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These 5 NBA Teams Have The Most Bleak Future

These 5 NBA Teams Have The Most Bleak Future

out of all teams that made the playoffs it’s safe to say the Cleveland Cavaliers were the team that people watched the least I mean there’s a reason why like every game in the series between the Cavs and Magic were on NBA TV even with Donovan Mitchell being an extremely talented exciting player to watch who just had an incredible postseason until he got injured he just doesn’t have the same draw as most other stars lost in the discussion however is something contentious that was reported prior to the start of the playoffs the buzz in NBA circles suggests that barring a run to the NBA finals Mitchell will decline in extension and look elsewhere and the Cavaliers are more likely than not to move him well before he can leave outright as a free agent that puts a huge damper on their future plans if Mitchell leaves because they gave up so much to get him how’s it going folks my name’s Andy and today I want to talk about several NBA teams with quite a ble future even if it doesn’t seem like it at first glance how did these teams put themselves in such a precarious position let’s take a look back in the summer of 2022 when they made the trade for Donovan Mitchell it was initially seen as an okay trade I guess at the time Colin seon’s career was going downhill and nobody knew Larry marinan would make the jump he did however nobody thought Donovan Mitchell was able to elevate his game like this either as he made another jump when he arrived to Cleveland people remember how they got dismantled by the Knicks in the playoffs which yeah sure that did happen but his first season in Cleveland was more successful than anyone anticipated they still finished the season with the second highest net rating out of all teams in the league and even though the 2024 season was marred with injuries with Mitchell playing only 55 games the Cav still registered a phenomenal 36 and 19 record in the games he did play 12 and 15 in the games he didn’t in terms of immediate success the trade for Mitchell worked out better for the Cavs than it did for the Jazz who despite Lowry’s Improvement they’re still struggling to make it back to the playoffs unfortunately you also have to consider what the future of this team looks like as of this video Mitchell’s desire to stay in Cleveland is up in the air and they also gave up three first round picks to get him from the way the Cavs are built they need him in fact he’s like the only player on this team who can consistently generate offense in theory this roster compliments him quite well they got two defensive-minded bigs to cover for his deficiencies they got some decent Shooters to space the floor though it could be better and they’re a fairly young team who will grow alongside him the Cavs are a legitimate playoff team but their entire existence revolves around Donovan Mitchell it doesn’t help they’re also in the top 10 in payroll well over the salary cap with not much wiggle room to improve the roster with the biggest question being Mitchell’s commitment to the Caps the second big question is what in the world happened to Darius Garland not too long ago it seemed like he was on the verge of becoming one of the NBA’s next generation of young point guards I still remember how everyone used to wonder who was going to have a better career Garland or Tyres halberton they were compared quite often but halberton has run away with it while Garland has flown under the shadow of Mitchell before the playoff started the Cavs were even accused of tanking their final game in order to get what they assumed was an easier matchup against Orlando as opposed to facing Philly or Miami in the first round Mitchell has made it very clear he wants to make it further in the playoffs if he’s going to resign with Cleveland so perhaps this was a last dish attempt to keep him to entice him to stay by winning a playoff series it’s definitely not a good signal for your Superstar besides having the NBA’s best attendance numbers the Bulls on paper should be better if Lonzo hadn’t got injured they would have been a much more competitive team cuz he’s exactly what they’re missing a fantastic playmaker who can play off the ball within the flow of the offense the worst part about being stuck as a playing team is you’ll never get Great Value from the the draft while it’s not uncommon to see lower lottery picks become superstars in the NBA there’s a much higher chance of their picks were higher it feels like they haven’t drafted a guy truly capable of being the franchise star since Derek Rose back in 2008 combined with the bulls having the ninth highest payroll in the entire NBA the results do not reflect their spending Miami Heath have done it again second straight year they claim the e seed fans point to Jerry reinstorf as the biggest culprit if the Michael Jordan era never happened the Bulls would be arguably the worst franchise in the history of basketball however it’s this quote from him that did not sit well with fans I think the important thing for fans is while they want you to win championships they want to know that when you get to the last month of the Season you still have a shot you’re still playing meaningful games if you can do that consistent ly you’ll make your fans happy now that now that’s kind of strange so from Jerry’s point of view as long as his team remains somewhat competitive even if they don’t have a shot at the title the fans would be okay with that are bulls fans really okay with being in the play-ins year after year it’s the downside of being one of the NBA’s most popular teams the Bulls led the league in attendance again even with a mediocre team fans will still show up to watch this crap shoot because of that management and ownership doesn’t feel the urge to change things as long as the money keeps flowing in it feels like we’ve been waiting for this team to blow it up for a while now it’s clear this roster with its unfortunate injury luck has reached its ceiling Demar de Roan’s contract expired Zack LaVine suffered another injury and lonzo’s career is in limbo with all this it’s the perfect time to start over or will they keep trying to