@Philadelphia 76ers

Do the 76ers Need a Third Star? | The Bill Simmons Podcast

Do the 76ers Need a Third Star? | The Bill Simmons Podcast

and so as we start talking about like oh this guy might be available and Donovan Mitchell might be available and Paul George and everything yeah I wonder whether or not like there will be any trickle down effect from the success of certain teams in the playoffs this year of people being like I think actually what we would like to do is go seven deep with guys who know their role around our two stars and the happiest I was as a Sixers fan this year is when I felt like there was that kind of balance on the team before embiid got hurt yeah uh where it was like Maxi and MB were the clear one and two time I thought you already got your one free Swing Swing he said when MB got hurt I was just I just wanted more clarification changing Paradigm of NBA te building you know you got to make it Regional uh anyway I was just think I was just wondering out loud like oh I wonder whether or not anybody’s gonna look at Dallas and be like huh like where’s my Gafford rather than okay let’s bring in another guy and another guy who we’re going to you know and we’re gonna have to find the chemistry and find all this wouldn’t you say it’s different if you have Luca or and you have wanyama or if you have yage you really only need one other major guy and then some awesome role players I would say because it’s like the major guys is almost worth two guys right rob you do need to be sure that whoever your best player is and I think Joel and beid is clearly one of these guys is a truly truly Elite player like an immutable force in a in a potential series of course their efficiency is going to go up up and down but they change the matchups by being on the floor and so they have to be really good obviously when your second gu a shot Creator like Kyrie that changes a lot yeah but what you do below them I I think it can get tricky and and almost we want to have it both ways sometimes where these teams that do the three star model yeah you get burned if you have Bradley Beal as your third star that’s clearly not good enough just to like support a bunch of minimum contracts filling out the rest of the roster I think Paul George is significantly better than that if you’re talking about a third or how are you want to classify the pecking order of what would be in Philadelphia and at the same time the other the other outlets are are the other avenues for building teams have have their pitfalls too if you may think you’re seven deep but then you get in the playoffs and you’re only actually five deep and all of your best laid plans go to [ __ ] because two role players couldn’t quite be as good as you thought they were so or Michael Malone didn’t get the email about playing like the young kids in the play right right so yeah those things are all like I think it there so many ways for NBA teams to go wrong and we always want to diagnose them and you want to give yourself as many outs as you can but realistically if you can get three star level players I still think that’s a really good model if I’m Paul George I could just stay in La make a ton of money I’m from La you know that I wouldn’t say there’s a shitload of pressure on the Clipper players out here right nice weather every day and I have an awesome house or I could move to Philadelphia Adelphia with one of the most psychotic fan bases that exists where the moment anything goes wrong it’s my [ __ ] fault on the new Tobias Harris that’s called pressure makes breaks I’m living in Philadelphia which I’m pretty sure there’s no ocean like just to have two hours away yeah two hours away uh and the only reason I leave the Clippers is it’s like I’m tired of this Kawaii roller coaster not knowing if that this guy’s gonna play I’m gonna sign up for Joel embiid because that’s gonna be a much more stable game game after game month after month relation to you and kawh Leonard like I think Joel Joel embiid’s relationship to the Sixers and the Sixers fans is much different than kawh Letter’s relation I’m talking about him being on the court yes CR yeah yeah so if I’m leaving Kawai I want to go to a team where I know this I wish embiid maybe had a little bit more Kawai I wish he took more nights off and was more like hey it’s the knees a little gamey I’m going to I’m going to let it rest that’s fair well let me ask you this after these playoffs who is that star that you’re positive will be on the court cuz everybody else is dropping like flies back to my brown Point those guys [ __ ] play Nobody mentions that as like a strength yeah super dur knock on W uh yage same thing Luca even though he gimps around sometimes he’s still [ __ ] out there every time here’s here’s the solution for all of us with Paul George a double sign and trade with the Lakers turn the turn the the camera on Kyle double sign and trade LeBron gets to stay in LA but he goes to the Clippers to open the new stadium finish his career there um Paul George gets to finally play with the Lakers after it was blocked by Adam Silver a couple years ago and finally he gets to be a Laker and he gets to be him and AD and JJ reck and we’re off it’s a new era for the Lakers JJ reic would like was that like conditional that they get rid of LeBron so that there’s no conflict of interest it’s a post LeBron ERA with Paul George a I couldn’t possibly start a TV show made by Andy Greenwald that would complicate our podcasting relationship no I did I just like that I like The Narrative of that LeBron and the Clippers bombers like this is great I have LeBron James to help open my new Arena we’ll see if he can get what is he what’s what are his things left 40,000 points has he done that yet LeBron you’re talking about yeah he broke the scoring record did he get 40,000 maybe he did there’s got to be some Milestone left he can break in the uh the what’s it called the in Dome the Engle in the Englewood yeah I the yeah [Music]

The Ringer’s Bill Simmons is joined by Chris Ryan and Rob Mahoney to talk about the 76ers and whether they need another star like Paul George.

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  1. When are you doing a Dallas video? They surely deserve the credit now. Also, OKC still the better team?

  2. While Embiids stats are undeniable I do not consider him a top player. He is a bumbling buffoon on the court. He runs into people steps on people and barrels through the lane in a way that only the big clumsy unathletic dude playing pickup for the fourth time in his life would. He is 100% responsible for his injuries and I’m tired of the “he’s unlucky” narrative. He does it to himself because he exhibits minimal athleticism and has no grace to his game. If I was a star ring chasing I would never join an embiid led team

  3. Imagine having your prime be defined by Kawhi's injury history to then finish it off with someone with an even worse injury history.
    At least you could understand the Kawhi logic since he had just finished leading a second team to a title. Kawhi was a playoff made man.
    Joining someone who has constantly failed, disappeared, underperformed (and been hurt constantly) when the pressure goes up in playoffs is a very high risk proposition.

  4. Gonna love it when this lame has no choice but to make Mavericks content when they beat his Celtics in the finals 😂

  5. You need a balanced TEAM that gel together, that big three crap doesn't work anymore for most teams, the three max players pull too much resources unless you're LA, Miami or NY because those cities got the thots.

  6. Always love the conversation with the Ringer. Rob is very realistic. Keep the team together and fill out the edges. PG is always hurt and Embid’s health is always a concern. I am with Bill no pressure, make my money and go home.

  7. Maybe Embiid is like Dirk , I think it wasn’t until Dirks 13th season until he finally won and he usually had solid rosters around him similar to Embiids where it’s definitely not bad but also not the #1 supporting cast for a superstar. Embiid has played for 9 years but it feels like the clock is ticking on him sooner than most because of the injury history I don’t see him being like LeBron , Steph or KD still being top 5-10 players after 15 years.

    But I do definitely think he’s great enough if healthy to have at least 1 dominant playoff run to a championship if he gets the right team around him.
    I think this point Embiid is an extremely similar position as Dirk was where without the title he would’ve just been considered top 50 all time but 1 great playoff run could but him in the top 25 near top 15 range.

  8. The Big 3 / 9 scrubs model only works when all 3 guys never get hurt and all 3 guys compliment each other.

  9. Those nba divas dont need to miss any games. They're getting paid to play games, yet it to hard on them😂. (Yet they are playing kids games). The overpaid divas got it sooo hard.

  10. Chris Ryan has lost any Philly cred with his beach comment. I live in South Philadelphia and can be on the beach feet in sand in no more than hour n half. Bill is a jo so his 2 hr comment agreeing doesn't count

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