@Sacramento Kings

Evan Sidery: “All indications now are that Trae Young asks out of Atlanta”

Evan Sidery: “All indications now are that Trae Young asks out of Atlanta”

was Big Bus right yeah that’s true you’re right about that you’re right nice enough to join us now NBA Insider for Forbes and the sporting news Evan Cy Evan thanks for joining us we appreciate it especially on a Friday before the Big Holiday would you be willing to share with us we were just talking about drafts and Prospects who was an NBA player that you missed on like I thought Derek Williams was gonna be great uh drapes had Adam Morrison was there a guy that you thought oh this guy’s gonna be a great player and for whatever reason it never quite worked out for him yeah I was really high on joshh Jackson when he came out in the draft yeah and he was a guy like a Swiss army knife that kind of reminded me of gon green type but super super athletic he was a guy I thought was gonna fit really well at the Phoenix Suns really mes with Devin Booker number four overall pick that year in the draft I mean he was out of the league in three years though so that really goes to show you this is really all crap Sho your scouting department just got a hit on him right right right you just got a hit you know one guy we were just talking about is Zack eedi uh where do you stand on Zack eedy can he be a contributor in the NBA yeah I think so he reminds me a lot i’ compar him to a V zubot for the Clippers I think he’s a a more consistent offensive version of him I think a player like him in stays League can at least give you 20 minutes off the bench and he’s been getting Buzz really in the lottery I I I think at this point I’d be pretty surprised if he falls outside let’s say like the the late lottery or maybe he slips just right outside in that 16 17 range but Ed his production at Purdue I mean back-to-back National Player of the Year great def Defender obviously his Mobility is going to be a question mark on the next level but you can’t deny his production I think as a backup center in the NBA I think he he be he really could cover out a roll for himself talking with Evan CIT here as we get ready for the NBA draft which still seems like it’s a long ways away but it’ll be here soon the Kings as we know or at least it’s been reported that the Kings have worked out Donovan kingan in it according to reports again looks like his draft stock may be rising why why do you think that is yeah I would be very stunned if Donovan kingan if he were to somehow get to the Kings range that would be an all-time stunner because it appears his range now at this point is probably going to be number five overall or even number six the Hornets he’s going to be a top six pick in this year’s draft he’s really showing a an improved shooting stroke which is what a lot of Scouts are intrigued by he’s already a great defender but what if he ends up being a Brook Lopez type offensive player where he’s able to stretch it out from the perimeter give you also a back to the basket feel and be a dominant rim protector on top of that and in a year where it really feels like there’s no consensus up top I think he’s I’d be stunned if he were to fall of 13 I think he’s more so in that top five range and if the Kings want to get him they probably to jump teams like the pons and the horns to make that happen yeah there’s been some Buzz that they might Evan listen I’m not saying I’m just saying hey Evan what do you make of the Western Conference uh going forward next season and what do the kings need in your opinion to position themselves among those top four yeah that’s such a good question because you could realis make an argument that about 12 or 13 teams next year in The Wesker gonna be competing for a playoff spot and this is I think the deepest disc confidence has ever been overall as far as teams all going for at the same time and for t to Sacramento Kings where you have such a great roster in my opinion I think dearen Fox is an elite point guard deonis sabonis he’s a very underrated Star Center in this league who can fit in a lot of different places and then Keegan Murray I think he’s going to develop really well for Sacramento I think he going to be a 15 to 18 point per game scorer bringing great defense great three-point shooting I think you’re just missing one more piece of that puzzle and it’s a A Difference Maker type of player and I’ve been thinking more and more about the Kings over the last 48 hours and what I keep coming back to is kind of trying to find that Malik monk replacement because all indications are from what I’ve heard so far guys that Malik monk is probably gonna get a offer that Sacramento cannot get it’s going to be close to $25 million a year from what I’ve heard he might get $100 million contractor creating to which is a huge thing for Malik congrats to him the way he’s developed his game but a lot of teams are interested a lot of teams are intrigued by he’s still only 26 years old so I think he still has a lot of years left in his prime so a lot of teams are gonna be chasing Malik Monk and I think the Kings need to go