@Sacramento Kings

Matt George, Locked On Kings – Brandon Ingram Or Kyle Kuzma A Better Option?

Matt George, Locked On Kings – Brandon Ingram Or Kyle Kuzma A Better Option?

absolutely sick of this he’s like I’m not waiting 10 more minutes it’s my birthday I can join the show whenever I want to I got a fresh haircut the beard is cropped clean got of work very fresh first of all happy birthday man happy birthday big dog yeah thanks screw all that y’all are not misunderstood as hell what the what the hell you talking about you’ve been trying to trade Keegan Murray for 48 hours least months Jesse over there Boston Celtics fan Jesse just secretly wants Keegan Murray in Boston he’s just trying to plant the seeds here in Sacramento KC loves the lake show he’s just trying to get Keegan Murray down in La so you can picture La mural all y’all need to keep Keegan Murray out your mouth Keegan Murray ain’t going nowhere Keegan Murray is exactly what’s needed here in Sacramento it’s my birthday don’t talk about Trad okay wa first of first of all we don’t talk like that on this show game hold on that’s there I do no we don’t talk like that on this show sir you need to settle down mad George M came hey yo firing on his birthday um no we we definitely don’t want to trade Keegan Murray yeah we don’t want to trade him you talked about it for entire show who who was the guy we were talking about though Michel Bridges was one where like we think about it we think about it that’s where it starts and that’s like that’s like it that’s it I don’t think there’s another guy feel like there was the second well the Donovan Mitchells I think the kind of like those types or whatever yeah that’s that’s not realistic at all um at least not in my opinion uh Matt George AB I didn’t realize you had to work on your birthday well I knew you were joining us but I didn’t realize you like had to work work on your birthday so um well either way thanks I was about to ask I was like what you got now he’s he’s fully Sports I remember when Matt first went there he might have to go cover graduations or something no he’s just fully Sports I got a I got an interview with uh with our our boy David Patrick today DP with DPS he’s you already did it or you already did it I’m doing with it a little bit later today so okay okay very good very good uh we started the show um maybe not started the show but began talking uh during the show about uh Kyle kosma again we’ve gone back to Kyle kosma this is the circular nature of this NBA offseason for the Sacramento Kings we’re back to Kyle kozma I think because of a jake fiser report um the deal was pretty friendly kma’s contract declines year after year after year after year you ready to get on board for Kyle kosma here re real quick real quick Matt before you answer just for for context for the for the people out there I had the deal the deal would be try Sasha vezenov Chris dwarte in a 2029 first round pick for Kyle kman without hesitation is that a like there why would Washington accept that though well those are expiring contracts and like they’re they’re they’re probably Washington needs to pick a direction yeah what exactly are you trying to do here if that was all that it took playerwise I i’ throw in the 13 this year make the pick and then trade it over Ken’s always willing to give away more than you have to which is fantastic that doesn’t seem like if I’m if I’m Washington and I’m trying to revamp thing what is 2029 first round pick gonna do for me give me this year’s first round pick I mean I could tell he’s always trying to give away Keegan Murray apparently too so that is not true true yeah I mean I absolutely make that deal 100% um I mean I genuin like gut feeling guys I think either one of kosma or Ingram is on the Kings come training camp time one of the two of them it just makes too much sense those are two guys that fit the bill of what the Sacramento Kings need and they’re both available it’s go time for the Kings Monty McNair said it himself it’s win now time I just I I think the Kings will get one of the two of those guys walk me through if you will Matt the Brandon Ingram situation in your mind how does that materialize for Sacramento well first off and and joke aside like there’s Keegan Murray is not included in the Brandon Ingram trade at all like um you you go out and you get Brandon Ingram and if you have to take the risk of losing him after one year you really have to weigh the options of if that risk is worth it or there has to be some sort of conversation about an understanding that we want you here long term we’re not just making this deal to to make a rental there are concerns with Brandon Ingram off the court nothing too extreme or absurd but there’s attitude issues and things like that that we heard uh with New Orleans so again I don’t think that’s anything to overreact to too much but Ingram has to understand that he’s coming to Sacramento to be a third and sometimes fourth option guy uh behind Fox and sabonis and sometimes Keegan or maybe it might change to Fox and Keegan and sometimes sabonis eventually on the offensive end if Malik monk comes back as well he has to kind of find his his fit with that Plus Brandon Ingram’s gonna have to come here and play some pretty serious defense under the uh the leadership of Mike Brown that’ll be the expectation so I think Brandon Ingram makes a whole heck of a lot of sense I think in in in many ways he’s like the top tier of player that you’re going to be able to realistically acquire this off season but I don’t know what that package looks like New Orleans is not trying to blow it up like Washington is they’re they’re still trying to be competitive right now so they’re not going to take your trash and just first rounders for Brandon Ingram they’re gonna want something in return I don’t know if Kevin herder or Harrison Barnes intrigues them at all but yeah