@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons Hire Trajan Langdon As The Brand New President Of Basketball Operations

Detroit Pistons Hire Trajan Langdon As The Brand New President Of Basketball Operations

hey guys what is going on Anthony here with pistons talk hope you guys are having a great night so far your Detroit Pistons have decided to finally hire a president of basketball operations this does come from Adrien maranowski so you know it is legitimate this is what he tweeted out earlier in the day ESPN sources the Detroit Pistons have landed on Tran langen to become the franchise’s new president of basketball operations and sides are beginning to work on a deal for New Orleans GM to oversee the organization now I was listening to James Edwards the third’s podcast who we’ve had on the show a couple times he had said that the final two uh candidates that the Pistons were hiring were Dennis Lindsay from the Jazz and Tran langden uh Tran apparently really impressed Tom Gores and he got two interviews and Tom Gores made the decision uh with him I I think it’s a pretty good decision like you’re asking me my opinion I I think it’s a good decision he was the youngest candidate out of the four that the Pistons uh were interested in at the time and we we’ve tried our best to uh kind of follow this whole president basketball operation search um seems like week to week we’re get new candidates and then uh we had heard that you know it’s probably gonna you know be Lon right I again I I think it’s a good hire I I I think there’s a lot to like there with him and we’re going to get into um his front office experience and what he did uh with the Pelicans while he was there that was his last general manager job but before I do jump into that th those two topics I I I just want to rant a little bit okay yes when langon was a player AR tellum did represent him that is a fact Pistons fans I get you’re upset I get you’re angry pissed off I get it it’s been four years of hell it’s been four years of just top five picks winning the lottery one out of those four years it’s been rough I get it but shouldn’t we try to give this guy a chance like honestly like yeah telum was his agent telum was a good 10 to 15% of the NBA’s agent he was one of the most powerful agents across the NBA Kobe Bryant was his agent all right like I honestly think I’m willing to give this guy a shot I’m willing to give this guy an opportunity I’m not willing to write him off just because AR tellum was his his sports agent while he was playing with the Cleveland Cavaliers during his playing day I’m willing to like honestly just like hey like show me what you’re gonna do show me um how you’re gonna attack this draft show me how you’re gonna attack free agency who are you moving um are you making any changes like I’m willing to sit back observe and give this guy an opportunity and I think some Pistons fans should do that too and I understand it’s it’s been just a rebuild from Hell there been no progression and the win total seems like every year we’re getting worse I get it I understand it but let’s give this guy opportunity at least that that like rant’s over I I just want to wanted to say that a little bit because see people you know scrolling on Twitter being really emotional really irrational just let’s pump the brakes let’s give him a shot now when you look at his front office experience right I did some digging and I found uh where he got his start and that was with the San Antonio Spurs and he was a pro Scout with the Spurs from 2012 to 2014 so he does have a scouting background he was the director of player Administration with the Cavs first season um there’s that nothing really to uh you know talk about their report who was an assistant GM with the Nets from 2016 to 2019 and he was also a GM with their g-league affiliate from 2018 to 2019 and most recently he was was a GM with the New Orleans Pelicans from 2019 to 2024 so that is kind of his front office experience as as you guys could see he was a pro Scout with the Spurs did a little bit of player Personnel player Administration stuff with the Cavs uh was an assistant GM with the Nets then became a GM of their G League affiliate and then a GM with the Pelicans and if you kind of look he was in the war room the Nets when they identified Carris Levert late in the first round if you do remember the Nets tried to do do like that super team with like Paul Pierce kg and Joe Johnson it was just and Darren Williams like wash Darren Williams um in Brooklyn he was there they identified uh Carris Levert really late lottery or not late Lottery excuse me late first round pick I think it was like 20 20 through 25th they got Caris silver late in the first round they identified him as a a player that um could be something and Carris vert has had a pretty good career if you ask me obviously not a superstar or anything like that but a decent starter to slash role player they identified a guy that you guys probably know Jared Allen they they drafted Jared Allen late Lottery um and the reason why I’m bringing this up is the Pistons have been in the top five top 10 in these drafts during this rebuild he found someone in the late Lottery and Jared Allen who’s a very good rim protector very good Center and a fringe starter role player in car of SLT when he was with the Nets that’s pretty good if you ask me that’s someone that can identify talent and I think that should excite Pistons fans and you also have Pelican stuff when he was to GM with the Pelicans you know helping out David Griffin over there Trey Murphy hell of a player I think a lot of Pistons fans would love Trey Murphy on their basketball team Jones one of the best defenders out there I think he’s one of the most underrated not talked about Defenders um and I think some people are going to start taking notice on him herb Jones was a hell of a player they identified him as a player and they got him um obviously drafted Zion Williamson good player obviously you know health and other stuff hasn’t really worked out for Zion but Zion is still a hell of a player when healthy undrafted free agents with New Orleans right Jose Alvarado and Naji Marshall like those are good players and you you have to remember like you know New Orleans they cap space isn’t the best and they’re still plugging and finding players that fit hit their system and Tran Langan was the general manager for that and and this tweet comes from rball definitely go check out their podcast I enjoy listening to it very good Detroit Pistons podcast and you know he he’s kind of tweeting out what I was just talking about you know moves by the Pelicans uh with TR langin as a GM drafted Trey Murphy herb Jones and Jordan Hawkins I forgot to mention Jordan Hawkins Jordan Hawkins that’s the guy I wanted last year hell of a shooter uh you know he got Jose Alvarado Naji Marshall as undrafted free agents good rotational pieces he picked up Matt Ryan off waivers Matt Ryan was just a sniper um and that’s why I like this height that’s why I think some Pistons fans were a little bit premature um with their opinions when the hire did come out now I will be the first person to tell you when I see news I overreact I get a little bit emotional but I’ve calmed down a little B I think this is a decent hire I think that you know if he if he wants the clean housee Tom goris is giving him the autonomy to do that if he wants to fire Weaver he can if he wants to let go of Monty Williams and find a new head coach he can we’re just gonna have to wait and see sit back observe and see if this was something that the Pistons got right I honestly think it is let me know Down Below in the comment section what you guys think of the new president of basketball operations tran langden I’ll talk to you guys down there like always hope you guys are staying safe take care and talk to you guys in the next video peace [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he [Music]

