@Cleveland Cavaliers

What’s a more appealing head coaching job: Cleveland Cavaliers or Los Angeles Lakers?

What’s a more appealing head coaching job: Cleveland Cavaliers or Los Angeles Lakers?

Jay Crawford Adam the bull Garrett Bush tyus Powell Jason Lloyd plus da da da you’re loving him Mikey McNuggets and so many big names it would take me hours to say all of their names the ultimate Cleveland sports show starts now booah and happy Friday Northeast Ohio and Cleveland sports fans thanks so much for joining us on the ultimate Cleveland sports show we’re here with you for the next 30 minutes talking Cavs Browns and Guardians on the Guardians front is amanuel class now their best player we’ll discuss Earl what’s up man I’m Earl L Pearl Cast President of Operations Kobe Alman just got finished uh speaking to the media we’ll react to that I’m G bu and we going to talk about the big swagu himself and your boy Marcus Spears he says this is a make or break year for desan Watson I’m going to tell you why he’s right and wrong I’m Mikey McNuggets the Cavs and the Lakers are two of the most appealing head coaching jobs open on the market right now but which one is more appealing for the candidates who may be interviewing for both jobs we’ll talk about that coming up in a sec all right strong opinions on that one for sure we’re going to start today with the Cleveland Cavaliers because they’re uh they’re general manager director of operations whatever his title is Kobe Alman finally faced the media after about a week and a half being bounced from the playoffs yesterday the team firing their head coach JB bicker staff his career record in four plus years here a couple of games over 500 but really was his undoing was his six and 11 playoff record over the last two years both years entering the playoffs as a four seed That’s underachieving Mike he had three major comments that you you sort of wanted to highlight from his news conference earlier today why don’t we just do this one at a time what’s the first thing that really jumped out from you H uh on Kobe Alman and things he had to say today well let’s start with his decision to part ways with JB bicker staff and he was asked about it and despite calling it a successful season multiple times president of basketball operations Kobe Alman said relieving JB bicker staff was a difficult decision he wanted to thank him for his contributions on and off the court more specifically saying quote it’s not something he did but with this group it’s about finding someone with a different approach and a fresh set of eyes to move us forward it’s kind of what we spoke about earlier on the YouTube show do you guys agree with the sentiment that that is the bottom line reason behind uh dismissing and parting ways with JB bicker staff I don’t I mean I think the reason was the players were done with them chiefly Donovan Mitchell that came out in a report right after the season ended Jason Lloyd joined us on the YouTube show just moments ago he told us that he teed Kobe Alman up um to just sort of lay it out there as to what it you know he said he asked him did the contract extension for Donovan play any role and all in the decision to uh let JB go and he said no well he’s protecting his star player he has to stay say that he doesn’t want to uh upset his star player and have him leave so to me the reason was simple the players have decided that they can’t go as far as they want to go with JB and all this other stuff is sort of window dressing yeah I call SPO baloney on that as well he said you know it wasn’t something specifically that he didn’t do well specifically you lost the locker room and that’s the ultimate death sentence for any head coach once the players uh go tonee on your voice and don’t react to you or respond to you anymore there’s no coming back from that time for a new voice exactly I I mean this is what happens when you have expectations and I think sometimes people forget that the Cleveland Cavaliers have won championships in this league before regret it we it was LeBron games and when you win two games in the last couple of years by being a four seed and you don’t have the offensive uh you know output that you want to you didn’t look great against the magic and on top of that you got players in the locker room Mar Marcus morcus just came out and said he has ran his course when players do that in the league you may like it you may not like it you may want you in old school and you feel like you know the coach is supposed to be the end all Beall that’s not the way it works anymore the way it works is these guys make a lot of money and you got to get your Superstar players to buy in it happens all around the league with the Lakers you saw it happen hey we saw it with the Milwaukee Bucks somebody got fired in like 12 games I don’t even know who his name was he was just out of there Doc Rivers just showed up out of a bag just jumped out like Santa Claus and was Doc Rivers was coach that’s what happens sometimes it is what it is in Cleveland hey we they they on to a new coach what was the second thing that he said that jumped out at the second thing he was asked about the future of the core 4 Donovan Darius Evan and Jarrett and Kobe Alman said quote