there’s no like there’s no chance Keegan Murray’s involved in that deal whatsoever I think Brandon Ingram is attainable without trading away any of your core four guys but it’s I think that’s where the conversation’s going to be be stuck is what does that package look like and is that package better than something else that another team might offer New Orleans forbi and that’s where Kyle kosma comes back into play because they that you talk about New Orleans is still trying to win they’re going to be looking for guys you know that are going to help them win Washington is not and that’s where a Tre Sasha Chris dwarte and a pick or two fine sure you get Kyle kma’s money off the books and we get these expiring sure we’re trying to get Cooper flag next year we we don’t care that’s where he feels like he might be more attainable than anybody else out there for the Kings considering the assets that they have or lack thereof I’d ask you this though we we asked this question too Trey LS Sasha Chris dwarte uh a first round pick doesn’t we’ll forget the year doesn’t really matter both New Orleans and Washington say yeah we’ll do that which one are you going with the only reason to consider kozma over Brandon Ingram is the contract situation that’s the only reason but player for player it’s not close it’s Brandon Ingram I mean bling bi is exactly what you need I think if that’s the case I think I take the risk and I go with Brandon really the the I understand the contract plus kma’s contract is actually really good too because it go down by a few million every single year as well it’s very similar to not the current contract Harrison Barnes was on but the contract Harrison signed uh with uh with when Vlad devot was here that Ken canzanella signed him to so that it goes down every year making it more and more tradable and more and more affordable uh as time goes on so that’s a good contract and I’m not saying I don’t think kosma can help the Kings I think kozma absolutely could help the Kings but if you’re talking about a immediate significant difference maker Brandon Ingram is more of that guy to me than Kyle kosma is I’m a little bit Yeah I no I I don’t disagree with you at all regarding the player uh I’m surprised you’re you’re willing to take the risk well the the ri the risk to me is a lot easier when I mean I love Trey L but he’s the biggest name you’re shipping out and and only one first round pick to get Brandon Ingram like it’s that that’s not that big of a risk to me now if it’s two plus first rounders plus a Kevin herder or Harrison Barnes or even attach a Davon Mitchell in there to sweeten the pot a little bit to give them a young player that they like now we’re talking about that might not be worth the risk but for the same exact package that you laid out there to get kozma where it’s those three essentially role players one of them is the only one that actually has a designated playing time role here in Sacramento and one first rounder to get an All-Star caliber wing and Brandon Ingram yeah I I take that risk for sure I like Brandon Ingram as a better player U just like everybody else I think people kind of sleeping on kozman when it comes to this type of situation kma is a three-level scorer um he’s more durable and his contract is friendlier like be is is Brandon Ingram I guess what I’m looking at is is he that much of a better player than Kyle kosma where you disregard all the other stuff I think Brandon Ingram’s a better scorer than Kyle kosma and I think ingr is a better Defender than kyok kosma and and the Kings need need both so that I mean that’s where I don’t see kozma to me doesn’t have an edge over Ingram in any other way but like you said durability which that’s a pretty big Edge if you can actually play he’s a better rebounder here in Sacramento sure but you also have the league leading rebounder in there so it’s not like Brandon Ingram more kosma are going to come in here and try to average seven or eight boards a game like I to me what the need an abundance is perimeter defense and more of a go-to offensive option Brandon Ingram can go and get you a bucket kozma kind of can but not in the way that Brandon Ingram can in my opinion okay if if they end up though I’m cool with it if they end up with either of those guys for the package that you laid out there I think it’s a very successful off season I don’t think either team I the Pelicans laugh at that deal and I think the Wizards still say no yeah I think the well I don’t I don’t think I agree with that at least as it pertains to the Wizards yes the Pelicans laugh at it that was a scenario we were presenting about really about how you feel about the risk of Ingram and the you the the risk of the you know that where he’s at with his contract and all of that versus you know the Kyle kosma situation who not only has three years Matt but as you pointed out a moment ago the years are declining the the the numbers excuse me in the years are declining and as far as what like Washington and New Orleans the New Orleans would never accept a deal like that there’s going to be if Brandon Ingram is truly on the market there’s going to be a a a ton of teams that want to acquire him if Kyle kma’s on the market I believe he’s going to have a market and I think uh Sacramento could put something competitive together for him and I would feel better as the offer got more competitive that well it’s okay that the offer has gotten more competitive because K is here for the next three years whereas if it it really becomes a fist fight to land Brandon Ingram well wait a minute we gonna give all that up and then pray that he stays oh no yeah to me especially I I think kozma being available gives the Kings the out now they have to be careful because they can’t string along Washington too long but it gives them the out to have a maximum a pretty comfortable maximum of this is the the