@Dallas Mavericks

Mavs take Game 1, T-Wolves performance concerning & Celtics-Pacers Game 2 | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

Mavs take Game 1, T-Wolves performance concerning & Celtics-Pacers Game 2 | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

well look what I got oh Patrick Mahomes thrown sport coffee what did you guys get some that’s actually the one the flavor I had yesterday yeah yeah they sent me another package because I am why just so mad let me just reveal real quick they they put on the they put on the coffee to Nick I’m about oh bristen if if M Jones sent us I don’t know some mints I assume it would say to wild team no say to everybody it right or or Brew team least maybe it was like a coffee pun but otherwise first things first today historical record under Jason kid all losses last night W so Nick are you surprised the Mavs won and I would like to add what very sneaky by you what did I do you kind of covered all your bases yesterday what do you mean I picked the m to win the series and I see even contradicted last series it didn’t even pick a winner I didn’t need expect because I have been committed to the Dallas Mavericks for two years okay last year y’all mocked me for it but a moment of reflection if we may because this is been a tough week for Kevin wild what I do no it’s just the week started poorly for you you got very lucky buddy because as painful as Monday was yeah with bruis Timberwolves beating your nuggets why I didn’t do it if Brew is a Kinder man than me a gentler man than me a better man than me a gentleman yeah a gentleman even if your nuggets had gotten to this round this Dallas team would have taken care of them what is this and you got incredibly lucky cuz I wouldn’t have been as nice as Brew was because this Dallas team right now is perfectly positioned because everyone knows their exact roles Luca is getting better as the playoffs are going along Kyrie Irving I think his knee was bleeding yesterday yeah and it didn’t matter that I don’t even know what that was cares not and K I love how Kyrie is playing which really he’s talking and leading everything about him has been impressive but he also you know what’s also been impressive he seems to understand his own own physical limitations within the game that I don’t think because throughout his career he’s never given this type of effort defensively that he’s given in this postseason I think he knows I can’t do that and give you 40 minutes of awesome offense so I am picking my spots where I think the team needs it last round he was trying to save it up for second halfs he said yesterday I’ve been in the Conference Finals none of these other guys have been let me fire all My Bullets early and then trust LC will fit fit into the game so that plus the role guys knowing their role guys and knowing their role I think that the Mavs are wildly dangerous and I think if you woke up this morning a Mavs fan it’s the most optimistic you’ve been about your team since after game five of the 2011 finals say even going into that finals no right after once you went up three2 on the heat so that’s yeah I mean I think they should feel great and I’m not surprised cuz I called it I would add this I would add this about Kyrie yeah I actually Wonder now I could be totally wrong it’s just pure speculation I wonder was he pacing himself during the OKC Series that’s what yes cuz he clearly wasn’t doing what he can do offensively and was he thinking if I have to turn it on so we can win the series then I will but if I can I’m going to myself the next whatever is I I agree with a lot of what you said one thing I disagree with I and I said this I think last week during the second round between Minnesota and Denver I I don’t think Dallas would have had much of a chance to beat Denver oh wow but I thought if they meet meet Minnesota while I’m picking Minnesota I I thought this was like a closer series like so it looks like that I’m surprised cuz they loost they hadn’t won a game won um but you know look they came out and and I know they got to be motivated because they only shot six for 25 from three so they won a game on the road shooting 24% from three like you said Kyrie I think a few the what he did coming out early did a few things it it allowed Luca to kind of took pressure off Luca all right with Kyrie going so crazy in the first half it in a I think it relaxed his younger teammates and less experienced teammates who had never played in a conference final and it sent Anthony Edwards and the Minnesota perimeter Defenders a message cuz obviously a in fun somewhat had called him out say we GNA you know I’m gonna guard Kyrie we gonna go against each other but the difference here is that against Denver as great as Jamal Murray is he obviously doesn’t have the wiggle or the speed that Kyrie does and then kcp same thing so guarding those perimeter