure and even his name quote because that information was not provided we only have one recourse and that’s the court system de Brun said which is the law you’re representing the family so well but so that’s my thing like if if they’ve tried and failed and if if lamelo ball has any responsibility in that if the Hornets have any responsibility in that then that’s what I’m most frustrated by this should have been made hand L gone away no headlines if at all possible okay I’m leaving myself open to that there was just some other Shenanigans or something else and then this I don’t know maybe this person uh want wanted more or and and I don’t I don’t know what the situation is but if the Hornets or lamelo could have made this go away and decided for whatever reason not to then then they’re then they’re silly for that because there have been so many other bad headlines that they should have made this go away and I also say that like if we didn’t have footage of lamelo ball all you know tearing bleep out of the arena and running red lights and all this stuff that we went haha look at this young kid you know being a young kid you know now when you pair all that together it this this does look like maybe maybe a pattern and so that is and and also I’ll say like longtime Hornets fans have well first of all short-term Hornets fans have Trauma from just all of the courtroom drama that we’ve had but also long time Hornets fans have some drama that relates back to Bobby Phils and fast cars and reckless driving and it cost someone their life and so yeah all of that I think is baked into fan reaction to this all right Le let’s move on let’s come back to it there are still more thoughts to share coming up next on the lockdown Hornets podcast don’t go to sleep on the Hornets just yet we’ll continue to talk about the lamelo ball situation and some of our thoughts if we need to finish up on some of them here in the next segment here on [Music] this episode is brought to you by LinkedIn when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help you find the right Professionals for your team for faster and for free LinkedIn isn’t just another job board LinkedIn 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Bryant did not include a lot of the other content that I had to say that actually defended lamelo in this situation instead a lot of and he shared a rather strong take about lamelo where he said he was done with him and that he was immature and so that’s Wes’s take great sports radio takery that is our profession that’s what he decided to go with and that’s fine I did not go that route but that’s not necessarily what’s represented in the video that’s circulating on social media before I clarify it Doug it feels like you need to say something well I mean it’s not it’s not an entirely unfair take because I don’t know that we have we don’t have a lot that exists to counter it you know what I’m saying that’s what I was talking about to in that segment like we have a lot of footage of him you know looking like he is a little reckless in that vehicle movie and maybe there are reasons for that maybe he doesn’t want to get swarmed but like still it we don’t have a lot of evidence in the in the in the contrary so I think it’s and he is due to be making a lot of money for this organization so it actually matters if he his maturity level actually matters yeah make of what his take what you want to that that’s fine I I I’m not done with lamelo you’re right about this the fact that there is a montage of reckless driving from lamelo exiting the employee entrance out of spectrum Center and running through red lights driving fast not caring we’ve seen it multiple times I’m not saying there’s one clip I’m saying there is a montage of clips of him driving recklessly right outside of spectrum Center and because that exists that’s a real problem that we know what we don’t know is exactly what happened in the incident alleged here of lamelo like in the writing they lay it on pretty thick to demonstrate what they’re complaining about but the line of lamelo looking directly into the kid’s face yeah that’s in the complaint that’s not even just you know okay this is what they said no that is quote that is verbatim in the complaint looks him directly in the face before he speeds off yeah the complaint is laying it on pretty thick here and so the fact that you’re right Doug there’s lots of people to be angry with lots of people including the parents and the children like they’re 11 and 12 year olds what am I supposed to do okay like no they shouldn’t be in the street looking for an autograph and the other thing is with people blaming lamelo I actually defend lamelo in this if you talk to people in public relations lots of people in PR will tell you that if they are working with a big-time star they cannot make eye contact with people as they walk out of the Arena because if you give fans an inch they will take a mile there is no logic to be spoken of if you were to roll down the window in this incident and try to explain to the kids hey I’m in an intersection I don’t want to hold off traffic I also don’t want you guys to be in the street in uptown Charlotte the kids have already decided they want your autograph and cars be damned I’m getting it even if it means I might get my foot run over which in this case it did so to say that lamelo should have just rolled down his window tried to calmly explain to the children and or the parents if they were any to speak of say hey I’ll talk to you another time thank you for your fandom whatever what are you supposed to do now lamelo