most we’re willing to offer for an Ingram package and if it doesn’t happen Okay we walk away and I think Monty’s already in that position I think Monty I don’t think Monty is willing to empty the assets so to say for Ingram in this particular situation I just don’t think that’s the guy necessarily that like a Mikel Bridges absolutely you you would empty the assets for a guy like that Brandon Ingram even though he’s a really really good player given the circumstance of where the kings are at circumstances plus he’s on the last year of his deal I think that’s where Monty’s already going into that that uh that conversation going yeah we have a maximum and we’re gonna let you know what that is right away and we’re not going past because we don’t it’s not we’re not that desperate for that type of player or that in that situation and kosma might give them kind of the plan B of all right Ingram didn’t work out but we can go get kozma for a cheaper deal and he still comes in and addresses the big deal the kings are a maybe not significantly the kings are a noticeably better team immediately if Kyle kma’s on this roster agree yep absolutely I think I think that’s I think that’s the move I once again there’s better players out there but the one that fits everything is Kyle kosma Kyle kosma is the one that fits the the level of assets that you have he he fits the contract situation he fits the talent situation once again Brandon Ingram is a is a better player than Kyle kosma but that one there’s a lot of gymnastics that have to be done to get to Brandon Ingram a lot of outbidding that you’re GNA have to do that I don’t know if you have the pieces to outbid a lot of people for Brandon Ingram I think kosma is the one that is in the Kings willhouse to realistically be able to do we point out like SE yakum Ingram has a lot of control over what happens next because there’s going to be that conversation with Brandon Ingram’s agent hey would he be open to staying here and if the answer is no it’s like I can’t because a lot of teams there will be they’ll be Messiah Yer there’ll be Toronto so be like all right that’s fine I’ll need a commitment from kawhai I want to acquire him now because I got a team that might be able to win a championship if we add him to it and he was right but there are a lot of teams who wouldn’t be willing to take that risk the Paul George Oklahoma City risk it worked until it didn’t and that he resigned there but quickly you know it’s what we talk about a lot of guys sign contracts that they’ll figure out later pa George was like yeah Oklahoma City I’m partying with Russell Westbrook hey man ka’s going to the Clippers I think I’d really like to go play with him and shout out to to Sam pry for hey uh doc Lawrence this trade is for Paul George but you know this trade is for Paul George and Kawhi Leonard so you’re going to give me everything I want including a future MVP very much so but most general managers aren’t willing to take the risk that Sam presty took to get Paul George and that Ms deiri took to get um Kawhi Leonard and I don’t believe remember if it’s Kevin prit I don’t remember who runs the the the Pacers but I don’t think he took a risk at all I think they had a ation with Sak’s agent and theyve put themselves in that position Ingram is going to be in the same exact position that Pascal seak was in February yeah I’m in the same boat with you um it’s those are the two most clear options to me staring the Sacramento Kings in the face and I think either addresses a need it’s still I mean still so much of this off season to me that doesn’t make up neither of those moves to me make up for a loss of Malik monk it makes it easier for you to handle and easier for that pill to swallow but I mean a Malik Monk and Kyle kozma LED Sacramento Kings or Malik Monk and and Brandon Ingram LED Sacramento Kings off season I should say in addition to the core that’s already here now we’re talking about a team that assuming they can still play the level of defense that they played at the end of the season now we’re talking about a team that that should be expected to be a top six team in the Western Conference given how tough the West is so I mean the options are there for Monty and it’s it’s just about going and getting something done at this point this can’t be another like we talked about this can’t be another offseason of hey there’s potential routes oh but we’re gonna decide it’s not the right time like now you said it yourself now is the time so if kusma or Ingram are the options go out and get one of them the funny part sorry to to me is that this isn’t like a selling point by any stretch in the imagination but with K there’s no scenario where worse you know what I mean like if if you you you acquire kma worst case scenario to me is you’re the same which seems like a stretch to me but that’s the worst case scenario you’re not going to be worse with Ingram you get worse if he doesn’t sign because you’ve lost players right like you’ve lost players that have helped you but with Kyle kosma to me with with with the way we’ve structured a variety of different deals including your original deal of a bunch of Graphics Casey they’re not going to get worse again I know that’s not a selling point for anybody but no it’s a great point though hey guys Sacramento Kings not bad yeah no one wants that it’s a it is a good point though it it’s kind of safe to be honest with you um and I think I’m just like sitting here thinking about Brandon Ingram and like what it would take to get him and if you’re the Kings you may think might might have a deal we might have something to work out here and then Donovan Mitchell decides he’s going to sign and clutch says Garland wants out of here and Cleveland calls the Pelicans are like what you think about Garland and Jared Allen for Ingram like that’s the kind of stuff you’re going up against that you