@San Antonio Spurs

Spurs INTERESTED In Devin Carter!

Spurs INTERESTED In Devin Carter!

so the San Antonio Spurs are showing interest in Devin Carter and I definitely have some thoughts about this I want [Music] some are we having fun yet I just got the news that Tyrese halberton isn’t playing game three dude the East is an absolute joke I I don’t I love Derek white I I don’t know if the celis can take anybody from the West I I’ll just be real um so anyways just diving into it so Devin Carter has shown interest from not only the San Antonio Spurs but also the Memphis Grizzlies and what’s significant about this is this part right here that they are thinking about possibly grabbing him in the top 10 um I have some thoughts about this um before we do if you guys want to support the channel so many different ways of doing so but head on over to Clan theem merch and get yourself some merch I actually had someone uh message me and was like do you still do like merch sales you don’t mention them anymore it’s like yeah I I still do it I want to add uh a few more more uh designs obviously and I want to bring back stickers I still have to set up my uh machine for that and everything um but yeah we we still do it so just head on over Clan theem merch uh it takes some time CU I have to get the material make it here blah blah blah you don’t care about all that but um yeah you will get a tracking number like when everything is done and and just be patient with me but yeah head on over to Clan theem merch get yourself some merch man all right so let’s go ahead and take a look here so Devin Carter I’ll just give you my overall thoughts about him as a player um I’ll just say the pros and I guess we can just go straight into the cons or at least what I’m worried about um so first and foremost just looking at the stats uh this last season he averaged 19.7 points uh 1.8 steals one block 3.6 assists 8.7 rebounds 74.9% free throw percentage 37.7% 3point percentage now a lot of times you look at the stats and you’ll say oh well that doesn’t tell the whole whole story but I’ll be real with you these stats tell the whole story um and the reason why I say that is what’s significant here is the one block per game the 8.7 rebounds per game and he’s 6′ three so you can kind of already gather what type of player he is right he is a tough guy like he plays really tough I put him in the category of the Patrick Beverly of the world uh the Alvarado of the world um I mean I would even say maybe the Terry rosers of the world just these guys that play with this manic energy that’s going to fight on every single possession and going to be out there playing hard on every possession he’s locked in he’s engaged and that’s why his stock has been improving so significantly over the past few weeks um you know team see it and he he’s just a very uh tough tough player now I don’t necessarily think that he is you know somebody that you bring to the team and this is this is I’m just going to go into the concerns okay cuz I do see him more so as a role player than anything and you know that’s one thing that I’m a little worried about like defensively he’s engaged offensively he’s engaged but he’s not like a great know Star level playmaker he’s not a great star making shot Creator he’s one of those guys that you can kind of fit in on just about any team but the one thing that I’m worried about is for the Spurs personally I don’t really see how I don’t think that it would be worth grabbing him at fourth or eighth I I think that that would be a little bit of a stretch only because we’re not really at that point where we can just kind of fill up the roster and say okay we just need another guy that comes in and and brings some energy that’s all we really need right now that’s not necessarily the case with us um with the Memphis Grizzlies in particular I can definitely see that right like they still they have their team pretty establish you know they’re they’re not the best you know with all those injuries and you know suspensions and everything but I could see him fitting right in with the Grizzlies and you know they they keep doing what they’re doing their playoff team um you know again but with the Spurs I I don’t know if I would use that pick on him but with that being said I do want to at least say that if the Spurs were to go after him um you’re not getting a bad player like he he is someone that’s going to fight he will be a fan favorite day one or not fan favorite but you know what I’m saying the fans are going to love him day one because he brings so much energy and he does fit the culture and how tough um the Spurs play because while we’re lacking some Talent we are a tough team I think that the Spurs play um uh very very very hard so um yeah just overall I I I do like him I just don’t think that he is he just doesn’t have all the tools you know and necessary for me to say oh yes definitely take him four or take him eight when some of these other guys that you know we’ve already looked at could potentially be available so um but just let me know what you think about them uh see what you honestly hold on I I I didn’t do this this time but we might as well let’s see let’s do Devin Carter pros and cons we’ll do scouting scouting live they’re usually pretty decent let’s see if we missed anything um so NBA scouting live this is what they had to say yeah 6’3 195 lbs let’s see so Pros decent scorer off the dribble decent shooter adequate playmaker yeah that I I would use that phrasing yeah like I said not like Star level playmaker or anything great rebounder for a size yes so that shows how much energy he brings it’s kind of ridiculous to be 6′ s and average nearly nine rebounds that that’s kind of insane um let’s see solid Defender that can get Steals and blocks oh yeah I didn’t I don’t even know if I mentioned that yeah so the blocks they’re very impressive um I mean a lot of his blocks if you go look up you know any I mean you can just look up highlights if you want if you look up highlights of his blocks a lot of them come from uh guys shooting three-pointers uh which is really difficult um uh uh to block at 6′ three but he he brings so much energy and like I said that manic energy that you know he makes it he makes it happen uh solid athlete sure KH just now is is a good outside shooter um I don’t even know if I would call that a a con I mean I don’t he just really improved his game but that is a big jump I mean nearly 10% jump from the season prior uh needs to improve his free throw shooting yeah U6 foot you6 fo3 you’re you know technically a point guard that’s another thing too you know when guys are 6′ three but they’re not necessarily like great point guards you’re you’re not you’re not big enough to be moved to the two so that’s another thing that might be kind of a a issue um can be too scoring focused on offense can be undisciplined defensively uh I think he’s a really good Defender uh he just brings a lot of energy but I I think he’s a pretty good Defender uh not a true point guard but it’s under oh there it is yep not a true point guard but undersiz to play the two so there you go so anyways you guys let me know what you think um you know I I I do understand the appeal and uh I I it’s not one of those things where if the Spurs do keep their eighth pick and they go after them after a few other guys are gone you say buellis Dilly Holland I mean all these guys are gone I’m I’m not mad I I wouldn’t be super mad cuz I know that he’s going to fit in he’s going to play hard and we’re all we all would love him it’s just right now I don’t know if we can really you know experiment with that right now you know I I don’t know um but you let me know what you think I’ll give it you guys later till next time bye bye bye [Music] [Music]