hold on to a lost cause there’s a bright side to the Wizards misery they have all of their draft picks and more but that’s basically the only bright side and just because you have all your picks doesn’t mean they’re going to turn into great players with the way their roster is currently built it’s clear they still want a tank to hopefully draft players who can help them win in the future so during this time we’re going to be watching Jordan p and Kyle kozma lead the greatest tank job in history oh here’s a fun fact out of every player in the league who attempts at least 15 shots a game Jordan P has the worst efficiency Kyle kosma has the fifth worst efficiency considering these two make up the bulk of their possessions it’s no wonder their offense looks so bad and their defense is even worse after trading away Daniel Gafford they have no dedicated rim protector and no Marvin baggley does not count the Wizards have also experienced a ton of turnover with their coaching staff and front office perhaps it’s a good thing it shows they’re trying to change with that being said there is something cool to keep in mind I’ve heard people criticize the Wizards for signing kozma and pool to long-term deals but if you take a look at their contracts the amount of money they’re getting paid is pretty high but every team needs to reach the salary floor so they got to spend money somewhere the length of their contracts seems bad at a glance but here’s the thing while the Wizards are losing a lot they will have many many chances in the top of the draft and by the time p and kozma’s deals are over they should have enough young talent to lead them to the next era so at least the Wizards have established a solid timeline to follow hopefully in the best case scenario those picks will turn into productive players remember the post kg Paul Pierce era in Brooklyn where they basically gave up their entire future for a bunch of old guys who left left shortly after well on the bright side this time at least they have their picks when the Nets traded Kevin Durant to Phoenix they were pleasantly surprised with how they finished the season for about 2 months Mel Bridges was looking like an absolute stud maybe even a potential franchise star for Brooklyn he put up numbers on a comparable efficiency to Kevin Durant and so the Nets falsely believed Bridges could lead them further well the 2023 to 24 season was a wakeup call as Patrick Beverly put it he tricked y’all brd’s production plummeted and he’s not even the best player on the team anymore he cemented himself as a role player who tried to masquerade as a star the worst part is the Nets front office truly got fooled by him in the summer of 2023 they didn’t make any significant moves at all because according to sha marks they were banking on natural Improvement to return back to the playoffs that’s why they signed Cameron Johnson to a 4-year $94 million deal with the intention to keep this core together except this core hasn’t shown any capability of carrying this franchise Shawn marks even rejected a trade for jayen green according to Shams the Rockets offered jayen Green Plus multiple first round picks they received from the James Harden trade years ago and the Nets refused now green he’s had his ups and downs we all know that but one thing is certain his upside is far higher than Mel Bridges if the Nets did make this deal it would have given them some hope for their future the worst part is they’re not a particularly young team either even during an Eastern Conference decimated by injuries they still were not able to make the playoffs as the rest of the conference improves in strength and gets healthy the Nets have significantly less young Talent compared to their peers I mean even even the Detroit Pistons have Kate Cunningham a guy with a way better chance to become a superstar on the Nets they have Cam Thomas I guess but nobody is convinced that he’s that guy they still don’t have their franchise star cuz he’ll probably be selected in a future draft class in a similar manner as the Cavs the trade rumors for the hawk superstar has gotten louder and louder since their incredible run to the Eastern Conference Finals the Hawks have floundered near the bottom of the playoff standings and despite efforts to build around Trey they haven’t made any progress whatsoever the dejon Murray experiment has failed with evidence to back it up when Trey and Murray are on the court together the Hawks have a putrid net rating of minus 5.7 when only Trey is on the floor with Murray on the bench they are plus 3.5 for comparison the Bucks as a team had a net rating of plus 2.6 in the 2023 24 season I think if Trey played more without Deonte they could have been close to a 46 or 47 win team in the East which would put them firmly in the playoffs heck even when Murray is by himself with no try still significantly better than when they play together on a positive note they do have a ton of young players many of whom have more potential than we give them credit for but if the Hawks have another season where they miss the playoffs the pressure is on the organization to keep Trey in Atlanta what’s weird to me is as of now the reports claim the Hawks prefer moving try instead of Murray with San Antonio being a front runner to get him for them it makes sense they need an actual point guard and Trey is an incredibly underrated passer for the Hawks it doesn’t make any sense at all Trey is their franchise player he’s younger and better than deante and the numbers support that the rest of the roster is the main issue they need more of everything you can’t look at this list of players and think oh these guys are capable of starting on a playoff team there are so many holes so many gaps to fill and they’re running out of time as Trey is also getting impatient thank you all so much for watching let me know your thoughts on any other teams with very Bleak Futures which non-playoff teams can you see contending for the title in the next few years which of these teams is about to shock the world let me know in the comments I hope y’all enjoyed the video and of course as always I’ll see you next time peace

Let’s take a look at several NBA teams with a very bleak outlook for their future. Hope you enjoy!

