@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs Trade For Donovan Mitchell? Victor Wembanyama Co-Star

Spurs Trade For Donovan Mitchell? Victor Wembanyama Co-Star

what’s going on everyone so a lot of questions about Donovan Mitchell where is he going to go what is going to happen um is he going to sign a new extension with the Cleveland Cavaliers if he does well then the Cavs are expected to trade Darius Garland uh if he doesn’t then the Cavs are expected to trade Donovan Mitchell and they’re going to try to find the best Suitor in which they can get the best assets whatever to end up going and uh and shipping him out well there are a ton of teams that are going to be interested I imagine the the well is going to be very deep with teams that are interested I don’t think it’s going to be like every team in the league but I do think that many contenders and many teams trying to get into contention could potentially throw their hat in the ring for donov Mitchell is an excellent player um he’s a guy that could you know kind of raise the ceiling for many teams uh and Donovan Mitchell obviously it’s got to be a place in a destination that he wants to go because he does have a lot of control and a lot of power but one team that a ton of sense uh in the Donovan Mitchell Pursuit is the San Antonio Spurs San Antonio now look they have Victor wiama this dude was unbelievably talented and impressive in his rookie year um now San Antonio is looking for a guard playmaker um somebody that can help vikor wanyama obviously San Antonio isn’t in a position to where they need to rush or expedite anything um and they have been linked to Darius Garland and various other uh kind of guards even Chris Paul is a name that’s been thrown out for the San Antonio Spurs as a guy that kind of come in they’re they’re kind of on the fence of like do they want to just go maybe go draft a young guy that come in and then go bring in like a Chris Paul to kind of be a mentor help develop that player another option would be to kind of expedite uh the Spurs timeline here a little bit and go get a guy like a Donovan Mitchell right I mean Donovan Mitchell and Victor wanyama would be quite the pairing quite the dynamic duo Donovan Mitchell still only 27 years old right he’ll be 28 in September so it’s not like he’s so old it’s not like he’s 33 to where it’s like ah know it’s probably going to take you two years or whatnot now obviously Donovan Mitchell has to be on board he has to be willing to kind of go and it’ll probably take another year or so uh before they can actually move in a real contention but hey Victor wiama has even talked about how there’s several players that have contacted him about wanting to team up and play with him maybe Donovan Mitchell is one of those people you never really know but Donovan Mitchell kind of makes sense now the question is is he a Spurs guy right because pop has a very specific tendency likes guys that move the basketball Donovan Mitchell can be a little bit ball dominant at times um however there’s a lot of talks about Trey potentially coming which long long term I guess Trey probably makes more sense just because of his age he’s only 25 but Donovan Mitchell at least in my opinion is the better player he’s not the better playmaker than Trey is but he’s definitely the better player he’s coming off of an excellent defensive season uh which is kind of funny because coming out of Louisville uh Donovan Mitchell was known as a defensive minded guard and he kind of evolved into that playmaking guard um or that scoring guard uh when you know with Utah but I mean Donovan Mitchell if he can kind of maintain that that level of defense that we saw him have right and then pair that with Victor wanyama I mean good luck right like that would be a lot of fun to watch I think this Duo would be very Dynamic uh and then even from a playmaking standpoint right like you don’t need you just need somebody that can kind of be the setup man right like you go get Donovan Mitchell and they like maybe you bring in Chris Paul still because you’re not paying Chris Paul ton of money right so you could bring in Chris Paul you go like a Chris Paul Donovan Mitchell Victor whama and then kind of put the other pieces and kind of expedite this a little bit kind of see what would this look like right like again to me It ultimately comes down to Donovan Mitchell because Donovan Mitchell would have to be willing and okay to stick around and sign up with the Spurs if he’s like ah you know they’re I don’t want to wait another the year or two to be in contention then you know he’s then he’s probably not going to do it but but if he’s a guy that’s like man I could go with San Antonio I could sign a new deal me and Victor whama probably be bare minimum probably be as good as we are as I am in Cleveland right now it probably be a playoff team but I’d have him he’s so Dynamic he he could really I mean you can make an argument Victor wiama is the best player Donovan Mitchell has ever played with right so you go and you pair those two kind of let them run wild for a year you continue to build the pieces and put the pieces around them like I said maybe you bring in a Chris Paul and you have Chris Paul kind of be the guy that brings those two together kind of you know round out the roster nicely maybe make a couple Kimo go get some like three and D style guys to pair around him I mean I I I think bare minimum you’re a playoff D I think be a year like next year I think bare minimum you’re know maybe a top six team potentially you know we’ll see how some of these other teams pan out how these other teams play how these other teams you know some of these teams Fall Apart but I just think like again I think that’d be a really good paring and dynamic again does but is that something that the Spurs want to do cuz if you were to land on ofan Mitchell you kind of now have this pressure of like we got to build a contender ASAP where right now and obviously again I I believe San Antonio wants to get into contention as soon as possible but there’s not this like ample pressure of like you have to get like you have to be contending in the next two years right cuz at that point Donovan Mitchell is’s going to be 30 right like you can’t wait 5 years for for you you know 3 to 5 years for you to be in contention you only got like a year or two you got to kind of expedite this but if you’re you know but that might not be a bad thing kind of light a fire under San Antonio bring some excitement right you get a couple things to kind of couple dominoes to fall your way you know maybe maybe you do make maybe you make Conference Finals something it depends on how Dynamic Victor wama is and I mean Donovan and Victor would be a fun Dynamic pairing like there’s no doubt about that right like trying to contain and defend and guard both of those guys would just be a tall T it’ be a tough task Donovan Mitchell you know is a big- Time playoff performer he’s a guy that’s not afraid of the moment guy that go get you you know 30 and 35 and five right like so I just think you pair him with a uh a Victor I think that could be a lot of fun uh you could you know if you wanted to you could have Donovan be your point guard and then go get you know maybe like I said go get a three and D type two guard maybe go get a bring in a royce O’Neal or something right bring somebody like that in at at the two and then you know can you can you go make a minor trade to go get somebody at the three and then you got Victor who can play the four or the five maybe pick up a center whatever you know again it’s just there’s also the question too is like with this draft being as weak as it is is there anybody that you look at and go man like that’s the guy we need like that’s the guy for the future or do you kind of just go like ah hey like let’s just go let’s go get a guy like ad Donovan Mitchell and and figure this out right like there’s no if there’s again it’s like who who in this draft do you look at and go that guy is a Bonafide Superstar you know everyone kind of has their questions in this draft um know there’s a couple guys that like C like I love for Spurs the land like Castle but even then it’s like you know is he the is he your running mate going forward where it’s like man you could bring in if you could use that go bring in a Donovan Mitchell you know pair him with a Victor whama and then now you’re just kind of piecing together the rest of your roster I I almost kind of like that idea more but as always this is a discussion I pass question on you let me your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel what are your thoughts you like the idea Victor whama and Donovan Mitchell as a as a Duo as a paring do you think no um you know that’s not that’s not the right move stay the course right take your time don’t need a rush because they don’t right they they can kind of just you know keep doing what they’re doing and you know just slowly build over the next few years but I just think Donovan Mitchell would give you a guy that kind of expedites everything and and make you a playoff team next year and put you in position to where you’re only a couple pieces away from being a and now you know like because also pop isn’t getting younger right like you you’d like to try to go win a chip in the next few years and you know at least be in a position to where you feel like okay this is a team that that has a chance at least you know a real contending team like they’re set up for the lawn haul they’re set up for the future I mean even if you were to get a Donovan Mitchell you know and have him let’s say for the next five years and then you know he starts getting into like that territory where he’s like okay he’s 33 34 what are we going to do with him right like Victor would still only be 24 right you 24 25 like you’re you just go the next way right you get the next iteration of of just a contending team right like you’d still have Victory like you’re in great shape but if you could kind of squeeze out a championship or two in the early years right and pair him with the Donovan Mitchell plus you know you get some complimentary role in rotation pieces all of a sudden you’re in good shape and the Spurs are set up I mean they got pcks you know they got players they got cap they got they got basically everything you could want to kind of expedite this thing if they wanted to but is that the best course of action again however you feel whatever your thoughts are love to hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked this video hit that like button helps me all that so me enjoy these types of videos and I truly appreciate it not subscribe Channel hit that subscribe button turn on the Bell notifications appreciate yall see you in the next one thank you

