@Toronto Raptors

OG Anunoby open to leaving Knicks for…

OG Anunoby open to leaving Knicks for…

the Toronto Raptors trading o and anobi to the New York Knicks caught a lot of people by surprise the team that’s currently suing the Raptors with an owner who despises Raptors president MSI jury for fleecing him multiple times a man who actively hates mlsc president Larry tanom so much that he resigned from the NBA board over allegations that the NBA commissioner Adam Silver had conspired to protect him the $10 million lawsuit which was seen as an ultimate middle finger to Toronto dragging the OG can do the same thing the Raptors aren’t a major free agent destination for most players but they have a boatload of expiring contracts and if they trade Pascal seak for expiring contracts and young assets to restock the coffers not to mention future pics as they’re widely rumored to be willing to do they will be one of the few teams this offseason that can make a very competitive offer to ogm no oh that that was a little that’s all right and enough enough enough they said I was crazy but you know these things do tend to happen where you know once in a while I think I know a little bit about what I’m talking about you know um and this OG thing it never made sense from the jump so some big news today we’re gonna we’re going to do two uh two three things in this episode one going to talk about this OG and anobi stuff because I do think that the draon Raptors if he leaves in New York Knicks I think the Philadelphia 76ers and Toronto Raptors are the leading you know guys uh leading meting teams uh in terms of places where he fits places where he’d be comfortable places where he knows somebody and places that I can actually afford to keep him and where he makes sense with the roster um and we’re going to talk about WNBA you know the everything that happened today in terms of you know um the press conference and a little tidbit about the New York Knicks and the WNBA expansion team and finally we’ll end this episode off on a really cool thing it’s a thought experiment on who is the best second option in the NBA I’m going to rank out every single team’s second option so that’s going to be pretty much a 30 minute episode try to do it rapid fire try to keep the pace up let’s talk about OG and anobi to the Tron Raptors can happen well first things first in order for him to get to the Raptors he has to First leave the New York Knicks and I was told up and down by Nicks fans four months ago that that is never going to happen you know there’s one thing that New York can never understand which is why would anyone want to leave New York I think it’s a lot of something that Americans can’t understand why would anyone want to leave America well if there is somebody who would want to leave it would be a British born Nigerian who kind of grew up in Toronto you know what I mean who has close ties to this organization who has a close relationship with this organization look this report is coming out by Jake fiser this is the same guy who had been reporting for I think about a year and a half that OG and anobi wanted a bigger role there’s clearly a connection here between Jake fiser breaking news and it being right about ogan anobi so here’s the thing ogan anobi did not have a big role with New York he had a huge impact defensively but he already had a huge impact defensively here he already made a second Team all defense here he was already regarded as the premier 3 andd Defender here I know he got a little bit more Spotlight in New York because it’s New York but the truth is in terms of expanding his offensive game and all that stuff that didn’t really happen in New York I think couple things work in tronto’s favor and we’ll talk about the report but a couple things work in Toronto’s favor number one is the existing relationship that are that that’s already there between him and Messiah the trust that exists you cannot tell me that that trust could be built that quickly the Raptors never steered him wrong they never lied to him they kept they kept him straight shooter they even made a deal to to get him to a destination he allegedly wanted to go to um and put him in a put him in a great position like and and of course I cannot deny his relationship with Scotty Barnes is like some Next Level like Scotty was bombed for months after OG was traded you did not see that same you know buming out like after uh Fred vanit was gone like so the OG thing was a really important thing and also in terms of what the Raptors need I mean we spent all offseason talking about oh well the Raptors really need to plug this hole left by Og and anobi where will they find this player will they find it in the second round the first round will they find it by trading for herb Jones will they TR find it by trying to trade for Trey Murphy well we’re ignoring a giant elephant in the room that there is an OG and an Obi type player in free agency and the Raptors have free agency you know dollars they have money and that player who is like OG anobi is ogan anobi okay and he kind of fits the timeline too you know it made sense to move on from Fred it made sense to move on from Pascal if you’re readjusting to Scotty’s timeline that all made sense the only reason that it made sense to trade OG is if OG asked out and I just don’t believe that wanted out because if Pascal is on the Move then OG and anobi has all the shots why would he leave it didn’t make sense in the jump okay the only way makes sense is if it was a rental now the WNBA component of it Scotty Barnes was on hand Kyle L was on hand Olivia Chow I believe was on hand Justin Trudeau was on hand everyone was on hand as the WNBA uh opened their doors in Toronto uh you know we get um you know word of you know where the is going to play and all that stuff that had already broken but it’s all official now and you know everyone’s there and there is this you know thing where um they said that there was a unanimous vote almost unanimous vote for NBA expansion or WNBA expansion into Toronto what’s the one team that voted against WNBA expansion in Toronto New York go figure right it’s not even a team that didn’t have right they had it they have the New York Liberty and they still voted against so this lawsuit thing that is still pending between the Knicks and the Raptors was so petty between these two organizations that they couldn’t even give them a vote for expansion they had to block that too it’s not even mlsc it’s a completely different group I mean in theory it’s a completely different group but it’s kind of like you know similar faces they couldn’t even give them the vote but apparently we gave them like the defensive savior they’ve been looking for for years give me a break okay give me a break the Toronto Raptors in