@Washington Wizards

The Wizards are making Kyle Kuzma available for trade. Good or bad move?

The Wizards are making Kyle Kuzma available for trade. Good or bad move?

the Washington Wizards are going to be making Kyle kozma available via trade is it a good move or a bad move by the front office and Capital One was actually voted one of the most dangerous Arenas in the NBA does it deserve that title next on locked on Wizards you are locked on Wizards your daily Washington Wizards podcast part of the locked on podcast SC Network your team every day what’s good everybody it’s your boy Brandon Scott again and I appreciate you guys making locked on Wizards your first listen every single day we are free and available wherever get your podcast and on YouTube part of the locked on podcast Network your team every single day so everybody uh today we we got a lot to talk about today um K the Washington Wizards have made kma available to other teams via trades so we’re going to talk about uh the the pros the cons The Good the Bad and the Ugly about that and whether the Wizards should make a move or or why they shouldn’t make a move and Capital One U from a report from Fox News or Fox 5 that is um was voted in the top 10 most dangerous Arenas in the NBA is it a deserving title we’re definitely gonna talk about that um so before we get into the news about K being made available via trade uh to other teams uh this is a report via uh Wizards Insider Troy halberton so definitely shout out to my guy Troy halberton wizard Insider man really good dude man and uh hey he said that Brian Keefe is the leader in the clubhouse for the Wizards hit coaching vacancy and the team should be making oh Lord uh an official hire before the end of the month so again everybody like I said when I get the news I’m definitely going to uh shoot it you guys way man but you know this kind of Echoes what a lot of has been saying man as far as um NBA analysts and people who analyze the Washington Wizards that you know and especially if you look up the comments by the players and even the front office at the exit interviews at the end of the season for the Wizards a lot of people like Brian ke he’s done well as far as making up for the deficiencies of Westell Jr you know making adjustments definitely getting the best out of his roster creating an atmosphere and culture in the locker room that you know promotes a team atmosphere that wants EMB betterment and playing you know definitely playing hard and you know people getting along so definitely he created a great culture so I definitely think that he definitely should be the candidate to get the job but like I said that that is via uh Wizards inside of Troy halberton that they will be making a decision about the official hiring of the new head coach by the end of the month and looking at the fact that it is the 23rd of the month is coming up so again shout out to my guy uh Troy halberton Wizards Insider again really good guy if you have not thought if you don’t follow him on X definitely consider doing so because a lot of news comes out of his way like I said he gets a lot of the news that a lot of people do not get so let’s get into it everybody um the Washington Wizards have officially uh made kusma available on the trade market so we’re going to look at a report real quick quick and this is through Jake fiser uh Yahoo sports and um but this is also through Evan cedy on X but the official source is Jake fiser or Jake L Fisher that is and it says quote unquote the Wizards will make Kyle kumma available on the trade market per jakeel Fisher Washington was seeking two first round picks for for kman at the trade deadline but it’s unknown if the price has dropped or not all right let’s get into this man so um should they or should they not move Kyle kma and as you guys know how I roll man I’m look at every perspective like you know right now it is a Hot Topic you know this like everything else in Wizards Twitter or even in the Wizards fan base uh people are divided and that’s pretty much like it is all the time with most subjects but um a lot of people were divided you know and let me start by saying this I am a Kyle kosma fan um wasn’t big on him when he was with the Lakers when he came over from Washington you know um you saw a guy who turned himself into a complete player you know going from a role player to a complete player you know he U bringing his championship experience with a championship run in 2020 with the Los Angeles Lakers he came in ready to work uh he’s done a lot of work on the court and off the court as far as you know doing a lot of stuff for the community not only in the Washington DC area but also in his hometown of Flint Michigan he is a Flintstone a proud Flintstone at that um so he’s done a lot off the court which you know I I definitely love about him and like I said he’s been a leader for this team uh he’s been a consistent 20 points plus a game score for this team and he’s done you know like I said he’s he’s become a complete player here and the organization has given him a lot of leeway to be that number one scoring threat and to be able to be that complete player and you know rightfully so now saying that now I am very high on Kyle kusma like I said I have appreciated what he’s done on and off the court now should they move him and why shouldn’t they move him okay was start with why shouldn’t they move him okay for you know kind of the same reasons just talked about uh leadership role some people said they don’t see him as a