@Dallas Mavericks

Why the Dallas Mavericks Are Up 2-0 vs the Minnesota Timberwolves | ONE MORE THING

Why the Dallas Mavericks Are Up 2-0 vs the Minnesota Timberwolves | ONE MORE THING

one more thing why are the Dallas Mavericks up 20 against Minnesota Timberwolves I’ll tell you the reasons right now I’m here because uh I have to Dallas is going to get a seat at the table that’s it it’s me versus the Machin I’m tired as hell you can R later you’re young I need a recovery beer wait wait one more thing hey welcome you are still locked on to the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angstead media member and your best friend covering the Dallas Mavericks on the lockdown podcast Network your team every day the one more thing today why are the Mavericks up 2 against the Minnesota Timberwolves I’ve got reasons I’ve got Ryme we’ll talk about why the maps are up uh I think Center play has been massive so we’ll talk about that we’ll talk about their defense we’ll talk about their resilience we’ll talk about their clutch wins but I got to start here I got to start with Luca and Kyrie Luca and Kyrie have been the two best players in the series in a series where setting it up there’s a lot of talk about Anthony Edwards and deservedly so he has been great he was great in this Phoenix series he was great in the Nugget series until game seven he’s had some amazing moments he’s Rising a rising star in the league there’s a lot of talk that Mavs fans have taken uh Umbridge they’ve taken Umbridge they’ve taken uh they’ve been upset about the the talk about Anthony ads being the face of the league he’s a likable guy he’s a guy that has great quotes he’s a guy that is a high flyer athlete he looks like and resembles the the faces of the league of of the past of Michael Jordan of Kobe Bryant it’s a familiar feeling it’s a familiar feeling watching Anthony Edwards play and watching him talk and watching him interact and watching him you know even before the series after game seven against the Nuggets he was asked at a at at a press conference how much did you want to win that for Mike Conley how much did you want to win it for for Conley who has never won a title never been to the finals you know getting towards the end of his career how much do you want to win it for him and he goes I don’t know I wanted to win it for me the honesty the honesty of like of that of the trash talked to KD in the first round where then afterwards he goes man that that’s one of my favorite players in the league I grew up watching him and I have so much respect for him but I wanted to give it to him that day like that mentality Kyrie even said it after game one Kyrie said when Anthony Edwards called him out or said he’s my Kyrie is my matchup when the the matchup was set when Kyrie said that or when Anthony Edward said that on a post game Kyrie said I heard it and you know what that’s a no fear mentality that’s what we love about Anthony Edwards and so there’s been all this talk about Anthony Edwards hyping him up everyone wants him to be good of course he’s an entertaining guy to watch he can be one of the next greats he ain’t there he’ll get there he’ll probably get there but man the way he’s playing right now he’s not and luuka and Kyrie are there they’re there right now they’ve been the two best players Luca donic 32 and a half points a game five and a half ass 10 and a half assists per game in a series that’s kind of lowc scoring you know 110 108 points they not they’re not doing 120 130 like the regular season was Kyrie 25 25 points game five assists Anthony Edwards 20 points a game right now after the two games Luca and Kyrie have been the best two players they just have they’ve been the best two players in the series they’ve caused more issues to the Timberwolves defense than Anthony Edwards or car Anthony towns or nzed or or uh or goar has caused to the Mavericks defense and so once you have that one of my keys to this whole series was can Luca dominate his matchup and all the extra dominoes will fall game one kind of started with Kyrie dominating his matchup and then that changed a little bit in game two but Kyrie still had his moments and still had his moments of hitting threes in the fourth quarter being big in big moments and those two guys being the best two players I think has really set the Mavericks up to be up 20 on the like two games on the road that’s the first thing Mavs also are ready for this moment two two two wins two clutch games clutch games score within five points within five minutes of the game and these are like even clutch clutch games luuka had a game winner the Mavs were down by you know four with like three minutes or so left in the in game one Ms only up two with like a couple seconds left two clutch games and in game one you got Luca with 15 points in the fourth quarter PJ Wasington hit the go-ahead three with two minutes left the Mavs in game two Kyrie had 13 points in the fourth quarter LCA had the incredible game winner we talked about yesterday and the day before and we’ll talk about till the end of time the Mavs are 23 and9 in the regular season in clutch games second