theory if OG’s healthy built an Eastern Conference semifinalist to finalist perennially around Jaylen Brunson ogan anobi J you know Julius Randle Isaiah hardenstein Dante D venzo Josh Hart look if you’re the Toronto Raptors you’re not beating that team for the next three years why would you why would you resurrect such a great team look at the Toronto Raptors in theory I mean they traded Pascal because of desperation but OG it wasn’t like desperation man you had plenty of suitors for OG plenty of suitors why send him to New York why send him in your conference why send him in your division why send him to a division rival why send him to a team that is actively suing you that you cannot stand you know I mentioned in that video MSI e was seething when he addressed that New York thing so you’re telling me he signed off to send his you know here’s the thing when a team does this kind of bush League thing to you you develop a bit of reputation for what that team’s like behind the scenes you develop a sort of disdain for their Organization for you know their culture for their management why would you send your prodical son why would you send your favorite Raptor I don’t care what you know what he says about Scotty and how much you love Scotty OG is like his guy his face is lit up for seven years when he’s talked about OG okay why would you send that player to an organization you don’t respect you know what I mean okay if there’s anyone who deserves it it’s the Knicks let me put that part out for sure the Knicks tamper like madness Okay the fact that Leon Rose is you know son is OG’s agent that’s technically tampering in a way isn’t it I mean look the Raptors kind of got tampered with three couple times already okay they had the whole Kawai getting lured to the Clippers Lawrence Frank coming in so the Raptors kind of got cucked in that situation right sorry excuse my language but you know it’s it’s weird right you’re you’re there you’re wooing your girl you’re wooing your girl there’s other guys just in the background like hey remember me nice nice to see you like that’s what Lawrence Frank was for kawh Leonard and the trono Raptors and the Raptors somehow just let that go right they won a championship they let that go and now you got Leon Rose’s son this whole cabal that they’re building up trying to woo your potential free agent to to sign him away from clutch giving him all sorts of promises and the Raptors probably looking at this like say hm bet all right let let’s get get in let’s get in on this look if OG and anobi returns to the Knicks I will straight up just say I was wrong I was just wrong if he comes to Toronto I’ll be thrilled but um I don’t want to say sure but I’m pretty confident whether he goes to Toronto or whether he goes elsewhere that the possibility of leaving New York is very real let’s talk about the you know the thing here NBA centrals report there’s no guarantee that OG and will resign with New York and he is expected to consider other option other offers from other teams per Jake fiser while League Personnel are of the Mind SE yakum will certainly be resigning with Indiana and I have never made any notion that he wouldn’t um there was word circling among NBA team officials at last week week’s NBA draft combine that anob be situation with the Knicks is not as cut and dry various teams left Chicago with the belief that anobi could reach unrested free agency and considered deals from other franchises in addition to New York sources said okay here’s my question for you was there ever any real debate that Jaylen Brunson was going to New York be for real now was there ever a debate no no I I would have bet my house and and every house after that and and and probably my firstborn namesake I I I would have bet so much that Jaylen Brunson was going to New York it was cut and dry that was cut and dry I bet a lot that Pascal seak is going to resign with the with the Indiana Pacers but this OG to New York thing never made sense to me it continues he will likely decline the player option and become a free agent H let me correct that he will definitely definitely definitely decline the player option the Knicks can ink anobi to a max deal of five years 245 as Goen explains in his recent breakdown Goen uses the recent deals for wings like Jeremy Grant and J McDaniels as a reference for oing an obi’s next deal he expects anobi deal to set the market for wings I think it’s reasonable to expect anobi to get 35 million annually on his next contract if that number is ey popping remember that the NBA’s next TV rights deal will steadily increase salary cap because quote because of the new television contract that begins in 2526 teams expect to see cap increase annually by 10% ESPN Bobby marks notes in his excellent next breakdown finally aobi consign an extension worth 117 million over four years on June 30th the 6 months anniversary of his Nicks trade he has a player option for 20 uh 2425 he needs to decide on that player option by June 24th and can only extend if he exercises a player option for next season you can probably take that option off the board for the Knicks it’s highly unlikely to pick up his option for next season okay so here’s the thing if you are the Philadelphia 76ers orron Raptors this has to be your top guy the Sixers have Tyrese Maxi they have Joel embiid anobi fits like a glove if anyone knows knows what he can do for a team in terms of floor raising it is Nick nurse Nick nurse understands how great OG and anobi is and so I expect OG and and Obi to get a really strong offer from I expect them to get a really strong offer from the Sixers and frankly if the Sixers don’t offer them you know um near damn near a Max contract if not a a full-on Max contract I think they’d be crazy he fits very well durability issues aside you know what happened in the playoffs this year aside all that stuff side he fits too well but if he’s healthy in the playoffs he takes you to that next level and he and Joel embiid like those are two of the best defenders in the NBA putting them together uh would be crazy okay what about the johon Raptor’s angle of this well I could argue that you’ve replaced a lot of what you lost with Fred and Pascal not granted not as good but much cheaper and much younger in Emanuel quickley and RJ Barrett the conversion of Barrett and Pascal may seem laughable to some people especially Pascal super fans who see him as some sort of Superstar but he’s really not a superstar he is like a star and if you’re going to tell me that RJ Barrett can replace some of the offensive load and slashing and shot making that Pascal did granted not nearly as efficient but maybe you know I mean he shot 40% from three as a raptor maybe RJ Barrett can be he’s also 23 Pascal seak where was he at 23 maybe you