leader you know I I do see him as a leader in his locker room you know you’ve seen definitely seen cases where he’s been a leader now he’s not the only leader obviously if you look at people like Anthony Gil you know you’ve seen Jordan P step up and take on leadership roles you know You’ seen Denny avat you know step up and take leadership roles but you know kman came right in and he definitely was that guy a calming experience because we had a lot of turmoil early when he got traded here from the Los Angeles Lakers when Russell russb was SI to the Lakers uh when he came over with Tres harell and kcp and you know what he was one of you know you saw a lot of issues in the locker room and he was he was not one of those guys you didn’t see a lot of issues and um he did he was a guy who tried to Rally the guys and he tried to talk to young players and so I did see a leadership factor from Kyle C again consistent source of points um and you know look other factors look at looking at his contract now looking at his contract and this is via sport track my my go-to source y goto source for any information per turning to contracts and looking at his contract situation this season coming up he will be earning 23.5 million and of course it it goes down from there you know in his age 30 season which will be the 2025 to 2026 season it will go down to 21.4 and then his last year here in DC at age 31 it would be 19.4 so is a very Team friendly contract so you know it’s not breaking a bank it’s not going inhibit us and and it really I mean and it’s not going to inhibit us from making any kind of roster moves but I don’t foresee us making many roster moves from the get you know obviously we’re not going to be very active in free agency you know most of the roster moves made on this team is gonna be via um the draft or via trade I don’t see us being very active in free agency so I don’t think the the C the cap hit is really gonna be a really a big deal in my opinion so I mean he checks all boxes on why he should stay you know his contract is very very Team friendly um he has been great as far as being a leader you know being a consistent scorer for this team and you know he’s done a lot off the court as far as charit because when you look at other players who I really love in DC obviously John Wall Bradley Bill um they were very very big in the community and like I said I like that man you know I definitely like to see uh these players you know be very active in the DC Community if not the DMV committee whether it’s PG County Marlin or uh North Virginia you know I definitely would like to see them active helping people they can’t help themselves and I and I like seeing that from K kman I love seeing that from Bradley Bill and that was a big thing about about John Wall in my opinion why should he get traded okay fair enough play style was talking about only Court production yes he is a 20 point plus a night score efficiency has been an issue and you know he’s been you know not you know not so much in the later stages of the season but at times in the early part of the season the first half you know ISO heavy play you know um efficiency taking a lot of shots you know yes he could score 20 plus but it you know at times it did take a lot of shots to get there so obviously looking at the fact that we are going to year two of a rebuild emphasis has to be scouting in development you know we have to find ways to get other people involved to make other people better especially when you’re looking at Denny Bal Corey kissper and potentially Johnny Davis so um you know one thing that I mentioned you know um as far as if you know if kusma stays what was I looking for as far as changing some things about his game easy finding ways to make other people better to get other people involved and I asked something question at the exit interview you know what part of your game on personally do you want to attain next you know you’re NBA champion you’re leader in in the locker room here in DC and and he said himself I want to find ways to get other people more involved so he defin he identifies he has to give other people all so you know if he stays that is something I’m looking at is that we know what K C gonna do and C if you watching the show we know we know what you can do bro you know you can score you know and you do well utilizing your size to be that score attacking the rim you know you can shoot even though at time times very heavily dependent on the jump shot but he is that consistent 20 points a game plus score for us so um but other teams see that too right so that’s why he can’t be you know that’s other teams gonna they’re gonna want to add a guy like that to their team right other you know the fact that his he has a very Team friendly contract and the fact that he can be consistent source of points other teams going to want that you know they’re going to want a player like that to add to a team that needs a piece or two to you know to make a run for the playoffs or contention for a championship so he is definitely a hot commodity as far as value now you know the report was at the deadline that they were seeking two first round picks and I don’t see that happening I don’t see that is being a realistic ask and you very well could see the asking price go down it could very well be a first round pick and maybe a player in return I do think he has value and like I said um you know this is a Hot Topic um 99.9% of you guys man are very respectful and as you guys know man I like dialogue I like CH