@Dallas Mavericks

Luka-Kyrie combine for 63 points in GM 1 win, issue with Anthony Edwards’ fatigue comments? | SPEAK

Luka-Kyrie combine for 63 points in GM 1 win, issue with Anthony Edwards’ fatigue comments? | SPEAK

so much to talk about but very quickly for you all at home the audience we want to let y’all know our biggest takeaways from game one an action pack game a lot to say Joy what was your biggest takeaway from the Mavs win the Mavs look like the more experienced team being precise making the right decisions at the end of the game hugely important Timberwolves are a really good team but the Mavs have a little more experience and particularly at their the top ends and they look they look a little tired honestly they look a little they look a little not that little tired a little a little confused at the end and listen they played a great game that was that was a great game it was a great watch it went all the way down to the line but Shay says it’s all time it’s not how you start it’s how you finish and in these situations in the postseason down to the wire on the line Western Conference Finals you got to close the game out and they didn’t five turnovers in the fourth quarter they’re down four points with 17 seconds left they have to call their last time out because they couldn’t inbound the ball on the inbounds Conley misses the seal they don’t foul Derrick Jones who’s a 7 % free throw shooter they F foul Kyrie instead he’s 90% 90% then Conley misses the second free throw he did y you know it’s just uh and and listen these are great players is a great player but you got to close the game so to me the Mavs took advantage of the mistakes that they made there were some some really bad like just throwa away turnovers it just didn’t look precise at the end of the game and that’s what you need to do especially against a team like the Mavs who are going to take advantage of it so to me they just they look like a little more experienced and they didn’t they didn’t close out well said my biggest take way is simple and we need to Marvel over this more Kyrie Irving’s maturity is met the moment I don’t know if y’all were watching Kyrie Irving postgame with the inside the Inside the NBA crew and he simply said last year when we got exited from playoff contention I watched all of my peers in the playoffs and I said to myself I need to lead more that’s what Kyrie Irving said he said I need to lead more he said this year I didn’t say it publicly I said it privately we got to get to 50 wins he said what I told my teammates publicly is that defensively you can only win if you play solid defense Kyrie Irving has not been the vocal leader this year that we’ve seen in years past he’s been a completely different vocal leader rather he’s been an incredible vocal leader this year but the most important thing I believe he said Charles Barkley said hey Kyrie why in the world did you come out the gate swinging I mean you had more shot attempts in the first quarter than you had in the first half of any game last series Why’d You Come Out Swinging and what Kyrie said was so eloquent and it was so poignant he said I know I’ve been in the finals before some of these other casts ain’t been in the finals before you get nervous Palms get a little bit sweaty heart start beating a little bit faster so I wanted to make sure I put the team on my back early because some of the other guys I could tell were nervous in the locker room that is leadership we got so many athletes basketball football alike that simply want to lead by example Kudos you can lead Yourself by example but if you want to lead a team of men in the NBA if you want to lead a team of men sometimes you have to use your words your action speak so loud I can’t hear what you’re telling me yeah that’s cute let your action speak and let your word speak Kyrie maturity is met the moment 25 that’s my takeaway that was pretty good and Kyrie was cooking he was cing right he was talking and he was acting um I got three of them so one is um they started fast right and they were really really aggressive Kyrie Irving typically in the the playoffs this year has been starting um slow and then finishing fast in the second half you know Jason kid talked about um last year it’s like we need Kyrie to get going earlier right and I think he lets kind of Luca do his thing or it was reversed Kyrie went crazy in the first half and then Luca finished it out big game or or big plays late in the game he did that that’s what your Superstars do right I think it’s a point where he’s got like 15 points of the last couple so they did that another thing is defense right you talked about with Kyrie I watch them boys playing defense we all talk about the offense this in the third they had the the um the size difference was more for the Timberwolves I didn’t see a difference C played solid he played okay but he wasn’t the post he wasn’t dominant as a big man he wasn’t and I was surprised to see PJ walk um um was walk yeah Washington the way he played against him so those are the the big two and the last one was um finishing the game right it was up and down right the leads changed so much but then we had to lock in we got to play good defense get a stop and then go down there and score make free throws get rebounds stuff like that all that matters they played championship basketball last night and I think this serious man I hate to say it I won’t you know I won’t say it I won’t say say it I’m going save a little bit man James Jones biggest takeway big dog I was about to say cuz you was about to change my take cuz what I took out of the thing is it’s going seven it ain’t going seven came out the gate Minnesota hit a couple threes they up eight points yeah here come the Mavs third quarter Mavs up here come the timber wolves cat hit that big three put him up and then finish the game Luca Kyrie finish the game but as I was watching I’m like man this is a really good basketball game is going back and forth this is going seven the Wolves will respond this is going seven you got premere players out there especially that’s handling a rock for the majority talking about the guards this is going to be a really good series and I got one more thing to say yes sir did you feel like the Maverick play really really well no I that was their better game one that was their better