@Cleveland Cavaliers

Cleveland might be on LeBron James’ ‘list of options’ – Hembo | #Greeny

Cleveland might be on LeBron James’ ‘list of options’ – Hembo | #Greeny

breaking news from wge the C this is not a surprise the Cleveland Cavaliers dismissed coach JB bicker staff today he led Cleveland to conference semi to the conference semi-finals this year won 99 regular season games in the past two years but change comes with hope of advancing deeper let me let me add some context to this change comes with the hope of keeping Donovan Mitchell that’s the really important part of this there is a Feeling Again I’m not reporting anything to you I’m not close to that situation I only talk to a lot of people who are I very much get the sense that Donovan Mitchell and JB bicker staff was not a good match that Donovan Mitchell did not he he’s not going to say it publicly I think this is a move that is made as much as anything in the interest of keeping Donovan Mitchell yeah I think you have the 100% right biera being fired or being on the hot seat was probably the worst kept secret in the whole league this year I think it’s worth noting that the Lakers and the Cavaliers both have a head coach opening sign ously while LeBron James is a free agent just want to say that out loud I think it’s worth saying out loud why well because LeBron James watched a playoff game in Cleveland from the court last week and a lot of people speculated that that might have been you know intentional I’ve heard that you mean to say you think he was trying to send a message that maybe he’ll go back to Cleveland I think it’s on the list of options so so I played golf with a guy from Cleveland the other day and he was saying to me greeny LeBron’s coming back LeBron’s coming back I’ll say this do I believe that he might try and use that as some sort of Leverage play absolutely I would consider LeBron James going back to Cleveland at this stage as as unlikely I would I would qualify it as as impossible as much too strong give me a percent chance that you could see it happening one one in a 100 I think it’s much higher than that I don’t think there’s any way in hell that happen why because I think he’s got everything set up exactly the way he wants it right now sling on the 11th best team in the Western Conference into his 40s yeah H honest question if basketball remains a priority for LeBron James how on Earth could you watch the Western Conference playoffs and say to yourself I’m going to willingly go back there you know I had um these conversations with Mike and others at the end of Kobe’s career I remember saying why wouldn’t Kobe want to go someplace else now I get that Kobe had the lifelong Laker thing and and LeBron didn’t have that but at the end of his career Kobe willingly chose to stay in La finish there on teams he knew were not going to win the championship rather than at that stage of his life uprooting everything and I think for LeBron to uproot everything I know Cleveland is home on some great level we I understand that part of it but I think he’s got everything set up exactly the way he wants it in LA personally and professionally I think he has a pretty good team in knows he has a pretty good team I I will be very surprised if he goes to Cleveland I would be surprised but I mean he wouldn’t be uprooting everything necessarily his son who was playing at USC last year might enter the NBA or return to a different college right but he has two other children in the house of course I get all of it what I’m saying is LeBron James is very capable of living living in a different city for another year or two if he decides that’s best yes I’m not and I’m not saying that it’s not arguably a possibility I am saying I for I for one will find it extremely surprising let me just speak for the fine folks in Cleveland I was there last week in rout to my nephew’s graduation party which I was at for six years I thought it was a niece niece Excuse me yes Lucy is a she wait what regardless what just happened did you just did you just mix up your niece and your nephew like you just got wrong whose graduation you spent six days attending in Toledo Ohio last well it was like 1% of the trip so it’s easy to forget it was Lucy’s not Gideon’s my mistake Gideon that’s her older brother and Lucy and Gideon call you Paul correct correct why did you just laugh that b Bubba’s Gideon just the way he said it do you not know a Gideon you didn’t find that funny I know them from English literature I know a Gideon you know a Gideon in person uh my he’s the drummer in my cousin’s band of course Gan is the drummer in your cousin’s who Gideon is who is your nephew Gideon he is also a drummer with long hair so that’s maybe it’s the same one if you name your child I Gideons I’m just throwing that out there if you name your child Gideon you’re asking for him to have long hair and be a drummer right and be my nephew that’s who that’s going to be that that’s who that’s going to be the point I was trying to make is that all of Cleveland thinks LeBron is coming back I know then they’re all including Gideon I’m sorry I love you Cleveland I love everybody I spent so much time in Cleveland following LeBron there I can’t count for you the number of games we went to the number of shows we did live from there Progressive Field was basically the Mike and mic home away from home I’m I I I know the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame better than I know my own house but what I’m here to tell you is LeBron’s not going back I don’t think it’s responsible to assume that LeBron James is going is going to go back to the Lakers he’s a free agent is that the likeliest scenario yes is it certain no and by the way we were’re told today by Brian wior on get up that LeBron has no interest in dipping his hand into the who’s going to be coaching the Lakers jar seems a little bizarre to me too considering that’s a pretty important person when it comes to what LeBron’s life is going to look like in the next few years should he stay there I just think there there are enough variables to where I’m not willing to say for sure that he’s going back that is all do you want to hear maybe the best LeBron James statistic that you will ever hear I’m going to give it is well known I’m a Michael guy right if if this is a debate in the world then you know and I know people are tired of it and whatever I’m a Michael guy I will die a Michael guy I I it is almost impossible for me to force to foresee circumstances in which I will ever say the words anyone else is the greatest basketball player that ever lived but we’re talking about arguable this morning if you want to make an argument for LeBron here it is we try to you want to define a player’s longevity you want to Define greatness in a player over a prolonged period of time LeBron James made all NBA yesterday he made an all NBA team he has now made all NBA in 20 of his 21 Seasons that is the most all NBA selections by a wide margin he’s made 20 all NBA teams Kareem Abdul Jabar Kobe Bryant and Tim Duncan each made 15 so they’re tied for second he has 33% more all NBA teams than anyone else in history it’s 33% more it’s five more than 15 how is that not 33% oh I was doing 20 minus 15 is five divided by oh now green just stump you in math you’re right and I’m wrong nice how great is that that on your rolling this is not a good segment for him I should sit this one out that’s correct get Gideon on the phone um anyway but that isn’t even my favorite part of the stat as of yesterday LeBron James is both the oldest and the youngest player to make an all NBA team in league history he made all NBA at the age of 20 he made all NBA at the age of 39 if you want to make an argument for LeBron James having the greatest longevity having the greatest long career H how what’s the word I’m looking for here the greatest span of greatness in the history of any American sport oo you could do it Tom Brady is the only person that comes to mind who else played this long this well that’s a great question so Michael Jordan wasn’t in the NBA when he was 20 and he had retired twice by the time he turned 39 Tom Brady is the Tom Brady of course wasn’t in the NFL at 20 either he was still playing great at 44 and 45 the only person I can think of who has this span this la longevity of greatness in Pro Sports would be him now you have to help me with some hockey the GU Gordy how 1 was an All-Star at age 41 so that’s probably he played longer he played it he played until he was 5 ridiculously long I don’t he was in the wh at certain points here I’m going to need help with that one I’m going to need is there any baseball player who I think the best one would be Henry Aaron Henry Aaron was a great hitter through his last year 42 no his last great year his last great year he was 39 it’s about as good as you’re going to do with bball came up in in when he was 22 23 something like that yeah Deb at 20 so again LeBron age 20 all NBA age 39 all NBA all NBA 20 of his 21 Seasons the only one he didn’t make it was the year he got hurt and never came back first second year whichever year in La that was that he got hurt right for him to be the youngest to do it and the oldest to do it old astonishing now the the you’re going to say to me or at least in the interest of of qualifying the stat actually just quick uh the only year he didn’t make an all NBA team was his rookie year the year he did get hurt he was on the all NBA te okay thank you thank you for clarifying that I assumed it was that year so it was his rookie year and he still won Rookie of the Year and he was rookie of the year so he has been either Rookie of the Year all or all NBA all 21 of his seon almost makes it better that makes the stat better see hembo gets the stats wrong and cam makes them better tough day for the hambo really bad what am I doing here anyway the point is well we ask ourselves that every day anyway the point I’m making is that if you want to make an argument for for LeBron James being the greatest of all time there’s your argument yeah Michael Jordan made his last NBA all NBA team in his age 34 season well he kept leaving I mean Michael Jordan would have won eight straight championships at minimum if he hadn’t retired I will believe that forever in Chicago we used to have a phrase minimum eight Pete my friend we used to say that all the time Michael Jordan willingly took himself out of the mix Michael Jordan also by the time LeBron James we’re saying LeBron James made the all NBA team at 20 LeBron Michael Jordan was busy winning NCA championships and gold medals totally by the time he was that age so those are not fair it’s not Apples to Apples no I mean Jordan had an had two separate three-year stints that are unassailable that will never be touched and even before that his NBA career before they started winning championships was ridiculous I mean individually outstanding ridiculously good from from 87 to 98 we’ll say a dozen years and the league was way better when LeBron was carrying all those bad Cleveland teams to finals he didn’t have to play Larry Bird and he didn’t have to play the the Bad Boys pistons and all those teams not comparable all fair but two decades is also something we’re not likely to ever see again

