@Los Angeles Lakers

Update on my jersey collection

Recently some dumb dumb try to scam some people in this sub, pretending to own my collection of jerseys.

I added a few since I took that photo.

by hashoa6


  1. Crazy throwback, but who remembers that one guy like 4-5 years ago that was spamming the sub with every jersey/merch he bought?

  2. ChillClinton904

    You went through the baby Laker phase too eh

  3. Carzerlife

    The amount of money going to jerseys must be pretty expensive

  4. xreddawgx


    I actually have a 41 Elden Campbell jersey took me forever to find that one.

  5. blackmamba182

    Stacked, but you gotta cop a purple Kobe jersey. They look so clean.

  6. Exciting_Attitude240

    Nice collection. But Nash though???

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