shouldn’t have yes lamelo shouldn’t have driven off if there was a risk of a child being harmed that’s true too but I’m not saying that lamelo is 100% at fault here he shouldn’t be driving recklessly or somebody might get seriously hurt and looks like somebody might have I don’t know but what happens is lamelo has a montage of bad driving clips and now we have an incident of kids going in the street looking for an autograph lots of blame to roll around and it’s frustrating to be talking about another offc Court incident yeah now this is this is getting old but and I what I’m really fearing is that we’re probably seeing the end of the purple and teal scrimmage we’re probably GNA see a lot of this just to reduce liability on this and it sucks all around and the only people that lose out of this are fans but the biggest thing that I’m just the biggest thing and it’s the thing that I disagree with your radio co-host the most with is this is starting to be a pattern where we’re ramping up to where we either again this starts to become a public opinion to where he either leaves or he feels forced out and I don’t like like it’s one thing to hold an athlete accountable in the media it’s a whole other thing to start ramping these things up to where we do we dislike this athlete and this athlete might have might might or might not have made a mistake we don’t know but the discourse ramping up just only creates a hostile environment and a hostile relationship with lamelo ball in the city I don’t think I like the way this is headed yeah I wonder if we’re going to get any response from lamelo after all of this I mean obviously there’s going to be no talk talking while there is a civil action so I don’t think it’s coming anytime soon but um some kind of resp we don’t we don’t we haven’t typically gotten really good responses to any of these these kinds of things that have happened around the Charlotte Hornets and that allows you know a vacuum of people to make all of their own opinions I do agree with you Walker fans are insane I mean fan is a shortened version of fanatic and and I don’t know what happens to people when they get around players and and you know you you double that with kids because kids don’t have any sense anyway uh and so but but even adults act like this that’s the strangest thing but I see you know when you even when you go to the arena the people that line up on the tunnel I mean there’s some people that are like hanging halfway off the tunnel to get you know a dirty towel and and they’re you know risking uh paralyzation from falling it is insane and so yes anyone who’s sitting here thinking why didn’t he just stop and sign the kids thing you just have to understand that that’s that is the last thing that you want to do in that scenario but but the Hornets have to figure this out they what whatever security they had they got to double it like you got to protect your player in this situation and not have this happen um can I tell you a real story about how crazy fans are I love at the last at the last home game the Dallas Mavericks visited the Hornets and played at the Spectrum Center Daniel Gafford had a great game he dunked everything it was really a showcase highlight film type of game from Daniel Gafford so he’s late to go in the locker room because everybody wants to talk to him so Daniel Gafford being the last one to go through the tunnel takes his headband off I I actually I forget what it is something sweaty something sweaty he takes off something gross something smelly throws it to a fan who makes a nice catch takes it and a reaction time not even thinking about it oh my my God just takes a big whiff face into the because for The Listener there you just put your face into what was the the headband and really sort of motorboated it almost with your nose and I promise you I promise you none of this is hyperbole that’s a real thing that happened I saw it I I almost I I yes you can I just want to say because I don’t believe in snitchery out here in the streets I did not put out a photo of that set girl who did that but what wait go ahead go ahead CU I was gonna ask at first the um ethnicity of this fan I have a feeling I know now thank you for for revealing that there you go I there’s the information do with it what you please maybe we get into some more lamelo stuff on the other side maybe we don’t you’re gonna have another one of those type of stories that was great I love that story that’s a true story like nothing fabricated whatsoever true and I was baffled by it coming up next on the lockon Hornets podcast don’t go to sleep on the Hornets just yet oh we have more to get to I think Doug drops a mock draft in here somewhere if you’re staying with us it’s coming up I have to I’m obligated I want to keep talking about lamelo but I’m obligated by law I don’t want anyone to take a civil action against this show for me breaking a promise I’ve got to get a mock draft Yeah we can’t do it all right still to come lock down hornets [Music] before we get to the last segment I want to tell you that this episode is brought to you by better help we all carry around different stressors whether it’s big or small when we keep them bottled up it can start to affect us negatively therapy is a safe space to get things off of your chest and to figure out how to work through whatever is weighing you down if you’re thinking of starting therapy then give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule just fill out a brief question a to get matched with a licensed therapist and you can even switch therapists anytime for no additional charge if