Defenders is different than guarding Luca and Kyrie so I think they sent that message um but you know it it was a good good game for the Mavs to pull out okay good can I just add something about Luca just if we can show some of Luca’s numbers here quickly because the other thing that happened yesterday was Luca made his fifth all NBA team and that is always been because of who he is offensively and that will continue to be we show you his numbers last night we show you his numbers for the the postseason and these are all going to be offensive oriented numbers but he also when the the this postseason he has been better down the stretch in you know in every series in almost every game and last night two of his biggest plays down the stretch were on the defensive end and when it was a two-point game and he broke up that potential lob that then led to it becoming a four-point game that’s a great play he also had higher Rudy go say sure but that was that was being in good position there and we I forgot to tell him to pull the video he also had one of the best almost assists you’re ever going to see stay tuned with weird and wonderful and so and the fifth all NBA first team that he made yesterday Brew I know it’s not everything but it’s not nothing that he’s been all NBA first team more than Chris Paul John Stockton or Steph Curry more than Steph Curry Steph only S4 he has well no it’s because Steph doesn’t have as many unbelievable Seasons as you think and two of them he that he didn’t really he and KD you know what I mean didn’t get full credit for and step at some injuries but he only has he only has one fewer all-nba first team than Durant or Giannis Lucas got five in a row and so he is building the legacy of an all-time great player and the seven wins away seven wins away quickly I’ll say this too I thought early on in the game it looked like certainly at times Dallas was trying to get the ball I mean Minnesota was trying to get the ball out of Lucas’s hands they were blitzing him on the screen and roll and and doubling him and obviously Kyrie and other players stepped up and then in the fourth quarter you saw a lot more I felt oneon-one with Jaden McDaniels who some of that was decent defense but Luca’s Luca and he went off for 15 points in the fourth quarter against that single coverage cuz I was saying early on just single guard Luca and don’t let the other guys go off but obviously it didn’t work in the fourth quarter so fig out brw wolves okay Brew are you worried about your wolves no I mean look after what we saw last series like I mean you can think the series is looks like it’s going one way and obviously we talked about this after one game everybody re oh my gosh now Dallas is going to win and all that stuff but there’s really no situation other than like three where you would I would feel like oh they’re done after what they did against the defending Champions not only in game six but in game seven so no I’m not worried and Chris Finch Nick was just telling talking about what he said today after the film session how he said his team wasn’t prepared like acting like this in the Western Conference Finals look they at least their best player is young and I do think it has to be an energy thing no I I I think look I do think and Nick said this could be a factor I didn’t think it would be going in but they clearly were spent a little particularly Anthony ever it was a let down because not only physically going seven games cuz look you got to have the physical energy which I think they will but emotionally that’s what I thought they were they Anthony Edwards I think some of that was physical fatigue but also emotional after that huge win over Denver he was clearly spent in the fourth quarter and so I I think that’s look they’ve gone through a a phoenix team that has superstars on it they went through uh the defending Champions and I think they I think there was a let down no I think there was a let down so Josh did the numbers to back you up teams are now one and four in game one in the series after beating the defending Champions oh see so yeah I don’t see Reggie kept and I I I promise I don’t try to pick on Reggie Miller I just he’s on a lot of the broadcasts and I don’t agree with a lot of things he says he kept talking about ant being exhausted and it seemed like he was talking about like physically tired yeah I don’t buy that but he looked I agree because the thing oh he dug down deep right round one they swept Phoenix so they played the minimum round two those game it went seven but only the final game of the series was close like you know what I mean they were 30 and 40 Point margins on both sides so it wasn’t that type of Series where you’re playing 46 minutes every night and I do think it was for every single person on the Timberwolves they were coming off the best win of their lives the biggest moment of their basketball