can develop RJ into that and by the way he’s not making $50 million he’s not making 45 he’s making 26 27 same thing with Emanual quickly I think his next deal sets in around 25 26 so you technically get RJ and Emanuel quickly for the same price as you would have gotten Pascal total are those two players worse Pascal I don’t know but they’re much younger and there’s two of them I don’t know I mean I I think they are I would trade Emanual quickle I wouldn’t trade um if I’m the Pacers maybe the Pacers it’s a difference situation they already have Tyrese halberton but if I’m a random team am I trading Pascal am I trading RJ Barrett and quickley Away to get Pascal yakum I would have to think about that a lot and i’ probably say no so what you’re really missing right now and and and again you can you can argue that they replaced a little bit of the defensive you know upside that they lost uh with Fred Van B um you know the younger Fred Van B by getting a rim protecting Center like Yona purle and maybe getting like some you know vets like Kelly oin Kelly Lin gets a lot of Slack for you know people say he’s a really bad Defender he’s not a bad Defender he’s a really good Defender so really what you’re missing right now is point of attack defense three-point shooting positional versatility someone who can take the load defensively off of Scotty Barnes you’re missing o and anobi you’re missing oan anobi in the worst way and you have a new Option uh you know a new pathway open to you right now because previously the Raptors were going to have quite a bit of cap space they’re going to have even more cap space now because they surrender that pick that was going to be a pretty high pick sixth fifth you know sixth fourth third second first that was the predection that’s 12 million 11 million 10 million 8 million that’s like a sizable chunk that’s almost a full mid-level exception right that’s a lot of money so the Toronto Raptors fully fully can get under like by renouncing Gary um they don’t even have to trade bue and Jaylen Daniel like they just they have the space they have the space and here’s the thing with Scotty’s extension coming in and he could very well Ascend to like all NBA level and command a supermax right so you don’t want to risk like losing this one summer where you actually have cap space we all knew the Raptors were going to do something with their cap space are they going to take on a big contract like Ben Simmons and take on a whole bunch of draft picks yeah that’s one way to do it that’s certainly one way to do it are they going to take a super super you know bloated one-year contract ra and then try to trade at the deadline for some team that’s desperate to get under the cap well I mean look around at the NBA and look at the 25 to $30 million range of players and find me a player that even fits the mold of what you’re trying to do I’m not seeing one you know unless of course you’re GNA take Pascal SE yakum back now two years older I don’t think I’m not really sure like you’re gonna take Who you gonna take Ben Simmons Draymond Green Andrew Wiggins like these are the names that get floated around Zack LaVine like OG know be better than all those players so why not just sign OG why not just sign OG you have the perfect pitch to him I guarantee you he and Scotty giggle that entire free agency pitch meeting msai you jury you know the straight shooter Darko rakovich you mean the coach that invested in him every single day worked with him one-on-one you know how rare it is in the NBA for a coach who knows that a guy is on his way out to devote daily attention to that guy working with him to make him a better player look man The Vibes are back in Toronto a lot of the stuff that bugged OG about being here the lack of touches Fred you know potentially huging the ball a lot of that stuff is gone I’m not saying he had a bad relationship with Pascal I’m sure his relationship with Pascal was fine but ultimately if you want more shots the leading shot taker being gone is going to help you so it’s nice OG and anobi goes to New York gets a little bit of clout leaves becomes Enemy Number one that makes you pretty big in terms of just awareness lot of lot of PR but I never bought this thing about OG who needs to be in the mecca you mean the unassuming guy who barely ever posts on social media suddenly SAR for attention that guy you mean the guy who barely ever does any interviews the guy who barely ever draws any attention to himself the most quiet unreserved guy who gives one-word answers in postgame scrums that’s the guy who’s dying for Limelight in a Mecca come on man OG and anobi never made sense in New York he makes sense from a basketball fit but not if it comes at this cost so look there’s no reason ever for OG anobi and his representatives to put out a rumor like this there’s no reason for Jake fiser to run with it if it’s totally false there’s no reason for executives to believe this if there isn’t something there there’s that old adage there’s smoke there’s fire well when it comes to OG and anobi and the Nick dude his agent is the freaking you know guy son okay there’s no bluffing here there’s no bluffing who are you bluffing you’re bluffing yourself so really this is you know and and every time people brought this up be like Rob he’s Leon Rose’s son his agent is Leon Rose’s son and I always had the same response for four months I’ve had the same response and he won’t be the first agent to get fired dude it could happen I don’t mean to throw salt in the wound Nicks fans y’all been real tripy about you know making the Eastern Conference Finals or almost getting to the Eastern Conference Finals and I was with you I really liked what the Knicks did this year but I think if you’re OG and an Obi you have to look at yourself you have to look at your body you have to look at the load that you took multiple injuries um in a very short stint with New York a lot of minutes huge huge physical load I think if you’re Nicks you can also look at this and say you know is this something we want to sign up for worst best case scenario right if if you are the Tonto Raptors your interest in OG is going to make the Knicks have to offer more unless of course Leon Rose’s son is going to go to OG anobi and say yeah Philly is willing to offer you 45 Toronto’s going to offer you 45 but I’m encouraging you to take 32 with the Knicks come on now is OG stupid is OG dumb you think OG is stupid see this is the thing a lot of athletes are stupid I hate to say that that way but it’s true a lot of them probably couldn’t pass a grade seven math test OG is not one of those guys OG is very smart OG reads OG is a genius actually o OG is lowkey very very genius I’ve heard a lot of stories about him off the scenes I’m not going to talk about them