@Dallas Mavericks

Luka Doncic CALLED GAME…

Luka Doncic CALLED GAME…

what’s the worry y’all this might be the the fastest I mean the fastest postgame reaction video we’ll ever get because I got notes for the first 47 minutes and 50 seconds but none of that really matters only thing that matters that Luca Donis did it again this man is 25 years old I going remind you of that he’s 25 years old there some Publications that had him as the fourth best 25 and under player fourth on the 25 and under list again fourth when he’s he might be the best player in the world um this guy is in the sixth year of his NBA career I’m going remind you he’s made the playoffs four of those six times only times he missed it was his rookie season last year when they went to go get Derrick Lively and he has gamewinners big moments so on and so forth I don’t care if you have one B bucket in the fourth quarter if that one bucket is the gamewinner to go up 20 go into Minnesota and take both of those games is so so very huge um the Minnesota Tims were a slight favorite going into the series as far as like the way people were picking the series um and like the betting odds and stuff but that has shifted on his head completely you have a two- Series in both conferences and I don’t know man I don’t I don’t know again I got a l of notes about this game but none of it really really matters LCA donic gets a one4 flat it’s him top of key everybody thin out because it don’t matter who is guarding me right now I am the guy there was a there was a possession last game and I don’t know if y’all remember it where um they got a tip out um rebound from Dereck lival where he kicked it out to Luka donic and Luka donic going be 26 feet away from the basket so a normal three-point shot a little bit behind the line and he waited for for Anthony Eris to get there so so he can take the shot because Luca Don is way more comfortable shooting off the dribble than he is in a catch and shoot scenario so when I saw they was trying to go one4 flat and they got the the switch they want food it was a matter of whether or not Luka Don was goingon to miss or not it had nothing nothing gobear could have done in that possession could have could have prevented Luca from getting a good look you know what I’m saying that shot is really Luca in a gym by himself that is crazy um and Rudy go bear man Rudy go bear um is is a is a good defender in space not against Luca dones not against Kyrie Irving cuz anytime they tried to Blitz Carrie Irving in the pick and roll Carrie Irving just smoothly win around R go beer like I I got in my notes let me see let me see how many times I I saw it happen in this game I got it four times where they blitzed they Blitz Kyrie Irvin and Kyrie Irvin even before the blitz was consummated if that’s the word Kyrie Irvin blew right past him there are certain players in the world that he cannot hold his own against Luca do is one of those players but one thing about Rudy goar is no matter if he’s playing good defense or bad defense he always is moving like a baby Gazo and I think part of that is him being 7 foot one or whatever it is but again there was nothing he could have done in that possession LCA Donis got to the spot that he wanted and he got his shot up and what a beautiful game for the Dallas Mavericks considering this is an easy one to lose right you take game one in a lot of cases your coach is going to tell you we need at least one on the road right the series doesn’t start until the home game home team loses the game well you did that in game number one this an easy game to kind of turn over and say hey we going back to Dallas for game number three and game number four but they did not do that well whatsoever and this was Luca in the third quarter again I don’t mind that he only scored one basket in the fourth quarter because that third quarter I don’t know if this is legitimately what it was but as I’m watching this it felt like he scored or assisted on every single play it was either him it was either Lively it was even Gafford it was always Luca Don is being involved 3213 and 10 and again the biggest shot of the game and that was that was phenomenal what a great watch that game was man um and you know what I was talking I was watching this game um I was watching this game at my dad’s house it was my stepmom’s birthday happy birthday um and I got asked a question from somebody that’s not a huge basketball fan but they know LCA donic and they know Kyrie Iran those are two All-Star Superstar caliber players depending on who you ask and they were asking me who who’s the third guy who’s the third best player on the team and I I took a second and you want to know the name I said and I really do believe this it’s Derek Lively it’s the 20 year-old rookie because this man’s this man’s impact on both sides of the ball is just just ridiculous gainable Anthony Edward tried to get to the bask or he did not try to get to the basket I guess he tried he just struggled to get to the basket and I that was like Daniel Gafford and Derrik ly being out down there and in game number two they made it a point you saw it very early on Anthony erwards had 10 points in the first quarter a lot of that was just him getting to the basket either finishing or getting fouled and then once we got to that second half a lot of that died down these guys it just it it makes it so much difficult when you have players on the court that cannot shoot because a guy like Gafford and guys like Derek Lively can kind of just chill there were some lineups ran today by um the Minnesota Timberwolves that I don’t know the lineup data behind it but I felt kind of iffy about it because it was Cy Anderson it was Rudy Gober and it was Jaden McDaniels on the court together and if I am a team guarding that team defensively I feel pretty good about our chances because though Cal Anderson gave us 11 points in game number one we not worried about Cal Anderson in his 17 second jump shot we’re not worried about jayen mcds even though he killed us at game number one that’s not who he normally is right so let’s pack the paint and Anthony ER is the only ball handler on the court here it’s no Mike connley on the court so uh Les just dominate the paint and Anthony a wants get to the basket but we got three bodies here because we don’t trust nobody else on on the team to beat us and I thought that the way that the Dallas maveri had defended in