@New York Knicks

SHOCKING Rumor Links Giannis Antetokoumpo to Knicks…

SHOCKING Rumor Links Giannis Antetokoumpo to Knicks…

there’s been a shocking report linking janisan tentac kmo to the New York Knicks and we have to talk about this so what’s up guys welcome back to Nick’s digest we in day four of the off season yes we’re still doing that good morning Nicks fans let’s get into some morning Nicks talk because Giannis onent kmo has been linked to the New York Knicks as according to Brian Windor the whole league is watching what happens with Giannis and certainly the Knicks are up there as one of the teams as wior set on get up the other day and this is obviously huge news as yanis anent TMO if you ask me is the third best player in the NBA trailing only joic and embiid there’s an argument for any of those three to be the top player in the NBA I think it’s safe to say joic but also he lost in the second round but well Giannis lost in the first round also due to him not being there and embiid lost in the first round due to the Knicks being better than the 76ers uh those 76ers fans are still crying about it it’s absolutely absurd and really weird Behavior but whatever who cares it’s it’s Philadelphia they’re weird um no shade towards Shawn but the only way the Bucks would ever consider moving Giannis is if he requested a trade and right now according to wind horse as of two weeks ago there were no rumbles about him wanting out of Milwaukee but we know that can change quickly Giannis was very Pro the bucks for a while but soon after they won the title it seemed like his interest kind of shifted he wanted to go back to back and that obviously did not happen and in 20 22 2023 and 2024 the Milwaukee Bucks have had an underwhelming end to their season Giannis has been in the NBA for 10 years now he spent all that time on the Bucks and he wants to win more than one Championship I mean his career is decorated with Awards but he only has the one ring and he wants to win more he wants to be up there as one of the great winners in NBA history and I think he’s losing faith in the Milwaukee Bucks which is very fair I mean they put together this team and if they weren’t injured they would have beaten the Pacers and they would have play the Knicks in the second round if the Knicks had all those injuries the Knicks still would have lost if the Knicks were fully healthy they probably would have beat the bucks but both those teams were injured and the Pacers got incredibly lucky into getting into that Eastern Conference Finals but good on them whatever the Bucks they’ve been underwhelming outside of that one year where they won the NBA finals and trading for Dame didn’t do anything because Giannis got hurt and Dame was dealing with an injury also but Dame has been dealing with injuries for season after season now now that he’s getting older I mean he’s like what 34 years old he’s dealt with a lot of injuries that abdominal thing he had an Achilles thing this sum or this playoffs there’s been a lot going on in Damen Lillard’s Health that people have not paid that much attention to because he spent most of his career on the Portland Trailblazers and no one ever cared about the Trailblazers because Dame was carrying them with this all in mind Giannis is not going to want to play for a team that keeps losing in the first round he will leave Giannis absolutely will leave he he almost left last summer but they traded for Dame because Giannis basically said you make this team better or I’m going to make it much worse because y’all are losing me and y’all are also losing thanasis who the Knicks drafted and is the best player in well I don’t know probably some wreck League no that’s shade he he’s he’s an NBA player and I’m not um but yanis has talked about this as I was just saying I would not be the best version of myself if I didn’t if I don’t know that everybody’s on the same page everybody’s going for a championship everybody’s going to sacrifice time away from their family like I do and if I don’t feel that I’m not signing those are crazy words to say about your own team Giannis put them on blast last summer and we were doing some videos if you’ve been with the channel for a while if you’ve been vibing with us you would know that there was a time where we were dropping Giannis trade videos thinking that Knicks could make a move for Giannis here now obviously that didn’t end up happening but it’s a new year it’s a new summer and if Giannis decides hey I know he’s signed that extension if he decides hey I don’t believe in this team anymore which is a very real possibility mind you he will request a trade he’s not going to waste time on his career being like okay well I’ll be 31 I’m out of my 20s I’m on the wrong side of 30 now am I really going to waste the season no I’m not I want to win championships I want to win a few more championships I’m not and I can only win one every year I’m not going to waste one of my prime years of my career playing for a buck team that does not want to win and can’t win he’s just not going to do that he will request to trade and the Bucs will have to trade him now I think the Knicks are the favorites if Giannis requests to trade who else has the assets to do something about it the only team that can outdo the Knicks for Giannis is the Oklahoma City Thunder and maybe they’ll go all in on him I think they’re going to go for lri Markin in personally but they could go for Giannis I don’t know how his fit with Shay is exactly I think that’s a little suspect so that’s kind of why I think they’re going to go for marinan but um I’m just trying to think in my head do we make a Lori marinin video but no there’s no noise about that to the niick sorry about the girl who keeps commenting that but um I would like to see Giannis on the New York Knicks obviously like most people would I don’t really care that much about the price Jaylen brunson’s going to be 28 next year he’s in the prime of his career let’s win a championship with Jaylen Brunson here you bring Giannis in Yannis and Jaylen Bronson from minute one or the best duo in the NBA the only thing that’s close is LeBron and AD it’s the only other Duo that Rivals as good as Giannis and Jaylen Bronson would be I think you got to do it the problem is you have to have Giannis request a trade or the Bucks won’t move him and that is something that I fully believe could happen this summer now if you made me bet on it I would say the Bucks are going to keep this team around this summer be underwhelming again in 2025 and then Giannis is going to request a trade and leave the Milwaukee Buck once and for all if you put a gun to my head that is what I would say is going to happen now I don’t know that that’s going to happen but you could do a trade like this this summer if they decide hey let’s do it now let’s just make that move for Giannis now if the Bucks are like you know what he wants out let’s give him what he wants let’s take back a crazy package in Julius Randall buan bonovich and Mitchell Robinson in the scenario the Knicks also get the Brook Lopez contract I guess you could call it which is an expiring deal but Brooke would not want to play for a team that’s not contending for a title considering he’s 38 he could back up Isaiah hartenstein and in the process the Bucks get a young Center in Mitchell Robinson they get a ton of draft picks they get two pick swaps in 2028 in 2030 which would likely convey as the buck would be in the latter part of a rebuild and the Knicks would be holding on to their last dish efforts of a team that probably won a title on top of that Pistons pick which is going to keep deferring until the Pistons are just good enough for it to work and then the Milwaukee Bucks picked you get they get their own pick back you get Randall who you could flip who you could try to win with with him and Dame you have it gives the Bucks a ton of options and it’s one of the best packages they could possibly get you got to do a trade like this we know that Julius Randall could be in trade packages we’ve seen this happen we’ve seen trade packages for Julius Rand will become a thing the Knicks are willing to move Randall if they can get an upgrade if they can get a player better than Julius Randall they’ll move him outside of that they won’t move him Giannis is much better than Julius Randle because Giannis is much better than basically everyone in the NBA I think the Knicks would do this and I honestly think this is a realistic scenario the whole thing is just getting Giannis to request that trade and I could easily see that happen the Bucks are not that good yeah they were the third SE but they were underwhelming they felt like they should have been better they’re on their third coach in 12 months and Doc Rivers has struggled with the team I don’t think that Giannis is long for the bucks anymore I think this is going to end I think this partnership is going to end with Giannis and the Milwaukee Bucks and in the process the New York Knicks are going to be the team that can land him because they have the most assets outside of the Thunder who as I said I think are going to go for marinan so guys I I don’t even want say do you guys want to do this trade because I think the overwhelming answer will be yes but do you think that Giannis should become the Nick’s number one trade Target or should they kind of wait and be on the prowl and see what happens I think they should contact the Bucks immediately and be like what’s the what’s the deal is there any chance you guys are moving him what’s the word let me know but guys let me know in the comments like this video subscribe to Nick’s digest we’re only in the fourth day of the off season we’re cranking out videos left right and Center we had three videos come out yesterday this is the first of a few today darel’s dropping one also we’re having a great time in the offseason live streams are coming next week you guys do not want to miss it you got to join the community get on the bandwagon guys Nick digest is on fire have a great day and go Nick