and get that bucket getter that Malik mon is gonna be walk out the door with and I keep coming back to Kyle kozma I think he might be one of the better fits on the market as far as trade goes and maybe that 13th pick there if you don’t like anyone there Washington wants another draft pick that might be an ideal match for the king so been chasing G now for a couple years that’s my trade no no it’s not no but you also said they would send us the two Evan here here was and I said listen EV and don’t try not to laugh too hard okay let’s hear this out a couple days ago I said Barnes Sasha you know whatever salary’s match and whatever Washington wants uh and two first rounders plus the 13th pick for kozma and the number two pick and even though it was my birthday at the time my partner Kyle Draper tried to laugh me out of the studio and it sounds like you are now suggesting a form of that might actually be reasonable so I will say to to maybe throw a rain on your parade there the Wizards are not gonna be traying the second overall pick this year that’s what I was saying that’s all I was saying yeah they want to keep that pick uh all indications are they’re going to draft either one of Alex SAR or Zachary Ras the two French Prospects top this year’s draft they really like both those guys so if you want to get kozma though if you want to make it interesting I’ve been thinking about potential package for kozma that I think is really realistic for Sacramento maybe offer up let’s say Davon Mitchell Chris dwarte your 13th pick and then you add in maybe one more rotation piece on top of that plus a future pick down the road so let’s say let’s say VZ nikov or Trey ly plus dwarte plus Davon Mitchell for your salary filler there and then maybe you can flip Harrison Barnes into another team off of that because you’ll need to get him somewhere else I imagine off that deal but I think what Washington wants is just salary filler they want expiring contracts they want first round picks and the Kings they they can offer that they have the 13 pick this year they can give him a future pick down the road in 2026 2027 or beyond that I think for a team like Sacramento they their time to win is now I mean the core with Fox and sabonis The Time Is Now I think you got to push in some of those chips me personally I would go higher than Kyle kozma but I think that Mak the most ristic Target for them all right Evan cidy joining us here all right he’s saying uh a little like one guy we’ve been talking about Zack LaVine what’s the market for Zack LaVine and and and would you uh see him as a fit in Sacramento and could you get something back for taking on his salary yeah I think that might actually be intriguing I think LaVine could really actually fill the Malik monk roll just the polar opposite as far as salary goes who make it in the mid 40s the next couple years was not appealing of course for a team like Sacramento but he’s a 25 Point perame scorer he’d be I think a great fit with sabonis I think he could really help accentuate his offensive game and I think you might be able to get an asset on top of that for Zack LaVine if you’re willing to take on let’s say lavine’s contract maybe one more contract off that Bull’s roster maybe you can take off that plus the salary filler you send back whatever you want to send back whether it be herder or Barnes and then maybe you can get the 13 pick maybe you can swap picks in this year’s draft the Bulls have the 11 pick maybe they’re willing to move you up two spots in this year’s draft plus something else on top of that take that Lan contract yeah Evan C with us from Forbes in the sporting news I think the lesson for a team like the Kings right now is you look at Minnesota you look at Dallas want to get your thoughts on who you think’s going to win that series by the way but both those teams they made Moves they were all in with the big trades they made getting Rudy gobear getting Kyrie Irving and then they doubled down last year at the deadline Minnesota this year in the offseason they both double down on that so I think it’s pretty clear if the Kings year they got to tear it down which they don’t want to do so you got to be all in this off season that just seems to make the most sense Evan yeah I the kings are like I mentioned I think they have to be in that window the next two or three years with sabonis and fox that’s their primes you got to go for it now and guys like a Kyle kozma another team another player I think that could hit the market this off season that might be a little higher than kozma I don’t know about his defensive fit because I think you need more defense Brandon Ingram I think will be available this summer I think he might be a really intriguing fit with the Kings as far as being a scoring type I think the dream fit if you’re Sacramento and this is the guy i’ pushed my chips all in for if I was them would be Mel with the Brooklyn Nets he’s an elite elite Defender he’s a 20 point per game scorer he fit right in with sabon and fox the third guy offensively he’s a 40% three-point shooter all NBA Defender they need defense in Sacramento