I don’t see us making major super changes I just don’t you can’t make it to a conference semi-finals and say this doesn’t work he also said there’s more way more data that speaks to it working in terms of the pairing of Donovan and Darius then it does that it doesn’t are you guys buying that the core 4 is coming back in 2024 I’m not I I think look he has to say that number one it was reported after the season ended that d I is going to ask for a trade if Donovan signs the extension Jason reported here moments ago that all indications are that there’s sort of a gentleman’s agreement that that’s where things are going and that when the season ends he will be presented with and will sign the contract extension well the next step is Darius following through on what he’s already intimated he’s going to do and that’s asked to be traded so I think I think Darius is is likely gone um that’s going to be a tough move because he’s a max player and he’s not a max player but his contract and his paycheck says he is so they’re going to have to make a move he can’t look desperate if he comes out today and says yeah we’re going to look to trade Darius Garland all the other general managers in the league are going like this yep they want to move them we got them yeah I’m calling baloney on it again because if this was good enough then you would have made it further than the semi final and I understand that you dealt with injuries but when if you listen listen to the reports and you read the reports that have been put out there by you know the athletic uh clutch Sports is going to ask for a trade and all all Point signs are pointing to Donovan Mitchell coming back and then there there’s been you know mixed emotions in the locker room as far as Jared Allen and his effort to to at least play and so when you look at those factors and you know the nucleus of of this team will be the same I don’t see how you can bring the entire quote unquote core four back yeah I don’t either I ain’t like to uh that core before they was trying to sell me on that last year and I was like y’all need to stop saying that that is not what it is by the way can somebody just get to it and be like this if you brought everybody back in what Universe are they beating the Celtics what he what is he talking about to say successful like you make it to a semi-final are the Celtics going to wake up and get old no I think the idea is if you bring the right coach in that can develop these players to get them to the next level individually and collectively you can overtake the Celtics that’s the thinking you got to think that way I mean I would I would assume Tatum and brown they’re going to be a year old porzingis and Drew holiday and a warer and white I could keep going on I don’t see it maybe it’s just me I had to take the shades off I said I don’t see it well G you’re lucky because this next quote from M when the last one we’re going to discuss kind of touches on that exact Department of development Kobe Alman you may have called balone on the first two this one feels like he was taking True serum he was asked that you guys away from unlocking Evan Moi and he said yeah I think we did and that needs to be a focal point this summer now here the president of basketball operations slgm admit they got away from developing their third overall pick quote unquote unicorn how do you guys take that I believe he’s telling the truth I think they did get away from it and I think the reason they got away from it was because Donovan Mitchell came to town and it wasn’t as big a priority because now Donovan can hide all warts yep they need to get back in the lab with the pen and the PAD as like to say get this label off and exactly right and figure out a way to make Evan Moy the Unicorn we keep hearing he couldn’t agree with you all uh more than that you know I think he’s telling the truth here too you definitely got away from uh the development of Evan Moy being your focal point especially you know with the consideration of a lot of people believe that even with Donovan Mitchell on his team if Evan Moy develops into your best player with him and Donovan Mitchell you have to core of a team that can go compete if BEC best player with Mitchell on the roster they’re winning a championship absolutely absolutely so how you let that fall by a way side I have no idea but they did but they did and in the playoffs I love about the NBA is do you find you find out all who everybody got a unicorn we found out Ben Carol was a unicorn we found out Ant-Man was a unicorn we found all these dudes that be playing in the playoffs you’re like dang that was he kind of cold you start seeing people throw up 40 and 15 and seven in clutch spots you do a lot of rethinking like hold on maybe my outfit ain’t as good as I thought it was I will say this the last picture that Evan Moy painted for us before the season ended was a beautiful picture it and I’m going take that into the and take that into the offseason and let’s let’s hit the ground running next year absolutely all right um we’re going to stay on the Cavs this next topic is an interesting one because the Lakers have a head coaching job uh vacancy right now and the Cavaliers have a head coaching job vacancy if