game one I mean they usually lose they didn’t play that well L didn’t shoot they shoot they shoot threes yeah Luka didn’t shoot well they they won this game in the paint yeah right you talking about so so if you watch PJ last series shooting the Trey Ball right open shots them same open shots he was missing they all was so you telling me they beat the Timberwolves on the road right and they’re a smaller team in the paint now what the hell you think is going to happen when we shooting our nor not even great let’s us shoot our normal three-point percentage here’s what’s fascinating hold on hold on hold on the names that have been mentioned so far as y’all have been tuning in with us for nearly seven minutes now where Kyrie obviously our Luca our PJ our cat our Conley we have yet to mention the name Anthony Edwards anman he said I think we was tired probably we got into a very heated conversation after game seven when the Timberwolves beat Mike Malone’s Denver Nuggets because Mike Malone went to the podium and said I’ll be honest with y’all man we’re tired after winning the NBA title last year we’ve played 48 days longer than the timber we’re tired I had no issue with it because I said it was an explanation it’s not an excuse I can’t come in front of y’all a national audience now change my opinion it sounds terrible sounds terrible Ant-Man you can’t say it but I do understand Joy Taylor the dude was tired they played game seven at altitude I understand it but it sounds bad Joy where do you stand I’m not surprised at all in fact we talked about also who was going to have the early ADV in this series I don’t know if we have this video let’s let’s let’s cut to this Taylor early Edge uh I actually think it’s the Mavs cuz they close the series out on Saturday and six games at home so they have a little bit more uh rest we talked a lot about rest and fatigue and all of that I think they have a little more rest on their side I’m not g my pick yet but um I can’t wait for this I’m so excited still excited still right but here’s the problem I agree with you it’s a reason not an excuse and I obviously thought that that’s how it was going to play out cuz the rest matters and being tired matters matters and they’re they were in a dog fight with the Denver Nuggets who are a very good team but you can’t say it you can’t say it and and here’s here’s my issue with it I don’t want to tell Aunt to change anything about himself the reason he is a star the reason we are enjoying him is because of everything that he is on the court he doesn’t hold anything back he is emotional he is expressive he plays he talks trash he’s in your face he’s he’s celebrating he’s very emotional and we like seeing that so I don’t like to tell any young player like hey like you know give give us some coach speak here but if I was to give you any advice being in this media game for quite some time listen to Auntie joy and don’t bring up fatigue or tired or any of it because nobody wants to hear it whether it is true whether it is the complete accurate reason why you’re struggling or why you lost the game or why you weren’t on your on on your best that day no one is going to want to hear it not fans Not media probably not anyone in the building and while I think it’s perfectly reasonable obviously this is what I thought was going to happen um if you say it you’re going to hear a little bit of this let me set the table let me set the table this is nine years professional sports with James Jones in a green sup we got 12 years professional SP sports with Shady McCoy we got an alltime rushing leader we got a all-time reception leader we got dudes that have played professional sports at the higher highest level and what I would say is a more grueling physical sport that is football so James as you answer the question when you hear Ant-Man say we were tired probably yeah you got an issue I do I do and the main issue I have with it is they played two games to start the series off in high altitude right and and they won came back home they got the breaks beat off ant stood up on that Podium he said we came out flat but I’m going to be ready for game four the swag the confidence that’s how you won that last series your teammates fed off of you when you yelling at the crowd I see y’all for game seven your teammates feed off of that when you stand up at this Podium and say I got Murray I got your teammates feed off of that so now you come to the podium after a game one loss and I’m cool with you saying I’m tired but watch game two it was none of that it was I’m tired he rubbing his head and all that you know who else see that too teammates dog and your teammates true they following you you are the leader of this team 22 years old whatever it may be you are the leader not cat not Rudy none of them other dudes you are the leader so they feed off of that energy too and if Ant-Man tired and looking like he tired at the podium then they probably G to come out tired game too now I don’t know what’s being said behind closed doors but your teammates see this your teammates feed off of this you have to be able to respond after a loss the same way you was responding when y’all lost to the Denver Nuggets that’s what I wanted to see y’ cooking today y’all cooking in the day keep going to5 uh question with or the issue with him doing that tire thing why you act like you don’t know the question n you heard the question I like Ant-Man so it’s it’s kind of Noe NOP no no no don’t get me out I like Ant-Man tape no what I’m saying it’s it’s hard to like process that because he’s such a dog type player right you know the reason why we kind of compare him to Mike I mean some some of it is because he the way he plays a lot of is attitude the way he competes so I’m saying I don’t want get it because like dude like uh luk having 19 points in the fourth quarter is that fatigue is it LCA ain’t moving fast at all like certain things I just don’t don’t register like Kobe Bryant they they ain’t complaining about being tired the all the greats they’re not doing that so I don’t even want to look at that part but I will say this when I watched the game the way they lost um you didn’t see that fight though you you didn’t see that fire like we normally see I seen a lot of settling for open threes open jump shots they don’t even do that shady I can’t let you off