lives and there is a little bit of an emotional let down there I also think there were some concerning signs though for the Timberwolves on two fronts one is when you win the three-point battle 18 to6 you’re not supposed to lose that’s the fifth time in playoff history a team has outscored the opponent by at least 36 on the three-point line and lost the game so that is a bit of a warning sign they did shoot a ton of Threes And The you know but for if you go into the game and say one team’s hitting 18 the other team’s hitting six you think it’s a blowout in that direction the other one is and I’m not trying to take shots at Denver but you saw in this game the difference in Rim protection Dallas has versus what they just had in round two and so Denver they don’t have a big other than Joker that is the only you know weakness if you will of his game and all of a sudden things were harder on everybody for the Mavs I’m sorry for the timber roles not just their bigs even Anthony Edwards ability to get to the rim and that is something Dallas does have a lot of bodies they can throw out there in that regard I’m glad you said that 12 of his was it 16 shots were thre exactly and I think look Anthony AR we know he’s still young 22 years old and I would say kind of mentality wise he is in between Jordan and Kobe and LeBron like Jordan and Kobe are trying to score like all the time LeBron obviously is a guy that’s looking to pass a lot I think Edwards is kind of in that middle I don’t think he’s has he clearly doesn’t have that Jordan Kobe I’m not saying he’s not a killer but I’m saying where he’s just constantly looking time yeah I like that he plays in the system and gets everybody involved but he’s got to find that fine line he’s better do it quickly between being a as aggressive as he needs to be and yet playing in the system and getting other guys involved cuz last night and we’ve seen it before in these playoffs he’s got to be more some nights you just got to be like I’m the best player on my team I have to go get it and I think he’s still learning it last four games 20 points uh 18 field goal attempts and his field goal percentage obviously way down Nick is this part mentality like Brew said or give me it or is this oh how he’s being defended certainly Denver well I listen Denver had a concerted effort of anybody but him’s going to beat us you know what I mean they were they were hard trapping they were doubling him and getting the ball out of his hands I think yesterday there was an element of oh man Kyrie’s kind of you know rolling with Kyrie on the defensive end every possession is a lot more work than I I I know he knows right but you know what I mean I just think I just think he was not he said it what was the game in the I think it was game three of the previous round definitely was game three was like Hey I I wasn’t ready tonight that this one’s on me I didn’t have the energy I think that came out flat think part of his age shows up in that and in experience he’s not always as and and that by the way is not even a criticism I think that’s that’s why so few players his age have done what he’s try can I if I may infringe on your copyright for just a moment before we move on for your timoll Brew game two must win they need this but no I’m telling you until this three old I’m not counting you lose the first two at home you may think you you got to the point where they were you thought your boys were going to win so no head to Boston for game two tonight glass half full Indie should be inspired by a close game one glass half empty that was the Pacers chance and they blew it now the Celtic’s going to roll NBA title odds Boston way ahead Dallas then Minnesota then the Pacers part of this is a little gambling just because the Celtics are supposed to win true true well that’s what I thought at first as well but they have the odds out for the next series yeah and Boston would be bigger favorites in the listed here so in the next round against Denver they’re minus 230 and let’s go Dallas or I’m sorry against so my bad Boston against Minnesota to be minus 230 and against uh Dallas to be minus 270 so they’re huge F okay see huge cuz I was going to ask you is this just a gambling thing and that they have the easiest match up in Conference Finals but if it’s just straight up they think Boston’s the best team yeah I have a big problem with this now weird the way I look at matchups I think Minnesota would be a tougher matchup for Boston than Dallas uh but I don’t know who I’d pick Dallas Boston we’ll see if it gets there but I would pick Minnesota for sure um I just look the way Boston is look I I don’t know every so many people think Boston is just this awesome Juggernaut well the stand I don’t yeah but they playing the Eastern conference schedule too if they were in the west I don’t think they I don’t even know that they’d have the best record in the