you want to get it off your chest with betterhelp visit lockon NBA today to get 10% off your first month that’s betterhelp HP lockon NBA more lockon Hornets ahead all right before we get to the mock draft I know maybe some of you want us to give you more nasty Daniel Gafford stories and some of us want mock drafts I get it I I did want to read a little bit more on the lamelo stuff so in the official Complaint the document that’s out there I I did want to say that in points 21 and 22 before we get to the second claim that’s right that’s right that’s right it’s all ridiculous uh point 22 here is that as a direct and approximate result of the afores said negligence of defendant ball the minor plaintiff has sustained injuries and damages to his person in a sum greater than $25,000 22 that is a direct and approximate result of the afor said negligence of defendant ball the plaintiff has sustained injuries and damages in a some greater than 25,000 basically what it means is that they’re looking for $225,000 based off of the damages that they suffered which goes to your point Doug this is something that could be easily taken care of by just handing over 25k whether it’s from the Hornets Billy doll organization or lamelo $200 million man with it kicking in this year seems relatively like a small amount of money to just Fork over that that’s what I’m saying I I just can’t believe and if I’m proven wrong on this fine but I just can’t believe that that the Hornets or lamelo didn’t get some kind of thing that said give me $25,000 and I’ll shut up and if they said no to that I just don’t understand it lamelo probably had that in the trunk of his car I mean he’s about to make a a bajillion dollars from the Charlotte Hornets I’ve given the Charlotte Hornets $25,000 in half sales they could have just given the kid my $25,000 that I’ve spent on Charlotte Hornets hat this is ridiculous it’s chump change and the Hornets as an organization once again they end up looking like the Chumps so so NADA like for me this isn’t reminiscent of you walking outside of Taco Bell tripping over the sidewalk and then suing Taco Bell for a million because were reason you got hurt to me if you say okay just give him a million bucks Doo Bell can AFF it well all right now you’re starting to set a precedent where anybody can just take advantage of you and because they don’t want to go through this process then you just throw them the million that’s not this I really hope that lamelo isn’t running over any children’s foot anymore so if this is a one-off which please God I hope it is just give the 25k and it’s not going to set some precedent hey if we just run out in front of lamelo and get our foot run over we can get 25k too so all of that speaks true to What doug was saying EP I just I love the idea of an epidemic of teens just thrusting themselves in front of the spectrum Center hoping to be hit by you know this actually happens in China there is an epidemic of people like their videos you can look these videos up of people that walk out into intersections and they’re trying to get hits uh so that they can collect money this this is uh yeah hopefully yeah you don’t want to set that kind of press hope but but at the same time if all this took was 25k and like something about that I don’t want to I don’t want to go like this the whole mouth feasant thing and everything something about this doesn’t smell right because if all you were asking for 25k was was for 25k and no one paid it like this feels this feels like this smells like Danny gafford’s headband worse worse worse much much much worse much much worse but like that’s the thing it doesn’t something about it doesn’t feel right because if you went through all this and then you’re all you’re asking for is 25k then like it doesn’t add up something doesn’t add up it feels like and I’m I’m totally with you but I’m also with all of the fans that are just like I’m tired of this bleep I’m exhausted by why does this keep happening to players that wear purple and teal you’re not hearing these stories happening to Dallas or to Indiana or to all these mid-market teams that are in the playoffs right now they manage somehow they manage to stay out of trouble and again this is Charlotte this is not New York this is not La this is Charlotte North Carolina and and and lamelo has problems getting out of the arena and runs over a kid’s foot like this is absurd to me I’m hot and you know get Wes over here to take a video of me and put it online cuz I’m hot oh jeez like tired of it I just want to talk about basketball I want to do mock drafts I’m tired of talking about this all right let’s let’s let’s let himra he’s getting mad he’s getting yep you’re right NADA thank you let’s give Doug phone one mo one more MRA what a show man what a show all right what’s your mock draft you have Doug uh this is from Jonathan phony gavon and Jeremy woo Who I don’t have a problem with at all he’s been on the show he’s a friend of the show we’d like to have him back on the show no problem no no nickname for woo but if you mess up Jeremy Buu is right there and we will go to it so don’t mess up Jeremy don’t mess up but also please come back on the show and actually woo made the pick here or at least did the blurb and so I’m going to scroll scroll scroll all the way down to six the Charlotte Hornet select get this Donovan kingan makes his way down shuffles down to the number six pick wo writes after immensely boosting his stock with dominant play in March kingan looks ready to contribute as a long-term defensive anchor best suited to drop coverage and using his size