@Philadelphia 76ers

This interview by Lonzo has me worried about Embiid

What he said in the interview is that he kept re-injuring the same meniscus from his Laker days to the point where there was no cartridge anymore.

The last 2-3 years was the medical team trying to figure out what’s wrong with him and to find a donor.

The man basically has a new knee.

The reason I’m worried is because Embiid also reinjures the same meniscus. Are there any healthcare professionals here who can speak on the probability of that happening?

Video interview here

by Moheezy__3


  1. TheSource777

    Yah Embiid is cooked and 95% of the fans here are just in denial. Man always get injured by 2nd round let alone being the offensive and defensive focal point of 4 fucking series on 43mpg lmao. It’s never fucking happening. 

  2. ambassadorodman

    If you blow on the cartridge, it’s usually fine.

  3. Plastic-Confusion645

    I have a solution:

    We draft a big in June to be our full-time starter. We bring Embiid off the bench next season on a minutes restriction, except he plays the entire 4th quarter in each game. The squad learns how to win WITHOUT Jojo.

    This would recuse him from all-star festivities and MVP honors but would keep him healthy come playoff time.

    Minutes restriction is lifted once we reach the conference finals, but he still comes off the bench.

    As soon as we reach the big dance, Morey gives Embiid the green light. Embiid re-enters the starting lineup. gives it his all. Domination ensues. Chip secured. Process fulfilled.

  4. Ashamed_Job_8151

    Totally different situations. Lonzo had a degenerative issue with his knee and was getting hurt basically walking. Embiid while he does seem to be made of pudding in at times has sort of just been really unlucky. This season someone fell on his leg and I think part of it also is the way he plays. Either way as actually getting injured. Don’t get me wrong, at some point embiid will be looking at total knee replacement due to all the scar tissue and long term damage but that’s a decade away. 

    The sixers need to find a way to get embiid to slim down and to stop taking so many chances. Windmill dunks in game 33 against charlotte are not necessary. He needs to play smarter and realize it’s more important for him to be healthy going into the playoffs way more than it is winning a random game in January.  

    As far as balls knee fix, my cousin had the same thing done and he’s back doing things he wasn’t able to do before hand. He’s even playing in a full contact men’s hockey league. But he’s not playing in the nba and I’m not sure that’s actually work out, but for his sake I hope so. Hes a good player. Hes be a perfect fit here if it does work. 

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