you just can’t compete with is there anyone in Cleveland you like Matt because they’re they they’re bordering on shambles it feels like at this point I mean they have a lot of pieces that I like that just don’t make sense for Sacramento I’m not interested in Garland because you have an abundance of guards on this roster Donovan Mitchell I absolutely love but for what it’s going to take to give up and then to bring him here in Sacramento as much as I would have loved to have seen a fox and Mitchell back cour I would have loved to have seen it coming into the league when you had the fifth and tenth pick and you screwed that up um Donovan Mitchell by the way a 13th overall pick which the Kings have 13 in this year’s draft so there is Talent there I don’t know if you guys have looked at the history of 13 there have been a lot of really good players that have been drafted 13th and yeah of course Kobe Bryant uh even recently like Devin Booker was taken 13th Zack LaVine was taken 13th so there’s some value at that spot um so what Matt George is saying is the Kings can’t trade the pick because Kobe absolutely not absolutely somebody tweet it it’s a good point basketball on X tweet it did y’all learn nothing from the James ham situation don’t you don’t you be taking taking these out of context um no I think engagement Matthew that’s how you get engaged Coe content over everything I think I I mean I think the kings are trading 13 I just think I think that that move that pick is on the Move come draft night I just don’t think and adding a rookie to this roster is really in their best interest but I guess it depends on the rookie um but to finish answering your question like I love Jared Allen too doesn’t make sense next to domos just like yonas Fen chunis as much as I love him uh Evan Moy is the guy that they’re trying to resign so they’re moving on from all these guys to try and make up the money to sign him to an ex extension so yeah Cleveland’s not a partner in my opinion that that I think the king should be too interested in okay uh Matt George says the Kings will trade Kobe Bryant this office send it send it V for V well we’ll come back um we’ll talk more with our buddy Matt George he is at the Abc 10 Studios he is celebrate how old are you today Matt 30 three Z oh wow there we go really are you kidding you’re 30 years old I’m 30 years old man Theo about to go buy a boat or something I’m having a crisis man life is just about to start we met when you were 23 yeah oh God no wonder you were unbearable oh W yeah we’ll come back uh Matt George he’s at the Abc 10 Studios we’re talking Kings basketball talking basketball and Jim we’ll get his thoughts uh on the Western and Eastern Conference playoffs as well and will continue to try to fix the Kings during this long off season here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 C what’s is your interview in person Matt uh no he’s uh David’s in LSU uh he he left Sacramento last night so he’s he’s he’s in LSU he’s in Louisiana um so yeah it’ll it’ll be over Zoom that’s good stuff good stuff good stuff okay see leaving yeah he quit good I was thinking why why does this feel weird you’re never with us during a commercial break yeah I was gonna say feel weird you got any plans tonight you working tomorrow what’s the deal uh off tomorrow and Saturday uh working working all night tonight yeah this is my eighth straight day of work actually oh man yeah it’s the grind but it’s been fun you guys got plans this weekend um not really I think my my mom’s doing like a a small little get together for us on Saturday but we leave uh we’re taking Ry to to Disneyland next week nice we’re going for a few days to Disneyland so that’s that’s that’s our little getaway my first vacation since since June of or July of last year during the California classic so I’m ready to get the hell out of here there you go good stuff good stuff good stuff you got a PS5 yet not yet we uh I’m sure you came up in conversation like two days ago and I had and Jesse and I were talking and I had one pulled up on Best Buy like I could just walk into best on the way home cop it get it come on I want to know what Damen barlings gamertag is chatty house help Damen Barling come up with a gamer ttag what’s Damen barin’s gamertag oh yeah yeah I have no idea what that would be what’s your favorite number Daman uh I don’t I don’t have one come on everyone has a favorite number I don’t big one right now you had a jersey what was your what would number would be on your jersey well I had eight because I liked Bo Jackson I had eight 16 like the all like Bo Jackson’s number numbers like I always like those numbers all right my submission for uh for your uh for your Gamertag would be du hell eight okay du hell is a perfect gamertag all right your new favorite number is eight by the way so carry that with you that’s my new favorite number that’s a new number okay my new favorite number is eight I think this should be my tag LOL well Damian that should be my tag that right there oh green Juiceman 916 well all right I don’t know about that one all right John polls God damn it John you take anything serious that’s probably taken no it’s good eight I like that um Straight to Hell I love that gotta get creative with your Gamertag not real not real chick Wings 916 uh that’s funny now it’s good eight that’s funny I like that one I like that one a lot Barling 816 that’s a good one Barling 816 says always hated my last name stupid ass name it’s better than George the George is a nice first name it works together it’s fine freaking lawyer ass ass white name I hate it Barling is sophisticated Barling sounds Barling sounds hella cool oh this is a good one I should be Casey’s co-host 916 that’s a great one that that Drew Down is on to something right there get KC in here in this conversation yeah no I gotta that that we’re trying to come up with my