best record the Lakers were 24- nine so almost the same thing one more win the Mavs are one of the best clutch teams in the NBA in the regular season they were prepared for this moment they’ve been so much better than they were the season a season before their defense has helped them but their record was even good before the defense was great Luka and Kyrie got on the same page they got on the same page they figured it out they figured out all right you take this moment you take this moment and like I said yesterday Kyrie set up the fourth quarter for Luca to hit the gamewinner Kyrie hit seven shots the whole game four of them were in the fourth he knew he needed to show up in that moment Luca hit one field goal in the fourth quarter I just can’t get over that one it was the gamewinner them showing up in big moments being big when it matters and that’s why the Mavericks are are good in the clutch right now have been good this season and have two wins because of it huge absolutely huge the resilience of this team this team anytime they go down they don’t care they don’t care if they’re down give it to the the Stars giving them confidence the role players have belief in themselves because the the star players have belief in them this team has got a collective confidence that is taking them to new places and taking them to you know there’s no lead to Safe how many times did Charles Barkley or Shaq or somebody say that on the broadcast last night no lead is safe against these guys against the Mavericks it’s like who is this team with a no lead is safe they’ve got this confidence now Brewing it feels like 2022 again except this time they’re better they’re better equipped and give credit to Jason kid too he’s got this calm mentality that drives me insane sometimes because you just want to light into it I had a friend text me man I hope that somebody gives this Mavericks team at halftime a horr in like just lit lights into them because they’re not playing that well in the first half of game two and I was like well it’s got to be somebody other than Jason kid cuz that’s not his style his style is calm cool collected no one’s dying chilling but that keeps this team even Keel that keeps this team with the mentality of we can’t buy our own hype we haven’t won anything yet job’s not finished job’s not finished in both ways job’s not finished with what we’re trying to accomplish and job’s not not finished with what the other team is trying to accomplish too the other team is trying to beat you but they’re not done either we can still have something to say about it and I think the resilience of this team down 18 points in game two with three and a half minutes left in the second quarter they were down 16 with nine minutes left in the third quarter down 16 points in the second half in a playoff game against the best defense in the NBA and they get the win game one they’re down four with three and a half minutes left in the game Timber woles couldn’t keep the lead the leadership of Luca Kyrie Jason kid it’s been awesome to watch awesome to watch these guys go at it and coming up let’s talk about the center play because these two centers have been absolutely awesome they’ve set the Mavericks up in a in a massive way they’ve been huge we’ll talk about that coming up patience the formula for winning championships that the Mavericks could potentially win is also what keeps your ride or die car truck SUV suburb BB van whatever you got U-Haul trailer alive eBay Motors does everything you need to maintain your vehicle level it up to Peak for performance with superchargers roof racks exhaust kits LED headlights and more whether you’re into speed power or style eBay Motors has you covered with over 122 million different parts choose from for your number one ride or die you know you’ll find exactly what you need for your car and with eBay’s guaranteed fit you know that part is going to fit your car the first time guaranteed every time or your money back because with eBay Motors 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been close games and the Timberwolves had an 18-point lead in one of them centers have been awesome the centers have have set everything up the centers have been there and kind of I know we really wanted Maxi to be in this series and wanted to have that option but having these centers and Jason kid forcing like having Jason kid’s hand forced to play these centers all the time has just continued to establish the identity we’ve got no other option this team doesn’t want want to go PJ Washington to five they don’t want to go small ball with five out and just out three point shoot the other team anymore they don’t want to do that since day one Jason kid came into this team and said we’re not going to live or die by the three anymore well it took him three years to get there took them three years to get there in the first two years they live they lived and died by every single three they ever took but they finally in year three are not living and dying by the three anymore at all rebounding has been big the Mavs have outrebounded the the Timberwolves in both of the first two games 48 to 40 