they already have the offensive firep power you need to go out and get an elite Defender next to Keegan Murray if you put Mel Bridges with Keegan Murray now you have a really Dynamite Wing Duo right there and that really fits well next to other two stars there so if Mel Bridges someh became available I give up multiple first round picks I give up a lot for why why why would Brooklyn do that though Evan sorry to cut you off why why why would Brooklyn uh trade their best player yeah I think the reason might be why is because Brooklyn’s going to be star chasing this summer I think a lot of teams are looking at Brooklyn to see what happens if they don’t go out and get a doin Mitchell who they want to go out and see if he doesn’t request a trade from the Cleveland Cavaliers this off season they’ll have to Pivot somewhere else prob they might pivot to Trey young for example if they can’t get Trey young who who are the Nets going to get in that and they might have to realize at that point why not give up mckel Bridges I mean he could give them maybe three or four first round picks that he can kick start a rebuild a little bit in Brooklyn there’s not many pieces in Brooklyn anyways there’ll probably be a top five pick in next year’s draft too but the kicker about that is that the Nets don’t own their future draft picks because they G them all up in James Harden really in a tough spot here I think if they’re they’re gonna try to push those chips in this summer for Donan Mitchell but they don’t get it done there I think they might have to S off on got M Mel burges catching up with Evan CID here interesting information Evan we have a guy that you know he calls sometimes sometimes I don’t think he believes the things he’s saying and he’s said all the kings need to go out and get John Collins I mean what what do you think of a guy like John Collins as a fit for the Kings I personally am not really in favor of it yeah I I’m not oppos I’m not opposed to that he might be the cheapest option though I mean because the Jazz are going to be putting John Collins back on the trade market this summer they were listening at the deadline he’s not going to cost you anything he’s going to probably cost you a just filler and maybe a second round pick if that I mean he’s a guy that could really fit with sabonis and fox a great athlete in transition maybe as a chief flyer he can make sense there I I mean the Jazz are certainly gonna be listening on John Collins yeah man whoever said that must know their basketball I tell you Evan who whoever brought up John Collins and Sacramento must know their basketball that was me by the way that that was me uh yeah I think John Collins would would fit in well uh you know another guy another team I I’ve been you know saying we should keep an eye on and you tell me your thoughts on this the Milwaukee Bucks you know with Brook Lopez you know Chris Middleton Bobby poris what do you make of where Milwaukee stands and might they shake things up this off season yeah I think they’re kind of stuck in where where they’re going to be they’re going to be over the second apron this offseason they’re going to be really hampered on flexibility on what they can do in trades I think it’s one year too early to Envision the Bucks kind of blowing it up there I think if they run it back this this next year Damen lard doesn’t do well again there next to Giannis I think at that point you might see Giannis ask for a trade but that might might be way far down the road there I mean Giannis seems very low to the Milwaukee Bucks but I I’d be stun we see actual big changes with Milwaukee this offseason hey Evan how about it who do you think uh wins the Western Conference finals and ends up presumably playing Boston for for Al the mobles yeah I I’m gonna stick on my prediction I start off with which was wolves and seven but after seeing game one I think Dallas has a real chance of winning this series I think Minnesota’s got a real hard time containing both Kyrie Irving and Luca donic but I think we see the defense went out in the end for Minnesota I think it’s gonna be a classic series so I’ll stick with the wolves in seven I think we see Boston at this point tyres halberton doesn’t play due to his injury I think that they might sweep the Indian at Pacers so the Celtics probably a wait whoever wins this Western Conference Finals so I’ll stick with Celtics versus tber wlson my Finals Prediction hey Ian we started off our show talking about the Celtics in their easy path uh to potentially the NBA finals how do you view their run when you you know at the end of the day if they win a championship that’s all that matters you know I I believe it’s one of the easier runs through uh a conference that we’ve seen not just because of the teams but all the team star players are hurt even the guys that they haven’t faced Milwaukee with Giannis banged up Joel embiid banged up as well even New York not at full strength I just feel like the East especially is just so banged up it’s like almost who stays the healthiest who’s the healthiest team can get through yeah that’s really all it’s about at