@Boston Celtics

Jaylen Brown goes off for 40 points in Celtics Game 2 win vs. Pacers | NBA | UNDISPUTED

Jaylen Brown goes off for 40 points in Celtics Game 2 win vs. Pacers | NBA | UNDISPUTED

I said you have to be good and lucky obviously I know but you just keep getting lucky and luckier and luckier Hey listen health is a factor in all of this I mean it’s not our fa you got to understand we’re not healthy either the Celtics are well you’re about to be well I I feel like we we’re missing porzingis okay but is he supposed to be back never mind man hopefully hopefully he can be back but uh we’re missing I don’t think we can win the championship without them when I look on the other side baring that we win the East which is likely being that we have a 94% chance once you go up 20 that’s so we’ll see either Minnesota or Dallas but I I truly believe we need porzingis to beat those two teams I mean those are offensive be on his way back he’s back well yeah hopefully he’s back hopefully you know I mean we’ve heard he’ll be back in the second round then we heard the third round game four so we don’t know but but like I said you know we have the luxury of being lucky we have the luxury of when our best player and Jason Tatum arguably because we’ve argued who who’s more important or who the best player between jayen Brown and jayen Jason Tatum but when one of them doesn’t play well the other one will pick him up just like we talk about Dallas’s nuclear weapons yep Boston is shown to have two nuclear weapons they have on their side yeah but on the flip side of that I was really watching this Skip and key we got one of the best back courts defense defensive back courts and we were talking about offensive back courts in history with Luca and Kyrie I think this might be the best defensive back court one of the best in NBA history you’re talking about Drew Drew holiday and and Derek white I mean I just watched them how they defended like they get their hands on a lot of balls they rebound I mean they can switch at one point I saw Derek white he he he’s guarding uh sakam or or the center you know they you can put them on anybody on the court and and that’s the luxury they have and then when porzingis come back you obviously know the shot boxing ability he brings so I love what I’m seeing from the Celtics Jaylen Brown obviously was pissed off that he didn’t make all NBA which in my eyes he should have been second team you said that yesterday he should have been second Team all NBA I I don’t like the fact that you get two Lakers on all NBA you get two Phoenix Suns on all NBA I mean these guys are great indivisual but I think team success should play a part in guys making all NBA especially when you have the best record by far yeah that means something and by the way he got nosed out he he came in 16th and there are 15 spots and he got nosed out by tyres halberton so I’m I’m sure that further infuriated and motivated he was pissed and so I’m I’m sure that he’ll continue this Grudge into the NBA Finals because I know the most important thing for Jaylen Brown this year is to win the NBA title which I think they will and how can he be upset he has great contract he signed last summer a great great contract he does and if he can top that off with an NBA championship hey who cares about these all NBA teams what’s this conversation all about is it about the Celtics winning the championship SK or is it about them getting ready to sweep the Indiana Pacers oh because they getting ready to sweep the Pacers it’s a r i mean and you talk about the injuries of porzingis I wouldn’t play him at all and because you you let him get out of this because they they can handle them they possibly no hbert now so they can handle them you let him rest up because you’ll have 10 days off so they play Saturday Monday then you got 10 days after that skip to kind of before the NBA finals start so you got all that time you might as well rest him up and don’t rush it back because you see everybody in the box scores everybody except uh Al Harford was in double digits on the scoring side they got significant minutes for Boston I mean it doesn’t make any sense the the richness that they’ve had that they’ve gotten on this team from an offensive standpoint the defensive standpoint like you mentioned you got two back court guards and and and um and Drew holiday along with Derek white locking things down then when you need somebody to be a highflying scoring machine you got Tatum if he’s off you got brown who’s on if he’s off you got tat so you got all of that against a bunch of nothings in the Eastern Conference that keep getting come on man y’all you you played Miami that was really hurt yeah okay then now all of a sudden you look up and and after that who do they play after Cleland Cleveland and Donovan Mitchell decided that D I’m not feeling good I’m not going to play jar Allen never played now you run up against a Indie team that all of a sudden halber feels a certain way and then they take seak out of the game with with about 8 nine minutes to go when the game was somewhat still in still winable by them but they just kind of threw in the towel so I was a little surprised weird they just keep giving when you when you keep taking these body blows body blows your corner just throws in the towel that’s what it so you know the Celtics gonna come out to East now let’s just see who come out the West do I think that that they are going to win the NBA final I don’t know what’s what impressed you the most about the Celtics last night though well they did was exactly what I said they would do though they would play somebody first of all they would they beat him by 16 I think Skip had him at 20 you had him at 11 I had him at 13 they beat him by 16 at the end of the day by the way with 30 seconds left they were up 20 just for the record yeah so it’s kind of it’s kind of one you say impressed with Jaylen Brown and I know we G to talk about it but and I know everything fell right with the NBA NBA a um all all NBA team came out he had a great game but what I want to ask you because I was wondering as I was sitting in the dressing room when do you learn you and all NBA player when do you learn that do you learn that when it comes out or do they tell the organization first and organization gives you a heads up a day before you can possibly learn about it probably the morning of the morning of the morning of okay you know I’ve heard information early like on a possible Allstar or yeah