league and they certainly wouldn’t have 64 wins and so I don’t I don’t understand I think people are just looking at some analytics numbers and things like that to think Boston is this Juggernaut but look they have had a bad game at home in each of their two Series so far and they came all for well yeah well let’s see was La was game won that bad game because they had losses to Miami and Cleveland and then every other game or seven of their eight wins they blew him out so I want to see tonight was game one that bad game and if they come out tonight and blow the doors off Indie then you’ll be okay they’re they’re back so to speak and they should roll through this series if Indiana plays them tough even if Boston wins then I think that’s a sign that we’ve got a long competitive series ahead of cuz Indiana’s been great at home so I am not at all worried about the Pacers being able to beat the Celtics but I it takes and this is something Brew jokes with me about but about how for seven straight years I picked LeBron to win the title I only seven yes I think it’s about 13 no that is not true I didn’t is not accurate we can check the tape however um yeah he all four years in Miami all three years in Miami and three years of Cleveland not as last year in Cleveland thank you sir I did the first how many Lakers years two two Lakers years but that’s not the point the point there’s that’s that is partially because you know I favor LeBron but it’s really because it takes a lot for me to think in the NBA Finals the team without the best player is going to win it can’t you know what I mean it obviously does happen but it’s the all things being equal give me the team with the best player now usually when that doesn’t work out it’s either that best player player doesn’t play like it like 2011 finals for LeBron or that best player is so outgunned like the KD Warriors finals right typically that happens or there’s significant injuries man if Minnesota or Dallas does not suffer a significant injury between now and the finals I cannot wait to pick either one of them to beat Boston okay because it it is so clear to me especially on the Dallas side who the best player is and if they play Dall certainly with Dallas with Luka I mean I think ant is better than Jason but you don’t think that’s better than Jason Tatum all sudden yeah I I think it’s arguable I I I would go with ant like if I had to pick one no one’s going with Anthony Edwards over Jason tat MVP did not go with him the resume doesn’t go with him no that’s he does have the history didn’t go with so you think it’s def I I I think it’s arguable but I’m I disagree with Nick what What statistic shows that Anthony Edwards besides some fuzzy new face of the league he’s been better these playoffs every every stat for these playoffs how about that okay bring him up Josh can you bring him up yes Anthony yeah tell me I just showed you in the last few games the guys averaging 20 points Jason Tatum had 306 points last night and they that’s fine I I I I sight unseen I guarantee Edwards is averaging more points per game in this playoffs against tougher competition more assists so do you want to do with the tougher competition better field more efficient I wasn’t even Bing this on stats you said give me stats and I’m just saying these playoffs are the stats I don’t know if that’s true yet to pull definitely true I’m telling you it’s definitively I do know don’t go down that that that lane go what did he say CL across theard really close across the Edward shoot like 50% from we’re not this is not good Anthony Edwards does not have a great game andone you know what he did he does everything else if Jason Tatum doesn’t score a lot of points it’s like man Jason Tatum’s not the guy no I look I defended Tatum yesterday against YouTu cuz he still had 36 and was a plus 20 when everybody was killing him so look bottom line is you’re picking the Celtics I’m not piing the Celtics I’m just you want to say Luka is better than Tatum sure but all of a sudden Anthony Edward is not better than Tatum who you don’t even think you think conf finals but we’re not talking about history we’re talking about right now okay right now let’s take the last two game ones who had a better game last two game on well how what do you want to do he just played and he played poorly and he said he was tired and I know you were killing Tatum on Twitter to defend the guy okay so I I let me just ask this very basic question this postseason who has been better Anthony Edwards has played well oh okay then why are you yelling at us because he’s not better than Jason Tatum you’re both he played well Nick said it’s definitive I don’t think def I said it was definitive on Luka and I definitive on Luca and with the Timberwolves I would take Edwards thanks for watching subscribe here to get more from the show and to check out clips from other shows on FS1

