@Detroit Pistons

Langdon’s 1st Move, Pistons New Roster, Cade Cunningham | Karsch and Anderson

Langdon’s 1st Move, Pistons New Roster, Cade Cunningham | Karsch and Anderson

you know what question I would love to ask him Kang who Troy weaver or TR L L I would love to ask him the question because he got there a couple days after they had drafted Zion Williamson would he have drafted Zion Williamson or John Morant yeah because we got into the whole debate when that happened right it it seemed like 90% of people oh you take Zion Williamson and I think we were some of the few that said no I take John Mor now John Mor has a whole other set of issues but as a player he’s Fant player healthy he was healthy he was fantastic more healthy than Z well healthier yeah but I mean good God everyone’s more healthy than everyone’s more healthy but I just never bought into the to the Zion hype because I never thought he was going to be able to stay healthy the guy that big just shouldn’t be doing what he’s doing because it’s just G to be damaging his body and sure enough it’s exactly what’s happened but I love to know that answer like if you if you had that job a couple days earlier would you have lobbied against I mean this is truth serum you know off the Record because he’s not gonna he’s not GNA say that I think he’s gonna back Zion in the organization I don’t think he would would he I think so wasn’t his pick we don’t know that he’s no longer with that organization yeah I don’t think he would I don’t think he would but uh yeah maybe I mean ask him maybe we get him on the show maybe the morning show gets him on and uh we tell them hey slip this question in there would you have how much have you really wanted johnar how close was johnar to being the first overall pick come on don’t say anything if he was pause for five seconds one 1000 two 1000 are clear yes thank you that’s all you had to say or not say so what about roster wise though Gator what would you like to see Tran langon do okay so first of all like Troy Weaver I think we both agree he should move on from Troy Weaver 100% now the next I I think that’s the logical First Step uh public execution okay let’s go okay next is probably do you want to keep Monty Williams when I say public I don’t mean like actually beheading the guy to Town Square I mean like advocating that no no I’m just saying is I’m behind you you want to just let him go for his you know job first thing you know introductory press conference uh I guess you do your first press conference and maybe the next day you you come out and say uh you know hey we decided to thank Troy Weaver for his service with the team and best of luck in his future endeavors yep that’s the public execution I was talking about okay and then next is that probably is hey do you want to keep Monty Williams as the head coach of this team well that’s a big thing right to me and I think that’s the number one thing is having a conversation with the head coach coach and seeing where the head coach is at first before we make up your own mind I want to hear what Monty Williams feels about this team like where is the team really at where are you at do you want to be here because we know that it took a lot of coaxing to get you to come out and Coach this team and a record deal with yeah it was money that did it flat out it was money I don’t think it was the opportunity it was the money um because seemed like you were not ready to come back to coaching you wanted to sit out for a little bit and deal with what was going on with you personally so where are you now a year later are you all on board with with making this team better do you still have it in you the the the the want to coach is that party or do you still the desire the passion if you don’t I need to know and we’ll talk to to gorus about getting a buyout of some kind um but the the contract is such an albatross that you would have to think that there’d be some way to work work it out and hopefully because I do think that Monty Williams is a really good basketball coach I hope he says you know what this year has been really tough but what it has done is it I’m actually reinvigorated I can’t wait to get back to work and work with these guys and you get work with you and figuring out what we’re going to do with the draft what we’re going to do with free agency and that’s what I I’m excited about it and I hope he does that because again I think he’s a really good coach I think he was thrown in a bad situation because he just wasn’t there uh all in from day one because of of what was going on and the roster around him was was built poorly yeah so and and then that comes up with the next question is okay we’re going to try to find a roster that works do we do that with the guys that are here or do we start moving guys around you know do we do you see it where the Pistons can survive with Kade Cunningham and Jaden ivy on the floor at the same time or does this not work work at all do we need to to move one one of the players and let’s face it it would be Jaden Ivy I don’t think you know people can talk about moving Kade Cunningham I don’t think they’re they’re going to move Kade Cunningham I think it’s a guy you can build around um my biggest concern with with Kade Cunningham is his health it’s not his ability to play basketball I think he’s a really good basketball player and I think there are times you watch him play he is so determined and you can see the weight of the team is on his shoulders but yeah the next is which player or players need to go and what are you looking to bring back in return I would have to imagine if you were willing to deal Jaden Ivy or Jaylen Duran then you could get something decent in return and if you package that with the fifth overall pick too well now you’re talking something something bigger even though people say it’s a bad draft it’s still that has may not be a deep draft but there are players to be found in every draft class you know look at MVPs that have been taken in the second round so I don’t want to hear that they’re you know all all the Doom and Gloom about well this draft class sucks you may not have the consensus number one pick or whoever that guy is but you can’t tell me that there aren’t going to be future AllStars from this draft but also when you trade a draft pick you’re trading a low contract you know that that draft you know that player hasn’t gotten a huge deal yet so that can help a team that’s an asset for another team to take on where hey we get a young player under team control for a very manageable number so I don’t think this is like a Detroit Tiger situation where hey oh no another guy comes in we got to wait for another rebuild no I think TR Trent langden can come in and make some pretty decent moves right away um to me yet Kate Cunningham one of the questions going to come up very quickly here is whether you extend this guy or not this is the way this is the world we live in with the NBA and in most sports now is when a guy’s contract is up whether if he’s just decent you borderline Allstar he’s going to get paid a lot of money in that new extension do you extend Kate and if you do you’re right who do you move elsewhere is Brandon Ingram who’s a guy who’s been rumored to uh be on the trade market a guy you want to bring here to the Pistons you know do you move Isaiah Stewart a fifth rall pick to get Brandon Ingram then you have to worry about extending him to a contract do you Julius Randle apparently is the um odds on favorite Detroit’s one of the the favorites to land Julius Randall who knows what’s going on out there but I want Tran langon to do I I want him to do something like that because I think the fans are they’ve been very frustrated and they deserve more than what they’ve gotten I think I think as a fan I want a different look I want a different approach I think there are a couple guys I’d like to hang on to and then beyond that I free to do what you what you need to do I like fonio as a shooter you need to have Shooters in this in this league he’s just a Flatout shooter I’ll take him I got Kade Cunningham and I think and it’s not that fono is Untouchable it’s just the guy that I Haven to like for what the league is but I think beyond that and assar Thompson I think anything goes and even AAR THS could be dealt they got a lot of they got a lot of possible good secondary third players they don’t have ones you know K is a possible one but you need at least one or two of those guys in this league look at the playoffs look around the whole league everyone’s got at least two legit star type guys and then you build the roster around with theur Thompson and Simone and you know Jaylen Duren that’s fine but they only have we don’t even know if we have one one I mean Cade is he’s an in I think he is I think he’s great I I think he really I think he could be but can he stay healthy and then you got to pair him up with another guy right these are the issues that that he’s walking into and I can’t wait to hear you know when he’s introduced as the the new president of basketball operations with the Pistons of what he has to say what his vision is and yes would you have taken John Morant over Z Williamson that’s a gator question a gator question [Music]

Gator and Khang talk the Piston’s future and wonder about Langdon’s vision for the team.

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