@Dallas Mavericks

Luka Doncic is Making People Look STUPID!… including me

Luka Doncic is Making People Look STUPID!… including me

[Music] all right I’m tired of saying the same thing to start every video so I’m just going to lie to you guys this game absolutely sucked and the Mavericks won game two with a final score of 109 to 108 and Cas you’re watching my video and you didn’t see the game last night you truly missed out Luca donic hit a game-winning Three As Time expired over the defensive player of the year Rudy goar and it was amazing to watch you could even see he could read his lips as he was staring down goar he called him a mother effer you can’t effing guard me that energy is insane if he says that at the end of the first quarter it’s likely a technical foul instead it’s is at the end of the game game over see you in game three now there’s three things I quickly want to acknowledge that are aging extremely poorly related to Minnesota first off was my video where I said that they were going to be the NBA champions I didn’t just say that but I basically made a title saying that they appear to be the clear favorites well after losing the first two games in Minnesota yeah their backs are against the wall and I don’t necessarily feel as confident as I want once did I mean cut me some slack here I didn’t realize Luca donic was going to go Super Saiyan mode the guy’s been insane to be honest they shouldn’t have even been in this game but it was Luca who was carrying them with his facilitating and his scoring throughout the night the second thing that isn’t aging well related to Minnesota is Rudy goar’s Defensive Player of the Year and I get it that might sound like a casual take in reality he’s been getting burned by guys like Nicole yic and by Luca donic and just the Optics of that are making him look bad I get it he is so huge for Minnesota defensively especially around the rim but the Optics are the Optics man and people are going to run with these narratives and whether or not it’s actually true at its core people are looking at his Defensive Player of the Year and saying that’s fake that should have gone to Victor and I think the momentum of that is going to be so strong that it’s almost useless to fight it like I get it that might not actually be true but I just think that’s overwhelming in that direction at this point and the third thing that isn’t aging well for Minnesota was Anthony Edwards saying I’ve got Kyrie I’m just going to come out and say it Anthony Edwards guarding Kyrie Irving is a mistake the guy has been completely gassed and he doesn’t look like himself on offense because he’s expending way too much energy on defense I’m just reacting right after the game but I just got it confirmed on Twitter Dave McManaman talked about it and I’m sure it’s going to be all over the Internet by tomorrow morning when you guys see this Anthony Edwards had to be hooked up to an oxygen mask when he went to the bench that is insane the kind of effect that Kyrie is having on him again maybe that has to do with dietary issues maybe there’s some sort of Health concern that we don’t know about he’s only 22 years old so it’s a little bit concerning that he’s this heavily affected but it’s the deepest he’s ever gone into the playoffs and it’s one of the most impressive Seasons that Minnesota’s ever had so this is a new experience to all of them but right now without ant able to do his thing Minnesota isn’t able to be the team that they’ve been throughout the playoff so far they need his impact offensively he went to the bench and the score was pretty dang close when he went to the bench early in the game and by the time he came back Minnesota’s lead had bloomed to about 15 points they extended their lead when he wasn’t involved now nazri did his thing as he was hitting three-point shots all over the place and Minnesota’s thankful that he did because they wouldn’t have even had a chance in this game if he wasn’t making all those threes but enough time talking about the losing team let’s go ahead and look at Dallas one of the major things I mentioned in the last video that actually has aged quite well is the two things that the Mavericks would have to do to win games moving forward and they’ve done that the first thing was Luca has to be Luca he just has to play out of this world and he did that tonight as he put up a monstrous triple double and hit the game-winning shot completely carrying his Mavericks along the way and the second thing that I said is that Dallas had to outwork Minnesota and they did that too as they once again won the points in the paint and they won the Battle of the boards Luca donic is just improving his legacy by Leaps and Bounds he carried his team throughout this game and throughout the first half Kyrie Irving was completely missing and so all of it was relying on Luca Kyrie stepped up towards the end of the game and he was clutch and of course Luca was clutch and it even had me wondering is this onew punch in the conversation of the most clutch onew punch players in NBA history like if you think about how these guys step up in the fourth quarter they both do it they’re both capable of taking over games and not many combos can say that sure there’s been great onew punches like Kobe and Shaq but Kobe was the guy who was known to take over the fourth quarter even guys like Michael Jordan and Scotti Pippen but it was Michael Jordan who was known to take over in the fourth quarter Luca can do it and Kyrie can do it and sometimes they just alternate on the night in this epic performance Luca had 32 points 10 rebounds and 13 assists I’ve seen a lot of Mavericks fans in the chat debating whether or not this team were actually underdogs but if you look at the way an and even myself as a YouTuber you look at the way most Talking Heads were picking Minnesota heading into the series you look at the fact that Minnesota is a three seed Dallas is a fifth seed and even Vegas odds Minnesota was the favorite then you add in the fact that Luca Don is just bleeding through his knee pads and the only reason we didn’t see the blood on his knee pads tonight is because he was wearing the black knee pads instead of the white knee pads they shouldn’t be winning but again Luca went out of this world and is carrying them even though he’s lost a step since his regular season form because his health isn’t there in reality this team shouldn’t be in the commanding position they’re in but they are because of their Superstar player and if Luca goes on to leave these Mavericks to the championship you just know what the narrative is going to be people are going to look back at this MVP award that went to nicoa yic and they’re going to retroactively say that that should have gone to Luca the same way that people are looking back at Joel embiid’s MVP last year and saying that that should have gone to the NBA champion nicoa yic they’re going to say that about Luca and jic which once again just further proves just how much the MVP award really is about narratives at this point Minnesota’s on life support I don’t think they have much confidence can they come back they’re a young team and isn’t doing too hot Rudy goar’s confidence is shot it’s going to be tough to say but their toughness is going to be tested but now we’re going back to Dallas where you’re going to have an excited atmosphere with two of the most clutch players in the NBA who are doing their thing as if they’re at full strength even if they’re not again to close out this video I’ll admit it I was too quick to write off the Dallas Mavericks but I just didn’t see Luca performing at this level but now that I have my respect for him and for his toughness and for his abilities and for my opinion of his legacy has all shot up dramatically every Mavericks fan should be happy about that you guys are in a great position at the moment so what do you guys think is it officially time to panic in Minnesota should Anthony Edwards even be guarding Kyrie Irving and are you even considering if the NBA made a mistake by giving the defensive player of the year to Rudy goar or by giving the MVP to someone other than Luca donic I look forward to hearing your thoughts in the comment section below thanks for watching as always make sure to like And subscribe for more basketball content and and I’ll see you guys in the next video