you’re in the market and you’re up for one of these two jobs which of the two is more attractive wherever LeBron at like that’s that’s half the game that’s the first question I’m asking hey dog what you doing cuz like you could be here or you could be here I’m just saying I I’ll come over there I think to me if you’re a coach I I would say the cabs is more attractive for one reason cuz it’s if LeBron is in La you already know what the expectation is ain’t no learning on the job ain’t know none of that your job is to get to the finals and win a championship if you’re in Cleveland it’s your first year they they going they say oh make the playoffs and do your thing I mean for me I’m going go Cleveland as well you know nipy hustle used to say this thing is a marathon not a Sprint and even though LeBron James might possibly be in La you probably going to get the opportunity to coach LeBron James maybe for one season two seasons you know Anthony Davis is a agent Superstar that’s always dealt with injuries I think that the Cavaliers have a younger core a core that has a lot of potential very athletic group these dudes can they they can ball they talented you have an owner that’s willing to spend money um this is a one of the top five best sports cities in the world and the food is great in Cleveland the food is amazing I I’m just going to stop it right here okay I love Cleveland I love it so much I came back right and I never intend to leave Rodeo Drive Palm Trees uh that’s tip of the iceberg banners yeah you say you get the year chance to coach uh Lebron for maybe one or two years what have they consistently done in the history of the franchise they’ve always had a marquee player always it’s showtime yeah guys I love Cleveland but we’re Cleveland there no no thyself and then everybody everybody in shape everybody got abs good job Steve even even the old people look good in Cleveland everybody look good in in in La everybody everybody beautiful everybody’s fit everybody owns an Aston Martin I’m pretty sure like as much as I here as much Cleveland is home that’s the one thing that La can’t give me that that or that La can’t give me that Cleveland can other than that like if you’re putting checks in the column Rodeo Drive and the beauty and the beach and the weather and blah blah but they might fire you after after 6 weeks it’s okay I had a hell of a six we run you had it it’s on the resume now and you know what and they got to pay me for three years I’m good so I’m going to be I’m be looking at palm trees for 3 years you know what let me change my answer it’s it’s it’s La go ahead one thing you guys are missing though it’s the Eastern Conference is way easier and the Western Conference not only is more difficult now but the four best young 25 play or players under the age of 25 are in the Western Conference if you’re long picture I think the cat actually are a more appealing job palm trees man that’s fair that’s a hard argument that’s a hard mental argument to put on the side when the rest of the factors do favor the Cavs yeah you’re exactly right I mean and right now LeBron is in LA right now if he changes if he changes his mind and he comes back home to Cleveland then we’ll re readdress but right now if I’m if I’m interviewing for both of those jobs and they both ask me which where’s your dream location I got to say if I’m Kobe Alman I’m taking whatever you know potential candidate I’m taking them to slimus that’s the easy sale take the slim is bro if that’s if that’s the best you got he’s probably going to La yeah but the corn beef the corn beef is Polish boys is crazy taking a break Marcus Spears on DeShawn Watson next year’s it if it doesn’t happen next year it ain’t happening that’s what Marcus is saying we’ll debate that [Music] next welcome back to the ultimate Cleveland sports show interesting comments recently from an old friend of mine Marcus Spears recently on our quarterback Deshawn Watson these comments made on NFL live listen I I don’t know if he’s ever going to return to the player in Houston that player in Houston was a guy we had on the same pedestal with Patrick Mahomes I’m not sure if he ever gets back to that point with his production and the things he was doing this is a show me year for desan Watson and look unfortunately his availability has been rocked by some injuries significant injuries by the way that that you can’t perform with but to you said it fiveyear $230 million that’s a financial anchor it we gonna be the hell with that anchor if he don’t perform well or if he’s unavailable listen this the National Football League and I get it we’ve had a lot of nuance and a lot of discussion about DeShaun Watson getting back to the point where he’s playing at a high level he has to play at a high level this year this is the year of demarcation for Deshaun Watson if this was a good investment or not and if not unfortunately for the C Cleveland Browns is going to look like the worst acquisition that we’ve seen in this league probably ever Marcus stole my notes I mean I’ve been saying that I I I initially said when we made the deal if it doesn’t work it’ll be the worst trade that we’ve ever made uh amongst the worst in that we’ve seen in the NFL and I’ve been saying all