A shocking report from Brian Windhorst has linked NBA SUPERSTAR Giannis Antetokounmpo to the New York Knicks as a potential trade option and Chris Gallagher breaks down the likelihood and gives his input on Giannis’ fit with the team and fires off a mock trade between the Knicks and Bucks.

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  1. Dude this is no news and you are giving your theories to spark rumours. Please stop the cap 🧢 and look for news that’s credible and verified instead of your theories!!
    This is lazy reporting !!

  2. Hello good morning l knicks fan this great news this knicks need this player Giannis antetokounmpo this great l knicks fan thanks you very much good morning

  3. This is something that could happen!! But we have to be careful not to make any moves cause we got chemistry!!! We bring this team back we can see what we can do, we need to draft 7'3" center from Perdue an Julius im not keen on letting him go, we need a 4 or a 5, a guy who can rebound, we need rebounding, Ill even say grab Drummond, he can get boards for us!! We really dont need to do too much we got excellent pieces an we need to bring back what we can, Randle is a tricky upgrade cause of what he provides to this team, solid double double guy, and is a good defender, hes an all around 4 hard to replicate this, Giannis or Embid would be nice but what are we giving up?? OG Brunson, Hart, Divencenzo, we should not even entertain any talks of trade, an Robinson is a defensive presence that blocks shots, and can rebound his only issue is he is always injured, but when he is healthy he definitely keeps the middle honest

  4. Swept last year and bounced again in the 1st round this year, and David and LBJ is still the best duo in the league??? Dude, you have zero credibility.

  5. Giannis is the type of player you give up Randle and all your draft picks for…

    But Giannis is a lowkey type of guy, and he hates attention. He would be miserable being the face of the Knicks in NYC. He even hated all the attention he got promoting his movie in L.A.

  6. Ok so we need you to stop with the theory reporting, I am usually good with assumptions but your title feels click baity.

  7. This is comical, and Brian Windhorst never said he was coming to the knicks, he said several teams were monitoring the situation, i think 29 teams are monitoring his situation

  8. Nothing the Bucks will get back for Giannis will either improve the team or be of equal value. 
    BUT… IF the Bucks did make him available… the Knicks aren't getting Giannis for Randle and Robinson, instead expect something like the Melo acquisition, where all present talent is stripped out, and then every night is the Antetokounmpo isolation show, with Knick scrubs watching Giannis take 50 shots per night.

  9. Hey you forgetting if you trade for Yanis you have to trade for his brother cause he goes nowhere without his bro..👍🏽

  10. Bro I’m with you on the Knicks . But stop with Lebron and aD they are not the best duo , far from it’s that an L take . Lebron is finished plus don’t want no talks he coming to the Knicks .

  11. Giannis is going to age in this league like milk. He might provide an elite 2 years here but for a guy that only relies on athleticism and can’t shoot at any level of the court, he’s going to be nearly unplayable at 33-34. Maybe he ages better but the skill set is similar to Westbrook who lost his legs and then became a liability

  12. I teas thinking that exact same thing , Julius Randle , bog, McBride Mitch and 6 first rounds

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