@Boston Celtics

Did the Pacers blow Game 1 or Celtics win it, will Boston go up 2-0? | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Did the Pacers blow Game 1 or Celtics win it, will Boston go up 2-0? | NBA | UNDISPUTED

well skip in order to win in this league a championship on the road to to the championship you got to be not only good but lucky yeah the Celtics was lucky I’m a uh Pacers blew 100% you know I’m not going to even lie about it I thought the game was over 27 seconds uh but then all of a sudden H H Burton melted did one of the most one of the most the best player who you want with the ball he he just couldn’t secure it he led the league in assist I mean this is who you want with the ball yeah this is who you trust most on your team this is what who you want with the bag of money to make the delivery because you trust him that much yeah to get it there and he just didn’t with two crucial turnovers I mean did he stumble over a leprechaun I I I really don’t know I I I really can’t explain it because as great as he’s been and Indiana just don’t see them playing no better I mean everybody played great they did what they had to do they came and punch the Celtics in the mouth but they gave this game away Halbert with the turnover a Drew holiday right there then the throwaway to seak and it just opened up the door for a great team to be great and so they were lucky yeah they were lucky in that situation I was sitting over there like in disgust and and this is what I’m going say every round the Celtics had have had a wakeup call and it came at the expense of a loss I thought this was their wakeup call and a win because now they’re gonna look back and say hey all right guys we let we we we escaped with one so hopefully this wakes them up because they haven’t played well at home let’s just keep it well yeah they lost two games and they only lost four games all year hopefully this is a wakeup call for the Celtics to say all right it’s time to not underestimate the Pacers because they are a a pretty good offensive team and it’s time to wait up and use this as a wake up call to where now I can see them being much more prepared and playing with much more of a sense of urgency uh moving forward isn’t it pretty ironic skip that every single time that the Celtics either lose a game stumble up on a game or whatever the next day he’s not around to talk about it you have to go to the following day to kind of get you back though yeah I understand that but it was still a a hiccup right it was that’s not a hiccup we you you just said that IND blew the game no they did but they blew the game at the end of the day it’s about winning the game there’s no question it’s not the same as when you win the game by what was it 14 points you were supposed to win it by 15 you supposed to win by according to your numbers before you go on Keith let me ask you this you you you’ve been a professional sports being in sports all your life have you ever been a part of a game to where you’re like we won this game but we wasn’t supposed to yes absolutely many many all day long right and you shake it off but that’s the sign of a great team I I was going to get there I was going to say that that Indie blew it no question the Pacers blew it but the Celtics seiz the moment and the opportunity and cashed in on their mistakes because there were multiple mistakes at the end of that game that cost the Pacers the game and guess what the Celtics decided to do take it in overtime and Jason Tatum decided be Jason Tatum that we all think he could be finally which which you know knocking down shots in the overtime and getting 10 points look if if hton doesn’t dribble off his leg if they call a timeout and Advance the ball to the other side of the court and get filed and go up by four P to three I mean there’s all of those things that could have occurred to they could go home one1 or go up 20 at home instead of possibly going home there’s no question about it but the Celtics took advantage of it and that’s what Championship type teams do is they oh they seize that moment they take advantage of that moment now they go back they regroup for it never to happen again and I think that’s why I said to to you guys you and Rachel yesterday the Celtics probably bring out the broom now because that hiccup is over with they woke up now it’s like okay then we can’t play around with them skip can’t play with them because we play with them we’ll get done to what Green Bay Packers did to your Dallas Cowboys get flattened but they didn’t play around with them to start the game cuz you jump up 12 to nothing and I thought because you gave me what 12 and I thought well that’s already over I already lost this one right yeah and then here see I knew he was sick though skip because when I text him he had been texting me to do a favor for him and get something done for him I got it done and I’m texting him back to let him know I got it done and this that he don’t even respond cuz I’m watching that tell me he was sick as a dog and yet oh you texted me I don’t know what you call the side eyes the wide eyes right the eyes eyes wide open looking sideways when Nim hard made two straight shots one to put