that easy okay after the game seven Mike Malone head coach for the Nuggets he went to the podium he said they were tired I gave a passionate reason Joy gave a passionate reason James gave a passionate reason you gave a passionate reason you gave a brilliant answer unacceptable you said everybody tired why I don’t want to hear Mike Malone that you tired now everybody tired now Ant-Man a potential future face of the league after game one Western Conference Finals he goes to the podium and he utters essentially the same thing that Mike Malone said that you didn’t have Grace for why has the tune changed cuz I I just from a player standpoint I don’t really believe that like there’s some players players that didn’t play 40 minutes right they’re six man the year and they play like 25 minutes like is he really tired is he fatigued you know what I’m saying and you watch the the timber wolves they do a lot of substitutions so I mean maybe he was tired I guess maybe he was tired I don’t know but when I watched the game I I didn’t see no fatigue I just seen a team that just strapped up play better was you tired I watched him Ant-Man this what I’m saying like he’s saying this but I watched the game right and and only we only know what he feels because what he’s saying but I watched him pick up Kyrie IR from inbound to inbound he did do that he was doing that so like if you fatigue you not I played basketball I’m tired I ain’t doing all that what about the end of the game fight fighting through the screens he was doing all that so end of the game I don’t recall Ant-Man going to the cup much at all an remember end game impact he was shooting thre I about say this now even uh earlier in the game right he was doing a lot of jump shots but they were working right mcdel was shooting a lot of jump shots they were working C for the threes he did take late in the game he made some of them so I I guess they got they fell love with the jumper too much cuz normally you see him going to the cup and Etc correct um and then like all these little things like Rudy I mean I know how tired he was he didn’t have a real in but how do you get out rebound when you’re out a bigger team so when we say fatigue I guess it’s like a coward way to just get out of it but if you really watch the game right you turnovers I seen am man throw the ball in the stands four times last night is that fatigue like you see what I’m saying so some of these like like fatigue to me is not getting back on defense um sometimes set on for jump shots late in the game like all these little things can be fatigued but when I watched the game it was more than just fatigue than why they lost that’s why I didn’t believe more Focus over fatigue to me but don’t you think they’re the same like we’ I think there can be a correlation for sure and again I thought that this was how it was going to go because the Mavs did have more time off and they weren’t playing at altitude and they weren’t going up against the Nuggets not respect to to the Thunder but nuggets are a really big physical team so it can take a lot out of you I I don’t I don’t think again he might have been tired and that be the reason why he wasn’t focused but whether it’s whether it is fatigue or being tired or not at the end of the day you definitely don’t want to hear this and definitely don’t want to hear game one I mean other thing is like even fatigue or not fatigue you call out the one of the most skilled players we’ve ever seen and guess what he did he answer oh oh that’s what you oh you oh you want me okay cool all right bet and that’s what he got from the rip we ain’t wait we ain’t LCA none of that Kyrie Irving up and down you ain’t for I don’t care how many games you play as a as a um a world class athlete right in the beginning game you’re not tired and that and in the beginning game Kyrie IR went the work so that’s why I’m saying he said fatigue but I watched the game and for me like I said it’s all about leadership and how you say stuff right you was a you you are a leader right you’re the leader of this team you stood up there after your Denver Nuggets lost and you stood up there like a man hey they got after us we came out flat I’ll be back for game four this right here come on man you calling people out and then you gonna say I’m tired at the end of the game you can’t do that you can’t do that you can’t do that jam you have me thinking while you was talking what the leader says as acceptable as acceptable especially in sports on the field I remember being in Texas my senior year we had a first round pick and we’re we’re sitting there dying it’s a grueling workout 2110 which means you got to run 110 yards you get about a 40 second break you got to run 110 yards you do it on the minute meaning you have 20 seconds to run it 40 seconds rest 20 second to run it 40 second rest Etc trying to get some water trainer let me get some water hey no water no water I’m thirsty no water no water leader says no water no water cuz you might not have time in middle of a series to call for a trainer and get some water so James as you were talking I was shook back into that moment because you’re right if Ant-Man says you know we was tired oh yeah yeah we were tired no he’s probably tired yeah yeah we were tired so you can’t as the leader and he’s only 22 right so there is that grace period but you you you you hit that nail on the head I believe and and Shady played with some great quarterbacks as well and the greatest the greatest and some of the greats because you play with Patty too so I’m assuming they said in the locker room certain stuff that carried a whole lot of weight something in the Huddle that carried a whole lot of weight if them dudes got in the Huddle like I don’t know if we going to score I’m tired what you think the offense GNA look like and you gonna look at him like hold on Aaron rer stood up there season going bad relax he did say that and the whole team is like we good and the whole Denver Nuggets series you was talking that stuff and backing it up but your teammates was feeding off you as well now you can’t get up here like that and your teammates feed off of this energy and they go the wrong way you in finals homeboy Western Conference Finals hey get it done subscribe here to get the latest from speak and go watch a few segments from our other shows on FS1