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► X (Twitter): @AndyHoopsYT
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► Music:

Floating Cities by Kevin MacLeod
Eternity by Kevin MacLeod
Basic Implosion by Kevin MacLeod

Available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. Find all of his songs and download them for free here:

► Sources:
Stats and box-scores from,,,



  1. I don't agree that the Cavs' future is that bleak. They'll have an opportunity to trade Mitchell if he doesn't resign. They also have several other talented players who would have high trade value. If Mitchell left, I think they would simply build around Garland and Mobley. They'd use the picks they get from the Mitchell and Allen trades to augment the team. Garland and Mobley both seem to function better when there's not a player who overlaps with them on the court anyway.

  2. Bulls have a way. Coby-Ayo are on very good deals. Lonzo enters last contract year. First thing for Bulls front office not to do, is not to overpay DeMar! Next, move on from Zach. Also, roster needs more SIZE! Karnisovas needs to get over that small ball obsession. Stop playing Caruso and Javonte Green at 4.

  3. When was this video made? You didn’t mention the hawks having the first overall pick at all. Also the Trae/spurs rumors are pure myths gassed up by media outlets. The suns should be up there instead of

  4. You neglected to mention that the Hawks have the #1 pick in the draft. That might make Trae Young expendable in the front office's eyes. Personally, I would keep him and make it work with whoever they pick first and get rid of Murray. I think the Hawks have a good enough future just for that #1 pick if it works out and honestly they peaked in 2021, anyway. Also, I don't think Mitchell will leave Cleveland. He hasn't shown actual desire to leave and everything floating around him are just rumors. He might still leave, but I think he wants to make it work in Cleveland for at least one more year. Honestly, the Suns should have been on this list.

  5. How are you making videos as a faux journalist and didn’t mention garlands broken jaw and weight fluctuation

  6. How are the suns not on here they have the bleakest future, they own basically none of their picks so when this team implodes they are in a dire state.

  7. Bro u jinxed the Knicks and broke Anthony Edwards. Can you do a video about the celtics pls?

  8. Cavs future being bleak is a massive exaggeration. Their core is still extremely young so even if they do lose/trade Mitchell that just means Garland goes back to running the show

  9. I like how people said the cavs would be a good team within the next 3-4 years. Year two with this squad and people already expect them to rebuild, like what? 😂

  10. Just because the Washington Wizards have good picks doesnt mean they are better. Recently they did draft some players but Johnny davis is the biggest disappointement for the team they passed on Jalen Willams who was 2 spots behind of davis. He would have become a superstar for the team to replace beal. The wizards have the reputation of drafting bust after bust. Jan Veselý, OPJ, Troy Brown jr and they even passed on alperen sengun taking kispert over him. they also missed the opportunity to draft Jalen Brunson over Troy Brown jr.

  11. These Darius Garland narrative have to stop, don’t even give your opinion if you don’t know the full story. That guy battled a broken jaw, lost 12 pounds, had a neck and ankle injury while dealing with the loss of one of his close relatives. Played great the season before Mitchell and played great his first season with Mitchell

  12. It would make no sense for the Hawks to trade Trae instead of DJ. Which as a Hawks fan I know that is probably what will happen. Package Dj, Hunter, RPs and maybe that 1st overall. What can't we get for that?

  13. To make this type of video and not include my suns is definitely crazy. WE ARE SO COOKED🔥🔥🔥😤

  14. Wizards future bleak? We got the 2nd pick and we got Deni. He’s literally hybrid of Luka and Ben Simmons before he lost his marbles. Young star and picks, and were looking to trade Kuzma right now.

  15. Garland and Mitchell are not a fit at all, and with Mitchell being the better player, Garland got sidelined. Reality is that they're better off in different teams. Also, you gotta take into account his many many injuries.

  16. It's better to make your decisions as a GM , not being like Mat Ishbia or any GM making a bunch of trades for all in superstars.

  17. Andy it’s kind of funny, maybe mid way through the season the cavs traded for Mitchell you made a video about how the cavs have a bright future and reading for Donovan was a good move. Now that same team is on your bleakest futures video. You change like the seasons.

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