@Los Angeles Lakers

LeBron continues to DISTANCE himself from Lakers head coach search 👀 + Bronny news | Get Up

LeBron continues to DISTANCE himself from Lakers head coach search 👀 + Bronny news | Get Up

Lakers are active this week in interviewing head coaching candidates uh JJ reic definitely on that list um you know lot of interest in the Lakers and him he is not alone though James bgo uh interviewed earlier this week with the Lakers um he is a veteran coach who has a lot of potential I don’t think he should be disregarded especially because of his long-standing relationship with Anthony Davis also Sam Cassell is in there but I think uh bgo and and JJ reic both are very interesting candidates for Lakers all right so clearly and the JJ reck of it all he’s working with LeBron on the podcast he’s working for us here that all factors into all of this and it leaves everything in an unusual place I want to play you something from the podcast that he and LeBron did recently because they were talking about bronnie LeBron son and he’s coming up in the NBA draft and that creates another fascinating Dynamic here’s what LeBron said about it my goal was like listen I’m trying to make it to the to the allstar game in year one I want to be you know Allstar I want to be MVP I want I want to be this you know all of these things and and a lot of us have those aspirations but you know for Bon just to have that mindset of like listen um at this point in time in my in my life and in my game I know where I stand but I know how I affect the game you know and um you know he’s just a winning player and I just I just love his mindset he’s living in the moment and he’s he’s definitely carving out his own lane you know he’s he definitely not his dad and and I’m not him it’s such a fascinating dynamic in so many different ways and Wendy again I I’ll remind everyone who does not know you’ve been covering LeBron literally since he was younger than bronnie is now and the dynamic is here we have one of the handful of greatest players of all time talking about the drafting of his son potentially by his team and having the conversation with someone who could be the coach of that team at this point next year I’ve been around a long time I’ve never seen that happen before so Wendy fill us in what what should we be thinking about all this I agree greeny it is very unusual um it is unprecedented it is awkward all I can tell you is this I know that this is hard to believe but promise I promise you I swear LeBron does not want to be involved in the coaching search and that is not just because of JJ reic he didn’t want to be involved in the coaching search in 2005 when they hired Mike Brown he didn’t want to be involved in the coaching search when the Lakers hired Frank vogle he just doesn’t want it does he make his feelings known on a day in and day out basis and the Lakers observe that and make their decisions yes but I’m telling you it’s not as simple as just they call LeBron and say who should we hire I know people believe that he obviously influences it he is he couldn’t try to be distancing himself more from this JJ retic decision obviously they have a relationship it’d be foolish to say that they don’t have a relationship obviously the Lakers have wh listened and watched this podcast and are watching them interact with each other and see the connection but I’m I know that it’s hard to believe but I’m telling you it’s it’s something it’s not something LeBron wants wants a part of he does not want to have this coach on his uh on his shoulders this is their Lakers decision and and he will watch and see what happens like everybody else and and then so legs I’m giving you the floor I’m not even sure what question to ask you got the head coaching piece of it you got the bronny piece of it what what is your take on all of this well I think first of all I think you know LeBron’s comments on on his son it’s it’s like the ultimate heye man and and I don’t blame him he should be that’s his son right uh and he wants the best for him I I don’t know if if LeBron thinks that the best thing for bronnie necessarily would be playing next to him that’d be a lot of pressure but at the same time look I look at the Lakers and say you got the 55th pick in the draft if bronny James is there and you want to take a pick there you’re trying to maybe if you can get a guy that can impact the team right now in terms of winning because you’ve got LeBron James this stage of his career you do it but the likelihood of doing that is going to be very very low so why not take Brony James if you have that pick uh available to you then because it puts LeBron in a better State of Mind why wouldn’t you as an organization when you’re still trying to compete potentially win a championship as long as you have LeBron James on your roster the JJ Reddit component I think everybody that thinks that like this will be awkward because they have a relationship if he were to get the head coaching job I look at it like this I think a lot of guys that have coached LeBron James people in that locker room have wondered like what is LeBron the guy that’s got more of a voice in charge here or the head coach it would be nothing new to any coach whether it was JJ reck or somebody else I think that component of it is a little bit overblown the fact that they already have a relationship the end of the day all that matters is if JJ reck got this job does he get the trust of that team and the control of that locker room because what he’s saying is proving to be right his methods his Styles his ways are affecting winning and he’s somebody that guys buy into that’s it you got to prove yourself if you get the job that’s what it comes down to what do you think Alan I just think first and foremost if you are hiring a coach I think a relationship with LeBron James has to be a priority it’s important you want to make sure they’re on the same page I’d only be worried for JJ reck about anything that’s said on the outside but he shouldn’t care about that the Locker Room’s not going to say a word about any relationships I don’t I don’t buy into that either so to me if it’s the right fit and if LeBron James has a good relationship with a guy you’re bringing in as a head coach somebody as smart as JJ reck who would understand I need to probably bring in a veteran coach to help me on the bench then absolutely it makes sense I don’t know why you would hire that in a vacuum and then tell LeBron hey by the way here’s your new head coach hope you guys get along I’d rather have that relationship built in we’ll see it play out we would assume over the next several weeks [Music]

On Get Up, Brian Windhorst breaks down the latest on the Los Angeles Lakers head coach search. Then, the panel react to LeBron’s comments on Bronny that were made on the “Mind the Game” podcast with JJ Redick.

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  1. Hire JJ and let him be the new scapegoat so he can see the toxicity first hand 😂 please do it PLEASE!! 😂

  2. Bron just speaks in micro agressions
    Doesn’t ask for it but def needs it, not even wants it, needs it

  3. REPORT FACTS! Not speculation. LeBron has been great for the NBA, both on and off the court. So LeBron deserves much no then your SPECULATION



  6. Sam Cassell Is legit tho. Has been an assistant with doc rivers, and Tyron lue…

    Getting JJ would be like hitting Steve Nash lol

  7. jj LEklutch rhetoric was a basement walmart scrubb in his association career. all of a sudden he has a great basketball mind? make it make cents. 😂😂😂

  8. Lakesrs lebron is 39 stop allowing lebron and his nonsense 2 run organization it looks so sad u ARE THE LAKERS

  9. He hires you stooges to say bull crap like he doesn't want to be involved with the search when everything is his decision, LeBron James is a loser and the Lakers will fail until they get rid of him

  10. Do you know how stupid you so-called expert sound every time any of y'all suggested actually drafting bronny James when he will be fully available after the draft

  11. I think the Lakers are holding out for Nori who is doing a good job as the interim-something in Minnesota. Not sure he wants the Lakers job. Funny how in his entire career LeBron has never paired with a coach who was established at the time. Budz snatched PHX up quick said NOPE to the Lakers. Wonder why that goes down like that? Maybe LeGM isn't as coachable as he wants us to think.

  12. LeBron is gonna throw whoever it is under the bus. LeBron’s mom could be coaching the lakers, and he would still make her the scapegoat

  13. The Lakers need to hire JJ because he’s going to get a job anyway and if he is as good of a coach as he is on tv he will be good

  14. If they don't hire him maybe he can get a job as a plumber with that NBA old-timer he said was a plumber. To hire him would be stupid in that Lebron wants to win a championship now.

  15. You know it's bad when they need to keep convincing us that Lebron isn't involved. Like when Adam Silver publicly said the game isn't rigged.
    It's so weird Brian is using word like "I promise you and I swear" on a professional platform like this.
    Why do they even care to convince us? Because Lebron owns the media. All the greats didn't care to change narratives and just play ball.

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