@Detroit Pistons

Trajan Langdon Is Pistons President Of Basketball Operations | Karsch and Anderson

Trajan Langdon Is Pistons President Of Basketball Operations | Karsch and Anderson

right so it looks like the Detroit Pistons are going to find their man their president of basketball operations and it’s a familiar name to some Tran langon the Alaskan assassin one of Duke’s finest basketball players they have a they’ve had a lot but arguably the greatest nickname in the history of sport it’s a good one it’s really it’s fantastic it’s up there it’s probably my top 10 I love the nickname I think it’s fantastic and I hate Duke but Tran langon but you don’t hate Alaska I don’t hate Alaska and we know Doug Loves Alaska but the Alaskan assassin just sounds amazing that is um his dad I guess his father was a professor um in Alaska yeah like Alaska Anchorage so that’s why he grew up in Alaska um but he’s going to be the next president of basketball operations spent time in Duke in the mid to late 90s uh played there he was a three-point he was an assassin he was a really good three-point shooter played a few years in the NBA played overseas and then began his career as a scout um and eventually ends up uh working with the Pelicans which is where the Pistons are allegedly getting him from where he was at the gym of the Pelicans uh hired back in 2019 where worked alongside the this is from the Detroit Free Press uh article worked alongside Executive Vice President of basketball operations David Griffin he was officially hired days after the franchise won the lottery and selected Zion Williamson number one overall when he was hired Anthony Davis had already demanded a trade which was facilitated in July of 2019 with the Lakers who sent three first round picks Lonzo ball Josh Hart and Brandon Ingram to New Orleans it’s a good Hall it’s pretty good Hall uh and they’ve made the playoffs two of the last three years they got bounced in the first round each time um but he is also partially responsible for helping the Pelicans swing a trade to bring in CJ McCollum and Larry Nance from Portland um so he’s got a little bit of a track record at the executive Le level and I think pretty widely respected yeah um one of the up incomers that people thought would get you know a job eventually if not a bunch of interviews at least exactly so now the Pistons went the route of going with with Troy Weaver to kind of be the GM of this team to wheel and deal and we’re still not sure what the real role is for the president of basketball operations but what we do know is that it’ll be a higher up rle than what Troy Weaver is currently so what does this mean for the Pistons moving forward does this mean that okay first first thing we got to take care of is Troy Weaver thank you for your service we’ll see you later or does he you you have a conversation with Troy Weaver and it says Hey listen we’re going to take the wheeling and ding kind of off your plate what we want you to do is Scout because you’re kind of elite at that at least you were prior and maybe we we can still get something out of it and we think that it’ll be beneficial to both of us does that happen do they find another role for him but I want to know what his role is to find you know when when we’re talk about B president of basketball operations I’m thinking about somebody who is the guy in charge like Scott Harris is with the Tigers right I know they hired a GM but Scott Harris is the guy I’m looking at who’s making the deals it’s like Dave neosi when he was with the Tigers you know I think technically he also had the general manager title there but aliv was the guy underneath him but it was Dave neosi that made all the the moves and made the big decisions so I’m looking at this and I’m hoping that’s the case with the Pistons the Tren langon is the guy who will make the decision on who they draft who they trade all player Acquisitions you know the 10-day contracts hopefully it’s no longer you know bringing up another hey who’s that guy Piston’s led the league and who’s that guy with like 50 of them this past year it was crazy it was crazy no but like that’s what we’ve been led to believe though whoever they hired as the basketball the president of basketball operations was going to have ultimate power throughout the uh the team and the organization now it’s gone to the point in the league where and this is almost any sport where job titles don’t even matter anymore just tell me the power structure so if the president of the basketball operations has control over anyone underneath him that includes the GM then Trent langon has the power to let go and relieve any one of their duties if he doesn’t see it fits with you know his his vision or whatever so as far as the Trent Landon hiring you know that’s not not official yet but it’s being reported by War Janowski from ESPN that I like the hire now people are going to connect to fact that he had arm telum as his agent when he was a player I got to tell you man arm telum has been connected to almost everyone in the league it’s going to be hard not to find someone not connected to him and if you and if you want to just eliminate that then you’re eliminating a possible really good president right so I wouldn’t do this so I don’t really hold anything against that I do worry a little bit because did arm get in Tom gor’s ear and say hey I I know TR Trent langon but why wouldn’t you because that’s a resource you can ask him about um but I gotta tell you if he comes in here traan langon and doesn’t let Troy Weaver go perception is GNA be very bad for this guy and I personally for me too as well because I think Troy Weaver your time has come and gone here in Detroit doesn’t mean you’re not going to be a good GM somewhere else one day or whatever you still don’t have use in the league but for Detroit it’s time to move on from that era Tran langon go get another GM if you want a GM underneath you I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the mid mistake was made and when Troy raver came to this team he came in hot right before the draft remember all the trades they made on on the draft night and then you had the the three picks right I’m like wow that’s that’s a lot going that’s kind of cool I like that like I was in favor of Troy Weaver like he can build this thing okay but as we’ve seen the years go on no he didn’t build it so I’m admitting I was wrong because I was a Troy Weaver guy I think you were a Troy Weaver guy yep but you got to you got to cut bait when you when you have to and obviously it’s been time for a while here to do it now they’ve got the opportunity you Trad your Lance on board I agree with you itions a lot and if you want to win over the fan base you’re going to have to make a a move that the fan base has been calling for and it’s not like he wouldn’t be justified the team won 14 they won 14 games this last year they regress Troy Weaver he just can’t build a roster I think he’s been given enough time now he did a good job creating cap space thank you for your service now I want Trent Lon to use that cap space now whether that means bringing in Brandon Ingram from the Pelicans where an organization where um uh Tran l came from or bringing in a Julius Randle whoever it is they need to upgrade the talent if they’re trading the fifth overall pick I want Tran langon making all those decisions we don’t need Troy Weaver here anymore 28539 9797 is a telephone number so the news broke late yesterday that tran langon uh Adrian walosi had the story that tran Lang langon is going to be the next uh president of basketball operations with the Pistons that’s great okay they got the guy I’m all in on the guy but what has to be the first move that he makes is it simply firing Troy Weaver I is it having a vision that okay does it need to have a conversation with with Kade Cunningham does he need to have a conversation with with Monty Williams what’s the first thing you want him to do as the president of basketball operations [Music]

Gator and Khang give some background info and their general feelings on the Piston’s new BMOC.

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