@Dallas Mavericks

Stephen A. had to make Cowboys jokes while previewing Wolves-Mavericks Game 3 | NBA Countdown

Stephen A. had to make Cowboys jokes while previewing Wolves-Mavericks Game 3 | NBA Countdown

and now we turn the page to game three of the Western Conference Finals with Stephen A Smith Chris Paul Michael wilbon Bob Myers I’m Malika Andrews this was just an emotionally exhausting loss I have to imagine for Minnesota losing by just one point how do they go into Dallas now and try to steal one CR it’s tough it’s going to be tough it’s a tough environment to go into Dallas anyway but going down 02 Dallas is going to feel that energy to crowd everybody coming in there knowing that if they win this game three the series can pretty much be over there’s two things that the Minnesota Temple should be hoping for number one the dynamic duo that is an anman and and Carl Anthony towns getting outscored by 44 points by the two Dallas uh Maverick superstars in this series thus far they’re going to play better they need to play better they have to understand that that’s number one they should be hoping for number two just hope Dallas Cowboys are in the audience they bring bad luck all the time what happening SLI into an first how about how about how about just how about the How about if the Minnesota timber WS make better decisions right okay how about having Mike connley on the floor when he needs to be on the floor how about having Carl Anthony towns on the floor and not on the bench for about the final nine minutes of the game how about not letting Rudy gobear have to go out and guard a guy who’s saying are you kidding me you switched on to me how about better decision making cuz the Timberwolves in two games are like 0 for eight in the last four minutes of each game well bad news is real bad news they lost two games at home which which is going to be hard to recover from good news is it was by a total of four points so it’s right there I I felt like I don’t know what you guys think but I thought Minnesota for being at home played tight and usually that that when you’re at home that’s that you’re rela you feel good you get the confidence of the crowd but I thought especially in the last quarter of both games Dallas looked like they felt good the shot quality the possessions and Minnesota just couldn’t get into anything and I don’t know if that’s the youth but maybe on Road maybe Minnesota says we’re not supposed to win let’s just go play well listen I think the thing that’s that’s going to work against Minnesota arguably anyway is that you did it last series where you beat the defending Champions three games on their home court games one two and seven can you duplicate that that’s a hard ass number one but at the end of the day you just have to respond CP3 this is about stars at this point in time in the season the stars have to show up yep and Dallas they have to feel good about themselves right now going home having a chance to go up three 0 I think Minnesota has to come into the game and just play free just play free Dallas they have closes they have Luca they have Kyrie it’s going to be a lot on Anthony Edwards and those guys but they got to come bring it for this game they to have a chance well I can tell you this entering this year there have been 10 teams that won the first two games of the Conference Finals on the road all of them went on to win those series where pull upm NBA [Applause]

I’m joined by Stephen A. Smith, Chris Paul, Michael Wilbon and Bob Myers on NBA Countdown as we discuss what the Minnesota Timberwolves have to do to get a win in Game 3 over the Dallas Mavericks after losing the first two games of the NBA Western Conference Finals at home.


  1. LOL SAS sounds like the commenters that try to justify why their team was going to win the series but after they down 2 games they are nowhere to be found 😂

  2. Left Luka off his All NBA list. Predicted Min was going to win. He down so bad he gotta change the subject to the Cowboys? 🤡

  3. You are all media people are bias towards Dallas Mavericks and Luka. Stephen A. bear in mind all your viewers have lost respect for you just at as you said you have lost respect for Draymond Green.

  4. Im convinced jerry jones is paying him to throw the name "cowboys" into everything bc he talks about em damn near more than we are in dallas

  5. Kendrick PERKINS, what a player
    PPG 5.4 / RPG 5.8 / APG 1.0
    Stephen A. Smith – comedian with PPG 1.5
    Media is strange, getting sas and perkins as a experts, WHY… They are a big nothing playes

  6. Get ya popcorn 🍿 get ya brooms 🧹
    Start booking ya flights to Boston & Dallas ✈️ Bring ya @$$ 🫏

  7. Don’t know about the Cowboys, but Pat Mahomes, reigning Super Bowl champ, already announced he’ll be in attendance rooting for the Mavs.