that second half was just so very beautiful now part of it was Minnesota missing a bunch of shots I won’t I don’t want to look past that but again the defense is just electric um for a moment I thought this was just a Nas reame where he scored 23 points in this one and he missed the big shot to tie it um I I was very curious to see how they was going to play it because we had a game in the first run round or maybe it was a second round versus Denver a first round versus Phoenix it’s all blending together where Nas Reed had a really good game in the fourth quarter he scored a bunch of different baskets and then with three minutes left in that fourth quarter they brought back in car Anthony towns and I was I watching this game with my boy dererk and Derrick’s like oh I’m surprised that they did that because Nas Reed had it going and in this one they opted to keep Nas Reed on the floor because he hit seven three-pointers and I was just curious on whether or not they was going to throw the max player the second best player on the team however you want to look at carony towns back into the game even if his backup was having the game that he was was and they kept NZ re on the floor and NZ re got a good look at the end of that game and uh the ball rattled out like it it just rattled out I think both of his misses were rattled out misses um I would have preferred that Anthony ever tried to get to the basket in this one down by one with however many seconds was left but you know it it is what it is at the end of the day um it is what it is I also got asked while I was at this party um because they was watching Rudy go get get like killed and Dro and and killed on the blitz with krie Irving was there why don’t they take it out where the like as much as like it is what it is R go be where he cannot guard those two guards on your opposing team but when he is off the court the defense is just so very different and so ve so much worse that yeah though he’s getting beat on the drop or he’s getting beat on the hedge or whatever that’s like the best they got to offer right now because the carony towns and NZ re minutes are just hemorrhaging points at the end of the day so it’s just interesting to see them have to stay with Rudy goar I mean in this one plus minus don’t mean a goddamn thing in the game like this but he’s want the few people on the team with the plus plus minus in this one and I thought overall he had a solid game until it was getting to the point where he had the guard Luka or gar har Irving they did Blitz a lot more in this game versus game number one where I think I counted three blitzes with Rudy goar and a couple other blitzers with konon town is the primary Defender none of that none of that even really matters because again Luca dones hit the shot and they just have to go back home and take care of business I mean the the wolves are in the same spot that they had the Denver Nuggets in last last round and the diver nuggets pushed it to seven you know what I’m saying and it ended up being a really good and really close game so it’s not over for the Wolves but the way Luca Donis is performing right now because early in this game I was a little bit worried because they showed him at the St at the uh check-in table a few different times hunched over and like messing with his knee I’m like man I I just don’t want to see another player get injured because everybody in the playoffs have been injured at this point and he’s playing through it but I was a little bit worried that maybe this won’t be a Luca Donis game and boy was it one four hindsight obviously cuz if Luca misses that shot then I guess it doesn’t matter I’m surprised they didn’t throw a second body towards his way late in that clock when they saw him starting to dance over Rudy gobe because if I’m not mistaken PJ Washington was on the left wing at that point and in this game PJ Washington was 0 for four from three and it was Cy Anderson guarding him I’m just a little bit surprised that they didn’t throw a late double at him to make him make a decision either you shoot over both of us or you trust PJ Wasington and Hell PJ has hit some really big shots in this playf a couple game winners in this playoff so maybe they didn’t want to give that up but I’m taking an open PJ Washton shot over a step back luuka 3 because there’s nobody in the world that does a step back three-point shot better than him in 2024 I had to say in 2024 because you know the guy James Harden is the greatest of all time at that um but what a game from the from the man and now they’re two games away from the NBA Finals before the playoffs started we did something on the Pod where we went through all of the teams in the playoffs and we said what are their chances of like are they a real legitimate Championship Contender and we got to the Dallas Mavericks I sat there for a second thinking about it and what I said was when you have one of the three best players in the world in a really competent defense because that’s what they were at the second half of the season now they’re well past comp competent they’re really really damn they’re damn good um when you have one of the three best players in basketball and you have a competence a great defense anything is really possible and we’re seeing them two games away from being in the finals um both of these series are two I don’t know what happens if KN on wood I don’t want them to end the sweeps cuz I like both of these Series right now but I don’t know what I don’t know what happens if if both of them in very early do we still wait till June 6th no it has to be all right that’s all I got to say LCA Donson is a mad man shout out to the Dallas Mavericks to take care of business in a game that they probably should have lost oh I know what the Wolves fans are going to say the JD McDaniel foul SL outof balance play yeah I but again I’m not one to talk about officiated because I don’t even think that’s an officiating thing that’s a rule book thing more than anything because when you’re when you’re reviewing that you can’t call a foul that you missed it’s just about who touched the ball less at least that’s what we’re saying on the broadcast so I know that’s where the Wolves fans are going to hang their hat because yes that was a big one in that one I’m also wearing Mike Conley merch I just realized that didn’t even put it together Mike Conley had a solid game either way um 20 20 series man

