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Cavaliers fire coach J.B. Bickerstaff: How does this impact Mitchell & Garland? | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Cavaliers fire coach J.B. Bickerstaff: How does this impact Mitchell & Garland? | NBA | UNDISPUTED

breaking news in the NBA the Cavs have fired JB bicker staff this despite the Cavs reaching their first conference semifinals in six seasons Donovan Mitchell has been connected to numerous reports regarding issues with teammates potentially being traded so how will this impact Donovan Mitchell’s future Paul kick man I’m not so sure this is surprising to me this is big news maybe this may maybe there was something going on with him and the coach agree and they because usually that’s what happens when your best players is not happy with the coach coach is usually the first one to go so if this had anything to do with that and and Donovan Mitchell resigning it could be good it could be bad because I really don’t know because I thought he was successful in what he was able to do JB bigger staff and as a coach getting him into the second round I thought he really exceeded expectations being that they were hurt a lot of a lot of times during the year having Donovan in and out of the uh lineup y dealing with uh injuries in the playoffs they did you know Jared Allen was gone Jared Allen wasn’t there so maybe this has something to do with Donovan Mitchell resigning a long-term deal and we all know that when the star franchise player is unhappy the coach is first to go so it’ll be interesting to see what happens in this scenario if Donovan leaves or if Donovan stays but I do believe this Garland and Donovan I don’t know if they’ll both be together next year one of them is on outs okay you know y’all league is crazy man y’all just fire coaches like they just throwaways it’s so wild to me here’s here’s a coach who musical chairs yeah here’s a coach who has gotten him into the playoffs despite injuries despite all sorts of things here’s a here’s a coach that has put the team so to speak first before himself I would agree and now all of a sudden y he’s on the outs I mean Cleveland is just is is pretty wild and then when you think back he had obviously he had some issue with Kobe Alman a general manager they had like some riff because he was playing Donovan Mitchell too much in games that he shouldn’t have been playing him in you know that that was a little weird to me so it could be like Paul is saying Donovan Mitchell kind of wanted to look at going in the different direction if he was ass sign an extension with the coach and staff so be it you know but what if he doesn’t what if he decides to go do something else in terms of signing extension or asked to be out or traded or whatever the case is and you just got rid of a coach that had you kind of going in the right direction it’s just it NBA is wild when they fire it just do make any sense yeah you know I really don’t know because it could have something to do with Mitchell or Garland too because I didn’t see Garland didn’t really play too well with Mitchell May something with theing philosophy you know and and firing him that you can retain both of those guys instead of just one of them maybe they did what they had to do now that I if I think more into it the one who not happy Garland because we saw when Donovan Mitchell went down Garland looked like the player we thought he could be but remember he was hurt though I forgot what exactly what his injury was but he missed a significant amount of time I feel like it was his ribs or his back or something during the season doing the season he did no he did yeah but even when they both were together they just didn’t seem like they had the chemistry together and I don’t know if that has something to change in the philosophy of the coaching because the first year together I thought they were great and then all of a sudden it’s just like I I don’t know it just didn’t seem like the chemistry was there and I don’t know if that had something to do with the coach but maybe that has something to do with like I said retain retaining both of them now because if Garland’s like not happy and he’s a guy that you want to keep for a long run Mitchell also another guy you want to keep and keep this team CU I thought this team has has great potential when healthy so you know I look at it because this was a weird firing to me you know I didn’t really hear any Rumblings about him being fired I thought he did a great job despite the circumstances and I think uh this definitely have some some Fingerprints of of either Donovan or Garland on it yeah uh I think it has every finger print of Donovan he is the face the franchise he’s the best player he’s better than Darius Garland and I don’t know this for a fact but I would be willing to bet that Donovan said I just don’t love him and Dan Gilbert said then we got to do something else because we need you to stay here so I’m thinking this is the first signal that your Lakers have no shot at Donovan Mitchell that’s my gut feeling here that’s okay but they might have a shot at JB bicker staff well you interested I don’t know enough about him might have a shot I don’t know enough about him yet they lost call and and got another and got a coach in there to slide into the kada seat yeah so here’s the point on darus Garland he went to this school called Vanderbilt it’s in Nashville which is somewhere in Kentucky or Alabama or Mississippi somewhere I don’t know where Nashville is but the point is I know his game and I know his body language which he was not happy with Donovan uh even in the Orlando series because Donovan would just lien it up and running and gunning and Donovan’s usage rate is the highest this side of Luca because Luca will dribble the air out of the ball Donovan needs the basketball in his hands yeah they’re just a bad fit and because Darius is a clutch client I’m pretty sure that rich Paul will do you know work his magic to do what he needs to do yeah he will get him where he needs to go and it will not beat Cleveland so I I’m thinking they’re going to have a new coach and a new running mate for Donovan Mitchell but I don’t understand you could explain this to me Paul to be able to have success as an organization and stabilize success how you going to keep running through coaches every other day it’s like every other day there’s a new coach in Cleveland there’s a new coach in La like you can’t have sustainability if you keep doing this the Miami Heat are good because they got the same guy they just got to you know eventually San Antonio will be good again because they got the same guy that ain’t gone anywhere well there’s a small sample size of a coach can get you over the top you know I mean you look at certain cases like when Larry Brown went to Detroit or Phil Jackson went to the Lakers yep but you already got to have the pieces in place and that’s why I don’t really agree with change over of the coaches too much if you don’t have the necessary pieces in place that says all right the expectations are here for us to do this because Cleveland I think he exceeded their expectations you know as a coach you know maybe went beyond them based on the circumstances so but they do have pieces but they have pieces absolutely so keep the damn coach maybe in order to retain them pieces you need a new coach okay agreed thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