in game one 44 to 40 in game two the Timberwolves are two and five in the playoffs when losing the rebounding battle they’re six- one when they win the rebounding battle has an effect hasn’t effect there’s lots of factors into rebounding things like that but the fact that the Mavericks are staying even with them is another difference between the Mavericks of 2022 2023 to the Mavericks now those Mavericks lost every rebounding battle which prompted the infamous Isaac Harris rant about rebounds don’t matter they didn’t they didn’t matter for the 2022 team because they were living and dying by the three That’s What mattered but now the Mavs are staying even with teams they’re getting more rebounds they’re getting more opportunities and since they can do that then now that they can now they can matter again and rebounds finish plays on defense this the Mavericks teams in the past could not finish plays on defense and they would just let teams H get extra POS possessions couldn’t finish and now they’re finishing Place Derrick Livy has been amazing he’s averaging like what 10 10 and a half rebounds a game in this series so far he’s been great he’s been great yeah uh 10 rebounds so far from drik Lively on average goar’s at eight and a half and Lively’s playing 11 less minutes than goar averaging more rebounds averaging 11 less minutes than goar wow Lively’s been impactful we talked about one of the reasons why Luca got the shot off the way that he did in game two to win the game was Lively setting the screen knowing exactly what Luca wanted and then kind of ushering Jaden McDaniels away strategy smart pays attention points in the paint the Mavs have been dominating points in the paint because they have these two centers game one 62 to 38 insane game two 54 to 42 still big but the Mavericks don’t have to live and die by the three anymore because these guys can score in the paint can be set up for lobs how many lobs did these guys caught Gafford Lively catching lobs just easy buckets the Mavs used to not get any easy buckets at all 2022 they didn’t get any easy buckets it was an open three which is the that’s the easiest bucket they got was an open three but it was like a Dorian a Reggie a maxi a Tim Hardway no Tim didn’t play uh you know somebody a Brunson taking the open three now they can get these easy ones at The Rim with these centers and the Timberwolves are not getting easy ones at The Rim that’s the difference between the two shots at The Rim the Timberwolves had been shooting 37% of their shots at The Rim now in game two they they got there game two they got they had that many but they’re not shooting the ball well at The Rim game one timber Shot 14 of 25 at The Rim that’s 56% that’s not good at The Rim 60 70% is a good percent 56% is bad they missed shots at The Rim cuz the Mavs are there The Bigs are there the center play has been awesome game two 14 of 27 51% that’s even worse so they’re getting some shots there but they’re not getting good shots they’re forcing the issue the Timberwolves want to get to the rim they have to get to the rim and so they’re just going for the rim and the Mavs are like hey I’m Daniel Gafford I’m big I’m gonna get five blocks today that’s been huge the map’s def defense as a whole is another reason map’s defense as a whole is another reason why they’re up 20 right now the three-point shooting variance has been wild and I think the Mavs have since they become this good defense their defense is kind of warmed up through the game it’s like they get in a rhythm they figured out the rhythm of their rotations and I think that really matters the rhythm of their rotations figuring out okay where do I go now who do I follow who do I go with when do I go to the ball when does somebody else go to the ball what position am I in what is what what is this player gonna what is Anthony Edwards gonna do on this play and then they get a rhythm of it first half of game one timber shot 11 of 25 from three 44% second half of game one seven of 24 29% game two timberwol shot eight of 17 in the first half 47% amazing game two second half four of 14 28% it’s the same script the same script the timber are hitting a bunch of Threes in the first half and not hitting any of the threes in the second half and the MS will give it they get they’ll give them those opportunities but man the Mavs are just locking down in the second half their defense in the second half has been great PJ and Derrick Jones Jr deserve so much credit for what they’re doing Luca gave it to him gave the credit to him in the TNT post game those two guys have been awesome chasing guys around staying in front of guys staying out of foul trouble making sure that they guard cat the way that he doesn’t want to be guarded guarding Anthony Edwards and sticking with him making sure he can’t just slip by them easy they’ve been absolutely awesome the defense has been one of the reasons why the Mavs are are where they are why they’re up 20 let me know in the comment section on YouTube what’s another reason why the maps are up 20 so far guys thanks much for listening to the one more thing on lockedown Mavs peace out boom