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  1. Every time I see called game I just think of the first champion x called game collab 😭😭

  2. Conference final is such a disappointment. Boston has no competition. America's fan favorite gets 2-0'd series over. Guess we cheer for Mavs now? I need football season to start already.

  3. I know Rudy or anyone can easily hit me with “he’s in the NBA & I’m not” I’m cool with that sentiment 😅 but come on man there’s no way he been in the league this damn long and hasn’t developed a nice little sweet 15 footer or some well place jump hooks with a post game. Some say he just a rim runner, ok but not to the likes of a Tyson Chandler , Gafford & Lively who do it aggressively and make sure they scooping almost every lob for a bucket. Rudy just always comes off soft and easy to take out on defense. He hasn’t had any major career injuries that I know of yet his game just flat line at getting about 4 simple off guard blocks along with a struggle of about 8-14 ppg and he wins defensive awards 🤔. All I know is when he was out on maturity leave for his first born. The line up they had against the Nuggest was putting in work and they won the first 2 games in great fashion. He came back chemistry been off. I understand you gotta work him back in. We need to let the team flow more without him in this series. Wolves got some nice defensive wings that I feel can hold it down well given the confidence to let em play a bit more together. I swear Rudy just don’t know how unstoppable he would be if all he took was atleast 60% of Tim Duncan Fundamentals n implemented into his game awhile ago. Instead he looks like a lost scared baby deer caught in headlights when they try n give him the ball. Even before bball became position-less never let coaches or trainers stunt your growth on performing a couple things well. Always add pieces to your game to make yourself better

  4. Love how people are trolling Gobert again like that couldn’t have been anyone on that timberwolves team. That’s what Luka does he makes defenders look silly for a living.

  5. Honestly, Gobert and Naz were the best players of Twolves so far this series, but you just cant guard both Luka and Kyrie man especially on crunch time. Poor Gobert on the recieving end getting all the flame when in fact KAT and ANT didn't even show up 2 games in a row 😂😂 😂

  6. I agree. People bashing Rudy for the defense on Luka on that last shot. Nobody was going to stop Luka from getting a shot off. It was just a matter if he hit it. And he did.

  7. Luka is the next lebron curry Jordan bird etc……. Esquire player hands down. These last two games showed me that. Kyrie always been clutch 2 but Luka be reminding me of lebron so much how he be carrying ding everything sometimes sheeeesh

  8. Why does EVERYONE including the media hate Rudy? Hes been the best defensive player in the league. Luka and Jokic cook the whole damn league. Rudy is phenomenal and someone else on the wolves messed up a switch for him to be on luka that far out. I dont believe it was Rudy's fault. I believe it was McDaniels who should be getting the hate

  9. Ty for not being rascistt like most nba media who hate when euro's do well. SAS and kenny smith i believe said brunson was better lol

  10. As an avid Mavs fan I have to say lively needs to work on those free throws and finishing at the basket when it is not a lob before he's better than P.J Washington.

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