@Boston Celtics

Porzingis is in Indiana with “some hope” for a G4 return

Porzingis is in Indiana with “some hope” for a G4 return

by VastElephant5799


  1. heyy_hen

    i honestly cant see him playing at all this series. let him keep recovering.

  2. BananaStandBaller

    I’m getting more concerned that he’s not going to be back at all

  3. coacoanutbenjamn

    No need to rush him. Finals don’t start until 13 days from now

  4. rationalcelticsfan

    “Some hope” not the wording I’m looking for lol

  5. lima9987

    I honestly doubt he comes back gm4 I think they’re just going to play it extra safe. Knock on wood if they sweep it’ll be another 10 days before the finals. He can ramp up in practice obviously not ideal but better than rushing him back when he isn’t quite ready yet.

  6. NotLow420

    If the Celtics win game 3, he should 100% play game 4. He needs some game action before the finals. If the Celtics lose game 3, I actually think we should save him for game 5.

  7. FreexBrennen

    I could definitely see KP playing 20 minutes in game 4 if we’re up 3 games heading into 4.

    Let him shake some rust off but if there’s any slight concern about the calf then I don’t really care if he sits until the finals.

    That gives him almost 2 weeks to fully heal up and practice

  8. TimmyTimeify

    Put it this way: If we win Game 3, play him only if he is 100% and needs to shake off rust. If we lose Game 3, play him even if he is at 80% because we need to make sure we put the boot on their necks. Ultimately, all of our players need the rest and the coaches need the extra time to scout the Western teams and game plan for them.

  9. Fake_the_jaB

    For what????? Take the extra time and get ready for the finals.

  10. SinibusUSG

    “Joe any news on Kristaps’ injury? We saw he traveled with the team.”

    “Did he? I didn’t notice; haven’t really seen or heard anything about him. I guess I was just wrapped up in the in-flight movie. You guys will never guess what we watched…”

  11. Redditor here. I’ve been writing comments about injured players for almost 10 years, so I have a bit of experience in these situations. They need to sit him until he’s healthy. 

  12. mantis_tobagan_md

    Celts close out the pacers in 4. Zingus will play god mode in the finals.

  13. ahsasahsasahsas

    Nah, he’s travelled with the team for both series already. I would love for him to be back but his travel isn’t an indicator

  14. BradWonder

    I’m a weenie but I’m worried about how fast the Pacers play. Either he gets left in the dust or we possibly find out the hard way if he’s recovered or not. Or both.

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