to wall off angles in the paint he has been aiming to Showcase skill potential and three-point range and workout settings helping teams Envision offensive upside and versatility and has earned looks at the very top of the draft NADA Donovan kingan is still somebody you’re very high on correct yes I am but I have so two things one I don’t think kingan’s going to be there I’m going to continue to say this to anyone that will listen to me kingan will not be there at 6 if he’s there at 6 and Castle’s there I’m not sure that they’re Drafting klling and E in that instance either I’m pretty sure they’re gonna draft Stefan Castle the only th the one thing that I’m starting to worry about is everyone that’s going with this Brook Lopez narrative and I’ve been guilty of doing it too every now and again but I don’t see Brook Lopez the shooter right now if you told me he’s maybe diet Mark Gasol like I’m okay with that like you should be okay with a guy that just patrols the rim doesn’t really hit threes because his F his free throw percentage was 55% that’s not going to show you like I don’t think the three-point shot is ever GNA be there with Donovan kingan what you’re drafting him for specifically is because he is a seven foot guy that can that can switch on the pick and roll and disrupt everything you want to do in terms of pick and roll offense that’s why you draft him you draft him for the defensive end anything on offense is gravy right now what do you think Doug well I think if he looks like Brook Lopez like right now in terms of his three-point shooting if he looks like that in individual workouts then I agree with you NADA he’s not going to be there at six you kind of almost if you want kingan and Charlotte you need him to go into these workouts and Clank a little bit from three uh because I think he’ll be too enticing uh but in this mock draft they they’ve got Reed Shepard going third to Houston and Rob Dillingham to to the Spurs at four and that’s also what you need to happen you need to have some of these small guards you need to have these teams above the Hornets fall in love with some of these small guards in order for kinging and castle castle moves all the way down to 10 maybe they’re taking into account some of that point guard talk that could possibly hurt Castle’s draft stock as teams are wanting to kind of shy away from that if they’ve already got a point guard that they’re developing uh but you have to have all of that in play for kingan to be available uh but I would look I don’t really care how he shoots I I would love that pick for the Charlotte Hornets yeah useful player without the perimeter shot last thing like and I hear what you’re saying NADA like there’s probably more scenarios where he’s not on the team than there are scenarios where he is on the team even taking into account of course one out of six shot with some of these guys that are going to be taken uh you bring up Brook Lopez I think that comparison comes from the fact that Brook Lopez himself was not a great shooter coming out and did not embark on that at the beginning of his career like I equated this to are are we doing the Walker Kesler thing like is this where we’re doing the fake shooting where hey Roy Williams I promise he can shoot if you just lit him let him and Roy said no thank you we’re not going to we’re going to put the shot blocker next to the rim so then he goes to Auburn and shoots terribly and then he goes to the NBA and shoots terribly both from the three-point line and the free throw line is that clinging or are we looking at a potential Brook Lopez situation that’s what I want to know and to me it feels a lot like kler right I think we’re a lot closer to Walker Kessler that’s what I’m saying now honestly like we’re closer to Walker Kessler and remember Walker Kessler didn’t play a lot this year why because will hardy likes to play five out that’s the reason why there’s that why he’s not really playing until he gets his three-point shot up I really think this is closer to Walker Kesler and Walker Tesla’s fine as long as you understand you’re never going to really play five out you might play four and a half out he may be a guy that you do a lot of screen rolls with but this three-point shot I’m not sure why everybody so riant on that actually developing and I’ve seen klling and I can give you a mock draft right now that has kinging as the number two overall pick number three number four I mean these things are all over the place I wouldn’t even take this mock having him at six as klling and falling in the draft although I do think think that like he’s not getting past Charlotte like if Donovan is if Clingan is available I and and I think even woo writes here Charlotte looks like a soft landing spot like I think if he does fall I don’t think he falls Beyond six but I I don’t even until these workouts happen these individual workouts and we can get some solid Intel from some of these teams that are that that would that would dare leak it I you know I just don’t think we have any idea where these guys are going to land no no we don’t all right that’ll do it for this episode of locked on Hornets there’s Doug Branson substack every Hornets boox he’s texting via sub text again Subs all over the place I’m Walker M you can listen to me on WFNZ every weekday from 12:00 to 3: you can also see Clips go out on our Twitter profile Weston Walker and there’s NADA he’s gonna be joining us again because well he’s got some free time find him on Twitter at NADA the Scribe have a great rest of your day we’ll all be back with you again tomorrow byebye [Music] room