The Dallas Mavericks beat the Minnesota Timberwolves to go up 2-0 behind Luka Doncic’s game-winning shot, Kyrie Irving setting the table in the 4th quarter, Dereck Lively II & Daniel Gafford’s rim protection, and more.

Nick Angstadt shares one more thing (okay, more like 6 things) about why the Dallas Mavericks are up 2-0 against the Timberwolves.

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  1. Anthony Edward's is nowhere near worthy. When you put something like that forward and have no chance of backing it up you are penalized 5 years at least. Timber!!!! As far as I'm concerned.

  2. I went back and found my comment from 5 days ago in the vid "why the Dallas Mavericks are back in the WCF". Word for word spot on! LFG Mavs!! You cant guard me mfer!!

    "Mavs in 6. Wolves are dangerous, but once they lose focus, they are softer than charmin toilet paper. We've already seen it with Gobert. Kat is notorious for it. And Edwards just completely shrank in a game 7. Luka doesnt shrink. Kyrie has been here before. We have dogs in PJ and DJJ. And we have what the nuggets didnt.. Two real centers, and depth. If Kleber comes back during this series, that's just a bonus.


  3. Some people are predicting a sweep. If any series was going to flip around half way, its this one. Both those games could have gone either way

  4. Shows Dropped since Game 2
    Locked on Mavs: 3
    Locked on Wolves: 0

    Much like what the series will be at this time tomorrow night. Mavs in 5 baby. Let’s go.

  5. 4th best player under 25, Brunson should’ve been first team nba over him, Ant is the best player in the series….these haters are hurting 😂😂😂😂

  6. As a fan of all Dallas teams, Mavs won't let us down EVERY season like the Cowboys. We BEEN "All In" like good ol Jerry! 😂

  7. I went into this series predicting Mavs in 6. Guess what? I’m sticking with it. I see Wolves getting a game in Dallas, going home and winning, back to Dallas for game 6 and getting closed out.

  8. Luka and Kyrie, I've come to understand, aren't Batman and Robin. They're Wolverine and Deadpool. And Luka's the Wolverine.
    Oh wait, it might be reversed, but I don't speak Slovenian and can't be sure. Some of those insults might be pretty savage.

  9. Role player are better at home. And that tells you two things: Hopeful for tomorrow & Lively is not a role player. He is a star, just a rookie one.

  10. Love the new “one more thing” videos Nick. You always bring a little extra mustard on these! I can appreciate that!

  11. Cause Luka & Kyrie are certified killers. Minnesota doesn't have any certified killers. Ant is trying to become certified but he's gotta get a notary and sign some stuff. Game winning shots are in LuKai's DNA.

    And it's what I've been saying since March. When you combine Gafford & Lively Dallas has the best center in the game. You got 48 minutes & 12 fouls of outstanding center play while your other star centers are giving you 40 minutes. Those 8 minutes can often be huge.

  12. 1.) Kyrie is unguardable
    2.) Luka is unstoppable
    3.) The Mavs are 9 deep

    And…Jason Kidd is playing 4 bench players significant minutes so that Luka and Kyrie are relatively fresh for late game heroics.

    They both have a history of taking over games, closing out games and setting up teammates.

    It will be much worse in Dallas if the role players [especially THJ] ever start hitting their wide open 3's…

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