Mike Greenberg and Paul “Hembo” Hembekides discuss the chances the LeBron James leaves the Los Angeles Lakers but more specifically, the chances the he reunites with the Cleveland Cavaliers for a 3rd stint with the team.

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  1. lebron will only go to another team only if the lakers botch the hiring of a coach that he feels won't work out

  2. It’s sad to say cause no one has been a bigger bron fan than me but he’s no longer gonna lead a team to a championship, I think honestly he is the reason they lost to Denver the past 2 years. I think at this point his greatest value is selling tickets wherever he goes, I think at this point to win he needs to take a back seat and be part of a system instead of the system

  3. LeQueen went to the game for NO OTHER REASON than for LeEsPn to make ish up and talk about it. That dude is NOT difficult to figure out

  4. When JJ Redick gets hired as next coach, the media is going to explode talking about Bron returning.

    Watch out there, i bet Donovan would love JJ as coach.

  5. Donovan Mitchell isnt going to stay no matter what they do- he played in a small market in Utah and its obvious he wants to be in a big market. Trade him now whilst his value is high and avoid Lebron, you dont need that circus and he will wreck the team

  6. I'm from Cleveland and literally none of us think he's coming back!😂 We're good on that lol He's all yours LA!

  7. I would never root for anyone to lose their job but JB was not the right coach to take CLE to the next level. I pray he lands on his feet, though.

  8. I’ve been saying this repeatedly, but if Lebron TRULY wants to win another championship; he will come back to the Eastern conference and/or the Cavs. If he doesn’t care about winning, he will finish his career as a Laker 🤷🏾‍♂️

  9. Lebron is out of the playoffs but ESPN has to always invent some stupid reason to bring his name up for a "topic".

  10. How is it a realistic option ? Cleveland has no cap space , if they trade Mitchell they wouldn’t have the talent for lebron to want to be there , and what do the Cavs have that the lakers would want in a trade ?

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