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  1. I have heard enough, kids should not be running out to cars driving on the street. Parent should be taking full responsibility for this incident.

  2. Brook Lopez did not learn how to shoot threes until 8 years into his NBA career. 8 years. LoH let's shake up our guest appearances here… I am nata fan (pun intended).

  3. Idk about yall, but my parents taught me to never get close to a running car that’s on the road because anything can happen. Clearly that mom failed telling her kid about that, and the kid unfortunately paid the price. Play stupid games win stupid prizes, in what world is it a good idea to approach a running car that’s simply stopped at a stoplight for an autograph. I think LaMelo is a horrible driver, but this isn’t his fault at all.

  4. Melo should take full responsibility and pay everything but it's the kid and mothers fault. Id even put some blame on the security and blockages they have up

  5. So draft predictions I think we trade back to 10 with jazz, select Cody williams, by trading back we get their 29th pick too and we trade our 2nd rounder to move up like 5 spots around 22-26 range and select Kyle Filipowski from duke

  6. I’d say there’s a lot to unpack. First of all, people claim Lamelo is a “bad driver” because the only clips they see of him is speeding out of the arena, which is because if he stops at the red light, fans would swarm around him. Second of all, there is no reason whatsoever that a child should even be remotely close to a MOVING car, just a mix of terrible parenting and a lack of common sense from the kid. The mother suing is definitely just looking for an easy cash grab.

  7. Maybe can the Hornets security find a safer way for lamelo to leave the facility? Shouldn't be peeling out near fans ever. Fans are crazy and unfortunately some parents send their kids in for these autographs.

  8. People, 25k is the minimum needed in order for it to be out of small claims court and into superior court which is why that minimum number was used. That does not mean that the amount was the plaintiffs demand. We are not privy to that information until either party goes public with negotiations. As far as we know this kid and parent coukd be looking for more than 25k..

  9. Speaking of security, what is the security like for the locked on hornets podcast? Are fences and blockades set up for when the hosts leave their respective recoding studios? How do Doug and Walker handle dealing with the paparazzi and women who chase them for autographs? I’m sure the locked on hornets crazy fans must be suffocating. Do they not know that Doug has a baby at home??

  10. Back when I was at a Kings vs. Hornets game, my friend luckily caught Terry Rozier’s wristband as he was walking through the tunnel, and these crazy kid fans next to us were yelling out, “SNIFF IT!!” We walked away from them so quick.🤣🤣🤣

  11. Im going to keep it a buck. The paat 24 months with Melo has not been great for the franchise. Nobody can argue that. He hasnt helped the past 24 month(2 years). We freaking suck. How the Timberwolves and Pacers have better success than we do?!?!?

  12. Im not going to defend melo. Wtf has he dont for this franchise lately? Great, another "hes great when he is healthy" comment coming

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