@Sacramento Kings

Sam Amick on Mike Brown-Kings extension talks & JJ Redick’s Lakers candidacy

Sam Amick on Mike Brown-Kings extension talks & JJ Redick’s Lakers candidacy

my daughter’s end of the year show choir performance last night and I found myself thinking of uh Sam who was uh not that long ago watching uh his son uh rder perform uh in a in a much different environment and then sneaking in a Pearl Jam show and uh it’s it’s great when you realize Sam at some point isn’t it that your kids are more talented than you are for sure brother it’s a fun thing I mean our you know we got a theater kid and a wrestling kid and my thing is you know I mean we’re on a sports show and what you learn as a parent or get confirmed again is like the universal value and I’m getting big picture here deeper I guess but like of you know passion and and and and dedication to whatever people enjoy um that’s the fun part is seeing you know people that you obviously care about a lot work hard and and have you know pay off for for the work they put in it’s fun it’s all but we also both know it’s our wives right like we had nothing to do with it indeed indeed uh I had said earlier and again I I I I sometimes I know I put you on the spot and I just want to preface and stand right in front of Sam anticipating something he may not even say but you know Sam is a national writer Sam covers uh all the teams Sam is in as you know what deep in the playoffs right now um Sam lives here and is as good as anybody at uh getting King stuff but you can’t always expect them to be at their front door I just tweeted out this is just based on what I’ve been hearing because it’s in the news uh over the last day about Mike Brown that that that all it sounds like all signs are pointing towards an imminent extension probably three years somewhere in the eight n10 million range whether specifically or just philosophically are you hearing anything similar or anything about Mike Brown I mean admittedly it had been a minute since I got a pulse but the pulse has been positive the whole time and and it just seemed like you know that Financial range that you’re hitting on um was inevitable and you know Jamal Mosley’s extension in Orlando was known to be uh kind of something that where Mike felt like you know I had minimum and I forget the exact number on Jamal’s but that you know that it was in his industry where you have Market values and you have respect within that like there was a sense that that he needed to be you know around that territory Jamal’s actually a guy that that he kind of helped uh come up in the business and and so Mike is is certainly a much more accomplished coach so you know the that was an important comp and uh and it has seemed like the kings were were uh willing to do what it was going to take to keep them another coach uh in the news this today uh JB bicker staff Let Go by the Cleveland caval which 99 wins in two years a lot of injuries this year that really surprised me Sam I think it surprised a lot of people unless there’s something behind the scenes Dan Gilbert had made news uh yesterday there was a report that he was going to be far more involved in Personnel decisions this summer than he has uh in the recent past which is always a good thing as we talked about when owners get involved in Personnel decisions so my speculation which was all that and I admitted look this is irresponsible speculation the problem is when somebody like JB gets fired with his record people are going to start thinking was this a Gilbert move was there a rift between he and Donovan Mitchell and this is a move towards them trying to resign him do you do you have any color at all on the locker room or the the what led up to JB’s being fired um I mean a little bit you know if you go back this was one of those where if you go back to early in the season um he was in pretty serious trouble right out the gate and and that part was known at the time you know we reported that at our place and you know you had really the Evan Mobley injury the dar’s Garland injury early on kind of saved him where the expectations changed because that was the case um what I don’t have Clarity on right now is you know do the Cavs have any you know early signaling from Donovan Mitchell about his extension and whether or not he’s willing to resign and does this you know indicate that okay he’s he’s gonna resign but he didn’t want to play for JB uh or he’s not gonna resign and they’re gonna retool you know we’re gonna have to wait and see but um yeah I mean JB I don’t think it’s as simple as the owner getting more heavily involved I think it was actual locker room basketball stuff that uh where the Dynamics and you know it’s I know it’s cliche and fans get tired of hearing it all the time but there was an element of of him losing the locker room at different times that I think played a part so this whole coaching car you know we just talked about Mike Brown he’ll he will almost certainly be fine you have the the Lakers and Cleveland you have a few others uh we talked about JJ reck I saw I forget where it was and I’m afraid it might be you guys because that would embarrassing for me but somebody had quoted somebody saying that the there people within the lake organization that believe uh JJ reck may have a Pat Riley type uh press presence and effect on them do uh I I know generally you’ve always had a very good relationship with Genie bus and again we’re in the playoffs right now so I’m asking you a bunch of questions around the country but uh what’s Your Gut on that where that’s going to go I also have a Pat Riley like quality because yes you do my hair is H is combed a