see May learn like the morning love see cuz like when you say Allstar bid skip like the Pro Bowl you learn that I might know I’m going to the Pro Bowl three four days before the public even know yeah because they giving it to the team and they give it to the general managers and stuff like that and then they see you in the hallway they say Hey you made the proo chip well if he knew three days before I’m sure it I don’t know I would like to know when did he find out because everybody’s saying he was so mad he went off in this particular game skip I’m like he probably knew before the last game he might have but it felt more like he knew the morning of yesterday it felt like that and his answers last night were like he had just found out that morning right but to your point it’s possible all right I’m here to tell you it feels meant to be everything has lined up your planets are aligned for you to all but Cakewalk to the first championship since you guys won it in 20 8 and if you all don’t and if you all don’t okay it was a tour to force last night but the point is you have struggled in game twos yep and Jaylen Brown was the guy who said no tired of is he just said that’s enough of this you know what yeah and you could tell from jump from first dribble he was in fullon attack mode because because of all your players nobody can attack the basket better than he can and when he puts his sort of nose down and goes man he he was abusing as he said after the game I wanted to attack their smaller guards well did he ever because he is a force of nature when he decides like when when he’s locked in and clearly he said tonight is my night yeah it’s just hard to keep him from the free throw line at least and then the two to Force continues listen I am the biggest Drew holiday fan and he is he is your your new addition last piece to the championship puzzle he is a championship player and I don’t say that about many players but he’s flat out he he is he’s now in NBA Finals mode as I told you yday he has well he saved it he he Paces himself cuz he’s getting a little up there and now he just knows because he’s done this before what it takes when when it takes it and last night he was Sensational so he takes seven shots he makes six of them he takes four threes and he makes three of them and he leads you with 10 assists one turnover and one turnover it’s Sensational it’s it’s like an all it’s an all NBA kind of performance by a guy who’s who is was brought there to put you over the top to win the championship and he’s doing exactly that right on schedule right and you mentioned Horford didn’t score much but look he he led all rebounders with 10 okay that’ll work offensive I mean he was just moving them around he he just moving them around they wanted this game they played harder than the Pacers did we all thought the Pacers would come out demoralized and just deflated and flat and they just W they really GNA be flat now H you got that right okay so what what has been your only glitch well it’s it’s been defending home yeah and and it’s the weirdest thing because at one point you were 14 and 14 over the last three years at home right 14 and 14 and you have Championship aspirations but then you’ve won three straight now big playoff games at home but look look at what happened the first time there was no there was no Donovan Mitchell or Jared Allen or Carris Levert and then it took a miracle shot and collapse in game one right for you to survive game one you should have lost lost it but you lost that all right you said that yesterday and then all of a sudden right on schedule they said halberton somehow pulled his hamstring in the first half last night it was bothering him because they said they were trying to work on it at halftime and he tried to go in the third and I don’t know what happened I I have no idea but he pulled it before it’s the same hamstring he pulled against the Celtics back in January at home and if I know hamstrings and you guys definitely know hamstrings I’m pretty sure he’s gone I’m just that’s about the third hamstring playoffs huh everybody’s getting hamstring heard his hamstring we got OG yeah o That’s man this hamstrings I mean what’s going on with all these new PTs in the NBA man that’s what I don’t get but it was you know we we we live and we we’re in an era of sports to where we have so many people in the in the Physical Therapy world and advisors and load management you know we we’ve acquired all these jobs you know since I’ve been retired Skip and ke I’ve gone back and I’ve seen like now each team has about 10 12 trainers and and massage therapists but for some reason everybody continues to go down to injuries I I just don’t get it but in an era where it was oldfashioned that you practiced every day and you lifted every day we didn’t see this many injuries to the Stars although I’ll I’ll never forget that game one in Detroit in 88 I was there your yeah it was your Showtime Lakers and they were prohibitive favorites I thought they would sweep the Pistons but but if you remember skip that’s because rals had them practicing like they was playing game seven to save their life that was that’s why they all start falling apart and Byron who had on your podcast lately we had on the show pulled his the day before I believe magic in game one pulled his think worthy wind of getting hurt 89 89 it was yeah 8 it was 89989 yeah and then that was then the then the Pistons swept the Lakers okay but it’s just it’s just mindboggling to meet all these injuries I laugh no I laugh because I say the same thing in in football yeah I say the same thing and and you don’t want to ever sound like some dinosaur player and all this all because we hav it hasn’t been that damn long since we sto playing it just really hasn’t but in the end skip you look up and they got a million different trainers a million different PT people everybody got their own private trainer everybody got they be falling apart they’re falling apart on it’s muscle issues you need a second row behind the bench row you know you need the whole second row for personnel summer assistants because each team has like 12 assistants now right and then trainers and personal trainers and more trainers security I’m spending all this money on my body in the off season but then you get hurt but I think it’s happening more to the star players because more often than not the SC the star players are not practicing every day they come in live some ways get some shots but it’s not the same