My raw, immediate reaction to the conclusion of Game 2 between the Minnesota Timberwolves and the Dallas Mavericks.

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The game of Basketball has been my passion since I was 5 years old. I grew up as a kid watching my dad’s recorded VHS tapes of playoff games through the 70s and 80s, and collected all the Basketball cards. Something about the game and what it represents just hooked me from a very young age.
My love for the game only continues to grow as time goes on. I love studying and analyzing the game, with an unbiased perspective. Feel free to subscribe, follow me on social media, and celebrate this amazing game and it’s rich history with me!
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Intro Music: Turn On – RW Smith​​​​​​​​​​


#nba #basketball #hoops


  1. All of these awards are given for regular season performances, so playoffs shouldn’t matter. We have the same discussion every year even though the rules are clear. Minnesota had the best defence in the NBA during regular season thanks to Rudy. Jokic was the most valuable player during regular season. Simple.

  2. If Minnesota wants a shot, Ant has to step up. You can rely on Naz to have extraordinary shooting every game to keep your hopes alive.

  3. The only chance of Minesota is KAT, if he stays away from foul trouble and start attcking the basket and not rely too much on 3s. He has the biggest mismatch yet Minesota can't capitalize bcoz he can't stay on the flour for a long time,
    KAT and Reid must be on the flour at same time to at least had the a little quickness to stay or switch against the lethal pick n roll of the Mavs.

  4. I think Minnesota should have checked the elemental weakness chart

    European is super effective vs European

  5. Gobert deliberately punched Luka in the stomach, so Luka paid him back with the game winning shot over him, making him look silly. 👏

  6. Luka was MVP: 33.9/9.2/9.8 Ist scoring 2nd assists 16 rebounds only guard in top 50 2nd 3pt shots made 1st in clutch points, 5 35+ triple doubles in a row etc. Go Dallas! i am fromNYC beat Boston!

  7. Mavs is also not shooting 3s really well.. they are a good 3 point shooting team but in this series they are bad.. that's why the games are too close..

  8. "I… Won't Let You… Get Away… With This. Arrrrrrgh."

    I think you know what this is from, since it's referenced in this video. You just gotta be old enough.

  9. When did Kobe take over in the 4th quarter with Shaq? I already know the response is gonna be the 2001 WCF, but I'd like to hear something else. One series (which was a sweep, so it's not exactly like the pressure was that high) in 8 seasons together doesn't really cut it for me.

  10. I've been saying since the season ended that Luka deserved MVP. He was the most spectacular player in the league this year. But no, a bunch of nerds and their analytics have taken over the judgement of a game they never played themselves. The closest they came was getting stuffed into lockers by athletes when they were in high school.

  11. this match up is doomed from the beginning wolves strategy is very simple double team every star players then dominate the game

    but the problem is when you have 2 star players that means 4 of the wolves players are assigned to double them each one of them so 3 mavs players would be unguarded and are free to score for most of the time which would always lead to wolves being defeated 😂😂😂

  12. mavs has irving and doncic for the wolves to double team with

    and there's lively and gafford who can also shoot the hoop themselves so wolves would never have a chance on defending that kind of a team

  13. Cut you slack? You have come across more like ESPN than a rational human being. You had terrible takes, stop it, seek help.

  14. I said before the season mavs winning it all y'all really thought the wolves or nuggets would win it again or the Celtics? Nope it's the Mavericks it's Lukas time last year it was jokic this year it's Luka

  15. Season long awards are for the regular season. 82 game consistency is a physical beast. Playoff performance is a mental beast. I am not going to argue awards. I am Mavs fan, so give championships over Luka MVPs any day!

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