you know even if we disagree I like to chop it up about talking basketball with people man and there’s been a few comments where people kind of being a little rude and it is what it is and I ain’t sweat it man because what you eat don’t make me poop but you know here’s the thing man I like cou and all that but this is not popular contest and it’s kind of get into one point is that I like K he’s been good for this team in my opinion in DC but you know he it looking at this how the roster is constructed he is the most tradable asset whether you like it or not he is the most tradable asset and you know you you can look at Jordan P but right now what is his value as as far as you know he does he have a little bit of value because he responded in the same half of the Season yeah he would have a little bit value but when you compare him to to Kyle kosma Kyle kma is the probably the one guy on the roster that has the most trade value so anybody who upset about the the prospect of trading K I don’t quite understand that because the NBA is a business and when the contract was signed it was known that eventually because it was a team such a Team friendly deal you know it was a contract that one was not going to bog the B the Wizards down as they tried to Scout and develop young Talent two when the time comes to move him it’s a very tradable contract and that’s why Will Dawkins and Michael Winger and Travis schink were so catless in signing him to such a Team friendly deal which it it it helps both sides it helps us because it’s not a contract is going to bog us down and we’re able to you know have a player where he’s good in the locker room you know he’s a source of points and you know we can have him as a starter and he can he can eat he can be that guy in DC while we Scout and develop the next round of players who could potentially take his spot two when the time comes to trade him the team the contract is so Team friendly you know is is a very tradable contract so it works both in Kyle’s favor in our favor and in the favor of teams who potentially will be looking to you know to trade for him so it’s a win-win for all parties man so like I said it’s not a popularity contest and like I said yeah this place is that I do like now I I am an NBA analyst and overall I’m very unbiased I will throw smoke anywhere that is warranted I’m not going to talk anybody personally not gonna go anything about the personal lives anything any criticisms about on court production or lack of production right but yeah I mean we are people right we we do like certain players you know I was a Daniel Gafford fan and while you know I saw that he was a tradeable asset you know was it hard you know especially getting you know talking to him a few times uh you know as far as you know have media credentials yeah because you know he was a very likable person but look man you know these guys are gonna be you know they’re gonna be traded they’re gonna be released you know that’s the nature of the business that’s nature of the Beast man so you know anybody who’s really taking the person to the point where you’re getting disrespectful I don’t understand that because the NBA is a business man so um do I think that uh kza should get moved I’ll say this um if the deal is a really good deal you make that move you make that move because right now the biggest thing is scouting and development getting these young guys in a position where they can contribute in the future man and while you don’t necessarily need a move Kyle kman because you don’t if you find the right move or the right deal you do make that move you know I mean because eventually you’re gonna have to make that move and me personally I don’t see us getting to first round picks and I don’t necessarily see you know his value getting any higher than it is right now because yes he’s a 20 point plus a nice score but that that you know defensively he’s not the worst Defender we have you know he actually an average Defender he’s actually not a bad Defender but you know I just don’t see his value getting much higher man so if the right move if the right deal comes along yes you make that move and if it doesn’t don’t feel pressed to make that move so I’m very 5050 um like I said eventually we’re gonna have to move him and I think we all know that man you know eventually we’re gonna have to move CZ but you know don’t feel comp to have to do so just to do so but if you find the right deal especially for draft Capital you make that move because we’re going into year two of a rebuild and with the merges of jinny AA in my opinion I think we have a guy who can pick up the slack being that guy and we combin with Jordan P you have a couple guys who will I think are emerging As Leaders man so if you look at at you know losing cou losing a leadership role I see that and I I do agree that to a certain degree but you know you have guys who are willing to step up beat those guys going into you deserve a rebuild I think that you know if you move Kyle kma that puts more pressure on Jordan P and J Ava to fill that void as far as being leaders man so because you know those two are definitely the guys you’re looking to in the if not in in the very near future being leaders for this team going forward in DC so that that’s my spill on everything everybody like I said I like who’s man and um this is a Hot Topic right now and I feel like you know eventually you’re going to have to move him but don’t move him just to move him but you move him for the right deal but you have to