this offseason it’s time and I think you guys agree with that if now what we might not agree with is if it doesn’t happen next year there are still two more years on the contract but do they move on if it’s a definitive it didn’t happen again well listen that just that’s the part I agree with him I said in the opening I said I you know he was right and he was wrong he is right if you go back and listen to deshun Watson he’s saying that guess what for me I got the same expectation it ain’t no like y’all got higher expectations than me I I I expect to go out there and play at a high level and I think he will the problem that I have is first of all it can’t is not the worst trade in the history of of all mankind let’s be clear uh you know the the kid from um you that came out of South Dakota State went to the T Lance went to the San Francisco 49 they gave us three first round picks and they still went to the Super Bowl no one says that’s a terrible trade right Browns went to the playoffs they at Super Bowl but when you talk about it and you talk about the contract and whatever that goes into it that’s the going rate for a quarterback that is a franchise quarterback so but if he doesn’t become a franchise quarterback you overpaid so you know overpaying is a thing right I overpay for a lot of different stuff you got bad credit out here you gonna overpay for certain things but guess what at the same time it’s the going right what are you going to do at the time that Browns made the decision because that was the best decision they had in front of him does he need to play better yes Earl not better is it make or break like does he need to return to that mvp Deshawn Watson or do things a wrap to me okay he said does he does deshun Watson need to play at a high level this year or or becomes make a brick I think to me we all have a different uh definition of what high level is like one I need we know when we see it yeah like I need my quarterback healthy and we’ve had this conversation for me it’s never going to be bogged down into the stats and things like that but did my franchise quarterback make big plays and big moments that was the difference in the Browns winning and not losing a game because I think the one thing we all agree on deshan Watson doesn’t have to win this every single game but deshan Watson cannot be the reason why the Browns don’t win games that’s a fact and that that’s what it boils down to yeah I think you know to your point like it’s not necessarily about the numbers we know what Elite play looks like right I don’t even look at the stats I’ll just watch I’ll tell you with my eyeballs that’s Elite or that isn’t and unfortunately of the 11 plus games he’s played I saw a half of elite play I saw a whole lot of average play and I think what Marcus is saying is we can’t have that guy again we can’t have the the Deshawn that we’ve had for the 11 11 games minus the Raven second half we need Elite level play and then this whole thing turns the page and then we’re thinking about years four and five wishing we had six and seven right that’s where we need to I’m greedy Jay I’m greedy Jay I need I I need the stats too I’m with the stats Mikey you want to do the uh the the tech topic Here Yeah we actually have a little time let let’s do it okay good so the NFL is implementing new technology this season for the preseason of start that will electronically spot a football this would in theory replace the Chain Gang so my question for you guys is do you like the technology yes or do you prefer and enjoy the drama that comes with the Chain Gang and whether or not you’re half a yard forward back I need the CH I I literally when I read this on the rundown last night I’m like is he kidding I need the Chain Gang like what I like the Chain Gang too I’m team Earl here gosh no absolutely not you remember the year that the Browns I can’t remember it was it was what name of the year it’s happened many times they stretch the chains the ball is this far behind the c je terator first down I’m like in what world is that football touch that’s just simple I don’t like human air I I don’t either I I don’t I don’t like I listen I’ve been I’ve been trying to get AI to get half these people out of here no under no circumstances do you count on drama to cause you a game when you have the technology to do it this is the most inexact science in the world get rid of it think about this all of the games that are decided on Goal Line Stands you can’t even see the football at a camera can’t see it the referees on the line can’t see it it’s a huddle of 2,000 pounds coming together and somewhere in there is a football and you’re like well if we take the sky camera angle if we take this back angle is that the football is that the is that the nose of the football put a chip in the damn ball put a chip on the goal line if it crosses it it’s a touchdown and we don’t have to guess so what if the battery died in the machine in the fourth quarter too like seriously the you have a backup battery see see and I’m surprised the young guys was on the on the side I am to I thought you guys would be on the the Chain Gang is awesome give the old guys on the panel the techn ol here’s another thing it’s like baseball I know