Nick Wright, Kevin Wildes and Chris Broussard discuss the latest news in sports including the Dallas Mavericks win over the Minnesota Timberwolves in Game 1 of the Western Conference Finals. The FTF cast also preview Game 2 of the Indiana Pacers vs. Boston Celtics Eastern Conference Finals series.

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Nick Wright, Chris Broussard, and Kevin Wildes team up on First Things First. The trio offers their take on a bevy of sports stories alongside special guests from across the sports world.

Mavs take Game 1, T-Wolves performance concerning & Celtics-Pacers Game 2 | NBA | FIRST THINGS FIRST

First Things First


  1. I’m still wondering who got paid to call that KAT Offensive interference call ? BS ! 💰 💴 💵 🪙

  2. I had my issues with some of the off-court stuff, but as a player I'm happy to see Kyrie in a good mood and totally focused on his game. Hope they win it all

  3. Styles make fights. Nick is SO desperate for the Mavs to be considered better than the Nuggets.

    It’s stupid and exhausting.

  4. i think the reason Brou, myself, and probably most people outside of Boston would say they'd take Anthony Edwards over Tatum is because of his age. even if Tatum is slightly better (i don't think he is), Edwards will improve over the next few years and Tatum has plateaued. Ant has the potential to be the best player in the league. Tatum will probably never get to even top 5.

  5. Last time Kyrie had this much success in the playoffs was with Lebron. Now he's back to the conference finals with a player who plays similarly to Lebron.

  6. Everybody keep hating on Tatum and hold him to higher standards than everybody. Antman been having a better playoffs than everybody not just Tatum. Luka haven’t even been playing that good and don’t jump ship when Cs 4-0 pacers and 4-1 Minnesota or 4-2 Dallas

  7. Ant is averaging 28.1 PPG, 6.6 RPG, 6.1APG, 1.8 SPG on 49.6% FG%, 40% from 3, 84.7% FT% in 40.2 MPG

    Jayson Tatum is averaging 25.2 PPG, 10.2 RPG, 5.6 APG, 1.1 SPG on 43.6% FG%, 26.6% from 3 and 86.7% from FT% in 40MPG.

    The only statistical categories Jayson has been better than Ant has been rebounding and Free Throws. This is to say Jayson is more exprienced playing on a loaded team in the Leastern Conf, he had no business even dropping a game to the Jimmy-less Heat nor dropping 2 to the Cavs. With all that being said Brou's argument is better than either, there is an argument to be made about this current playoffs Ant is argubably playing better especially considering he is playing far superior competition. In the first round he played against 3 All NBA level guys, in the second round he played against the best player in the league/MVP and the defending champs and now against All NBA level talent in former MVP Luka (current All NBA) and NBA Champion prenial all star argubably the most skilled player ever in Kyrie. Now even as a Timberwolves fan I don't think ANT's career resume is there yet to be considered better than Jayson Tatum but I promise u it'll be much better very soon.

  8. Here comes the game 1 overreacting. Minnesota played way below their level and the Mavs best 2 players played great. Wolves are clearly the better team

  9. Funny how people underestimate the Mavs. That's a complete team. Defense has been very good since Washington and Gafford. DJonesJr has been delivering. On top of that they have two elite closers. I believe they can beat the Nuggets also.

  10. Ant hater's are ridiculously foolish and nothing but novices. I'll take Ant over Tatum. His team just beat the champs and he's only 22. He swept kd, booker and beals superteam and he consistently plays both slides of the ball. The Celtics haven't been challenged at all. People who don't know basketball need to seriously be quiet.

  11. we hear it last year wit Jimmy Butler, anyone that plays that way there the new MJ and best player. Ant is good and hes showing up big time this year and playoffs but ppl are tripping that hes better then JT come on now

  12. “If Anthony Edwards doesn’t score a lot of points, then he does everything g else. But if Tatum doesn’t score a lot of points, then he’s not doing enough..”
    Yeah, Wildes-that’s exactly the point 🤷🏻‍♂️

  13. the disrespect for tatum is both fair and unfair. Unfair coz the man is 25/26 and been to the last 5/6 conf finals every year and now after 2 series, ant suddenly becomes the favourite. Fair coz, celtics are clearly in a very weak east, they have been favourites to win it all for some time now. Last 2/3 years giannis has been injured, so they dot have any real competition, so getting to the conf finals isnt that big a deal

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