@Cleveland Cavaliers

A new Kyrie has emerged in his return to the conference finals 💡

A new Kyrie has emerged in his return to the conference finals 💡

by sevens777


  1. I_cut_my_own_jib

    Come home with the King and let’s run it back boys.

  2. Easy to forget how young he was back then. It seems like he’s 100% turned a corner this year, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if he made a headline or two for non-basketball reasons before his career is done.

  3. sallright

    It’s crazy that we had to wait 7 years for Kyrie to be part of meaningful playoff basketball again.

    The 2017 team was a juggernaut and easily better than the champion in most years.

  4. himynameisdan123

    Breaking news 32 year old man more mature than when he was 24

  5. onewhopoos

    Good for Kyrie. However, I still recall exactly where I was when I read the update on my phone about him demanding a trade. I thought it was bs. I was shocked when he forced his way out and I lost my favorite player. I loved Cavalier Kyrie. Was my favorite player ever not named mark price. But good for him

  6. Ocarina3219

    Love the new Dallas Kyrie but someone brave should ask him if this newfound maturity means he can admit that the way he acted in Brooklyn was toxic and brought down his entire team.

  7. XoXHamimXoX

    Happy for the maturity and this brought that “LeBron is not my father” interview clip back to mind lmao.

  8. I really hope he’s out of the kinda mad phase for good. Man seemed to be on a college ‘find yourself’ phase for a few years there. Happy to be rooting for him again.

  9. CharacterEgg2406

    Just love all these stars making their mistakes in Cleveland and benefiting later.

  10. LordHawk34

    Bron’s shirt says “Los Cavaliers” lol I did a double take when I saw that

  11. cnarsystems

    Kyrie is such an enjoyable player to watch. His ball handling is top 5 in the league.

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