Skip Bayless, Keyshawn Johnson and Paul Pierce react to news the Cleveland Cavaliers are firing head coach J. B. Bickerstaff after five seasons. The Undisputed cast decide what this move means for Cavs stars, Donovan Mitchell and Darius Garland.

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Cavaliers fire coach J.B. Bickerstaff: How does this impact Mitchell & Garland? | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. JB Bickerstaff firing made 0 sense, Cavs had Mitchell and Allen being out for a lot of the playoffs and they still made progress from last season (first 1st round series win since LeBron), only losing to the 64-win Celtics who a lot of people think will win the title

  2. Skip: “You interested?”
    Key: “Idk enough about him”

    How do you not know about the coach you’re paid to talk about on TV???

  3. Cavs had a lot of talent and didn’t perform to a high enough level. They just about got the 4th seed this past season.

    Offensively it’s predictable and they always have troubles scoring. Jb had peaked with this team.

    Was it all his fault no but cavs fans will understand who watch every game.

    Just because we beat Orlando everyone thinks wow they won a series and they barely done that.

  4. This is like dating a girl who is 225 pounds. You train her and get her to 170 and she dumps you. Cleveland has to remember they are Cleveland. Lebron ain't walking through that door.

  5. Lebron coming is coming back to Cleveland and Lebron just wanted to make sure the coach was fired before he gets there.

  6. paul p right on the money. i cannot think of what else this coach could have done to deserve to get fired? like we could talk about other top coaches who do not get their teams ready for games 2 or games 7 and nobody talks about their responsibility

  7. …. idk if it's CTE or what, but we didn coach hop…JB was our HC for 4 and a half seasons. We let go of Beilein because he was a terrible coach and there was a rumor he said some racial stuff to his players

  8. Can Undisputed not afford to hire someone to teach basic English and grammar to their hosts? …….or as they say “they hosts”.

  9. Cavs is a small market team acting like a big market team, they are looking at luxury tax in 2025 if they were to re-up Donovan and pair him with another superstar. Other teams are doing it too but only Bucks got a trophy, Hawks and Suns are almost ready to be cautionary tales, Cavs could be next.

  10. It’s pathetic how much NBA teams bend over backwards for their star players. Zero backbone or faith in coaches

  11. first off…alot of you all dont watch the Cavs. JB got outcoached alot in games and the talent succeeded despite him. JB also refused to use his bench and often ran down his starters–of which injuries occurred due to it. He would often have better lineups and winning percentages when he used his starters ALONG WITH HIS BENCH.But once back to full strength, JB would rely too much on the starters again and lose more games. He is an idiot when it comes to common sense basketball 101. He coaches like its the 1980 and is not in tune with plays and schemes for todays NBA

  12. If Donovan Mitchell had something to do with the firing of the coach, Cavs pounced. I'm hearing Mitchell is happy to be in Cleveland and he didn't have any disregards for any of the coaching staff. Sooooo… this firing is cryptic.

  13. The national media all year have tried to send Mitchell to LA, Knicks and any other team except Cleveland. IF they watched the Cavs play you would see JB was not the guy.

  14. I like JB as a coach but this was the right move… he’s a good regular season coach but not ready for deep playoff runs…

    The Cavs are on a timeline right now and they can’t wait on that development

  15. I mean it sure seems like it’s the best time to do a reset since Cavs lucked into the top pick and this current roster just seems off chemistry wise. Don’t gotta go full rebuild but trade Spida and get more younger depth/assets.

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