get into your head that eventually he’s going to get moved man so like I said is nothing gets cool like I said we we we often find ourselves in a society in sports where you know any criticism people deem is like you don’t like somebody it’s not about that at all man it’s about looking at the NBA for what it is it is a business it’s a business at the end of the day and you have to look at that through the lens of a businessman you know I am an analyst man so I’m looking at everything through the lens of a businessman and I’m very unbiased because again I do like who and I think that he’s been great here in DC and it’s been it’s been cool watching him develop here in DC and it has and I love seeing him in Wizard’s uniform man but eventually he is going to be moved and if you find a right deal you make that move so definitely comment below let me know what you’re thinking and definitely going to chop it up like we always do so we’re going to get into um Capital One Fox 5 says the Capital One is amongst the top 10 most dangerous Arenas do I agree with that we’re going to talk about it but before we do tonight’s episode is brought to you by Linked In so when you’re hiring for your small business you want to find quality professionals that are right for the role that’s why you have to check out LinkedIn jobs LinkedIn jobs has the tools to help find the right Professionals for your team faster and for free because look LinkedIn 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was able to find a lot of jobs who appreciated my skill set right because it ain’t all easy being 11 Bravo or an infantry man coming out of the army man so they definitely help me with my job experiences so post your job for free at lockon NBA that’s lockon NBA to post your job for free terms and conditions apply are you watching Fox Sports or ESPN on your TV all day long have to turn down the Vol with all that shouting make the switch to lock on sports today a free 247 sports streaming Channel programmed for you every day to bring you the biggest stories without all the screaming locked on sports today brings you C Miss analysis opinions and news streaming 24/7 on YouTube or or the free Amazon Fire TV channels app part of the lock on podcast Network your team every single day all right everybody let’s get back into it and this is um a story that came out through Fox 5 um and it came out actually yesterday at around 8:37 p.m. and it says quote unquote Capital One Arena home to the washing Wizards in the capitals has been named one of the most dangerous NBA arenas according to recent report by bet and let me stop there I you know there’s a lot of news coming out by betting website so I don’t know what they’re betting on man but they apparently they bet on a little bit of everything so Lord um so getting back into it the ranking is based on several factors including crime race in the surrounding area and fan Behavior which I haven’t really seen a f our fans get that crazy but um the report was used data from neighborhood Scout and reddits uh subreddit or NBA subreddit evaluated the crime index fan behavior and crime grades specific to the neighborhoods where the NBA arenas are located so it says that Capital One arena is ranked eighth among the top 10 most dangerous NBA arenas with a total crime score of 45 this places it alongside other Arenas in cities with high crime rates such as Cleveland Cavaliers rocket mortgage Fieldhouse and the indan Pacers gamebridge Fieldhouse so let’s dig into this um do I think that it’s deserving um and you guys know me man I’m very um honest and I’m you know I don’t I keep it 100 in my assessments and I’m G say yeah and as much as I love DC you know like I said I’m from Virginia and um you know I I’ve I’ve shown a lot of love to DC you know I’ve traveled to DC so much over the years man especially when I was a child so I’ve always been a lover of the Washington DC um area man I I’ve love everything about DC is just is my city man um but let’s be 100 every everybody and we’re going to keep it relatively to sports not going to get too political about it but let’s be a 100 about this for anybody who’s been to a Wizards game whether it’s through Metro or you drive in which I drive in all the time um you know the surrounding area is a little suspect you know you definitely have a certain types of characters around the area man um one thing you notice especially um on certain areas of the building is a prevailing smell of marijuana smart now now nothing against smoking marijuana obviously is legal on DC is legalish in Virginia um I’m an AR US Army vet so you kind of put two and two together but um especially the fact that I’m a rack vet so you know I’ve gone through my fair share of medicines right so um I’m just going to end it there but um I’m I don’t think that marijuana is a bad thing but I think that if you’re a parent who’s taking their kids to an NBA game man walking through a cloud of marijuana smoke isn’t the most attractable thing man and you know so there’s things that needs to change about the capital one Arena now is Washington DC as a city in his Capital One that’s much more dangerous than other cities like Philadelphia I don’t think so you know New York City let’s be real I mean you know New Orleans I mean come on you kind of see where I’m going with this like most major cities you know Chicago La I mean most major cities have elements of crime and that’s just what it is man now DC you know at one time we DC was the murder cap but it’s not and that’s a