@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs INTERVIEWED Enrique Freeman!

Spurs INTERVIEWED Enrique Freeman!

okay so it seems like the Spurs are starting to look towards the second round and that’s um some good news I want some n are we having fun yet the San Antonio Spurs have recently interviewed Enrique Freeman and guys I I have some thoughts about this okay I have some thoughts I have some we’ll we’ll go over everything we’ll go over his stats I’ll give you my pros and I’ll give you my cons and there is a elephant in the room that we have to address there there’s no way around it we we have to look at we got to look at that elephant straight in the face and talk and talk to it okay um now before we get into any of that big shout out to bet us for sponsoring this video and guys if you have any questions as far as um picks uh you know possible predictions good predictions just head on over to their YouTube channel bet USV and they also have a YouTube channel that’s NBA picks and predictions if you want to just be focused strictly on the NBA and if you’re going to sign up use the link in my description that’s how you help the channel use the link in my description and sign up for bet us all right let’s go ahead and dive into this I completely lost here it is um so shout out to Nate Lee here for actually posting some of his combine measurements so he says 6′ 7 without shoes and has a 7’2 wingspan um and that’s really important is 6′ 7 without shoes because people been calling him 6′ 7 this entire time but apparently he’s going to be a little little taller than that um so that’s good news but diving into some of his stats so we’ll go over his stats then we’ll talk about pros and then cons I have to talk about the elephant in the room when it comes to cons but right off the bat uh statistic wise 18.6 points uh per game uh 1.7 blocks 12.9 rebounds which was very significant cuz that led the nation um at some point I don’t know if it led it into I know it led it into March MCH yeah I don’t think anybody caught up uh from my recollection if I’m wrong you can let me know in the comments it’s fine it doesn’t really matter that’s a lot of rebounds anyways um and you can see here over the past three years he averaged a double double so this is not just a fluke okay this this guy goes after it uh three-point percentage 37% which is very impressive because you can see down here two seasons ago he he just weren’t he weren’t taking those so you can tell that he’s been building upon his game and the most significant part of all of his statistics in my opinion is his free throw percentage it shows not only with his three-point percentage getting better but his free throw percentage getting better that he definitely has worked on his shooting um now let’s just go into straight up Pros okay all all the all the pros I have all the pros I have and actually let have a here we’ll use this as a physical a visual we’ll use as a visual all right so Pros I’ll start with offense okay offensively I think that he has really good footwork he has a good post game uh I think that he utilizes his size very well even though you know he’s 6 foot seven you know probably about 6’8 uh I I I think that he has a really nice frame on him and he is not afraid to get physical Lord knows that the Spurs need a backup big man now we’re not necessarily struggling when it pertains to rebounding I know that that’s offense and defense but as far as rebounding we didn’t really struggle this past season uh as far as all the you know teams in the league we were we were pretty mid if not better than mid um we were 11th in the league and rebounding overall so we we weren’t we weren’t absolutely terrible but you can always use um a big man coming off the bench you know when when wimy has to do so much but anyways offensively back to the basket type of player uh has really good footwork uh offensively he goes he goes after it okay um now defensively L we mention rebounding but uh defense he is a pretty solid Defender uh he’s a pretty solid shot blocker now he’s not somebody that’s say versatile even at his size you know he’s not versatile like Jeremy soan where it’s like oh can he guard wings or nah it doesn’t really seem like that’s the case um uh Wings can can get past him quite quite easily uh but he is a very solid Defender um in the paint and he’s going to make life at least difficult for you and that’s what you really like also another Pro okay and this is probably you know what a lot of people care about culturally he definitely fits he is a super nice kid uh I watched some some interviews of his and he he is he’s smart but he also just he seems genuinely kind I mean I know you can’t tell just from an interview but no he he just seems like a really nice kid so uh I’m not surprised by any means if the Spurs were to try to go after him uh in the second round okay uh now cons I have to get the cons out of the way uh face up game not that great kind of kind of non-existent all right kind of kind of nonexistent face up game um so that’s one thing that worries me uh and the biggest thing okay we’ll just go straight into uh the the elephant in the room okay he is a older player uh he is 23 years old um so he’s an older senior coming into the league I don’t know how high his ceiling actually is so I don’t know if he’ll end up being one of those players that he’s in second round but he becomes so much more I’m not 100% sure but what I do know is maybe he is just a late bloomer because his last couple Seasons this is a huge difference he changed everything um in order to make him a a worthy uh candidate for for the for the draft and it shows so he is a hard worker so I guess we can go back into Pros he is a hard worker but but K’s yeah his age is is pretty you know it’s it’s up there and and that’s something that you’re got to oh dude no way okay so I literally messaged before before doing this video or like right before I hit record I messaged Swiss Hill you guys know we love Swiss Hill over here and I asked him what did he think of Enrique Freeman and this is his text message okay all right here here’s his text text message reminds me of heck in that he’s an undersized guy who’s been playing Power Forward throughout College solid post game okay we said that solid Defender solid shooter little old he is a little old and not an elite athlete oh that’s something I didn’t mention yeah feels like a solid second round choice so yeah I I agree with him um yeah as far as a athl athletic wise like yeah he’s not like a high fly or anything like that but he goes after it that’s what most important thing he goes after it and he has pretty decent footwork like I said but yeah he he will he will put his body on the line um and do whatever he possibly can but there is a limitation there and like I said there is um he’s not one of those players that has like a super high ceiling okay you can blatantly see the ceiling there I I don’t think that he’ll be a huge shocker but um like he said I agree he’s a solid second round choice and with the Spurs being desperate for a a backup big man I would not be angry at this Choice by any means if they were to go in this um Direction out of curiosity cuz I don’t I don’t know this right off the bat how tall is Charles Bassie okay see Charles Bassie 610 they they’ve used him as Center and and with all of his injury issues I I don’t see this as like a if the Spurs were to get him I don’t see this as a replacement for Don Barlo um I would see it more so as a replacement for Charles Bassie and and Bassie yeah he he just he just can’t stay healthy and but both of which are 23 years old so I don’t know I don’t know I guess we’ll I guess we’ll just see but like I said nice frame good kid uh goes after it plays hard he he’ll be a good choice he’ll be a good choice in the second second round at least in my opinion so you guys let me know what you think anyways I will get with you guys later man until next time bye bye-bye psych I always get you guys with that um big shout out to bet us for sponsoring this video bet us America’s favorite Sportsbook and Casino Live betting and Race book we’re celebrating 30 years with a historic offer a 125% sign up bonus on your first three deposits plus 10% gamblers Insurance get started today bet us ask where the game begins [Music] [Music] [Music]


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  1. 23 is still pretty young, he might just be a late bloomer. Wouldn't mind us taking him with a 2nd round pick, we need more hard workers like him.

  2. I really don't think age matters when picking in the 2nd round. Also you have to consider he got into college on an academic scholarship, he's just a kid who happens to be very good at basketball.

  3. It's the first time I heard about him.
    And stat wise (58.4 / 37 / 72.8 with lot of reb, blocks, steal) I'd like him very much with a Spurs jersey!
    Clan: he's not a big man he's a Forward! 4/3

  4. If the age gap is 2-3 years from Wemby then that is ok. Five year gap is kind of stretching age gap but if a player is amazing then we should teeter that threshold, say in a star trade. We need to get bpa at all rounds in draft for the most part.

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