them up five and then the next one to put them up three I’m like they’re going to do this right right they’re going to do this they’re going to win game one at Boston and you had said we’ve been pretty good in game ones though we don’t blow the game one okay and then the the two best players had a role because Jason Tatum has a wideopen three because somebody gambled I think it was Nim Hart or n Smith gambled and missed on a trying to steal it so Jason Tatum is wide open from the top of the circle and missed it and NIMH hard did get the rebound he falls down but he kicks it out before he walks or whatever he kicks it to Halbert and I’m thinking it is over yeah right okay because it’s 27 seconds left here’s the shot the Miss and and now halberton oh that was the foul play okay that was at the end okay so oh that’s the Jason Tatum Miss near the end yeah but at this point I’m I’m thinking it’s over yeah I’m thinking that’s a foul and luckily they wasn’t in the bonus yeah that was key not being in the bonus at that moment because if they’re in the bonus it’s over usually around fourth quarter 20 seconds the other team’s in the bonus okay so halberton is dribbling the ball to the floor with 27 seconds left and they’re up three points yeah and all he has to do is get it across half court and hold on because they’re going to have to foul and it’s only going to require one more free throw probably to do you in yep and he he dribbles it off his KN just take your time yeah he dribbles off his knee I mean that’s the that’s that’s the the the the the the Boston Mystique skip that’s the Boston slow down right there though you getting ready to cross our court just slow down and just stand there dribble and let him come to you and grab you I’ve seen stranger things happen in the garden that go our our way and now this is one of the more stranger things and then the flip side of that happens in overtime with a minute left when Nim hard is just dribbling and Drews up into him but he just loses the handle and he tries to save it and then he falls out of bounds trying to get the basketball was that hbert trible yeah Hal was dribbling up Drew came on him he tried to turn around and when he turned around he just completely lost theall that I’m telling you that that that par had a crack in it and he just fell down I’m tell he was on the look look right here a okay he just fell down the Pacers only down one at that point so they’re they’re shooting to go ahead with a minute left and then to Jason Tatum’s credit the next play he gets the wide openen three from the top and he just flat out Nails it and that’s game game time and yet to Khan’s point of yesterday which I loved was as soon as Jaylen Brown hit the three at the end of regulation you just knew the Pacers in the back of their minds are thinking it’s over you know that’s it we’re cooked over yeah anytime that happens in professional sports you wind up surrendering a lead whether it’s baseball you go to Extra Innings you probably going to lose that’s football you prob cuz takes everything that’s emotionally draining draining like that night you don’t sleep the next morning you watching film and you just it just reeks with just like drainage like it does Skip I’ve been in these situations you lost a game you supposed to win in the playoffs and you just sitting there they got the film going you can hardly watch the film watch you can’t even watch the film all right I think that’s going to I think I said it was going five but now I believe it’ll go forward okay me too I believe it’s going to go forward I’m I’m leaning in your direction okay so last play of Regulation Rick Carlile and the Huddle says we are going to foul okay so the the order is to foul but then they run a slick little screen that frees up Jaylen yeah and cakam gets lost for a second and he’s a step late and he knows he’s supposed to foul but now Jaylen looks like he’s about to go up into the shooting motion he catches already facing the rim behind the three-point line understood so now you’re not in no position to foul so I understand why he didn’t foul now if I catch the ball the ball comes up say it’s a bad pass yeah yeah now you can foul but when he catches look as where he catches it he catches it right in the shooting pocket so you can’t foul right there skip because now you’re getting three free throw because he’s GNA go up so do you risk him but I got a 70% free throw shooter yeah for like do I file him and take my chances on three or I mean this is the fine line you come uh to to within yourself on in this situation educate do I do I foul him and give him three free throws or can he really make this tough shot it looks like he’s he’s stuck in the corner not a lot of space true you know the chances of that I mean but if I don’t put my hands up at all it’s an easier shot it seemed like to me either way it’s a tough shot it was a tough shot either way hands up hand that’s a tough shot you have now the the beauty of 2020 hindsight you know he made the shot so for you to say might as well just hack him right make him shoot the free throw well I thought they should have switched to begin with to start off they should shouldn’t have kept trying