gamer tag and I think Drew Down has got it Casey’s co-host 916 that’s exent I might change my Twitter handle to that maybe wait is that KC courts side 816 do say it again maybe maybe is that um wait is that KC Courtside 8 or something like that oh yeah is that KC Courtside that’s a good one Kenny you gotta get the show man the show the baseball MLB game I got I got 2023 uh I didn’t get 24 because it’s the same game no it’s not it’s great we’re all in it is great it’s a great game I love the show I love the show I might get but see now we’re getting close to the point where you know Matt I’m I’m more like I play these games when the seasons are going on right so we’re we’re almost to the point where it’s gonna be football season and in the baseball game ain’t gonna get no play no playing time when does uh is is July when the when when college football comes up yeah yeah yeah we got we got the calendar marked and poor uh FIFA you know I was at one point I was trying to get get that popping but now there’s just no time they gonna we’re coming back Matt did um the Kyle kosma you know story that’s been getting pushed out there the Jake fiser one where he was talking about the asking price at the trade deadline was too rich what was the asking price was that in the article was it first round pi two first round picks what Washington was asking for okay all right that in a heartbeat over here fellas hey Matt were you surprised um I’ll rephrase this were you as surprised as we were that domas actually got the acknowledgement for all NBA I was uh I mean I thought we were on a a perfect trend of the NBA just being wrong the entire season but I’m glad they got something right there at the very end um no I I thought it was great he deserves that recognition look he had a better season this season than he did last year and he shouldn’t be held back because the team lost two fewer games uh I mean he still led the league in rebounding double doubles triple doubles shattered all sorts of Records beat Kevin Love’s double double streak did things that only wit Chamberlain has done like he was absolutely a top 15 player in the league this season I’m glad he got that recognition for it all the responses that I’m seeing on social media and all the ignorant people that don’t actually watch King basketball or don’t watch basketball period who uh who who claim that he doesn’t belong there that’s fine they can spout their nonsense and expose themselves as the fools that they are domas deserves to be there I’m happy for him I’m glad he got that recognition uh now he can get that recognition again next year when the kings are uh still playing at this time of the year in the playoffs perfectly said perfectly said I didn’t get to see it Casey and I were kind of in of a frantic moment of our ksfm show did Draymond Green have have to announce DS’s name oh I didn’t see that I didn’t see it either I was actually on the road I was driving yeah we got a tweet that uh uh Draymond having to announce it made it that much better and I didn’t I was like oh no oh I didn’t I didn’t get to see it I didn’t get to see I’m have to go back and try and find that yeah I need I need to on the 13 Devin Booker my goat Steph Curry and mon sabonis he grabbed my foot y’all he grabbed my foot um I was shocked I didn’t think he was gonna make I didn’t think he was gonna make it either man I didn’t think he was gonna make it and admittedly as a Kings fan I found a reason to be frustrated they like dearen wasn’t even close and that’s fine because we honestly thought yeah he he lost a lot of steam well Tyrese did too Tyrese lost a ton of steam as the season progressed but that didn’t stop him from Comfortably making the team if Daren had just missed it it would have been like ah all right like all right it’s fine now dear wasn’t even close they weren’t even considering dear it’s like we’ll give sorry ass Sacramento there one little nod for domos because he had double doubles or triple doubles or whatever Anthony Davis is still better than he is uh but we’ll keep it moving yeah I think the King Kings missing the Playoffs was a convenient excuse for these people to go we acknowledged Sacramento enough last year because we felt we had to and now we don’t want to have to do it again like that’s that’s really what it is and and I to some extent like I I understand that that’s that’s fine that’s great I mean I know the Lakers have two of the greatest players one of certainly the one of the greatest players of all time and LeBron and Anthony Davis who’s a Sure Fire Hall of Famer doesn’t matter how bad the Lakers suck and sucked all year oh they won the inseason tournament congratulations they’re terrible but I mean they they can still get two nods there basically written in in permanent ink and initially when I saw it because I looked at the teams in order first second third and I saw Anthony Davis on the second team and I was like wow I’m ready to be pissed off when I don’t see domas on the third team then he showed up and I felt a little bit better I guess Anthony Davis deserves to be on the second team for every game that he played against people that weren’t named D Monto sabonis uh because domas uh rocked him and put him in his cradle every time they played Matt spicy on his birthday that’s a little spicy on birthday cracking me up a little spicy on this birthday I’m here for it I’m here for it I I understand everything you’re saying I and I in a in a real moment I’m sure Matt would agree um Anthony Davis had an all NBA caliber season you know absolutely so yep you know all NBA 13 yeah when he didn’t play domas yeah when when he played domas he looked like a g- leager yeah I mean but no he did he 100% did he’s one of the best cers in the league I think he deserves to be uh be in that conversation it’s just convenient that the uh the the Kings can’t have two all NBA players or two All