big reason why they we are the Wizards not the bullets but do I agree to a certain degree yes I do you know obviously Chinatown is an area where and like I said I ain’t getting into politics I’m not going to get into the mayor and all this and but I’m going say this that if you if um if ownership if Ted leanis because he’s he’s in DC now you know the the move to Virginia was Nicks so you’re in Virginia so to improve the situation of Capital One to bring a lot more fans into the building you know I think that together with Ted Leones in Monumental sports with the mayor’s office of Mayor uh mayor marel Bowser I think they’re going to have to put a lot more money and effort into revitalizing Chinatown and you know they definitely going to have to fix some things man like I said um you get kind of different Vibes around Capital One you know some there some areas the building where you know it’s not a big deal there some areas where you have you know people that are are are are it’s toxicated man let’s be real like you got people that are high as a kite I mean it’s just so there’s things that needs to change so I don’t think there were report was brutal in his assessment and I think that you know Capital One you know also if you look at Capital One it’s rated one Pi one of the worst NBA arenas as far as you know and and that’s the big reason why they’re getting that money from the mayor’s office to renovate Capital One because you know it’s one of those Arenas where if you look at the top 10 worst Arenas very often than not you see Capital One on that list so you definitely you know by saying that you’re definitely going to have to put some money in time into revitalizing Chinatown and definitely making it environment where people want to bring their family and that’s just being a 100 about it man you know and it goes to the mayor’s office and it goes to ownership is that you have to make it that that area you know attractable to the family environment you know what I mean like I said it’s out of shortcomings and you know the reason why these things are prevailing in DC that’s a whole another conversation and this really isn’t the platform to talk about that obviously it goes into the political side of everything and it’s not what really what I’m here to talk about but um I would agree I mean the things need to change as far as you know from ownership standpoint and from you know the mayor’s office that you know make the area an attractable place to go to to bring your family you know to go on a date man you know and like I said the issues with crime is not something that’s specific to DC and I think it’s unfair to really make it to where DC is the the one of the worst is not in my opinion because I’ve been look keep it 100 with you guys man I’ve been to almost every dangerous city in this country man um I’ve been to some jacked up spots man and you know what you know I mean Memphis I mean I I I was more Terri I’m not g to say terrified man but I was more lery about going to Memphis or Little Rock Arkansas than I was Washington DC I’m just gonna keep it 100 man I I had to put I was more on guard going to Philly than I was Washington DC and I think about any major city just you know looking around using Common Sense you’ll be all right man but I do you know but the report to me wasn’t really being brutal I think it’s being very honest so I think there’s changes need to be made man because obviously you want more people in the fan base to come to games and like I said this fan base we’re getting there man I definitely want to see as get more um not you know get more excited you know definitely you know you know get some dog us man because you know we definitely want to see this team get back to the contention and you definitely want to see this team as far as the fan base get back to being a very loyal fan base to really follow and and it is man this is a this is a really good fan base man like I said this is one of the better fan bases as far as Sports overall whether it’s the capitals whether it’s the Wizards whether it’s the Nationals whether it’s the commanders um this is a loyal sports city and I think that a little more respect has to be put on Washington DC as far as being more of a sports city when you think of sports you often think of Boston Philadelphia New York LA but I think Washington DC we should definitely be in that tier as far as being the sports city you know because like I said I’m a VA guy man but I I’ve always had a lot of love for DC man I always had a lot of love and shout out to all my DC residents who follow the show got a lot of love for y’all you guys know that man so like I said this is a really diverse fan base and we have you know and we get people from the tie water like I said I got family links to the tie water my daughter lives that my lives down there man so like I said you know coming out of Newport News you know Hampton poor Smith shout out to y’all man so I got aot lot of love for everybody man you know VA PG County Marlin you know the whole nine you know we’re it’s very diverse but I think we all come together to really roof you know we all love this team man so you know um do I think it was a brutal assessment no it just tells us where we stand and we we definitely have to get better in trying to make Capital One somewhere that’s you know exclusive to everybody man you know there you know things you have to change and I’m I’m I’m going to end it there and I because like I said I don’t think that marijuana is a bad thing I don’t