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I am a huge Spurs fan born and raised out of Tennessee. I am dedicated to continue to grow our community and give Spurs fans (and NBA fans) a place to speak with fellow fans ! I also talk a little Dallas Cowboys too!

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  1. If the spurs guy isn’t there at 8 I could see them trading down, if someone is looking to trade up, and drafting Carter late lottery.

  2. No star players in this draft, EVERYBODY is projected to be role player so just pick whoever fit with Wemby

  3. The spurs can’t afford to mess these picks up. They need to pick the castle and holland . If they want to trade there second round picks to move up in get him that’s fine

  4. I disagree heavily with your take I think Carter is better in every way than Dillingham, if you can pick a dude that doesn’t defend and CANT defend at #4 you can easily take a project with immediate defensive presence at #8 instead of

  5. If we don’t get Dilly than we won’t be finding our PG of the future in this years draft. Anyone else will just be a roll player on this team going forward.

  6. Wouldn’t bet on him not being a star. Hes improved rapidly he last 2 years and his dad is the best skills trainer in the country. Shooting is defo legit too

  7. As for right now there so many players up in the air that the media is predicting who the Spurs is going to get in the 4th and 8th pick. We'll just wait and see. I just hope Spurs choose or trade wisely, to get role players to team up with Wemby to create another Championship Dynasty.

  8. Who??? Why do PATFO always trying to prove that they're smarter then everyone else lol constantly going against the grain and picking dudes that arent even on the best available list lol

  9. Think this is a sneaky deep class, a shame Houston moved in front of Spurs. But maybe it won't matter. Just hoping the Spurs dont reach too hard on someone who can't make an open 3.

  10. Lol…. So many players Spurs are interrested in… Every hour a new guy… I might stop Spurs channels before the draft…. And see what stick to the wall after that đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł

  11. Devin Carter might be a steal on this draft (depending his draft position)
    He have shade of D. White.
    Same physical build (a little undersized but with giant arms) probably one of the fastest guy in the NBA, all his atlethism attributes are through the roof. Not a liability shooting 3 (above average) and all hustle in D.
    I like him.

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