there’s romance in watching Angel Hernandez call strikes that are 8 in off the plate I get that I don’t want that and you know why here’s the biggest single reason and you guys are going to flip when I say this right now the popularity of professional sports is at an all-time high because gambling because of chain gangs we yeah you’re right God we got to have that chain gangang we gamble on Sports MH when when there are decisions made like Jean stator when you’re clearly looking and saying bro that’s not a first down you automatically start asking is what I’m seeing real or is this professional wrestling give me yeah a box that major league baseball calls a strike every time it’s in that box and a ball every time it’s not I I want accuracy I don’t want romance and Chain Gang give me the Chain Gang and give me gasoline uh V no I’m with you on the gasoline vehicle I’m cool I’m with you on that until y’all get have to get off a block of 300 pound men and then tackle somebody in the back field and then they say first down a pine you’re right all right we’re uh we’re going to take a break when we come back is Emanuel class officially the best Cleveland Guardians on this current roster it’s food for thought we’ll talk about it next [Music] welcome back to the ultimate Cleveland sports show on this Friday before Memorial Day weekend question is Emmanuel Emanuel CL the best Guardians on the per player on the roster right now no we can’t do that like I’m sorry y’all be making me look like the villain I’m sorry I got glasses on and stuff but listen come on May CL is doing his thing if Marana mariana rivera is not the best player on his team at that time we all knew it was Jeter we all knew it was somebody else other than him he only played like a half inning right I mean he’s a great specialist like a kicker can’t be your best player Tucker is awesome but he’s your leading scorer almost but no I you can’t be the Jose is the guy and I love Emanuel CL like I think if Mario Maro Rivera had a son it’s Emanuel class that’s the only other person I know with 100 mile per hour cutter but it’s Jose Ramirez hands down like hands down without yeah I I think this is uh there’s very little argument to this your analogy actually about Tucker being the best player on the Ravens no he’s not now he can be the reason you win a championship yeah but if you average out he’s played the equivalent guys of two plus baseball games all season he’s got 25 Innings under his belt now those are big Innings yeah it’s the ninth inning those are the three most difficult outs to get and he is great at it and he’s baseball’s best specialist right now but he’s not the best player on the Guardians that is still Jose they stretched him out and said listen you got to do the eighth and the ninth has there then we could talk then you could you could talk we could talk has that been done before I not not in modern day baseball no everything’s so specialized you’ve got an eighth inning guy you got a ninth inning guy wow and by the way we saw Chase Smith come in after class won and saved games on three consecutive days we saw Chase Smith come in to fill that role the other day and he struck out all three no he he gave up a double to Frankie but the other the three outs were all strikeouts Austin HED just says that dude throw some heat and he’s the future of the Cleveland G 100% he is closer material and what they’re going to have the rest of this year is Chase Smith in the E even though it it hasn’t been that way it’s going to eventually work its way Chase Smith in the E Emanuel class in the ninth and that is going to be what the Guardians had when they had Miller in the eighth and Allen in the ninth in 2016 so is the hunter gatis in the seventh I think so I just think to me Smith is better and more reliable he’s younger and gtis is great but if you’ve got those for three for 789 you got six Innings to be to beat us that’s mean right there all right we’re out of time have a great Memorial Day weekend remember the reason that we celebrate the holiday spend some time thinking about that to all those that have come before us and fought for our freedom we give you much thanks have a great weekend we’ll see you back here ultimate Cleveland sports show on Monday see you guys peace [Music] [Music]

The Cleveland Cavaliers are looking for a new head coach after dismissing JB Bickerstaff on Thursday.

The Cavs and the Los Angeles Lakers are reportedly interested in a few of the same candidates, but which of the two vacant HC jobs are more appealing?

Cavs GM Koby Altman held his end of season presser on Friday and the guys react to what he had to say about the future of the team.

ESPN Analyst Marcus Spears called 2024 a “prove it” year for Cleveland Browns QB Deshaun Watson. It was a pointed shot, but is he right?

Plus, has Emmanuel Clase surpassed Jose Ramirez as the best player on the Cleveland Guardians?

We discuss all that and more on this episode of UCSS on WKYC.

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  1. Something tells me the king is coming back he has an easier chance of making the finals if he’s in the east he can leave with one more championship if he’s smart

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