but this is a really smart dude man like when I say smart I mean problem solving chess genius level smart OG is a really smart guy so he is not taking less money to be with the Knicks when I heard that I nearly laughed out loud I was like then they’re paying him under the table or they’re paying him via an endorsement they’re paying him some other way and the NBA better find out about it this guy is not going to take way less money to play in New York it just doesn’t make sense so I confident confidently declare that if the Toronto Raptors and the Philadelphia 76ers aggressively pursue OG there is a legitimate chance that he leaves New York and if his agent won’t sign the contract there’s thousands of agents that are willing to take him on who definitely will sign me OG sign me as your agent I’ll bring you right back to Toronto all right now let’s get to okay let’s get to some comments real quick I I did spend um a considerable amount of yesterday’s live and the previous live kind of losing my mind at the comments so frankly I’m not going to be reading comments as much anymore if you got something you really really want me to say I don’t mean to be greedy or something we’re probably going to have to Super Chat it um I get way too derailed with all the comments so I’m not trying to be rude it’s just yeah um Also let’s get to the final part of this video now that we’re actually on track to end this within 30 minutes the best Robin in the NBA all right couldn’t help but notice yesterday is Kyrie Irving was dusting everybody and you know thinking like how great a player Kyrie is who’s the best Robin in the NBA so you know I made this poll on Twitter and I was asking around like who’s the best Robin in the NBA who’s the best second option in the NBA and um I didn’t really ask that I said who’s the best Robin still remaining so it’s between Carling towns Pascal seak um Kyrie Irving and Jaylen Brown and it got me thinking it’s like who really is the best and who’s the worst and does having a really bad second option in theory does that make you a worse team is there a correlation between really bad teams and really bad second options I think you know a little bit of a weird question because obviously if your second option is bad it increases the chances that your first option might not be so great either you know what I mean it’s only second option to somebody um so let’s talk about the the worst second the best to the worst and we’ll start with number 30 I was going to do this as a video and I still might I still might do this as a video like a stand Standalone video um but let’s get to it so let me know in the comments who is the worst second option in the league I’m curious to know what you guys think I’ll actually read the comments for a second there I ranked out every single second option in the NBA and I came up with the worst second option being DeAndre Aon for the Portland Trailblazers now this is straight up hating there’s a very good case to be made that some of the guys above him are technically worse DeAndre Aton didn’t have the worst season uh spooky ghost rider saying whoever is in Washington well we’ll get to Washington very soon um but terms of boxes minus 0.3 boxes minus and a one value of a replacement not a really great season for DeAndre Aton and quite frankly you know it didn’t quite work out in Phoenix I don’t really think he cares out very much about basketball he’s never going to live up to the billing as a number one overall pick and frankly I think wherever he goes if he leaves they get better so all right um Jason Williams saying Ivy so this is the other thing let me let me address this it’s really hard hard sometimes to pick who is the number two option right so there was two ways to go about this you could either consider Robin as the second leading Creator shot taker usage guy which makes some sense in which case you know you would go with a guy like Jaden Ivy but then would you go with Tyler herro over bamat bio because he takes more shots you know what I mean like so I I went with the second best player because I think there are different ways to be good on good on the basketball court other than taking shots so number 20 20 number 30 is DeAndre number 29 is MZ Bridges from the Charlotte Hornets um I debated and honestly 26 through 30 can be inverted in different ways I consider them a bunch of just guys who shouldn’t be second options ever MZ Bridges should be your fourth to fifth best player um the fact that he’s your second best player it’s going to hurt you defensively as well but he was adjusting back to the NBA didn’t play for a while think he’s a solid player but not as second option 28 Jaylen durren from the Detroit Pistons I love Jaylen durren I think he’s a fantastic young player he’s super young right now so I think that he’ll Ascend um analytically of course you know Jaylen dur negative 0.1 boxes minus 0.9 value of replacement those are not bad numbers for a 20-year-old by any means 27 Nick Clon so I’ve put some I put some notes so for DeAndre Aton I put Brogden Grant like is Jeremy Grant the number two option is is Malcolm bro who is the number one who’s the number two there’s a world in which you say uh Anthony Simon is the number one and DeAndre number two and there’s a world where you say Anthony Simons is number one brogen’s number two you could say brogen’s number one simons’s number two deandre’s number three like it’s weird miles Bridges same thing is it Miller or is it Mark Williams you know is Mark Williams the second most impactful player or is it Brandon Miller or is it miles Bridges I I went with Bridges Jill and dur same thing you could say is it Jaden Ivy or AAR Thompson like in terms of their most impactful players could AAR Thompson be considered a more impactful player than Jay and dur maybe if he learns to shoot next year he will definitely be um Nick Claxton same thing cam cam Ben you know the Nets have a really weird construction where they have M uh Mikel Bridges who is in my opinion a really solid second option and then they have like five guys who could be like a solid third or fourth option cam Thomas you know uh cam Johnson Ben Simmons potentially if he ever gets healthy you know so there’s there’s a lot of but I put Nick CLA in there they didn’t really use him well but analytically defensively I think he made the second most impact so it’s a 1.2 Boston minus 1.7 value replacement number 26 I put Denny ofo uh for the Washington Wizards honestly Denny is one of those players where I think immediately you put him in a better on a better team and people going to start talking him like the star role player like a lot of players who’ve left Washington have looked better elsewhere I just think it’s hard to be on a team where Kyle kosman and Jordan P are