same as training your body and like going up and down in a five five situation to where you’re ready to go 82 games you’re ready to go on a deep playoff run because you training your body every day to do that and I just think there’s when there’s no practice and no play it just it affects the players when they have to go from zero to 100 in the game say you have two days off and you’re not really going up and down then you go you go into a game and that’s why we see all these strained hamstrings these strained Cavs and it’s just I feel like there’s more injuries in today’s game than there ever has been especially to the star players and you know what I feel because I’ve been doing this a long time I just think it’s random I I just think it’s the injury Gods I this I’ve never seen nothing like this I have and I’ve seen it in your sport too where they’re just rashes of injuries where it’s just inexplicable it comes and it goes and it comes and it goes and to your point you have to have some luck to get there and if porzingis gets back right then then you’re good because you’re going to be be whole well I won’t say they’re good I would say there’s a chance that they might be good well to to that point if selers make it you got Luca on the side with a bloody knee you got Ant-Man he’s tired so if we get there with a healthy por zingas I like our chances okay but I will tell you this I don’t think you’ve been tested yet because you have fallen into the right place at the right time against the hurt literally like if you if you think about it my me in the second game Beat Boston right then all of a sudden everybody was like falling apart and it was over well Jimmy was already gone Jimmy was already gone but then that was it then you talk about Cleveland Cleveland beat y’all in the second game go back to beat you badly beat you and I was like oh yeah it’s the only po it then all of a sudden no Donovan Mitchell you know it was over and now all of a sudden it’s like well they took him down to the wire in the first game and India oh my God if this happened to y’all win that one I like to say that game one was versus Indiana was a test because you know a lot of times Boston has has blown teams out one by double figur so now you get them in a situation a close game yeah a game they should have lost I mean clearly but they showed me they showed me they can win a close game they they tied it they went to overtime and we all know what happens in overtime so to me that’s a great test to say hey now and when you get in this situation say in the finals we we we’re going to believe when you go through those situations like guys it’s never over they they showed that can still fight and win a close game so I do believe we’ve been tested it’s is one close game out of seven out of six that you more you could possibly play if you told me that every single game up until the four that it would take to eliminate the Pacers was close then I would say you’d be tested but the fact that you were tested in the four quarters but not in overtime with Tatum knocking down 10 and then all of a sudden you cruise through the second game with a dude that’s can’t play in the second half now you just you ain’t tested but this is I I’ll explain this to you too look this team has dealt with heartache and pain they’ve dealt with heartache they’ve lost in the finals this same team this same core this same core has dealt with heartache the three three guys right been through two stars you know so yeah their Road has been what it’s been but they know what it feels like to not win the NBA Finals they know what it feels like to lose a game seven at home and I I’m sure that when they get to the finals they’ll be carrying that with them so in a sense over the years this court of Tatum and brown have been tested okay just probably not this year but over the years if they don’t win the NBA final that mean they just choke that’s all because they should win the NBA final I mean they’re favorite to win the NBA final but this year so far you haven’t been to battle you did have that one game but you haven’t been to six or seven game battle where where you had to fight for your life with somebody that’s what I’m saying yeah you haven’t had that yet I mean you have like teams don’t that win it like I mean I witnessed the the Kobe and Shaq eror they just went 16 and one haven’t been battled just just W 16 and just just let cruised okay what game won the year the first championship second Championship no they beat they beat the Nets they just beat the Nets twice 16 and one you know why now Philly they just Cru they just cruised in that one 16 and two yeah but you know why because they had by far the two best players in the league by far by far okay do you have by far it’s not it wasn’t by far you still had Tim Duncan in the league you still have but but you know what I was there for those Western Conference Finals it was a mismatch Shaq against Duncan and Robinson he he made brag dolls out of both of them they they had no chance against yeah but I’m just saying it’s it was Golden State cruised when probably had the two best like come on I mean it happens guys it happens you don’t have to be tested on the road but they’ve been through heartache all right but the point is unless I’m not I’m knocking on wood for this before I even say it unless Luca pulls his hamstring or Ant-Man pulls his hamstring I’m knocking on wood but unless they pull their hamstrings you’re going to get tested in the finals they’ve been tested they’ve been tested throughout the the time they’ve been together they understand what heartache is about you think they do no I know they do no you I saw it I was there first say I saw it I know but when you get back to the finals again and now the ex Factor Drew holiday who understands the moment that’s help if he comes back that’ll help that that’s that’s going to be the deciding factor Drew holiday has finals experience that’s certainly winning finals experience will certainly help but if but if y’all lose man go get that if shirt where that if shirt at if y’all lose if if if I I I got y’all winning but all right you know he have you ever been on a duck boat why the hell would I be a duck boat cuz that’s what they do in Boston you don’t know will you be on a du a duck the hell is a duck explain to it I’m explain to thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the show make sure to click that subscribe button for all the exclusive content from Undisputed