Stars in a bad or in a year like this that that rule just doesn’t apply when you play for the Los Angeles Lakers or any other team that’s not Sacramento apparently so who knows no you’re you’re you’re right about that for sure dearon Fox we went through you know the the numbers and all this other stuff the only player in the top 10 in scoring in the league to not be in the all NBA selection which is kind of crazy the guy was it fits nicely with being a top 10 scorer and not being an All-Star yeah there’s that too and you know they treated like man like he’s on the Charlotte Hornets I about to say there there’s there’s a lot of disrespect for de’arra Fox this past season that man put up you know the eighth best scoring season in the League this year led the league in steals and literally no acknowledgement from the league I I’ll drop a little teaser for you I have a podcast episode coming it’s probably going to be my next episode later on this week I have never believed in dear and fox more than I do right now even after a season where you missed the playoffs after the great year that you had last year I think I think dearen Fox is I mean he’s at a crazy level now and it’s not inconceivable to imagine him going going a step further like this was the first season that he had a high volume three-point shot and you saw him work and figure out how to incorporate that into his game what does that look like next year like the to me the biggest thing missing in dear’s game other than the fact that that get him to the playoffs and he’ll shine just like he did against the the Golden State Warriors and he would have done the same thing this year he would have been even better in the postseason this year mark my words the the main thing that’s missing with dearon Fox is what he looks like in months and I think this is a king’s team issue as well but Fox kind of leads it what does fox look like January and February like that to me is if Fox is the same in January and February as he is in November December and April then Fox is undeniably an all NBA talent and the Sacramento Kings are undeniably a threat in the Western Conference I have never believed and I’ll go into this more on the podcast but I do not believe or I’ve never believed in dearen Fox more than I do right now going into this season you I want to bring a phrase back that we’ve been using I I think it started earlier this week I think we were talking about Keon Harrison Barnes Kevin herter guys like that talking about Mike Brown guys like who who’s a guy that that like that’s a Mike Brown guy he plays the way Mike Brown wants and then we started using you know we and we’ve had we’ve used this ter term before a manty McNair guy we were talking earlier about kma and Brandon Ingram do you think either of those guys are a Monty McNair guy and do you feel like you can identify what a Monty McNair guy is I can definitely identify what a Monte MCN McNair guy is in the draft it’s an it’s an older an older rookie a more NBA ready rookie that’s what Monty McNair I mean he’s been very consistent with that throughout his history drafting here in Sacramento he likes to go for more older NBA ready rookies and less developmental projects which also kind of fits the timeline of what he wanted the Sacramento Kings to do and where the Sacramento Kings are at so I can definitely identify a Monty McNair Prospect a Monty McNair guy here’s the thing I think the Monty a Monty McNair guy and a Mike Brown guy need to get on the same page that’s what I think this this this offseason is this offseason is about getting the way you want to play and how you say you want to play and your roster to mesh to be the same because right now you have a a roster of guys led by a head coach that’s telling you defense wins championships us scoring 120 points per game is not going to get it done even though the Indiana Pacers lowkey right now are trying to trying to prove Mike Brown wrong so that’s another reason why we should be rooted against Indiana um but you have a coach that’s saying this is the philosophy of how we need to win and how we’re actually going to become a legitimate Championship Contender and then you have a roster loaded with guys that are ready to score 120 points if they’re if they’re on right and then you have you’re ask asking for a former two-way guy to make a big defensive impact you’re asking for Davon Mitchell to make a big defensive impact Dar Fox leading the league and seals there’s defensive Talent on this roster but there’s still a large portion of or part of this roster that just does not fit what Mike Brown is trying to do so that to me this offseason is about getting all of that on the same page a Mike Brown guy and a Monty McNair guy need to be close to the same this off season that both of them can agree and go out and get a guy or two or three whether it’s in the draft or free agency or trades or whatever that fills your roster that addresses what you are actually trying to do here I think I have a Mony McNair guy and a Mike Brown guy and I think it’s your fault Kenny what I do KC what I do king kcore 916 Malcolm Brogden oh boy okay I okay first of all I feel the same way however think about everything you just said doesn’t malcol Brogden feel like aani McNair guy now think about what we know for Mike Brown doesn’t Malcolm brog then feel like a Mike Brown guy yeah probably so is he a free agent I don’t think so try to figure that out right now has a year left with it Portland yeah he’s in Portland yeah now I don’t know how why is he a free agent no he’s got one year left 22 and a half million oh 22 22 and a half million one more year left on his deal in Portland 22 and a half he got the bag 22 and a half no you’re you’re you’re on you’re on you’re on I don’t see it I don’t know well I can think of a why but it’s worst case scenario for Sacramento so we don’t need to do that but