this point of the year is just a war of attrition as far as injuries goes and you’re seeing especially on the Western Conference side of things again how much stronger in my opinion the West is compared to the Eastern Conference it’s the Celtics up top then you have maybe a tier below at the Bucks and the Sixers and then maybe another tier below that you have a few other teams so I think it just really goes to show how easy the East is compared to the West right now and that’s why I think that you might see like a Don the for example if he wants to stay in Cleveland and take those $28 million because I think Cleveland still has a realistic chance the next couple years if they keep down noal just because with how light the East is but Boston is so loaded I mean they have one of the best starting fighs I’ve seen in a very very long time I think Boston is in a really good position here quite honestly to make a run the next two or three years and kind of be a real serious serious tle Contender maybe win it multiple times hey Evan Cy before we let you go you know two years ago the king surprised a lot of people this year Minnesota OKC surprised people although OKC didn’t surprise me but they surprised a lot of people and I know this is way getting way ahead of ourselves do you see anybody right now where you go you know what that team next year they might maybe they won’t be great but they might surprise people is a and I’m just asking the question this isn’t a prediction is Detroit an organization we need to keep an eye on yeah I think Detroit is just based off of I’ve heard personally in the last 24 hours that they’ve had an interest in Brandon Ingram as a potential trade and they’re they that’s an interesting thing because they have the number five overall pick they have an ownership group that wants to win right now they were absolutely embarrassed the last couple years they have Monty Williams on under contract for $60 million next five years after this one so they’re stuck with Monty as their head coach they gota win and help Kate Cunningham and I think the pist are gonna be willing to make a move like that for a Brandon Ingram type of player so I think the pist are GNA try pushing the chips a little bit to the middle of the table this summer and try to finally win some basketball games there I I I think they might be in the mid-30s wins if everything break right for them next year but i’ still have a long ways to go for Detroit and that rebu Evan who’s the biggest name to get moved this year uh that’s a good one um I will say I will say Donovan Mitchell declines his extension with with Cleveland he will go to a big market and I will say ends up with either Miami or he will end up going out west dang Donovan Mitchell all right that’s good stuff right you didn’t say the Lakers you know we don’t want to hear that we’re not talking about the Lakers are we no they’re GNA be certainly an option uh I know they can offer the three first round picks uh all the way through 2031 you’re going to see a team like the Memphis Grizz I think inquire about them too yeah I know for sure it’s been reported the Houston Rockets with their assets are going to inquire about Don Mitchell and keep an on the Pelicans too that they are ready to win with Zion they’re GNA be willing to offer Brandon Ingram I that’s a really interesting thing that so doin Mitchell those dominoes that’s going to be set in motion here the next couple weeks and Evan how about Trey young also I think this is the time that Atlanta finally moves off Trey young what do you think yeah I think so I think Trey young all indications are so far that Trey young is probably gonna ask out of Atlanta just based off of he wants to win now and Atlanta just got the first overall pick they’re probably gonna take one of the the French guys up top in this year’s draft and try to rebuild maybe they keep to Jon Murray or maybe they flip him as well but Trey young wants to win now he’s been disrupted the last couple years in Atlanta and I still wouldn’t realize tonight the Lakers going for Trey young or maybe a surprise team but I I think Trey Young’s pretty uh upset with the situation in Atlanta I would not be surprised if you asked for a trade so we’ll see what happens Evan C thank you so much we’ve taken up far too much of your time we appreciate it have a great weekend hope to talk to you again soon absolutely anytime appreciate it all right having good stuff man well if he’s right then I mean

Kevin “Whitey” Gleason and Kyle Draper, play-by-play broadcaster for the Sacramento Kings, are back with another Friday edition of The Drive Guys on Sactown Sports 1140. Today, the guys discuss Jaylen Brown’s huge game two, preview tonight’s MIN/DAL series, good news on the Mike Brown extension front, and more.

Also, throughout the show, they will be joined by Jason Jones, Evan Sidery, and Imran Pouladi.

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1 Comment

  1. The kings ownership is the problem. They will NEVER win a title. Mediocrity is what they are and will be forever.

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