to fight through the P just switch switch it off eight seconds to go you should have done you should have zoned the three-point line you could Zone it Zone the three-point line like now we’re just going to put five gu I’ve been on doc has done this we’re up three just put five guys at the three-point line yeah you’ve each got a Zone yeah Z like this right just we already going to be at the three-point line so if you throw it in for the two we got to make our free throws yeah we take our chances okay or call time out and we don’t have to worry about that we can advance the ball saying it’s s seconds left no but I’m saying if Rick car just call the timeout and Advance it to the to the other end of the court before the the seak turnover yeah before the seak turnover you know have to go through all that yeah I mean you know you’re in a heat in the moment there are six se for a reason I mean you know there there but that’s situational I would think that’s situational basketball Small Things paying attention to detail can cost you a game now in Hinds side you look back they should have called the timeout in Hinds side you look back oh maybe they should have set a screen on holberton coming up the court so Drew wouldn’t be harassing him right there on the sideline you know it’s a number of things you can say but ultim ultimately you know a great team found a way to win and on the way to a championship and I’mma keep saying this you have to be good and you you have to be lucky and this is one of their lucky moments okay and what did you do I don’t know where you were when you watching the game probably at home what was your reaction when Jaylen Brown shot I literally jump I screamed I I screamed I was like I’m sitting there like it’s over I’m already giving the game to to Indie I’m just sitting there like eating it’s over like you know I’m not really even Fant I’m head to the side like it’s over so I’m like oh he hits the shot I jump I I literally jumped off my couch and said oh my goodness how did Indiana get this up in a playoff game right there that’s the series when lindana goes home this summer they’re going to look back at this game and say we really actually had an opportunity to beat Boston get home court advantage and really really had a legit chance because even though they lost it Boston won this game this will now the damned if you do damned if you don’t to Rick Carlile in certain situations in the course of games move he’ll call a timeout and he should be call it this this is the flip side that Indiana can take from this this game gave him confidence they feel like they can play with Boston you know we all wrote them off you know 10-point win they know coming into the game today they they’re saying so if you have to play you know mind games with your team as a coach and say hey guys we can play with them actually I’mma tell my team we’re better than them and I’m going show them all the great things we did they did some great things out out there I mean everybody played well mouse turner I mean top to bottom everybody got what they wanted yeah and so they should could feel confident going in the game two and say we can beat them but here’s their problem your team is going to take them much more seriously tonight that’s the one that’s the point right absolutely so are you leaning sweep kean’s going that direction if Celtics win this game right here I’m leaning sweep okay cuz they had a problem with game twos hopefully that won game one yeah yeah but that was a wake up hopefully this is a wake up call and you know but Indiana saw some things they saw some things in The Scouting Report they saw something in a defense that may be still there in game two who knows because what adjustments do the Celtics make when you win a game I mean but they got a lot of adjust they got adjustments they definitely got some adjustments make that’s the first time you gonna say oh we got some adjustments to make in a win thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Paul Pierce joins Skip Bayless and Keyshawn Johnson to discuss whether the Indiana Pacers blow Game 1 or his Boston Celtics win it and whether they will go up 2-0.

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Did the Pacers blow Game 1 or Celtics win it, will Boston go up 2-0? | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. I don't care what anyone says, 23-3 free throw discrepancy is pathetic. especiialy with the Pacers taking 27% of their shots at the rim compared to the Celtics 28.

  2. Out of this whole segment I just want to know why you wasn’t at the garden Paul these are games you got to be in the building

  3. Is it a rights thing as to why they can't play/show the highlights from the game on the youtube version?

  4. The Celtics won a game at home and now the series is over, really? The Celtics was suppose to win the game at home. The Pacers is not scared of this team. If anything the Pacers feel like they can get tonights game. There weren't any smoke and mirrors the Pacers just played ball. The might have been tired. The Celtics can't beat a Pacers team that played three games in three cities in 5 days.

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