The San Antonio Spurs have Victor Wembanyama who was an absolute star for the Spurs this season. The Spurs could look toxpull off A big NBA Trade and Land a star in Cleveland Cavaliers Donovan Mitchell. Spurs landing Mitchell could really expedite the process of a rebuild.

#Spurs #victorwembanyama #nbatrade #donovanmitchell #nbanews


  1. I don't see Mitchell leaving the Cavs, The 2025 draft is going to be loaded with franchise changing talent and the spurs will have 3 first round picks and have a lot of cap space in the summer of 2025 to spend on free agents like a Lauri Markkanen.

  2. As a Puro Pinche Spurs fan Por Vida they are building chemistry with the current roster. They finally got on the same page with a month left on the season. No need for a trade, Let's watch the current squad play! This season was a learning curve for VW and the team. Next year they are going to focus on executing Benchmark Spurs Basketball.

  3. Draft Castle and experiment with him and Tre Jones sharing PG duties. Continue to build on the chemistry from last season. See who falls into their lap in the 2025 draft then add an all-star level talent.

  4. The Spurs will NOT want a ball-dominant guard who is responsible for running Bickerstaff out of town. Yeah, definitely a Spurs type guy lol 😂

  5. Gotta thumbs down 👎this vid for the simple reason that the title is not only false, but pure CLICKBAIT. You've got 6.5K subscribers dude, you don't need to throw out your trade machine outtakes with zero credibility to chip at the Spurs/Wemby and Cavs fanbase. You have no intel, you have no inside, you have nothing but hot air here. Quit wasting people's time.

  6. do you even watch games? why tf would the Spurs want a ball dominant guard who pulled the shit he pulled against them this year. Then again, now it's clear you're only clickbait.

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