your leading shot takers uh number 25 Devin Basel not even close right it’s um 1.1 value of replacement zero he’s clearly the second best player on that team uh behind Victor wanyama number 24 Utah’s colins ston 1.9 box Bo minus 2.0 value for replacement I could go with Colin ston over a Manu quickly honestly but I decided to put Manu quickly above him number 3 IQ Emanual quickle so honestly I debated hard about putting Emanuel quickly over Kobe white but I think Kobe White had like a really solid year and I think he just showed a little bit more than a man quickly of times but right now thinking about it I think I want to put Kobe white 23 and put him man quickly 22 number 21 Draymond Green um really hard to think about who is really the second most important and um you know second most who’s the second guy in in Wasing in in Golden State because it’s really it’s Steph Curry and then it should be Klay Thompson but Klay Thompson’s falling off and it should be Andrew Wiggins but Andrew Wiggins is falling off and it should be Jonathan kaminga but he’s not there yet so right now for now it’s still Draymond Green number 20 Brandon Ingram probably a lot lower than people expected him to be and frankly a lot lower than I expected him to be but he’s there and it’s not just because you know I think geez you know what screw it I’m gonna I’m gonna put Julius Randle below him so Julius Randle at 20 um Julius Randle did not have the greatest year but he’s still a solid shooter still a solid score score it just at times it’s hard to ignore um how well the Knicks do without him um but they did really well with him as well and he is you know he does bring some value to to that and as a shooter at his size as a scorer I think you know buckets are important you know in the NBA um it’s number 19 Brandon Ingram you know a lot of people really love bi and I love him too he has this smooth game super shot making kind of reminds you of Kevin Durant but like a muted vers um and you might think hey like bi in a solid you know second option role next to you know Zion Williamson but really it feels sometimes that they just take they just take uh take turns being the guy you know um so Brandon Ingram is number 19 number 18 is dejonte Murray um solid season 3.6 boxes minus 2.6 value of replacement I think he was uh a very big part of what went right and wrong in Atlanta this year um yes the defense has fallen off a little bit uh since the San Antonio days I don’t think the numbers are necessarily telling you the whole picture in terms of you know how how bad he was defensively at times um especially and I think the the fit with Trey young you know is somewhat clunky but if the if the Hawks do move on from Trey young it’ll largely be because you know they believe that Deonte Murray can can man the one um number 17 Fred Van bleet I think a lot of people would be surprised that I have Fred bble this High frankly I’m surprised that he’s this low but 3.4 block plus minus 3.6 value replacement the only question is is he the first option or the second option in Houston or is Alper and shenon the first option they’re very similar in terms of impact this year and it’s hard to ignore you know how ball-dominant he was at times you know running the pick and roll without BR Chon and you know did that hurt or did that help Jaylen green did that hurt did that help Jabari Smith but it is impossible to ignore the fact that you know this is a team that got better obviously you can spread apart you know the the credit for that to emay to him to Dylan Brooks whoever you want to you can credit it to the growth of ALR Shu you can say it’s all four things um one thing is for sure the numbers say that Fed vanily was the single biggest reason for Houston’s turnaround um number 16 jiren Jackson Jr now I really struggled to put him this low and frankly I don’t think he’ll ever be this low again on a list like this and frankly you know it’s worth asking is it him or is it Desmond Bane who’s the second guy right and he won defensive player of the year he wasn’t a defensive player of the year guy this year he wasn’t even close he just his impact just dropped off a cliff he was a 0.4 boxes minus guy with 1.3 value replacement they had him do a lot more offensively this year than they have in years past and I think this was just a growing year for him but I don’t think he’s completely lost the player that he was and I think he’s a fantastically talented player and and frankly I would probably take him over a few guys above him on this list but I can’t ignore the fact that he had a really bad year number 15 Jared Allen in Cleveland a lot of people expect this to be you know um Evan Mobley some people may say this should be Darius Garland you know behind Donovan Mitchell I think the second most impactful Cav is Jared Allen which makes the fact that he was missing in the playoffs all that more disastrous because I do think they are a way worse Team without him we saw it last year too when Jared Allen went out their defense went to so I think Jared Allen is see super underrated uh 3.0 box minus 3.1 value replacement just a really solid player number 14 Pascal seum um no surprises here like I mean to me every player above him uh is just way way way better defensively than him or way better offensively or just the aggregate impact of that player is just way ahead of him so um you know 1.9 box plus minus 2.7 value replacement someone you know on the Twitter poll they said that Pascal yakum has actually been the best player for the Pacers that Tyrese been like his backup or his Robin and and to that I say look go to basketball reference first of all if you’re watching the gamees you know Pascal zakum is not creating majority of the offense and that’s really what being a first option is is creating the majority of the offense majority of the offense for the indan Pacers is being created by T.J McConnell and Tyre Salton you know and if not that then it is being created by Pascal zakum in a third role you know um but he’s a play finisher and frankly you know if you look at the Analytics the analytics would say he’s actually been their third best player behind Moss Turner and tyres halberton and it’s not that his numbers are not that much better in the playoffs scoring wise volume wise box plus minus wise than Obi toppen so really like all this stuff about Pascal zakum having the greatest playoff run or whatever missed me with that stuff man it’s just not happening but on the season he was still better than almost every player that I named beneath him number 13 France Vagner I’m very high on fron I think his defensive impact is awesome and you know some people would be really surprised to see him this high up especially over guys like Pascal sakam and maybe Fred Van v dejonte