think you but I think we need to treat it like alcohol right you can’t drink on the streets don’t smoke don’t smoke an L on the streets man so that’s all I’m saying so that’s where I’m kind of gonna end it there man but U so we’re gonna get into um a few more things before we do but uh before Oh and see I’m getting emotion here so um we’re gonna get few more things before we call it tonight but before we do tonight’s episode is brought to you by better help so as you guys know man I I’m a big Catalyst as far as counseling man you know like I said it’s been taboo for a long time in the US man about talking to a counselor you know but I don’t think it’s a taboo so much man because I can’t recommend it enough to talk to somebody i’ I’ve had my fair share of issues man from childhood from serving in Iraq to just certain things man and talk to somebody helps let me tell y’all man so if you guys are thinking about starting therapy please give better help a try it’s entirely online designed to be convenient flexible and suited to your schedule which are big reasons why people don’t get into counseling right uh just fill out a brief questionnaire to get match with a licensed therapist and switch therapist anytime for no additional charge which is also a really key ingredient so look all you have to do is get it off your chest with better help visit loock on NBA today to get 10% off your first month that’s better help lockon NBA and for my fellow army veterans Hotel Eola lockon NBA so all right everybody um give everybody kind of an inary we went over a lot tonight um I’m give you an intinerary for the next couple weeks we’re gonna look at a couple of positions of need we’re gonna look at point guard Isaiah ker and other point guards nicoa topic is definitely somebody I’m gon look at some you know hate him love him you know he may be a guy that the Wizards is looking at at number two uh we’re goingon to at the center position you know looking at where at you know the center out of Indiana so we’re definely going to do a lot more a draft stuff and and like I said uh we we should at the end of the month get news about who the wasi Wizards officially hir for head coach so we’re definitely going to go live when the announcements formally made and we’re going to celebrate or cry depending on if you like the move or not uh so again um before we roll uh let me say this man I want to say this real quick before we roll uh for everybody is at the end of the video shout out to y’all man um big transition for myself obviously you know uh Ed my longtime co-host for two years is no longer on the show man and it’s been a transition for me um I’m very hard on myself I’m very self-conscious and there’s many times where I do videos that I don’t feel like I really did the best and you guys quickly tell me that this is good content and it means a lot you know it means a lot that you guys enjoy my content the numbers are going up you know the Channel’s growing and I’ve said this last two years with me and Ed here and I’m gon say it now that I’m solo this channel is grown this channel is successful because of you guys and the support you have and I put the effort I do you know I’ve made the the progress I had because I don’t know how many people remember when I first started that was very raw man you know I I I I used a lot of repetitive words you know I I use a low you know a low income mic and camera you know I was very primitive in the beginning and it it took a while for me to not only you know work on my craft as an NBA analyst as a podcaster as somebody you know especially getting media credentials you know going in there talking players you know i’ you know I you know my capabilities have gotten better and you know all it’s all because of you guys man I don’t have the success without you guys and obviously shout out to my man the all of man you know if you’re watching e man you already know we got a lot of love for your brother man and um a lot of this you know a lot of My Success stems with him because he gave me that chance man in locked on podcast Network so I kind of want to end the show like that man because um you know I appreciate you guys man so definitely um so I’m G end it there man I hope everybody has a blessed night like again I got a lot of love for you guys so definitely love you guys man and thank you for taking time out of your day to hear me blabber about the watching wizard man so you know a lot of you guys say I know what I’m talking about and I appreciate that because I am very hard on myself and like I said when there’s times where I feel like I’m not doing a good job you guys quickly really make me feel like I’m doing a great job and I appreciate you man so like I said um tomorrow night live Q&A so I’m going to come up with a live topic so we’re going to start off with the topic and we chop it up Friday night like we always do so lockon has launched the first ever National Sports 247 streaming Channel on YouTube and now is also available on Amazon Fire TV and the free Fire TV channels app lock sports today is here for you 24/7 covering the top sports stores of the day with the local experts locked on plus our national shows covering every League find locked on sports today now available on the free Fire TV channels app all right everybody like I said appreciate you guys man so I will see you guys tomorrow night at 7 o’clock for our live topic um episode and again everybody have a blessed night and I will see you guys tomorrow night hell to the Wizards and peace