you can figure it out for yourself given the positions but yeah you you brought him up like you you you you didn’t bring him up like on perp like you meaning you didn’t bring him up in context with a king’s conversation and man Malcolm Bri uh shout out to uh Bon Hill Malcolm brogen’s been living rentree in my head ever since you said that I was like you that makes sense it makes sense if it’s both those guys of course it only makes sense in the worst case scenario which is Malik’s look I’m not against Malcolm Brock being the king you know if he was if he was something that bugs me about brog then just can’t figure out why he’s been on so many teams if he was part of the team building process in the roster construction that the Kings should be trying to do this off season sure as part of a piece of that if he was headlining that roster con oh my gosh this is this is not the move so um it just it just all depends on what else you can get with him if he were to come to Sacramento he’s a throwin piece in the Jeremy Grant trade maybe that’s a hell of a throwin piece already Jeremy Grant back $300 million Jeremy Grant’s already making a billion you want add 22 million more to that yeah why not why not uh you you what was you about to say Matt you sound like you’re about to cook something yeah I no not not cooking anything more just I don’t know what it is about Brockton too and I can’t explain it like I I do see I do see how like you say he he can fit kind of the mold of what Monty and and Mike like I also think if we’re talking about Monty and Mike guys I think Chris Duarte was kind of supposed to be that yeah and and he flopped um and I don’t know how much patience the Kings have with DTE because coming into the season I can tell you firsthand Mike Brown was very excited to have Chris dwarte on this team come the end of the season Chris dwarte was not playing and when he was playing he he looked lost and if he if he was maybe playing about good defense he wasn’t knocking down threes and he was seemingly fouling everybody every time he touched the floor so I don’t know if you necessarily give up on Chris Duarte but Chris Duarte was one of those signings this past offseason not named Sasa fenov were like wow this could be an actual Difference Maker and very very quickly even with Mike trying to insert DTE into the starting lineup a couple times very very quickly I think it dawned on everybody including members of the Kings organization yeah yeah this is not as big of an impactful piece as we thought Davon became what they wanted Christ orte to become it seems like 100% I think so Davon just I no pause keep your flags Davon just needs a a few more inches like if Davon was a few inches taller stop you all children you know what I mean if he’s a few inches tall God I hate this show you know what screw it no if you had just said if he was a little bit taller if you hadn’t phrased it the way you phrased no you knew what I meant no you can’t complain about Flags when you’re just as guilty of it I didn’t do anything this is your culture my own business this is the culture you you planted these seats oh I’m a broadcast journalist y that was crazy it was not that crazy I prefaced it take your Cincinnati off you gotta you gotta say pause afterwards man I agree with paused well pre I understand but I think after would have a better effect forget it that’s a solid technique forget it the king’s shut up the king I hate this show no you don’t y’ this this summer has been has been John fiser propaganda followed by trading Keegan Murray this show show gone into the toilet man I think Matt Matt said I was doing John Fisher propaganda one thing came on yeah when you when I when you two were fighting I wasn’t here for that I was watching I was like Michael Jackson with the popcorn I was doing John Fisher propaganda and I said he’s a scam artist you said John if John fer gets the A’s in in Vegas then he’ll start spending money on the team no that’s not that’s not what I said I said that’s not what a scam artist does scam artists will start spending money take everyone’s money and then revert back to their own oh that’s right that’s right that’s right you said that’s right you were trying to tell me that John fiser would spend money on the Sacramento A’s roster that’s what you’re were trying to tell me well because they’re they’d be going to Las Vegas not just staying here in Sacramento but a year before they go to Vegas that’s how you get everybody’s money how you gonna get everybody’s money any other way you gotta trick them or try to that’s all no my birthday we don’t need to talk about this on my birthday what you doing for your birthday man I mean I know you got to work but are you like you got a dinner got what you got going on uh going to Disneyland next week with my fam that’s that’s about it that’s it last time you went to Disneyland uh last no two years ago okay this the last time we can go before our son cost money Disneyland expensive man good thinking two two tickets for the the Brit eye for two days 750 bucks oh come on man 750 for two days I guess Ryan just ain’t never gonna see Disneyland oh that wi wow I just got fleeced by a mouse crazy that is crazy they said is it all inclusive do you kid are you staying at Disneyland like you staying at the hotel Disney no I’m not rich I don’t have Courtside Kenny money like you have to I’ve never done that that’s like five to six to to stay at like one of the Disney hotels no we’re we’re staying at a hotel like across the street but that’s still I mean that’s still expensive but not not as much as the Disney hotels did you know um when Casey goes to Disneyland uh Mickey and Minnie wake him up yeah in in Cinderella’s Castle he stays in Cinderella’s castle that’s right that’s right I’ve never gone to the time I went to Disneyland I was living in Los Angeles it’s like the opening scene in Coming