Murray you know guys Julius Randle guys who just have more oomph but I think the total impact of France especially you know when you consider the growth and where he’s going with it I think it’s just cannot be understated uh 1.2 BX minus 1.9 value replacement is certainly low in this part of the in part this part of the range but I think if you got a little bit more spacing around him um you know I think everyone’s just thinking one for 15 right like what he shot in that game but man he’s going to be better and defensively again I don’t think the numbers sometimes I went with the analytics sometimes when against the analytics here you know you’re gonna have a number you can have a guy like Devin Booker who’s going to be above guys where their analytics are better than him like a Jamal Murray but it’s just you got to go with the field thing you got to go with like balancing everything out you know you got to go in um with what type of load they have what type of situation they had how who was injured what you know what their system fit is like so I just think France vogner belongs in the top 15 whether you want to put him behind Jared Allen and behind Pascal seak or both them doesn’t really matter to me but he’s in there number 12 this is gonna be controversial Jaylen Williams OKC Thunder a lot of people think that he’s already catapulted into like the top five I disagree I think the the playoffs exposed a little bit of that I don’t think he was like necessarily what he needed to be Shay is definitely one of the top you know five six players in the NBA I don’t think that Jaylen Williams is quite there and honestly it would not surprise me if Chad hren ends up being the better player between the two of them um number 11 now this I’m gonna have to say yeah I’m gonna move this number 11 Carl Anthony towns you know 2.5 boxes minus 2.3 value of replacement I think Carl towns is Sol player we saw him be really instrumental in shutting down defensively uh Nico yic you know he was a big part of their scheme um he’s been big in terms of shot making he’s really um I think he’s reversed a lot of the narrative around him so I think that was really solid um solid season from him and he’s been pretty good in the playoffs um number 10 Jaylen Brown from the Boston Celtics Jaylen Brown um JB just signed a huge deal and you know it’s really hard to put him this low because I know that some of his numbers are lower because of the talent around him and I think you can make a really solid case that Derek white and Chris ABS porzingis have at times had a greater impact on their success what’s not unclear to me is who their best player is which is Jason Tatum but it is unclear at times who their second best player is and sometimes you know you look at Jaylen Brown he has a quarter he has a half where he just goes ballistic as a shot maker and just as a Defender sometimes you see his position versatility and you just say if this guy was running his own team would that team be like really really good you know what I mean um but then sometimes you see the turnovers and you’re like no there’s a reason he’s not running his own team so um look very very smart people gave him a lot of money to be Jason Tatum’s number two and I’m not going to say he’s not the greatest number two or whatever but I do think the guys above him are better than him um number nine Jamal Murray uh from the Denver Nuggets who just lost look don’t let don’t be a person at the moment Jamal Murray is a fantastic shot maker I think he needs to work on his defense but he’s a good playmaker he’s like kind of that Perfect combo guard how much of his numbers are boosted because he plays with joic I don’t know because if you put Jaylen Brown in the same position as Jamaal Murray you can make a lot of arguments that you know he might be better um it’s really difficult in my opinion to differentiate between Jamal Murrays and jayen brown what I’m very clear about is that they’re not number one options these aren’t like the type of number twos that should be number ones but they’re just kind of taking a box seat you get to that further up um number eight bam out of Bio um 2.4 boxes minus 2.7 value of replacement I think a lot of people probably put bam below these guys but I think it’s because a lot of people don’t value defense the way I do um his positional versatility his ability to you know shoot suddenly like he can shoot a little bit now too um I think the only problem with bam is not that he can’t score 30 points just that he doesn’t score 30 points I wonder if Jimmy Butler moves on and you know we start to see him be more assertive offensively if he can’t put up 25 points efficiently I think he’s got a lot more in his game and his defense is Elite number seven but probably not going to be here for long Damen Lillard uh his defense was atrocious this past year 2.7 value replacement and 2.1 BX spus is like one of the largest single season falloffs uh he was basically an MVP candidate in Portland individually he was on that level and for him to fall off this badly playing with Giannis coaching change personal stuff divorce Etc but I cannot ignore how good he has been in his career he should be higher on this list he should be damn near number two or number three on this list but he did fall but I cannot just use the numbers and say well he’s 11th now he’s worse than Pascal seak I can’t I can’t do that Damen Lillard is still Damen Lillard number six Paul George um also a guy that I struggled with a lot um six and five are really close to me but 3.2 boss minus 3.3 value of replacement I think Paul George is definitely one of the most underrated players um in my lifetime I think he’s a fantastic player uh defensively switch ability his playmaking is underrated um his shot making is underrated there are times you know where the Clippers offense just looks much better running through him but I will say this there are times this year where James Harden was much better than him and so you know you do Wonder like between two of them who is kaw’s real number two um number five Devin Booker um is Devin Booker the first option or the second option or is that Kevin Durant you know what I mean analytics say ktie is the best player on that team defensively he’s the best you know he’s he elevates more but obviously the face of the franchise is Devon Booker so you if you’re GNA put KD here then KD goes up this list to to number four and or maybe number three or number two maybe number two actually but if Devon Booker’s here he’s firmly number five number four Tyrese maxi you know uh playing off of Joel embiid uh who is an evolving passer is not too unlike playing off of nicoa yic I mean granted there’s a vast difference between how they playmake but in terms of the advantages they generate