@Sacramento Kings

Sacramento Kings Offseason Targets From the Philadelphia 76ers

Sacramento Kings Offseason Targets From the Philadelphia 76ers

the 76ers yeah the 76ers the list is so long the list is ridiculous it would we should have what we should have done is is non Sixers not on the list should have been should have been the bit but anyways Paul Reed came up he’s got two years and 15.8 million left I think I think Paul Reed is definitely more of a flyer than a player like Nick Claxton he’s he’s proved less but I think he could be the same type of player so if you want to run the two big idea I I don’t hate the idea of Paul Reed and he can also shoot it a little bit he doesn’t do it on very high volume but he is capable of of stepping out and hitting a jumper that would be my question can he actually space the floor a little bit and give you more um he won’t be 25 until June 14th um you know again coming out of college he’s a guy that you thought could probably shoot a shoot it a little bit shot 36.8% this last year uh and he blocked a shot in in 19.4 minutes per game um yeah I’m intrigued by him but I also think his his numbers are a little inflated and it little inflated is 7.3 uh point six rebounds but a little inflated because he started so many games when embiid was hurt so yeah yeah I would at least be intrigued as a guy who could potentially play alongside sabonis I’m just not sure that there’s a big difference between Paul Reed and Trey LS h okay I think Tre L is better 168 169 yeah I think T is better as well and that’s where I would kind of put it like I I don’t think that you’re you’re going out there and trying to improve your roster with a Paul Reed okay I wrote down Tobias Harris he’s intriguing isn’t he look I get I know that anybody listening to this anybody watching this is probably like hard no Tobias Harris stinks Tobias Harris stinks because he’s made so much freaking money yes Tobias Harris has always been this like Enigma and idea of like wow 68 scorer he could defend man this is the prototypical NBA wing and then he’s just been underwhelming at every single point in his career he is Harrison Barnes just a little bit like career-wise he’s goingon to be a little bit better yeah yeah and he’s almost 32 like very very similar player uh 16.3 points per game for his career I would love I I think he’s probably going to get more than this so will probably but dude if you can fit Tobias Harris in the mid-level oh yeah like he’s gonna get he’s probably gonna get more than that but when I when I put him on this list that’s what I’m talking about you would love Tobias Harris on that kind of contract oh no totally and I think he’s probably going to get more like what Harrison got like 17 18 19 yeah yeah like that’s probably where he’s going to go but again I think he also has the opportunity to go play wherever he wants and he’s a guy who’s tremendous in the community who’s giv back a ton I think him and his brother have a project in in La where they do all kinds of good uh and maybe that’s where he ends up but what you you know how much he’s made for his career uh $200 million you’re short by 50 250 250 that’s crazy he’s on a five good for him though good for deas Harris yeah he just finished a 5year 180 man like that’s why Tobias Harris has been underwhelming is contracts not not necessarily the play if you can get him for like a mid-level type of deal I’d 100% be and if you start talking about 18 19 million I’m probably closer to out than in Kelly UB same kind of deal for me yeah I like Kelly UB a lot I like Kelly UB too I would want to know again we’ve talked about this what Mike Brown and what uh J Triano think they both coached him and and liking him from the outside and and then seeing him as a player and like how he shows up to your building what effort all that stuff like how how difficult is he cuz he’s a guy with a with a personality that no doubt like stands out um and then of course like we’ve talked about this he also played a ball dear their friends and like the the body style the 6 fo seven long athletic super super high flyer like gets out in the open court and runs he’s a mistake prone player but one of those guys that you’re like okay I think I’m intrigued he also like lost the ability to make a lot of money somewhere along the way so he’s a guy that once you take a lower salary in the NBA it is really really difficult to ever get back and he’s one of those guys who’s you know again uh just the MoneyWise he was a guy of 15 million 14 million 12 12.6 this last year with the 76ers he made two million bucks and so that’s that’s crazy um I would expect him to make a little bit more but could you get him for a biannual exception maybe like 4.7 like I don’t know uh he’s probably going to get more than that but i’ give him part of your mid level for sure well maybe maybe not though I mean like look once the guy comes down in salary a lot of times he doesn’t get to go back up and at 28 years old like he would improve your depth and give you something unique and different yeah yeah so I I’m I’m I’m right there um De Anthony Melton a favorite of of our guy Mitch New Jersey uh is I think you have to throw him in the potential Malik monk replacement bucket yeah if we if we’re throwing all these other guys in there I think you have to throw DeAnthony mton in there too yeah you made such a a great like statement to me you did you said like the players we’re going to look at as a potential replacement if you somehow lose monk like how did you view monk two years ago right and what would that mean and so you put a player in the right situation and they can flourish MH and you don’t know if you’re going to find the next yeah Malik monk but I I would definitely say like Tony Delk was really intriguing for the Kings and then Bobby Jackson came along was just so much better sure like not really like they they were both really good in their role for the Kings yeah but there’s another guy out there that possibly if you do lose Malik hopefully you don’t but if you do that could fit in and maybe like yeah develop in the same way if they have to replace Malik they’re not adding a six Man of the Year candidate no that’s just not it’s going to be a player that feels underwhelming compared to what Malik monk did last year we’re going to look and we’re going to go wow this guy’s nine points and 2.4 assists for his career I don’t know and you hope that he grows into that role like that’s that’s just kind of what it’s going to be so I think you have to put DeAnthony Melton there I wrote down Robert Covington because I remember Robert Covington playing basketball like seven years ago and I think he’d be a nice fit yeah if they would have got him five years ago it would have been great but at this point yeah train training camp flyer maybe but uh and then KJ Martin another another guy would take a flyer on for sure yeah I I definitely would at least look at him he’s in that group of players that the Kings need to find one of those guys yes yeah so uh I would I would definitely love to see KJ Martin here as well all right that’s it that does it that’s the Atlantic division we’ve done it congratulations James we have put together a full list and I will like I said I’m going to figure out a way to to get this list out so it’s available uh for people to uh for people to mess with and tear apart and like and dislike and and all that J

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