@Boston Celtics

A subplot of Boston winning this game going away: Al Horford only had to play 25 minutes.

A subplot of Boston winning this game going away: Al Horford only had to play 25 minutes.

by horseshoeoverlook


  1. ChickenWhiskers

    Kornet’s hand injury forced Joe to play small and it completely mucked up Indiana’s scheming. Brissett clogged their arteries and looked good playing man defense; Pacers had nobody to target on the switch.

  2. ChipotleGuacamole

    Was just thinking that.

    Another related subplot is O’Shae potentially being a good rotational piece in this series. Not that they have a choice now.

  3. gernt-barlic

    Brissett tied for a game high +18 with 3 steals. It’s great to know our bench is ready for big moments.

  4. Efficient_Art_1144

    Carlisle peacing out with 10 to go was huge. No reason to put Al back in

  5. sutroheights

    Small ball was awesome. Brisset and X man should both get run in Game 3 if Kornet is out. Run Turner right off the court.

  6. I_Set_3_Alarms

    Second best thing behind Jaylen’s night. Third is Jrue continuing to look awesome against the Pacers

  7. CantHandlemyPP34

    Good things happen when you give hungry backups some run. I’ve been SHOUTING for Joe to give Brissett, Tillman, even Springer some minutes.

    It’s a strategic change up thar gives you a momentary advantage. That outweighs whatever limitations they have. Give me any of those guys over Hauser, who can’t do anything whatsoever.

  8. good. there was a stretch there where he looked gassed.

  9. Affectionate_Ad8508

    Sometimes you need skill and sometimes the answer is simply more athleticism. That’s why JB is paid the big bucks after all. I want fighters out there

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