Today I reacted to the news of the Detroit Pistons hiring Trajan Langdon
as the next president of basketball operations.

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  1. Arn Tellem and his family are all over the NBA, I think his son who is a salary cap master just went to the Warriors…I just don’t want TL to feel as though he has any ties to the dudes in our front office. His best bet is to start fresh. I would be a pretty badass move to tell gores to eat 70-80 mil but firing Monty and Weaver. Those conversations must have been had already, if either of Monty or Weaver stay I would be bummed. Monty probably has a year.

  2. Love the selection this is exactly who I wanted. Young innovative mind who is in touch with the league.

  3. I dont think people are as upset about Langdon as they are of Tellem's nepotism. People are sick of it and rightfully so.

  4. “Shouldn’t we try to give this guy a chance?”

    ……do we have a choice?? And could it POSSIBLY get any worse?? Lemme stop tho cause we always seem to find new ways to do just that 🤣

  5. I’d like to see the hobo keep Monty and weaver 1 more year, get his feet wet and make real decisions with time and experience. The rebuild is on-going, rushing isn’t going to help. One player isn’t saving this team, so don’t trade half the team (core) away. Use the pick if you’re a drafting talented hobo, prove it to us… If after a year of adjustments nothing works, then blow it up. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and I really hope we don’t set ourselves back by thinking it can be.

    Edit: forgot to add, he SHOULD fire the entire medical and conditioning staff and hire new better personnel.

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