certain way and and I’m a white man can can can I say this might be and I mean usually I’m very self-deprecating and I’ll continue to be but this might be the best combined hair day you and I have ever had on this show which is your way of saying that you look great I’m I’m saying for once I’m not wearing a hat yeah and and you will will probably I’d say 30% of the time wear a hat but we’re we’re both kind of qued and and proper yeah I’m just trying to match your energy buddy I just rolled out of bed here in Minneapolis in the in the hotel room all right Pat so so what do you think um yeah I mean that reporting I do think is accurate I think even within the Lakers they’re trying they they have interesting structure because you have jeie bus and Rob palinka at the top and then a fairly significant Gap to the rest of the basketball operation staff you know you got Joey bus and Jesse bus and um you know some other folks in there and and then of course you have clutch sports with Rich Paul representing LeBron James and Anthony Davis and I this coaching search to me is the first time where um there’s actually I think differing viewpoints even within clutch which is interesting because it speaks to the question of are the Lakers going to build around you know LeBron who’s 72 years old or Anthony Davis who’s going to be there long after LeBron retires um you know I think the perception is in the Intel is that JJ reck is the LeBron hire and James bgo is the Anthony Davis is higher um so to your question about their infatuation with JJ you know yeah it does there’s just a lot of you know signaling um that they are very very interested in him there’s also chatter that you know I mean he’s a media guy right so like on the ESPN side it seems to be a fair amount of concern that they might lose him and they like him a lot and and then it creates an awkward process because let let’s just say for the sake of breaking a down that um they do want to hire JJ like you might have to wait till after the finals in which case you have to drag your feet with all these other candidates and so there has been some questioning about like is this a legitimate process and and I think it might be um and I think bgo actually has a shot but uh yeah those are those are some of the more interesting Dynamics Sam am joining us from the athletic um where did I want to go with you oh you know what I wanted to ask you this before uh we got going here uh full force in the last segment I was playing Charles Barkley’s comments I don’t know if you saw them on on Caitlyn Clark and the pettiness and was talking about I was I was saying I’m repeating this for our listeners but I was talking to an East Coast broadcaster friend of mine and he was saying that he wants to talk more about the WNBA wants to talk more about Caitlyn Clark but every time he does he gets massive blowback especially on social media from existing WNBA fans and it was the first time ID heard uh somebody who who another person who had a radio show say and he had talked to many people he said felt the same way that there’s a little bit of trepidation amongst some in the media to really dive in because they are new to the sport so it’s a catch22 where they want to talk about it they want to grow it but at the same time uh whether you consider the audience big or small for the WNBA uh there are people that will come in and say dude you’ve been here five minutes relax with the hot Tak shut up and sometimes it turns almost dangerous for the when when gender becomes involved and it’s perceived that uh he he’s being uh gender discriminatory I guess would be the right word but when really it was a basketball take and I I’m curious you know look you’re an NBA guy and you’re also not a hot take guy either you’re a journalist with a capital J but I found myself thinking that’s a little bit sideways of a way that a lot of women breaking into broadcasting have felt for decades that everything they say is going to be analyzed to the core they’re going to be held to a different stand uh people are going to use code terms like well she just has kind of a shroll voice it’s nothing to and it’s like except they’re actually experts who have studied and watch the sport uh I just thought it was an interesting combo and I’m curious from a journalistic standpoint you know how you feel about the emergence and the coverage of it yeah I mean I I don’t know exactly what direction to take that but um sorry that my long rambling question went five ways yeah I got you I just gave you the Anthony Edwards treatment that I got a couple weeks ago yeah I don’t know what you’re trying to do dog right where you’re trying to take me D I don’t know where to go with that but I’ll tell you what a great game last night no I mean here’s my takeaway is uh is like the the casuals are coming WNBA fans and you should be happy about it you know what I mean like there’s gonna be some uncomfortable moments within that U but it’s definitely a good thing myself included you know what I mean like I have a very very limited amount of you know institutional WNBA knowledge and I’m now well aware that hey the game has gotten better and I you know I could name more players than I could a couple years ago and and it’s time for me and like a lot of folks to to start paying more attention um we are gonna stub our toe every once in a while um but I kind of admittedly liked Barkley’s take because he’s not he he’s proba you know there’s a lot of nuance that he skipped over right like it’s not caylin Clark did not get them Charter planes that there was a yearslong push to you know to get charter planes but she absolutely got that thing