  8. ESPN has to stop finding excuses for Wolves, stop saying Wolves are a young, inexperienced team!
    Wolves starting five 22 (Ant), 36 (Conley), 28 (KAT), 23 (McD), 31(Gobert) = 28 avg
    Mavs starting five 25 (Luka), 32 (Kai), 27 (DJJ), 25 (PJ), 25 (Gafford) = 26.8 avg
    Conley, Ant, KAT, Gobert are All Stars! Naz Reid 6th man of the year! KAT also ROTY!
    Mavs only have Luka & Kai, 2 All Stars.
    DJJ, PJ and Gafford were unheard of before the trade!
    Tell me which team is younger? Which team has less accolades and experience?

  9. Wilbon hit it on the head. Conley not in the game late when it mattered and ant turns it over. Every fan knew dallas would try to get gobert on an island so wolves coach didnt? Not sure whats going on with these coaches. Carlisle and finch look like rookies…step aside..time for a finals without stupid coaching lately

  10. Stephen A Smith needs to stfu about the Dallas Cowboys before his Knicks lose again in the playoffs next year o wait since he ran his mouth for dissing the cowboys. Watch what happens next season when his Knicks lose again in the playoffs

  11. This is the worst show I ever saw. They are obviously on Wolves and Edwards side and nobody is talking about Luka the real MVP, about Irving, the best USA NBA player this year. It is just about how Wolves will win next hahahahah but is is zero 2 hahhahahah All idiots

  12. Give respect to the mavs when they deserved , what a disrespect man , if minnesota were up 2:0 they only spoke about ant man , but when luka is the 1 to close this both games with masterclass perfodmances with only 1 leg , they literally still speak on the wolves except the main thing that happened in the game , racism at best.

  13. The Cowboys comments were corny considering we’re in May and his Knicks are pretty much the same story. This guy will do everything but give pure basketball analysis and commentary

  14. You can blame KAT and Conley for being benched in the closing minutes and Gobert switching to Luka, Wolves led as much as 18 and still lose

  15. The guy talks a lot about the cowboys failures and then cries and whines on camera as his embarrassment of a franchise knicks fail again.. what a clown 🤡

  16. Stephen A has a problem with Luka for real. When the Wolves win, he raves about Ant even when Ant plays poorly. When Dallas wins, he doesnt say a word about Luka even when Luka is the main reason they won.

  17. I have a cowboy joke yall not winning a Super Bowl till Jerry jones meet his maker 😂😂😂

  18. They are only giving excuses why Dallas is winning. I'm a mexican and it's sad to see black media being racist against Luka. I can promise you if this was a black man playing with his stats he would be worship as the one to overthrown Michael as the goat. They are only giving Luka credit enough just barely mention him and that's it.
    Clippers VS Dallas. Dallas won = Clippers were injured.
    Thunder VS Dallas. Dallas won = They are too young
    Twolves vs Dallas If dallas wins = They were Tired.
    What will the Black Media say I wonder if Dallas goes on to win the Championship? I tell you what they wlll say. ↑ All of the Above ↑
    Please Like and reply to support this message.

  19. Stephen A Smith is a bitch along with Perkins.. what losers they are.. how can they be analysts? They should be doing something else!

  20. This SAS guy should stfu. He should be ashamed of himself. Ant is 22 years old. Let him develop as a player without all this noise. Filling his head with things like next MJ, Kobe, Bron is certainly not doing him any good (I got Kai), but rather the opposite, prepping him to fail. Bout Dallas – they proved their worth even if they loose the series, but i have this felling they now thrive on disrespect they are shown.

  21. Stephen A. Myth pushing the narrative for ANT to be the face of the NBA when Luka is much better than him. Stop disrespecting Luka Stephen A. Myth. Fucking racist just because Luka is white and from EU your not giving him the credit he deserves. Stay off the weed

  22. Listen.. the reason Luka & the Mavs get downplayed is bc it’s DALLAS. These networks hate the Cowboys, so the Mavs get hit with strays. Errol Spence had a lot of haters for this reason. Everybody hates on my city. 😒

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