to America where they throw rose pedals at his feet but it’s Mickey Minnie like Donald Goofy it’s like a parade of the Disney characters throw the rose pedals at his feet so what you said is you drove down from the Hollywood Hills to go to Disneyland definely didn’t live in the Hollywood Hills no he okay Matthew he was in Los an his driver took him down that’s that’s a good point you guys ever driven into Hollywood Hill and slummed it into Anaheim no we’ve never been to the Hollywood Hills not like you they don’t let our types in there Casey stop it you can drive up and it is terrifying I don’t know why people would live there yeah it is not fun what are they doing well because it’s scary to drive up there so they just figured people won’t some of the views are phenomenal oh my God some the views are incredible absolutely incredible uh Matt what do you how’ you feel about the uh Western Conference Finals last night oh man um God what a great game uh I mean it’s got to be frustrating from the standpoint of when you’re you’re taking on a team like the Dallas Mavericks when Kyrie can go for 20 what was it 24 in the first half and then he can cool down and the team is sometime is is it’s not better but like the Mavericks didn’t skip a beat and Kyrie completely cooled off in the second half because it was Luca’s turn like that’s to have a to have a a team that have two guys that are capable of being number ones that have figured out how to coexist because I remember when that trade happened man I was like I don’t know how Kyrie and Luca are gonna work together but they figured it out whether it’s as simple as splitting the game in half I mean it’s already split in half you get the first half I get the second half let’s go out there and win and it I mean I don’t know how if they can do that four times they they’re making it to the NBA finals like that was just I don’t know how you beat that and I like the Timberwolves I think the Timberwolves definitely will make this a series I think it’s going six or seven games like but that version of the Dallas Mavericks is just like man good luck when Luca can Coast to the second half and then explode or Kyrie can come out of the gate and and use all of his energy in the first half and then the second half just be a presence that you have to fear defensively that’s good luck beating that I love this version of Kyrie man um who you got tonight uh I got Boston yeah are you sold at all on the Pacers I don’t think we’ve got to talk to you about this yet are you sold at all on the Indiana Pacers I think the Indiana Pacers are much better than than I expected I gave them credit for I also feel like game one was their best shot I don’t think they’re they’re going to get swept I think game one was their best shot and I think what we saw at the very end is very fitting of a team that has not been there before especially Tyrese like Tyrese turned the ball over a lot the PA like the Pacers had that game one and they turned the ball over so many times but especially at the end of the game down the stretch to basically punt that game away I think I think the Pacers will get a game but it’s a massive difference being up one0 and taking homecourt advantage than losing a close game losing game two and now you’re down 02 going home like the it’s obvious but that’s a mental Mass M advantage or disadvantage rather to have had that game in your lap especially the first game in Boston and to let that fumble away I think Boston looks better tonight and I think Boston’s more ruthless tonight I think they win more comfortably tonight I I I wholeheartedly disagree but I’ll say this we talked so much about Indiana at the turnover everything Matt said about the pace was a th% correct please don’t let Jaylen shot get lost in all of this jayen shot to tie the game was insane oh and unbelievable it was absolutely I mean Matt everyone’s 100% they gave him that opportunity that was a phenomenal shot with seum just in his grill trying not to foul but being as close as possible just a tremendous shot by Jaylen uh we’re headed off for the weekend we appreciate you so much for being with us Matt George happy birthday my friend thank you so much uh for all you do with us uh have a great weekend have a safe weekend we will see you back here Tuesday beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320

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  1. I would love to have either they both upgrade us, i like ingram better but for the right price and IF he reigns and kuzma isn't as good defensively but still give us some flexibility down the line too.

  2. Why the hell are you thinking about Kyle Kuzma? Valanciunas is only big man they should be thinking about and resigning Monk

  3. Other than Chris Webber and Rajon rondo what big-name free agent has came to the Sacramento Kings and you guys keep talking about Brandon Ingram why the hell would he want to come here

  4. We are being completely delusional if we think we get Kuzma or Ingram for a handful of expensive scrubs and a pick that’s not top ten. Hope i eat crow on this ….
    I’ll take resigning Monk and a stud athletic freak scoring gritty rookie at #13.

  5. Kings management and pundits seem to think that the Kings can keep everyone they want and get someone awesome in return.. As if the rest of the NBA is stupid..

    The Kings became elite at the end of the 90's by trading way Mitch Richmond and White Chocolate to UPGRADE the team!! And that group would never have passed on Luka Doncic..

    This team hangs on to a player as it's "core" player who after over half a decade has proven that he CAN'T lead this team and ISN'T a leader.. This team is average at best, and just got there.. Damontas, Murray, and Monk are the best building blocks.. Everyone else can be moved and used to improve third team.

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