The Boston Celtics increased their lead to 2-0 after a 126-110 win over the Indiana Pacers. Jaylen Brown went off for 40 points after an All-NBA snub and Tyrese Haliburton left in the third quarter with a hamstring injury. Skip Bayless, Paul Pierce and Keyshawn Johnson react to the Celtics win, then explain why Indy could be in big trouble pending Haliburton’s injury.

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Jaylen Brown goes off for 40 points in Celtics Game 2 win vs. Pacers | NBA | UNDISPUTED



  1. Keyshawn probably gets his script out of the comment section is2g this dude's an npc. Also I miss the more aggressive, argumentative Skip Bayless. The softies really ruined what made him great. Now he's just nodding and yup-ing like everyone else.

  2. Keyshawn your not that guy pal, dude straight up winging it, no preparation at all, I don’t think he even knows what sport they are talking about

  3. So players back in the day were harder to injure, but the injuries ended careers. Nowadays, the recovery and return is where the proof is… it is a mileage issue, players are bigger/faster/stronger spending less practice time, but putting heavy in-game minutes… I wish injuries weren’t a part of the game at all…

  4. Lakers did not own the Spurs in the playoffs during the Shaq and Kobe era. From 1999-2004, out of the seven playoff series the two teams played, the Lakers won by a close 4-3 margin. Actually, it was the Spurs who first dominated the Lakers when the combos of Duncan/Robinson and Shaq/Kobe first played in the 1999 postseason. Then the Lakers got Phil Jackson and more role players like Ron Harper to provide a stronger supporting cast to Shaq and Kobe. So then the Lakers beat the Spurs in the 2001 and 2002 playoffs. The Spurs then added Manu Ginobli and Kevin Willis to their already strong team and came back to beat the Lakers in 2003. This led to the Lakers responding by adding Gary Payton and Karl Malone to form a superteam in 2004 that beat the Spurs. They were actually pretty even rivals in the postseason for about five or six years with whoever the winner was between them going on to win the championship with the exception of the Lakers in 2004 losing to the Pistons.

  5. Keyshon is such a dolt! 1. Didn't know Porzingus is out. 2. Didn't count him as being injured. "He's back!" though Porzingus hasn't played in two weeks or more.

  6. first offf everyone who knows anything knows the first championship is always a little luck!!!!! Its the the experience of the first that validates the process the players believe in!!! Then they build off it as an organization

  7. what i cant fathom is why we in boston allowed our stars to be soo freee with where their loyalty lies… This is why we have issues with game twos and playing consistently in playoffs at home!! No Team spirit!!! City spirit!!! Like paul pierce did when he was a celtic he embraced boston worked with OUr legends!!! to build a better culture of basketball…. Instead we have Tatum working out with friggin lebron or something…. Its like you know tatum brown you could learn alot from your brother Paul Pierce on how to effectively do this!

  8. Will anyone stop Boston? Yep. Everything is set for Celtic championship. Jimmy, DM, Tyrese. I bet LD77 will be next. Everyone gets injured somewhere, somehow.

  9. Jrue n white can lock up an old kyrie. JT and JB will feast on an unatheltic no defense playing luka. Give me dallas all day in the finals if you're Boston 😂

  10. Rest is major in the playoffs and Celtics going up 2-0 and potentially sweep or go 4-1 can ensure that they get more rest and possibly get KP back. Heavy favourites then if they reach finals then.

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