Brandon makes his case on whether the Wizards should or should not trade Kyle Kuzma. He also reacts to a Fox 5 story on Capital being among the unsafest NBA Arenas.

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  1. I just don't want to see him traded, then draft a replacement that they hope develops into the player Kuzma already is and ended up paying him more to stay in place treading water

  2. I've never liked his game/performance as a Wizard. Trade him for sure, if he has value on the market. He is not a corner stone player. We don't have one, so everyone is tradable, from my perspective.

  3. If we're keeping it 💯 … the NBA has decided to appeal to the hip hop culture at the expense of other fans. That brings a lot of issues that appealing to families and older fans did not bring.

  4. Better to move early than too late. Was lucky to get what we got for Beal because it was a year or two too late.

  5. Trade Kyle Kuzma to Detroit Pistons for Evan Fournier, 2025 first round pick and cash. Then trade Evan Fournier to San Antonio for Julian Champagnie, 2025 first round pick and cash. Detroit Pistons starting 5, Zach Lavin. Kyle Kuzma, Andre Drummond, Cade Cunningham and Jalen Duren. Kuzma will be home showing up and showing out!!!

  6. Kuzma is very talented but needs some coach restrictions which was not existing for him at the wizards and that's a fact!… His type of play is not a good example for young players that needs to be developed, defense and sharing the ball are the basics for healthy foundation and building the team DNA!… Kuzma trade will only going to benefit the Wizards!

  7. I like kuzma, i want them to draft topic and edey. I see a lineup of topic, coulibaly, avdia, kuzma, and edey, with poole, kispert, bagely, shamet, and jones from the bench, and trade jones expiring for picks

  8. Super good move trade him for me wtf I won’t get injured lol sike nah I’m be injured game 5 lmao …trade his butte to somebody give me some more second round picks lol

  9. I also have used different kinds of medication and can agree with the smell. Its a pretty unfortunate thing that creates a stigma.

  10. Kyle Kuzma is 28 yrs old. By the time our young players mature he will be on the decline . Best to get the maximum trade value now.

  11. u doing GREAT. I love the content and i check EVERYDAY for your videos brandon you smart man and i hope you have a blessed good time when doing these podcast

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