and how much pressure they put on the defense and how much they allow guards like especially Dynamic guards like Tyrese Maxi and Jamaal Murray to get open um it’s important um Tyrese Maxi you know he kind of replaced James Harden in a way like he’s always been there but James Harden moves on everyone says oh my God they lost James for nothing they got got all these role players and then boom Tyrus Maxi wins most improved player I think he’s one of the best young players in the league uh solid year 3.1 boxes minus 3.6 uh 3.4 value of replacement but this is the last place where you’re going to see like these low numbers the next three guys are just a tier up and this is like the top tier uh best second options in the NBA number three damont sabonis look analytically you say damont sabonis is the best player the Kings and de Fox should be his number two but I watched the Kings enough to tell you that that’s just not the case they they run a lot of their offense through damont sabonis but I think fox is like the leading shot maker creator uh for their offense a lot of it works because and and you know like it’s very Murray yic but sabonis is not yic right so you can go either way on it and if it is Deen Fox well then dearen fox is like number six on this list but if it’s sabonis he’s number three number two Kyrie Irving uh 4.9 boxes minus 3.6 value replacement and you know doing it in all sorts of ways in the playoffs he’s bought in defensively I think he’s just been a really solid leader like a veteran leader for their team he has been um really much more committed defensively he has just insane creation ability off the dribble just Relentless counters and I think it puts a lot of pressure on your defense and I think he’s one of the biggest reasons why why the Dallas Mavericks are in the Western Conference Finals despite the fact that Luca is having one of the worst uh playoff runs of his life and number one you may not like him doesn’t really matter if you like him he has the best number two option in the NBA and that is Anthony Davis for the Los Angeles Lakers 5.1 bosses spus 4.9 value of a replacement really bested those numbers are bested only by damont sabonis on this list um you know one of the best defenders in the NBA had a pretty healthy season this year um don’t really like the pieces around him at times and you know you could argue he’s a number two option but he might be the Lakers best player and certainly you know as LeBron moves into his 40s it’s hard to argue that LeBron will not eventually become you know top five guy on this list but anyways that is my Robins list I’ll probably consider making this into a video but I don’t know if it’s necessarily flushed out enough yet and I’m pretty sure if I made this list tomorrow some guys move around so I don’t know um congrats to halberton for his super max upgrade mhm okay yeah so Denny OFA um where Denny abdia uh honestly very Scotty Barnes as like defensively he’s freaking phenomenal um positional versatility is awesome shooting is going to come I think he’s just a really smart screener like he just does not belong in Washington neither does belog kabali right so they have tus Jones so they have like good players and then they have Kyle kosma and Jordan P there right so you know the number two pick this year I don’t know who they pick they probably pick Star right um Zachary Reet is another option there but you know they got to move on from Jordan pool man contract B damned like I’d buy that guy out and just get him off the team he was one of the worst players in the NBA this year and it’s not even close like analytically he was one of the worst players in the NBA and you’re paying him a ton of money for a long period of time and it’s just it’s not it’s not the right presence to have around young players and um I think more so than anything I’m I’m most impr impressed by Denny’s ability to stay so professional and be so you know doing the right thing even when people around him are doing the wrong thing it’s very difficult for a young player to do that so yeah I would love for the Raptors to get Denny OFA um more so than I would like for them to get Patrick Williams I I think I’m I’m pretty much there on those two guys like I’m like I I could sell myself on either or but they’re close in my mind and that says a lot right so anyway um uh darl saying did you mention the spur second option yes number 25 Devon Basel so I put Devon Basel below Emanuel quickly so let me just recap from yeah so OG has all the leverage he will go to the team that offers him the most this will be his last big payday I don’t know if will be his last big payday dude he’s like 26 or 27 years old um so if he signs a four-year deal he can still get like one more bump provided he stays athletically coherent um yeah anyways I’ll see yall after the game tonight it will be Indiana vers Boston I expect um my girlfriend asked me she’s like what do you who do you expect to win tonight she ask me every single day who I expect and usually I have an answer they like oh I expect this to win or that to win yesterday you know I it’s like I expect Al win um I don’t have a read on this game tonight and that scares me um I guess we’ll know in the first quarter you know um whether the Pacers kind of have a hangover after what happened in the last game or whether or not they come out really motivated and committed again I expect the pace I expect the Celtics to drop a game I think they already dropped it the Pacers just didn’t finish so you know if the Celtics have kind of been on Red Alert or maybe the Celtics are one of those teams that has to lose a game before they take seriously I don’t know I don’t know but yes there are tactical advantages that the Celtics uh you know um that I mentioned in the previous postgame that the Indiana Pacers have over the Boston Celtics and you know I expect them to spam pick and roll crazy tonight um but yes I fully think Indiana can win a game in Boston all right brw saying it’s just because the situation between seak and Fred that I want Boston to win it pains me to say that um I don’t really care to be honest I’m not really do you think Kyle will sign the Toronto are you saying that because he’s here for the WNBA announcement no I don’t all right um it would be interesting to have him as one last but here’s a question for you to to just uh as we exit this video let me know what you think the Raptor record would be with the following lineup okay Emanuel quickley RJ Barrett OG an anobi Pascal whoops let me start that again Emanuel quickley RJ Barrett Scotty Barnes at small forward OG and anobi at the four yaka purle at the five Grady Off the Bench oen Off the Bench oai Off the Bench let me know how many wins you think that’s going to be all right peace guys