over the Finish Line you know um and and you know and it needed that kind of an energy and that kind of a profile and that kind of a celebrity U to get it there uh but the part I probably did appreciate about Barkley’s take was that it was just cutting through all of it and saying like like to WNBA players like just you know don’t look a gift horse in a mouth it’s not a gift but like you get the idea like this is what you fought for for years um you know you see like Asia Wilson I think was interviewed by The Washington Post and and you know she had a comment about how she thought it was disrespectful to give Caitlin all the credit um for things like that and I agree and I understand that but that you know don’t lose sight of the fact that that it’s a very very good thing that the WNBA is finally moving into the mainstream um and and it’s neat for me to see that the product seems to be like you know like worthy of that elevation if that makes sense like you know the league is in a good place um you know I mean she’s 0 and4 at this point she’s struggling in in a weird way that’s I think a good sign U for the league where it’s like go ahead give her lumps you know um so you know we’ll see where it goes I mean the NBA obviously is has got a vested interest in uh in supporting it and they’re trying to make it better too I try to apply it like and I know this is apples and oranges but it’s like I try to apply it to um I don’t know if if uh Mark Twain was reincarnated and came to the athletic and all of a sudden everyone’s views went up and you all made like triple the money would you be like hey I love you Mark Twain I just bought another house or would you be like yeah dude we’ve been grinding for years now everybody is French kiss ing you what’s going on or you know here at the radio station if Howard Stern or whatever came and started doing uh you know uh I don’t want to piss off anyone else let’s just say mornings and the rest of us all doubled tripled our money in the short and long term would we I I’ve tried to put myself somewhere in that position is to to understand why anyone why there’d be any pettiness or whatever you want to call it towards Caitlyn Clark and I weirdly understand the logic of both sides let her cook it’s better for the game everybody wins also we’re athletes and we’re competitive and nobody stood out of the way of Victor wanyama and let him dunk 50,000 times just so people could watch him I I I I feel like there are understandable feelings on both sides of that that particular conversation they are for sure although admittedly you lost me um in in a funny way when I you came so close to creating um sack Down Sports politics uh in your with your breakdown right I wish you would have named an other an actual show just started right total fire right um yeah like when Bama comes to mind for me like it’s funny um it’s not a great comp little bit apples to oranges but the Spurs um throughout the course of Victor’s first season like from a media standpoint they they they weren’t they’re never very Cooperative or helpful in San Antonio to begin with when it comes to Media but they actually were worse than normal right and one of the things I heard was like that Victor’s teammates were tired of talking about Victor and so they were you know the as a ripple effect of that reporters were having a harder time getting time with players in certain environments because every question was about Victor wanyama that’s how some of the players felt and while I understand that it it kind of speaks to what you hit on which is like Fast Forward three years when you know three four five years when Victor is raising an NBA trophy and maybe even some of those guys that he played with are still there probably not but you get the point like like Victor being there is a good thing for the Spurs but you you might have some feelings along the way um you know and again the great part about kayln Clark and that whole reality is that guess what she’s got to be on the floor and go compete and do her thing if you’re you know if you want to make sure that people realize that the rest of the WNBA is pretty good too then go kick her ass like you had that opportunity you know Sam am joining us Sam uh you were there so I don’t know I assume you’ve seen a replay uh was that a bad call on Rudy go uh excuse me was that a bad call on Carl Anthony towns the put back in your opinion it looked like it yeah um in Mark Davis man like gez what a night he had um the the official crew chief of that game and I don’t know if that was his I think it was his call because he got on the camera to announce it afterwards but Dave I got to tell you and this is a different play but when they when they upheld the Mike Conley foul on uh was that on I forget who that was on you know which one I’m talking about no I don’t okay they challenged it was pretty close before the Carl oh yes he didn’t have yes uh I don’t remember he gets on the mic and he says uh you know upon further review uh Mike Conley’s uh subtle but effective nudge of of whoever and like the second that subtle but effective came out of his mouth the place just went nuts right and I tweeted like Mark nobody can hear you right now they’ve just overtaken you and he’s just like his mouth is moving on the Jumbotron but there’s no noise coming out because the place his just I rate sure and so I just think it the verb ly uh that some of these refs try to come up with to explain these different calls and and the fact that the league has put them in a position to have to become public speakers and they should all take notes from Bill Kennedy right like Kennedy’s got to be the best