Emmanuel Acho, Joy Taylor, LeSean McCoy and James Jones share their takeaways from the Dallas Mavericks 108-105 Game 1 win over the Minnesota Timberwolves. They then react to Anthony Edwards’ postgame comments saying how the team ‘came out flat’ and that he was ‘exhausted.’

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Luka-Kyrie combine for 63 points in GM 1 win, issue with Anthony Edwards’ fatigue comments? | SPEAK



  1. It's not going 7 because the T-Wolves will have bad games where the Mavs are going to smoke them. The Mavs aren't going to play bad games and get blown out like the Wolves did against Denver 3 times. Luka and Kyrie are going to carry them if the entire team falls apart and keep them competitive. BUT, the Mavs are going to have 2-3 games where they're white hot! Luka shooting 55%/45% (like in games 5 & 6) for 40. Kyrie getting 30 on 60% from the field. PJ and Jones giving 20. Dallas has more offense so when it clicks, they're going to dominate. When it doesn't, the games will be close. When Minnesota plays bad, it will be a blowout every time.

  2. Kobe was tired and scored 60 points on his last game 🎯 these Young bucks need to learn a thing or two from Kobe Bryant

  3. You all bark Shai mvp
    Luka kicked him out
    Anthony is gonna be in trenches with Luka and Irwing

  4. It's so funny listening to the media trying to explain themselves after they have crowned this man without him ever achieving anything. Lucas fire and away the better player and will always be the better player

  5. Denver is not that Physical 😂😂 WTF is she talking about. Yall crowned Denver until they lost and now crowning the Wolves because they beat Denver. Its first team to 4 Wins . Period. Mavs in 6

  6. Mavs defense is better and more precise than any of the teams they’ve faced this playoffs. They also haven’t encountered backcourt powerhouses like Kyrie and Luka that can play make for their team.

  7. Maybe Antman shouldn't be the leader of the team and it should be Conley? I don't know. It just wasn't strategically intelligent for Antman to say he wants to defend Kyrie. Don't poke the bear. Kyrie scored 24 points in the first half and basically shut Antman up. And I think that's a good thing.

  8. What is with all these trash excuses. If it was Mavs losing the game. It would've been a different conversation. They would've given Wolves praises. Trash all the place

  9. Finally someone said it…..the mavericks didn't play to well they missed their 3's and Shady knew it. He said what I been saying….what's going to happen when them 3pt shots fall? And kyrie an Luka still go for 30+ each. The wolves could be swept but I got mavs in 6 possibly 5 if they get game 2. We got defense too

  10. They had an extra day because they won game 6. If they would have lost game 6 and won in game 7 instead, then who would have the fatigue excuse? It makes sense. They won one game earlier and were able to rest for one more day. The Wolves won in GAME 7, so they could not rest as much, but if they won in game 6, then the rest would have been there. It is all simple math and it makes such perfect sense.

  11. Irving dogged Edwards as did Doncic. Stop with the tired excuses, and the, Timberwolves didn’t play well. They shot the lights out from three, unfortunately for them, Doncic and Irving are just better than their best two, and the best team won.

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