Over 4 months ago, prior to the Pascal Siakam trade, prior to the Raptors losing their draft pick, I hypothesized that OG Anunoby may not be as enamoured with the Knicks as initially reported.

Well, flash forward 4.5 months, and there are suddenly reports (via Jake Fischer who has been VERY right about OG related stuff) that Anunoby will consider options in free agency.

Which options? Philly. Which other options? Home.

#Raptors #Knicks #nbaplayoffs


  1. As much as I love OG as a Raptor, I'd be worried paying the amount he will be requesting and not to mention how injury prone OG is. I do like the idea of taking OG back just to piss off NYK fans.

  2. Do you think OG can play PF? Him and Scottie would be great together. If Randle stays will OG get the touches he wants?

  3. Knicks fans have been saying OG is coming back and he’s willing to accept less ever since being eliminated. They made millions of posts in the last several days… Then news comes out he’s going to look at other teams offers and is willing to leave.

    Nothing has changed since he wanted $40m a year and a larger role offensively which the Knicks didn’t give him. In fact the Knicks gave him less of a role he wanted than the Raptors. He would definitely have a bigger role on the Raptors… is it an over payment? yes absolutely but it would completely change our trajectory and timeframe.

    Poeltl + OG + Barnes + Quickly + Barrett would definitely be a top 6 playoff team. The Raptors need size, defending, and shooting and OG and wings. OG fits all those things and it would be the ultimate FU from the ownership, president, GM, and Coach to Dolan for that lawsuit which is still before the court. Imagine we could sign him and go over the cap to sign IQ.

    I don’t think they should or will but it would definitely be hype for next season for sure. Just to gloat to Knicks fans. We traded Siakim to the Pacers to eliminate you from the playoffs and we stole RJ and IQ and the 31st pick for RFA Achiuwa. Hey Knicks don’t want to lose him for nothing? We will do a sign and trade and send Boucher and Brown to New York.

  4. OG coming back is at 0% chance. And really, why would we blow our cap space so we have OG back as a third or fourth wheel on this team? Last year's team minus Pascal but with Barrett and Quickley and now OG again, is no better in the end. That's my two cents

  5. OG is just going to go where he can get the most $, he’s been saying that for years

  6. Trading OG as a pawn to swipe IQ and RJ is so funny if this was Masai’s plan all along.

  7. OG getting more media coverage in 4 months than he's ever gotten in 7 years in Toronto. Love your idea Rob but aint happening.

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