hold on since we got YouTube yeah you know that massive YouTube audience uh here’s the Bill Kennedy you you gotta leane in and and you got you got to you got to flex the tries so the elbow the elbows got to go you we refuse to play I don’t I don’t have the tries but like do that you’re totally right it’s almost like it’s almost like the guy Fier pose when he’s eating the sandwich where he’s doing the leanover but he’s got his hands on the desk and he’s just flexing just bill loves his guns Bill loves his gun Bill loves some Bill and he’s he’s good at it though I wonder it’s funny you say that Sam next time you’re talking to an NBA person you should honestly ask them like is there any guidance classes or anything refs get when it comes to leaning into the camera and and and explaining a call or are they just expected to go and do their thing I honestly am curious if there’s ever been any guidance that be a good story as a side note and I’m I’m assuming you know this yeah are you aware of of Billy Kennedy’s favorite offc Court Passions no he’s like a legit lover of karaoke no he’s a big time karaoke singer which always so now you will never like forget that so now when you see Billy on the camera yeah it’s like it makes perfect sense he will you will you do me a favor because I feel like Bill Kennedy I mean just the age and his age group and all that this would be a guy that knows if you’re karaokean I just imagine bill Kennedy just smooth singing hits to the 70s and 80s and all that maybe even the 60s next time you talk to Bill you’re not gonna remember this but I believe the most know is his playlist I believe yes I would I believe the most underrated song the most underratedly difficult song to sing in karaoke because I’ve seen people I used to date this you know this I used to dat a bartender before Melissa at a at a at a karaoke bar and I would be there and I would just watch people just just just crash and burn constantly I’ve never seen anyone crash and burn more than on I don’t know if you know the song uh lovely day by Bill Withers yeah yeah okay because it’s a very nice soft you know lovely day lovely day all that and most everybody can sing it but then at the end of the song Bill withers’s belts out lovely day in a completely different octave about literally 25 times in a row and even the people that can make it through the first four they can’t make it through the rest their voice goes so long way of saying I’d love to I’d love to know for a karaoke guy that’s always my question have you ever sung L lovely day by Bill Withers and if he goes yeah then you’re the guy that’s the that’s the secret question then he gets to flex for all of eternity then he can he can Sammy maybe he’s not flexing his his maybe he’s flexing his voice box and we’re missing it he’s the one I mean Mark seemed a little bit rattled by the crowd last night Bill Bill always kind of you know impresses me because he I think again I think Comfort level who knows but like he doesn’t care how people react to his stuff sure uh he’s just loving that that camera time I got a couple quick we got a break I just super quick uh because I have this of them on the list here God this went by fast um you’re making me concerned by the way about like is nobody going to read our coverage of this the Timberwolves Maverick series because you clearly have no interest in the Western Conference Finals man I asked you about uh the C put back that’s true that’s true we haven’t even talked about Boston and Indiana yeah that’s true come on well come come back tomorrow we’ll do that um should much like they’ve adjusted the positions for um you know your you you because the embiid yic thing yeah should they have positions for all defensive first second and third team because I feel like guards are getting screwed oh man this not a great one for me because I didn’t study the the results very well that’s okay I’ll uh I I will tell you like for the defensive player truthfully all I care about is finding out who gave sabonis a defensive player of the year vote I thought it was you it was not me it was not somebody very smart you disagree I’m just saying the little guys get screwed Sam it’s all big men um yeah that’s fair I mean how’s dearon Fox doesn’t even get uh on one of the three teams and he led the league in steals can we both agree a steal is better than a block a block goes out of bounds a block can go to the other team 100% of the time when you steal you get the ball why can’t we get a third team for him actually never thought about that point that’s a hell of a point all right well on that can we end there because that’s great when I have a national writer say that’s a hell of a point I never thought about it before and I’m just I’m going to wear that all day long there along with the hair Sam a mcrs for the athletic he is the best in the business and our dear friend he joins us each and every Thursday at 8 AM have fun in my old stomping grounds of Minneapolis St Paul enjoy the series and we’ll talk to you soon thanks buddy be good thank you thank you you too we’ll take a quick break when we come back uh we’ll finish some stuff out from what we talk

The Athletic’s Sam Amick joined The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross to discuss the likelihood that Mike Brown and the Kings will reach an agreement on an extension.

Plus: Looking around other head coaching openings around the NBA.

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1 Comment

  1. We should try to get Kelly oubre and draft tidjuan salaun then trade Kevin huerter and Harrison Barnes for demar derozan

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